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> Danny And Walt's E-mails To Me--september
post Sep 11 2006, 10:19 PM
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This was in response to the first e-mail I sent him--right after he married Brandy. I don't have that origional e-mail for some's not in my e-mail folder anymore.

You people who don't sign their name really amazes me! I assume you call yourself a Christian. Is that true? If so what gives you the right to judge and condemn something you know nothing about. Do you really think you can go by what you read or hear and then condemn people based on your feelings? Honestly, I feel sorry for you.
Do you really think that every marriage counselor, our 3ABN board, and Pastor would all tell Linda that if she didn't stop her relationship with this man that she would lose her position at 3ABN and undoubtedly lose her husband in the process. Do you really think this would have happened without evidence against her? The truth is we didn't want to show her relationship with this man to the world. That's why we didn't go public with it. These people spent dozens and dozens of hours with both Linda and me. None of them agreed with her. They all told her this relationship was sinful.
Also it's been almost 2 yrs since our divorce, not one as you incorrectly stated.
Jesus says in Matt. 7:1 That we should judge not lest we ourselves be judged!
Your emails have 0 affect on people here at 3ABN because all of us close to the situation know the truth. I would like to humbly suggest you look at Matt. 18 and see if you followed all the steps before you started condemning and making judgements.

Danny Shelton
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

There are several from WT that I'll post in the morning. My computer is acting strange--I pushed a wrong button and deleted a whole section of another e-mail GRRRRRRRR!!!! So, I'm going to start fresh tomorrow...

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post Sep 12 2006, 06:43 AM
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Okay, my computer is behaving now...let's see what I can do.

This is my response to the above letter from Danny:


My name was on the e-mail I sent--it was in the form that I filled in. I figured that putting it in again would be redundant.

I apologize for saying that it was one year, rather than two. That was clearly a mistake on my part and I ask your forgiveness. It hardly seems like 2 years have passed since time seems to fly by.

Danny, I watched your announcement on 3ABN when this whole thing broke out. The way you said what you said led all of us to believe that Linda had an affair. At camp meeting that year I felt that you slandered Linda. Perhaps I was wrong, but getting up and having a public voice as you did, while not allowing Linda to have one was unfair. Also, every now and then you will make mention of the difficult year you had. You've always had a venue to speak or hint about your side and yet Linda has had none--other than her own website.

I have frequented her website and I have written to her personally. She has never once slandered you or 3ABN. She remains in full support of the ministry she helped start.

When I compare the behavior (for lack of a better word) of you both, I am reminded that 'by their fruits you will know them'. Linda has never had a bad thing to say about you but you have had plenty to say about her. She has written what she could about the details on her site, including a scanned copy of the form she had to sign to basically keep her mouth shut about the incident so as not to make 3ABN look bad.

In light of these things, can you honestly understand why and how I could take offense at the situations going on and wonder about whose story is actually the truth?

If you honestly felt that your marriage was honorable and justifiable then why didn't you do it on live TV? Or why hasn't it been announced on 3ABN? I would think that a happy newlywedded man would be proud to show off his new bride and family! Why hide and have a marriage in relative secrecy?

Danny I am a Christian, but am not a SDA. Any chance of me converting over is basically zero to none. I am not saying that what happened with you and Linda have anything to do with that, but I will say that I feel disillusioned because I've seen SO often where folks on 3ABN claim that the SDA church is the truth and yet they don't live the truth in many of the colleges, churches, and yes even on 3ABN. I believe that you didn't have Biblical grounds to re-marry. By your own admission you said that Linda committed Spiritual adultery--that's not exactly the same as S*xual adultery. For if that were the case than every time you lusted after a women in your heart you would have given Linda grounds for divorce.

You are right when you say that I don't have all the details...thank God I don't smile.gif But my e-mail to you as well as this one here are based upon the facts that have been presented to me. Please try to understand that yes, I may be completely mistaken, but I am reacting to what has been said, reported, written about, etc.,

Thank you for writing me back

After this, Walt Thompson began to write me:

I have volunteered to respond to Danny's mail regarding this issue, so your e mail was referred on to me to respond to.

As chairman of the board I have been in the midst of this long and drawn out ordeal from the beginning. I was there when we counseled with Linda over and over again. I was present during the pleas and prayers, seeking to get her to give up her relationship with the doctor. (In fact I have plead with him to do the same.) I have seen and heard the evidence upon which the board has taken the action that it has taken. I have been the one that has plead with Linda to keep her marriage and her ministry, offered to provide counseling for them and all the rest. I have known Danny and Linda almost from the beginning of the ministry and have been in their home many times. They had a good marriage. It was not until this third party got in the middle did things begin to fall apart. It is also true that Danny really did want to get back together again, but when it became obvious that couldn't happen, he correctly had to close the door on that part of his history lest it destroy him and the ministry. The divorce was a mutually agreed thing, even the choice to get it from Guam where there would be no long wait.

No, Danny is not to blame for what has happened here. On the contrary, he has bent over backwards trying to make things work and meeting her requests. Yet, she has never acknowledged that it was wrong for her to have another lover.

You are certainly free to believe who you wish. We have taken the position from the beginning not to make a public display of Linda, because we care about her still. Nor will I accuse her now, but I will defend Danny's right to do what he has done, because I know the situation first hand. All of our board agree, as do those few church leaders who have been privy to the evidence available. Not everyone may agree with Danny's choice of a younger woman, but since marriage is a personal choice, I would not interfere.

Please feel free to reply if you wish further clarification. And please keep 3ABN and Linda in your prayers.

Sincerely in Jesus' precious name,
Walter Thompson
Chairman of 3ABN board of directors

I wrote him this response--notice in the end of this letter he *almost* had me believing in Danny. I'm sorry to say that I wavered for a moment there...but not anymore!:

Dear Mr. Thompson,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me...I really appreciate the kind and tactful way in which you responded.

Since you said that I could write you back with questions for further clarification, I would like to just ask then a little more about Linda. I do not wish to pry or to know anything I'm not supposed to...but I have frequented her website where she adamantly denies these accusations and in fact is very supportive of 3ABN and it's mission. She has been very gracious in answering questions without going against the form that she signed saying that she would not slander 3ABN. On several places she denies an affair, but states that this Dr. friend was helping her son with drug rehab--or detox. After reading your e-mail to me, as well as Danny's today, am I to assume that Linda is not telling the truth? To come to find out that Linda is lying about the affair and posting things on her website that aren't true would literally shock me.

But you know what, God knows the truth...I am not going to let this bother me any more. I don't have an agenda to find the truth or to find fault. I just feel badly that this whole thing ever had to happen at all. It really saddens me. Linda touched my life in an incredible way when she was on 3ABN and while I was dealing with my own very painful hurts from the SDA church.

Again, I appreciate your e-mail.

Dear XX

We all love Linda. That does not make right what she has done. Yes, there are many things that she has not told. I cannot judge Linda's heart, and like you, I want to believe it is pure.

It is true, Linda was very concerned about her son Nathan. He was the vehicle through which the Dr. reached Linda. Our evidence leaves no question that this became much more than a doctor-patient relationship. We know that the long hours on the phone together were not about Nathan and have hard evidence to support this knowledge.

XX, the war between good and evil is not a make believe war! It is a war for keeps, and Satan is not going to bow out without a fight. There is no ministry in the world that is more in his gun-site right now than 3ABN. It has taken a number of hits, but God has blessed in spite of them. The church too is under attack. Satan has his agents planted throughout its ranks. Only in the better world will we know who is who. But one thing is certain, it is not our job to judge one another now. Make decisions based upon evidence and prayerfully moving foreword in faith, yes, but condemning others we cannot do. We cannot read another's heart. And we are all in the growing mode ourselves.

I appreciate your kind letter of understanding. God will bless you for it. In it's time, truth will reveal itself as it always does.

Feel free to write any time.

Sincerely in Jesus' name,

Walter Thompson
Walter Thompson MD

Mr. Thompson,

One more question and then I'll let this go smile.gif I'm wondering about why Danny's marriage has not been announced on either 3ABN or the website as of yet? To me, if I knew I had Biblical grounds and knew that what I did was honorable I would not want to hide the fact that I got married again and moved on with my life, know what I mean?

Dear XX,

Your question about announcing his marriage has been a difficult one for us to deal with. We have felt that it is not an issue to be raised on international television. Perhaps the web site would be acceptable - an idea that I had not thought of until you mentioned it just now. I have written a letter announcing it that we considered sending to our mailing list, but that has not yet been done. I am sure Danny is reluctant to confront the public with it. He has been advised by some not to go public with it, advice I think he respects.

Danny knows he is innocent, but many who also know it have worried about the public reaction and have let him know they thought he was moving to fast. I am sure this has also affected him. On the other hand, the past two years have been hard on him, and though he has held up miraculously well, he was very lonely. Danny is a people person.

Thanks for your suggestion. I will check that out.

Walter Thompson
Walter Thompson MD

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post Sep 12 2006, 06:58 AM
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Here's another e-mail I sent to Danny and his replies follow. I chose to be annon. to him on these because I know some employees of 3ABN--one who is a former employee and another married couple who I've known for years who possibly still work there...perhaps I was wrong in being annon. but that's what I did.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 6/6/2006 8:39:33 AM


As Sky Angel subscribers and former 3ABN viewers please allow me to speak frankly to you, Mr. Shelton. I believe that God's blessing is being withdrawn from 3ABN because of your actions with regard to your wife Linda and your recent marriage--whereby you had no grounds--although you believe you do. 3ABN is no longer on Sky Angel--one of the biggest venues that 3ABN has. Also, parts of India can no longer view your station.

I know personally some of the people who have worked for you and I sincerely believe that it is in the best interest of the furtherance of the ministry of 3ABN that you step down from your position there. No matter how much you think you can justify your actions--with back up of the board and yes even the conference of SDA's, that does not hold a candle to the truth that God knows about the situation.

It's time for you to step down--if the ministry is God's as you are always saying, then trust Him with it. He's bigger than you and can take over! You've often stated on your programs that 3ABN belongs to us the viewers and donors. If that truly is the case, then we the viewers/donors are requesting that you step down.

In light of the fact that I am personally acquainted with a few former employees at 3ABN I am going to remain anonymous.

Sincerely in Christ.

His reply:

Usually I don't respond to those that don't have the courage to sign their names. First of all you know nothing about what really happened between Linda and me. I doubt you even know either one of us.
Secondly God does not condone you becoming judge, jury and executioner based on rumors from ex employees or anyone else. Gossip and rumors are serious business in God's sight.
Thirdly, since Linda has left our audience has more than doubled! What took us nineteen years to accomplish as far a our audience is concerned doubled after we made the hard, but right choice not to allow Linda on the air anymore because of her refusal to drop this other man.
Sky Angel is one of the smallest outlets we have as far as reaching people is concerned. Lots of SDA's bought the system, but it represents a very small percentage of total viewers. We are broadcasting to a potential viewing audience of a few hundred million people. Sky Angel represents less than 1% of that.
As far as India goes, new channels are putting us on all the time while some take us off. That's India. When Linda was here we were reaching basically no one in India. Now our potential is millions.
I would suggest that you go back to God and ask His forgiveness for trying to take His job.
My heart aches for those who claim to be Christians, but don't have a clue as to how Satan is leading them around by the noses in any direction he wants.
You may also want to consider what you are doing to spread the gospel, not rumors, to a lost and dying world. Every day, yes, even since Linda is gone, people write, email, or call 3ABN and give their conversion stories about coming to Jesus and the SDA church because of watching 3ABN!
Do people say that about your ministry? I'm not being proud as we give God the credit, but unless you are doing something better I don't understand why you think have the right to condemn those who are doing something big or God.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 6/6/2006 4:40:27 PM
Subject: RE:

Danny Shelton <> wrote: Danny writes
Danny writes: My heart aches for those who claim to be Christians, but don't have a clue as to how Satan is leading them around by the noses in any direction he wants.

Satan is not leading me--I'm shocked that you would imply that. I feel for the lost and dying world who needs Jesus and I do all I can on a daily basis to reach others for Christ--not for the church. Linda was all about the heart--the heart of Jesus. All she ever did was encourage others in their walk with the Lord. You stopped her from speaking her side of things by the gag order that you made her sign--and yet you speak out against her all the time! You say that 3ABN has grown more since she's been gone. Well, that's for you to say as I don't have access to those reports. All I know is that in the major SDA area where I live the many folks I have spoken to would beg to differ with that greatly.

Would you like to know how I spread the gospel? I counsel people almost on a daily basis to get in touch with the heart of Jesus--no SDA doctrine involved, just simple truth that reaches the heart. I'm not interested in bringing people to the SDA church, but rather to Jesus Christ--the mender of broken hearts.

Danny, whether you realize it or not, you do have pride. I'm not trying to judge you here--but am responding to your e-mail to me. I believe that 3ABN was started by the Lord and it has reached untold millions of people. Praise God for that! But, couldn't there be a time when God might withdraw His blessing because the leadership is in error? You don't believe in your heart that you are in the wrong--and I accept that. But that doesn't make you right either.

Please re-read the e-mail you sent me Danny. It's defensive and vindictive. Have I touched a nerve or spoken a truth here? You write from a very angry heart. It was not my intention to make you angry at all. We all make mistakes--we've all sinned. I'm no better than you and you're no better than me. But I honestly pray that if or when God does withdraw his presence from 3ABN that you will have already seen the need to step away and do the Lord's work with a truly humble heart.

You said that I want to take God's job away. Wow. I'm not trying to take GOD'S job away--because Danny you aren't God. I believe God will lead 3ABN to even greater heights--I was just asking you to allow Him to do that.

Your e-mail to me causes me not to believe in your cause even more so now. I know you don't care who or what I believe, so that's neither here nor there. God does know the truth and the truth always--always has a way of being made known. The truth will set you free too Danny--even if it's a struggle getting to that point.

God bless.

Danny wrote back:

The main reason I don't respect what you say is that I don't even know who you are. You won't even give your name.
The truth remains. You have made judgement calls about me and 3ABN that you have no way of knowing. You have been drawn in by rumors and distorted truths.
Yes, it's frustrating that so many Christians think they have a right to gossip regardless that the bible says gossiping is a sin.
It's also interesting that you feel you can write such judgement calls and say what you want without any real knowledge of the truth, but are yourself, so easily offended because what I wrote to was biblical about not judging and gossiping.
Anyway if you want to dialogue anymore then please provide your name or otherwise you can understand that I will just delete whatever comes from you.
Thanks, and God Bless!
ps. As far as the so called gag order, that was Lindas way to get nearly $250,000. She wanted this contract and said that she promised not to tell anyone that 3ABN did anything wrong in letting me go. She knew the truth, but threatened to sue us anyway and told us the bad publicity would destroy 3ABN. Garwin McNeilus a wealthy SDA said he would put up the money so it wouldn't come from any donor money.
As you can see from the agreement. Linda broke it by putting it on the internet. We still pay her $6,000 a month even though she has broken the contract many times. The decision was hers, drop this man or lose her ministry and marriage. She refused.
She tells everyone who will listen how wrong she has been treated. I have proof of what I say and my pastor and also my conference president and others and seen the evidence all agree 3ABN and myself had no other choice but to make the decision we did.

Well, there you have it... I hope these letters help in some way to vindiate Linda. I have written Linda many times to encourage her and let her know of my prayers. I believe that the truth will prevail and am praying for those at 3ABN who are in the midst of all of this--God knows the details--He knows the truth--He has the final word.
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Daryl Fawcett
post Sep 12 2006, 07:34 AM
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Well, if Danny thinks Linda actually broke the contract, then why are they still paying her?

In His Love, Mercy, and Grace!

Daryl Fawcett
Maritime SDA OnLine
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post Sep 12 2006, 07:38 AM
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QUOTE(Daryl Fawcett @ Sep 12 2006, 09:34 AM) [snapback]151453[/snapback]

Well, if Danny thinks Linda actually broke the contract, then why are they still paying her?

Must be that he's doing that out of the goodness of his heart yes.gif


Seriously, I wondered that same thing...
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post Sep 12 2006, 08:40 AM
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After reading those emails...I must almost conclude that the very words he uses against Linda and those who are 'concerned' are the very words that could possibly be used to hang himself. He is so free to apply Bible quotes to others...yet somehow neglects to feel they apply to him as well. May God have Mercy on his soul. blink.gif

This post has been edited by Lucyladye: Sep 12 2006, 08:40 AM
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post Sep 12 2006, 08:41 AM
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interesting indeed.... a little window into the mind of Mr. Shelton..... scratchchin.gif

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Sep 12 2006, 08:47 AM
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He comes across as very defensive, and still paints Linda in a bad light, even if she did what they accuse her of why talk about her, a woman he supposedly loved with such vitriol? He sounds like kids in a playground saying 'well she hit me first". He believes he has the moral high ground but he is not acting like he is standing on it.

Queen Den

March- Ok where is spring? ..
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post Sep 12 2006, 08:57 AM
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QUOTE(Denny @ Sep 12 2006, 06:47 AM) [snapback]151472[/snapback]

He comes across as very defensive, and still paints Linda in a bad light, even if she did what they accuse her of why talk about her, a woman he supposedly loved with such vitriol? He sounds like kids in a playground saying 'well she hit me first". He believes he has the moral high ground but he is not acting like he is standing on it.

One reason to run someone else's character into the ground.. or 'paint them in a bad light' as you say, is to make oneself look better in the eyes of others.
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post Sep 12 2006, 08:57 AM
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QUOTE(Daryl Fawcett @ Sep 12 2006, 07:34 AM) [snapback]151453[/snapback]

Well, if Danny thinks Linda actually broke the contract, then why are they still paying her?

Surely by now you don't think that what Danny says reflects what he "thinks", do you? Point of fact, 3abn is still paying her. Point of fact, the lawyer who was at that time working for 3abn wrote threatening letters, not only to Linda, but to some of her friends as well, threatening all sorts of things. Danny, of course, followed those with letters saying that it wasn't "him" who was doing the instigation of the threats. But...... since at the same time he was making threats of his own by email, it really wasn't hard to tell that he wasn't telling the truth in the denial type emails..... particularly since the "denial" emails would also carry "warnings" right along with his denials.

QUOTE(September @ Sep 12 2006, 07:38 AM) [snapback]151457[/snapback]

Must be that he's doing that out of the goodness of his heart yes.gif


Seriously, I wondered that same thing...

Why wonder. The truth is obvious. Danny doesn't deal in truths. wallbash.gif
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post Sep 12 2006, 09:19 AM
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In his first response, Danny asked September to read Matthew 18 and see if she had followed the steps listed there.

Matt.18:15"If your brother sins against you,[b](some manuscripts don't include against you) go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.

So, it appears she certainly was following that very advice!

Johann mentioned in a recent post in another thread that we need to pray that God will intervene to protect the church and 3abn when the truth comes out in a matter of days. Right there in the very chapter that Danny invoked to September is the following promise:

Matt.18:19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of anything in my heart or life that would separate me from You.
I ask You, who alone know the innermost hearts of each of us here on earth, to clearly bring the full truth of what is happening at 3abn to light.
I also ask that you keep your church a strong and vibrant witness of Your Character as the truth is revealed, that none would be discouraged.
I ask in Jesus' Name

Now, If there is one more person on earth who would like to join me in this prayer...

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Sep 12 2006, 09:24 AM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Sep 12 2006, 09:19 AM) [snapback]151480[/snapback]

Now, If there is one more person on earth who would like to join me in this prayer...

Amen and Amen!
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post Sep 12 2006, 09:27 AM
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Amen!! Lord, may You have the final word at 3ABN.
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post Sep 12 2006, 09:48 AM
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Danny is getting very frustrated, he isn't even answered carefully. There are several places where he gives information when it was not intended. GM gave the money for the settlement? Is that even ethical? A way for Linda to get $250,000.00? I know he is either real stupid or thinks everyone else is. Nevermind, he is not thinking at all at this point. Linda should still sue him and his cronies!! She doesn't know how to get in t touch with Gloria Allred(sp). she would own 3ABN when she got finished with Danny's sorry tail! Oops sorry.....went there again. Y'all include me in those prayers....

Also, a little side point, One thing that struck me is Danny's discomfort at September remaining annonymous. I hope all those who are here now asking for identites will see why they get immediately tied to Danny with their request.

Amen!!! Amen!!!!
QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Sep 12 2006, 07:19 AM) [snapback]151480[/snapback]

In his first response, Danny asked September to read Matthew 18 and see if she had followed the steps listed there.

Matt.18:15"If your brother sins against you,[b](some manuscripts don't include against you) go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.

So, it appears she certainly was following that very advice!

Johann mentioned in a recent post in another thread that we need to pray that God will intervene to protect the church and 3abn when the truth comes out in a matter of days. Right there in the very chapter that Danny invoked to September is the following promise:

Matt.18:19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of anything in my heart or life that would separate me from You.
I ask You, who alone know the innermost hearts of each of us here on earth, to clearly bring the full truth of what is happening at 3abn to light.
I also ask that you keep your church a strong and vibrant witness of Your Character as the truth is revealed, that none would be discouraged.
I ask in Jesus' Name

Now, If there is one more person on earth who would like to join me in this prayer...


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Sep 12 2006, 10:02 AM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Sep 12 2006, 09:19 AM) [snapback]151480[/snapback]

Johann mentioned in a recent post in another thread that we need to pray that God will intervene to protect the church and 3abn when the truth comes out in a matter of days. Right there in the very chapter that Danny invoked to September is the following promise:

Matt.18:19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of anything in my heart or life that would separate me from You.
I ask You, who alone know the innermost hearts of each of us here on earth, to clearly bring the full truth of what is happening at 3abn to light.
I also ask that you keep your church a strong and vibrant witness of Your Character as the truth is revealed, that none would be discouraged.
I ask in Jesus' Name

Now, If there is one more person on earth who would like to join me in this prayer...

Having been closely associated with many who were working for the purpose of being God's hands as He works to "clearly bring the full truth of what is happening at 3abn to light", I would like to point out that some variation of this prayer has been what we have all lived with constantly. If there are those who have not already been praying in this way, then I join you in inviting them to also pray. But do know that we have worked, and are continuing to work, very conscious of the fact that it is only as God Himself works through us and through other means only available to Him can the task be accomplished.

We have at times been tempted to be discouraged.... the time of waiting for God to do the final acts that only He can do has seemed so long. But as more time has passed we have learned patience, realizing that God was waiting for a reason .... probably for many reasons. But two specifically that have been impressed upon me are 1) that the "full truth" (including finding how many have been actively involved in the complicities) could be discovered, and 2) so that the truth would be given out in small enough "bites" so that it would not overwhelm those who had innocently put their trust in 3abn and the persons appearing there.

As has been mentioned in another thread, and some of us will be increasingly stressing this as time moves along...... there will be some very intense grieving and healing that will need to be done after things are fully revealed. Hopefully, the relationships formed here at BSDA will be very important tools that God will use to accomplish that part of your prayer.

As the motto has been.......

Stay tuned.....

For it really has not "all been said before".

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