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> Asi Responds
post Jan 24 2007, 01:51 PM
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This morning Harold Lance sent out a message stating why ASI withdrew from an attempt to resolve the issues with 3-ABN.

I believe that it contains a number of factul errors. I am publishing Mr. Lance's message, with my comments inserted. My comments will always begin with a "GM:".

January 24, 2007

To those this may concern:

Answering the request of 3ABN’s Board of Directors , ASI agreed to explore the possibility of forming a commission “to evaluate and determine Danny's legal and moral right to divorce and to re-marry”. ASI’s Executive Committee spent a considerable amount of effort from late September 2006 until early 2007 exploring that assignment. ASI’s Executive Committee met January 4 to review progress on establishing a commission. After a full discussion the Committee voted unanimously to withdraw from the process they had agreed to consider. A brief announcement was made without stating any of the reasons for our action. We received questions from both sides, ASI members, and several Church leaders. All wanted to know the reasons for our action to withdraw. The committee met again on January 9, 2007 and authorized an explanation. Our decision to withdraw was not based on the merits of the divorce and remarriage issues or any of the other issues we were urged to consider. It was based solely on the barriers we encountered in attempting to reach agreement on a process.

In summary,

Here were the considerations:

1. ASI believed it could develop a process fair to all parties utilizing a panel of ASI members selected for their spirituality, fairness and intelligence. The parties would be involved in the panel selection process.
2. ASI proposed a process assuring a fair due process to all concerned.
3. ASI believed it was essential that we have the active involvement of all parties.

By 12 10 06, Danny and 3ABN accepted the process proposed by ASI.

Here were the barriers:

* Linda did not participate in discussions to develop an agreed process.

GM: Neither Linda nor Danny participated directly in communications with all of us. That does not mean that she did not participate. She did participate through us, in the same sense that Danny participated through others. ASI did not want us contacting Danny directly. From the same standpoint, Linda did not contact ASI directly. The statement that Linda did not participate is speculative, and without fact.

* Linda identified Gailon Arthur Joy as her representative who in turn introduced Bob Pickle and Greg Matthews as team members.

* Linda’s team –
- did not accept that ASI was capable of providing a fair forum to decide the issues

GM: This issue was raised. But, it was never discussed. This is where I was personally disappointed in the negotiations with ASI. There were a number if issues that we raised that ASI really never discussed with us. The reality is that in negotiations, each side must be prepared to discuss whatever issues the other side wishes to discuss, as long as they fit within the agreed upon discussion. I was personally willing to accept ASI as providing a fair forum in certain areas of discussion. But, I felt that some discussion was needed on this, and in other areas. As I said, ASI never really responded to our issues. I do not consider the statement by Mr. Lance to be a fair representation of the issue.

- insisted on including issues involving allegations of management and corporate misconduct at 3ABN

GM: One major issue that we faced was an agreement on the focus of the discussion. ASI, and I were in agreement that certain issues were outside of the ability of ASI to resolve. That does not reflect badly on ASI. It was simply a fact of life. Personally, I believed that ASI could only effectively resolve certain marital issues. I proposed that ASI should be willing to issue a public statement that there were certain issues that could only be resolved in the civil realm, and that people who took those issues to the civil authorities should not be criticized for doing so. ASI never made any substantive response to my proposal. I consider that it is not accurate to say that we insisted upon the inclusion of management and corporate misconduct.

- would not accept the ground rules for the panel’s procedures

GM: We raised certain questions and objections to the ground rules, while accepting others. In my opinion, our objections were never substantively addressed. I am not impressed that Danny accepted them. The ground rules need to be developed with input from all parties. All in all, I believe that we only had substantial objections to two of the ground rules. Perhaps others will define it differently. But, ASI should have spent some time in discussing those issues. I perception is that they simply gave us a “take it or leave it” type of ultimatum.

- would not cease harassing email contact with Danny or other 3ABN representatives

GM: Please show me where I had any contact with either Danny or 3ABN. I may once have sent an e-mail to Dr. Thompson in which I simply told him that I had prayed for him that morning that the Lord would lead him, and that he would follow. That e-mail was short, and to the point. But, I may have sent it after ASI pulled out. I do not remember.

- would not cease circulating distracting comments about the process under discussion with AS

GM: I do not consider that any comments that I made were distraction. I consider them to have been helpful. In any case my comments were positive, and very general.

* We never learned whether Linda approved of the positions asserted by her team. Linda did not respond except to say that Joy would be her representative.

GM: Well, we never heard from Danny either. We communicated with Mr. Lance.

ASI was equally open to whatever conclusion the facts revealed and was disappointed that our efforts did not result in a resolution of the issues we agreed to consider.

GM: I made essentially the same public comment.

If you wish to know more, read on.

The ASI Executive Committee believes that 3ABN is a God inspired and God led instrument for the effective spread of the Three Angels Messages to the world and that it is a blessing to the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.

GM: I have made, publicly, the comment that I do not doubt that God used Danny to establish 3-ABN. However all of that is not important to the current issues that we face.

ASI is a member organization of businesses and ministries that have a priority for the spread of the gospel in their market place. 3ABN was introduced to ASI in the mid 1980's at our convention in Big Sky, Montana. At that time their idea was just a dream. ASI was intrigued by their audacious plan of a lay operated ministry providing a world wide radio and television network with "straight" Seventh-day Adventist programming 24/7. This meeting was the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship resulting in the growth of both organizations and positive media exposure for hundreds of supporting ministries on 3ABN programming. Both Linda and Danny Shelton were viewed as capable leaders, deserving of respect and involvement with ASI.

Events around the break up of the Shelton's marriage brought much public comment which came to the notice of ASI, the Church at large and the viewers of 3ABN. "The 3ABN board of directors voted unanimously on September 24 (2006) to request ASI to set up a commission to evaluate and determine Danny's legal and moral right to divorce and to re-marry".

As ASI leadership was considering 3ABN's request an email message dated 10 3 06, was received by the ASI President from G. Arthur Joy, saying in part: “...Dr. Thompson has informed me that ASI has agreed to be the appropriate platform upon which to hear allegations regarding 3ABN. While I agree that in theory, ASI is the appropriate platform and clearly has some jurisdiction here, and by voluntary assent would have full jurisdiction to hear the allegations and make appropriate findings, I also recognize there are some clear and serious conflicts that need to be clarified". The memo from Joy included messages from other unknown/unidentified people seriously questioning whether ASI was an appropriate organization to be involved. Joy was unknown to ASI leadership. It was not known what his interest was in the matter. That question was clarified by Linda when she identified Joy as her representative. Joy introduced Bob Pickle and Greg Matthews as also on Linda's team. The three have been included in all correspondence sent to Linda.

GM: Yes, I have been included in the correspondence. Issues of ethics (ethics include conflicts of interest) are important, and must be resolved. The issues that we raised were not substantially addressed. NOTE: I have previously stated that I felt that ASI could play a role.

On October 25 - the ASI Executive Committee took an action authorizing the exploration of becoming involved and asked Harold Lance, past ASI president, to lead out in the process.

October 31 - ASI circulated a document entitled "Procedural Suggestions" (below) to both
Linda and Danny Shelton, their representatives, and 3ABN.

BASIC CONCEPTS - We believed there were several basics concepts necessary for the process to succeed:

- That the involvement of Linda, Danny and 3ABN was essential to a successful agreement on a fair process and resolution of the dispute.

- Widespread distracting interchanges on the web sites and forums led us to believe the discussions between ASI and the parties attempting to establish an agreement on the process needed to be conducted with confidentiality.

- Both parties needed to stop direct critical comment with each other.

# # #



~ The panel selected to hear and decide the issues should be chosen by ASI in consultation with the parties.

~ Because of the sensitive nature of the issues we believed the proceedings needed to be private, as in "executive session" of a board of directors meeting within the Church or business organizations.

GM: Linda has been so “trashed” that it became very important that there be full public disclosure. This was a major issue. Again, ASI, in my opinion, did not properly respond and discuss this issue with us.

~ Issues for consideration needed careful definition and mutual agreement.

GM: I fully agree. Unfortunately, the discussion did not reach this point.

~ Parties would state in advance of the hearing their position on each issue and their expected outcome of each issue.

GM: So?

~ Each party would in advance of the hearing furnish the identity of their witnesses and their expected information as well as providing copies of any documents to be presented to the panel.

~ All costs connected with the proceedings would be paid by 3ABN.

~ Proceedings would be held at a neutral site as convenient as possible for the parties.

~ Input from both parties would be welcomed to establish the ground rules on the process to be followed.

~ Questioning would be conducted by the panel under the direction of its chairperson, with opportunity for the parties or their representative to suggest questions.

GM: Aspects of this remained unresolved. Again, I do not consider that appropriate discussion took place to resolve this. Rather it seemed more to me to be “take it or leave it.”

~ The decision of the panel would be based upon the information presented by the parties at the hearing and not from outside sources.

GM: Fine. Appropriate. But, this then requires that outside sources be considered at the hearing. i.e. “Outside” sources should present at the hearing.

~ The proceedings would not be conducted as a trial, with a judge, lawyers, cross examination and typical court-like processes.

GM: Further clarification was needed on this point.

~ Within 30 days after the conclusion of the proceedings the panel would announce its written findings on the issues, the factual reasons for their findings, and recommendations to the parties, which document would be available to the parties and the interested public.

GM: As I have stated, Linda needed full public disclosure. Further clarification was needed as to what, if anything, would be kept secret.

# # #

What happened? Why didn’t it succeed?:
There was significant interchange between Linda's team and ASI, and Danny and 3ABN and ASI that lead to two additional documents from ASI to the parties containing details and suggested revisions to the process.

GM: Yes we had contact. I appreciate the work that Mr. Lance put into it

We had no contact with Linda other than a memo to an ASI representative stating that Joy was her representative.

GM: So?

By 12 10 07 Danny and 3ABN had accepted the process as proposed by ASI.

On 12 13 07 we received an email from Joy advising that Linda was preparing a careful thorough response to the process proposals and a list of questions that he and Linda were preparing seeking clarification. They never came.

GM: ?

The interchange with Linda's team centered around:

* Whether the proceeding should be open to the public or private;

* Whether ASI could be neutral and provide a "level playing field";
• Whether the proceedings should be videoed, recorded and broadcast;

GM: Broadcast is a new one on me. Yes, we wanted full public disclosure.

* Whether the issues considered should extend beyond the Shelton's divorce and Danny's remarriage and include for example:

a. That Danny and the 3ABN Board of Directors were guilty of malfeasance;

b. That Danny should be removed as president of 3ABN;

c. That the Board of Directors of 3ABN should be removed;

d. That 3ABN should be restructured to create a constituency based organization though they knew the existing structure is lawful;

e. That any person who has contributed to the support of 3ABN should be a constituent entitled to a voice in the selection of the board of directors and the management of the ministry, referring to donors as "stockholders in the pews";

f. That the 3ABN corporate by-laws needed to be changed to allow censure, discipline and removal of the officers and members of the board of directors (NOTE: In fact they already provide for that possibility)

e. At least 22 other issues were raised in Forum site references by her team urged for inclusion in the ASI process.

GM: All of these are issues, in my mind that ASI could not be expected to resolve. Again, I wanted a public statement from ASI that they could not resolve certain issues, and that people should be free to take the issues that ASI could not resolve to the civil authorities.

Early on Linda was provided telephone and email contact information. She was also sent copies of all communications from ASI to her team. In the two plus months of ASI's attempts to reach agreement on a process she did not respond. We do not know if Linda shares in a belief with Joy, Pickle and Matthews that the agenda should include the matters asserted by her team. She chose not to participate. It was clear that Joy, Pickle and Matthews had interests far beyond the issues ASI agreed to consider.

GM: The statement that I had interests far beyond the issues ASI agreed to consider is confusing, potentially misleading, and unwarranted.

We affirmed to the parties that even though ASI supports the ministry of 3ABN and wishes it to succeed and prosper; that we could be fair and objective in considering the issues related to the Shelton's divorce and Danny's remarriage. We also believed that the panel selected by ASI in consultation with the parties would be people selected with qualities of spirituality, intelligence and fairness. However, we never reached that point. We affirmed to the parties that ASI had no stake in the outcome and were comfortable with what ever conclusions were reached by the panel.

GM: O.K. ASIs affirmation does not mean that such concerns should not be discussed.

After a week or two into the process Danny and 3ABN ceased exchanging messages with the other side. That was helpful. Because ASI declined to consider issues beyond those of divorce and remarriage Art, Bob and Greg believed they were free to continue contacts with Danny, Dr. Thompson and others associated with 3ABN. Though couched in spiritual language their messages were persistent, confrontational, argumentative and harassing. Our efforts to stop their direct communications were unsuccessful.

GM: This statement about me is simply false. NOTE: I may once, and only once, sent Dr. Thompson a statement that I was praying for him. Frankly, I consider this statement to be without foundation in regard to me.

We believe we have no jurisdiction to consider internal issues of 3ABN management and the changing of its corporate structure. Those issues must be left to its' board of directors. We believe our inability to resolve the fundamental issue of the divorce and remarriage is disappointing to many. We felt that without agreement on fundamentals with no likely agreement in sight it was necessary for ASI to withdraw. The parties and those concerned are the losers in what could have been a healing clarification of a divisive issue for all who are concerned.

GM: I agree. Resolution of these issues lie outside of ASI, and potentially with civil authorities.

We confess that if we would have known how to resolve the matter we would have done it, but we don't, but God does. We urge that all who have a concern be respectful, restrained and apply the Golden Rule as you would wish it for yourself.

ASI Executive Committee

by Harold Lance


Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Jan 24 2007, 02:28 PM
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It should be noted that Linda currently has certain issues in litigation in a civil court. These are ones that ASI clearly does not believe it can resolve. As an attorney, Mr. Lance should realize that Linda cannot directly involve herself in this.

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Jan 24 2007, 02:57 PM
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But is this not what you would expect from ASI. Who in the world thought they didn't have a conflict of interest? The fact that Danny was so quick to say he was waiting on their reports, made me know something was wrong with that picture. Isn't he supposed to be at their meeting in Tobego(sP)? Come on people! Remember weapons of mass destruction........?

Also, how could Linda be talking to anybody with the gag order in effect until Dec.? It is my understanding that Linda has not, and could not say a word...............please explain what all this back and forth stuff ASI is claiming? Now, I got Danny's part, that is easy, please show me Linda's?


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

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post Jan 24 2007, 03:38 PM
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true Di.... I am sorry, I don't have that much trust in ASI because they were co-opted from the start... I doubt very seriously that they would be able to mediate impartially especially about the marriage thing.... they are a joke and it obvious....

I tell you she should have signed nothing, told all, and been embraced by her brothers and sisters of the darker hue cause her own folks simply let her get torn to pieces by Mr. Shelton....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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eye witness
post Jan 24 2007, 03:50 PM
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QUOTE(Clay @ Jan 24 2007, 03:38 PM) [snapback]172254[/snapback]

true Di.... I am sorry, I don't have that much trust in ASI because they were co-opted from the start... I doubt very seriously that they would be able to mediate impartially especially about the marriage thing.... they are a joke and it obvious....

I tell you she should have signed nothing, told all, and been embraced by her brothers and sisters of the darker hue cause her own folks simply let her get torn to pieces by Mr. Shelton....

Well folks looks to me like the Church has spoken! Matthew 18 has been followed. Now move on. bangin.gif
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post Jan 24 2007, 03:54 PM
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QUOTE(eye witness @ Jan 24 2007, 03:50 PM) [snapback]172257[/snapback]

Well folks looks to me like the Church has spoken! Matthew 18 has been followed. Now move on. bangin.gif

you first..... cya cya.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Jan 24 2007, 04:03 PM
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QUOTE(eye witness @ Jan 24 2007, 04:50 PM) [snapback]172257[/snapback]

Well folks looks to me like the Church has spoken! Matthew 18 has been followed. Now move on. bangin.gif

ASI is not the church any more than 3ABN is the church... so the church, as it were, remains silent... to it's shame.

In His service,
Mr. J

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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caribbean sda
post Jan 24 2007, 04:05 PM
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QUOTE(eye witness @ Jan 24 2007, 05:50 PM) [snapback]172257[/snapback]

Well folks looks to me like the Church has spoken! Matthew 18 has been followed. Now move on. bangin.gif

Will YOU be moving on as well? somehow I don't think so... blink.gif

It occurs to me that the biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage are what matters, regardless of the position taken (or lack thereof) by ASI. ASI's committee was an exercise in futility...that's just my caribbean opinion...As long as spiritual adultery is not mentioned in the Bible, it matters not to me any position of 3ABN, ASI, or any other acronym of your choosing. As we say here in the Caribbean "Wrong is Wrong."

This post has been edited by caribbean sda: Jan 24 2007, 04:06 PM

"Press on, regardless...what's to come is better than what's been...!"
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post Jan 24 2007, 04:15 PM
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QUOTE(eye witness @ Jan 24 2007, 04:50 PM) [snapback]172257[/snapback]

Well folks looks to me like the Church has spoken! Matthew 18 has been followed. Now move on. bangin.gif

Yes indeed. The "church" has spoken... essentially washing their hands of the matter. So don't ANYBODY complain about the next steps.... 1) putting everything out for the public eye to see, and 2) utilizing the courts of the land to bring "freedom and justice for all".

Why anyone ever thought... 1) that ASI could possibly be impartial in any matters regarding 3ABN, 2) that it needed anyone to sit down and figure out that the accusations against Linda had no basis in fact, and the harassment of her since the divorce is abominable, AND 3) that Danny ... and others of his household... should be under censure from the church, is more than I can comprehend! dunno.gif ..... thumbdown.gif ....
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post Jan 24 2007, 04:36 PM
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QUOTE(princessdi @ Jan 24 2007, 03:57 PM) [snapback]172241[/snapback]

But is this not what you would expect from ASI. Who in the world thought they didn't have a conflict of interest? The fact that Danny was so quick to say he was waiting on their reports, made me know something was wrong with that picture. Isn't he supposed to be at their meeting in Tobego(sP)? Come on people! Remember weapons of mass destruction........?

Also, how could Linda be talking to anybody with the gag order in effect until Dec.? It is my understanding that Linda has not, and could not say a word...............please explain what all this back and forth stuff ASI is claiming? Now, I got Danny's part, that is easy, please show me Linda's?

My thoughts exactly...having ASI "investigate" the 3ABN soap opera is like having Dick Cheney be the lead investigator into the Iraq war debacle. It's all a excuse for them to say, "Hey, we tried. Linda didn't want to play fair, so we had to quit."

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
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Richard Sherwin
post Jan 24 2007, 04:50 PM
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Excuse me? When did this become a skin color issue? uhm.gif


QUOTE(Clay @ Jan 24 2007, 04:38 PM) [snapback]172254[/snapback]

true Di.... I am sorry, I don't have that much trust in ASI because they were co-opted from the start... I doubt very seriously that they would be able to mediate impartially especially about the marriage thing.... they are a joke and it obvious....

I tell you she should have signed nothing, told all, and been embraced by her brothers and sisters of the darker hue cause her own folks simply let her get torn to pieces by Mr. Shelton....

This post has been edited by Richard Sherwin: Jan 24 2007, 04:51 PM
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post Jan 24 2007, 04:56 PM
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For those of you who prefer to read a letter, as written, before hearing the explanations, justifications, or commentary...

Here you go:

(In my opinion this letter should go in the Pinned topics.)

ASI letter of explanation for withdrawing...

January 24, 2007

To those this may concern:

Answering the request of 3ABN’s Board of Directors , ASI agreed to explore the possibility of forming a commission “to evaluate and determine Danny's legal and moral right to divorce and to re-marry”. ASI’s Executive Committee spent a considerable amount of effort from late September 2006 until early 2007 exploring that assignment. ASI’s Executive Committee met January 4 to review progress on establishing a commission. After a full discussion the Committee voted unanimously to withdraw from the process they had agreed to consider. A brief announcement was made without stating any of the reasons for our action. We received questions from both sides, ASI members, and several Church leaders. All wanted to know the reasons for our action to withdraw. The committee met again on January 9, 2007 and authorized an explanation. Our decision to withdraw was not based on the merits of the divorce and remarriage issues or any of the other issues we were urged to consider. It was based solely on the barriers we encountered in attempting to reach agreement on a process.

In summary,

Here were the considerations:
  1. ASI believed it could develop a process fair to all parties utilizing a panel of ASI members selected for their spirituality, fairness and intelligence. The parties would be involved in the panel selection process.
  2. ASI proposed a process assuring a fair due process to all concerned.
  3. ASI believed it was essential that we have the active involvement of all parties.

By 12 10 06, Danny and 3ABN accepted the process proposed by ASI.

Here were the barriers:
  • Linda did not participate in discussions to develop an agreed process
  • Linda identified Gailon Arthur Joy as her representative who in turn introduced Bob Pickle and Greg Matthews as team members
  • Linda’s team --
- did not accept that ASI was capable of providing a fair forum to decide the issues

-insisted on including issues involving allegations of management and corporate misconduct at 3ABN

-would not accept the ground rules for the panel’s procedures

-would not cease harassing email contact with Danny or other 3ABN representatives

-would not cease circulating distracting comments about the process under discussion with ASI

* We never learned whether Linda approved of the positions asserted by her team. Linda did not respond except to say that Joy would be her representative.

ASI was equally open to whatever conclusion the facts revealed and was disappointed that our efforts did not result in a resolution of the issues we agreed to consider.

If you wish to know more, read on.

The ASI Executive Committee believes that 3ABN is a God inspired and God led instrument for the effective spread of the Three Angels Messages to the world and that it is a blessing to the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.

ASI is a member organization of businesses and ministries that have a priority for the spread of the gospel in their market place. 3ABN was introduced to ASI in the mid 1980's at our convention in Big Sky, Montana. At that time their idea was just a dream. ASI was intrigued by their audacious plan of a lay operated ministry providing a world wide radio and television network with "straight" Seventh-day Adventist programming 24/7. This meeting was the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship resulting in the growth of both organizations and positive media exposure for hundreds of supporting ministries on 3ABN programming. Both Linda and Danny Shelton were viewed as capable leaders, deserving of respect and involvement with ASI.

Events around the break up of the Shelton's marriage brought much public comment which came to the notice of ASI, the Church at large and the viewers of 3ABN. "The 3ABN board of directors voted unanimously on September 24 (2006) to request ASI to set up a commission to evaluate and determine Danny's legal and moral right to divorce and to re-marry".

As ASI leadership was considering 3ABN's request an email message dated 10 3 06, was received by the ASI President from G. Arthur Joy, saying in part: “...Dr. Thompson has informed me that ASI has agreed to be the appropriate platform upon which to hear allegations regarding 3ABN. While I agree that in theory, ASI is the appropriate platform and clearly has some jurisdiction here, and by voluntary assent would have full jurisdiction to hear the allegations and make appropriate findings, I also recognize there are some clear and serious conflicts that need to be clarified". The memo from Joy included messages from other unknown/unidentified people seriously questioning whether ASI was an appropriate organization to be involved. Joy was unknown to ASI leadership. It was not known what his interest was in the matter. That question was clarified by Linda when she identified Joy as her representative. Joy introduced Bob Pickle and Greg Matthews as also on Linda's team. The three have been included in all correspondence sent to Linda.

On October 25 - the ASI Executive Committee took an action authorizing the exploration of becoming involved and asked Harold Lance, past ASI president, to lead out in the process.

October 31 - ASI circulated a document entitled "Procedural Suggestions" (below) to both
Linda and Danny Shelton, their representatives, and 3ABN.

BASIC CONCEPTS - We believed there were several basics concepts necessary for the process to succeed:

- That the involvement of Linda, Danny and 3ABN was essential to a successful agreement on a fair process and resolution of the dispute.

- Widespread distracting interchanges on the web sites and forums led us to believe the discussions between ASI and the parties attempting to establish an agreement on the process needed to be conducted with confidentiality.

- Both parties needed to stop direct critical comment with each other.

# # #



~ The panel selected to hear and decide the issues should be chosen by ASI in consultation with the parties.

~ Because of the sensitive nature of the issues we believed the proceedings needed to be private, as in "executive session" of a board of directors meeting within the Church or business organizations.

~ Issues for consideration needed careful definition and mutual agreement.

~ Parties would state in advance of the hearing their position on each issue and their expected outcome of each issue.

~ Each party would in advance of the hearing furnish the identity of their witnesses and their expected information as well as providing copies of any documents to be presented to the panel.

~ All costs connected with the proceedings would be paid by 3ABN.

~ Proceedings would be held at a neutral site as convenient as possible for the parties.

~ Input from both parties would be welcomed to establish the ground rules on the process to be followed.

~ Questioning would be conducted by the panel under the direction of its chairperson, with opportunity for the parties or their representative to suggest questions.

~ The decision of the panel would be based upon the information presented by the parties at the hearing and not from outside sources.

~ The proceedings would not be conducted as a trial, with a judge, lawyers, cross examination and typical court-like processes.

~ Within 30 days after the conclusion of the proceedings the panel would announce its written findings on the issues, the factual reasons for their findings, and recommendations to the parties, which document would be available to the parties and the interested public.

# # #

What happened? Why didn’t it succeed?:

There was significant interchange between Linda's team and ASI, and Danny and 3ABN and ASI that lead to two additional documents from ASI to the parties containing details and suggested revisions to the process.

We had no contact with Linda other than a memo to an ASI representative stating that Joy was her representative.

By 12 10 07 Danny and 3ABN had accepted the process as proposed by ASI.

On 12 13 07 we received an email from Joy advising that Linda was preparing a careful thorough response to the process proposals and a list of questions that he and Linda were preparing seeking clarification. They never came.

The interchange with Linda's team centered around:

* Whether the proceeding should be open to the public or private;

* Whether ASI could be neutral and provide a "level playing field";

* Whether the proceedings should be videoed, recorded and broadcast;

* Whether the issues considered should extend beyond the Shelton's divorce and Danny's remarriage and include for example:

  • a. That Danny and the 3ABN Board of Directors were guilty of malfeasance;
  • b. That Danny should be removed as president of 3ABN;
  • c. That the Board of Directors of 3ABN should be removed;
  • d. That 3ABN should be restructured to create a constituency based organization though they knew the existing structure is lawful;
  • e. That any person who has contributed to the support of 3ABN should be a constituent entitled to a voice in the selection of the board of directors and the management of the ministry, referring to donors as "stockholders in the pews";
  • f. That the 3ABN corporate by-laws needed to be changed to allow censure, discipline and removal of the officers and members of the board of directors (NOTE: In fact they already provide for that possibility)
  • g. At least 22 other issues were raised in Forum site references by her team urged for inclusion in the ASI process.

Early on Linda was provided telephone and email contact information. She was also sent copies of all communications from ASI to her team. In the two plus months of ASI's attempts to reach agreement on a process she did not respond. We do not know if Linda shares in a belief with Joy, Pickle and Matthews that the agenda should include the matters asserted by her team. She chose not to participate. It was clear that Joy, Pickle and Matthews had interests far beyond the issues ASI agreed to consider.

We affirmed to the parties that even though ASI supports the ministry of 3ABN and wishes it to succeed and prosper; that we could be fair and objective in considering the issues related to the Shelton's divorce and Danny's remarriage. We also believed that the panel selected by ASI in consultation with the parties would be people selected with qualities of spirituality, intelligence and fairness. However, we never reached that point. We affirmed to the parties that ASI had no stake in the outcome and were comfortable with what ever conclusions were reached by the panel.

After a week or two into the process Danny and 3ABN ceased exchanging messages with the other side. That was helpful. Because ASI declined to consider issues beyond those of divorce and remarriage Art, Bob and Greg believed they were free to continue contacts with Danny, Dr. Thompson and others associated with 3ABN. Though couched in spiritual language their messages were persistent, confrontational, argumentative and harassing. Our efforts to stop their direct communications were unsuccessful.

We believe we have no jurisdiction to consider internal issues of 3ABN management and the changing of its corporate structure. Those issues must be left to its' board of directors. We believe our inability to resolve the fundamental issue of the divorce and remarriage is disappointing to many. We felt that without agreement on fundamentals with no likely agreement in sight it was necessary for ASI to withdraw. The parties and those concerned are the losers in what could have been a healing clarification of a divisive issue for all who are concerned.

We confess that if we would have known how to resolve the matter we would have done it, but we don't, but God does. We urge that all who have a concern be respectful, restrained and apply the Golden Rule as you would wish it for yourself.

ASI Executive Committee

by Harold Lance

And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. .. in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Lev 19:12-18

Pro 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
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post Jan 24 2007, 04:59 PM
Post #13

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Jan 24 2007, 05:56 PM) [snapback]172268[/snapback]

(In my opinion this letter should go in the Pinned topics.)

ASI letter of explanation for withdrawing...

And when you start, that opinion will matter...

In His service,
Mr. J

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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post Jan 24 2007, 05:05 PM
Post #14

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For those of you who prefer to read a letter, as written, before hearing the explanations, justifications, or commentary...

Here you go:

It still says the same thing. As someone always asking for first hand info, I'd think you were glad to here from both sides of the bargaining table

(In my opinion this letter should go in the Pinned topics.)
Didn't you say you are moderator or Admin on another site. It is pinned there, right? Good enough! yes.gif

ASI letter of explanation for withdrawing...


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Jan 24 2007, 05:38 PM
Post #15

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We confess that if we would have known how to resolve the matter we would have done it, but we don't, but God does. We urge that all who have a concern be respectful, restrained and apply the Golden Rule as you would wish it for yourself.
ASI Executive Committee

by Harold Lance

***Aletheia already posted this sans GM's comments in Post #12. I am deleting that portion of your post along with your less than Christ-like comment. We are not going to do it again Please read before you post***

Cudos Linda, I give credit where credit is due. You are crazy like a fox. The plan that you set up here is absolutely brilliant. Here is the scenerio: You know that 3ABN has solid evidence against you that gives reason for the divorce and your dismissal. So.. How could you make it appear that you
welcomed an ASI investigation into the divorce when in reality, you had much to fear? Simple. Choose someone as your representative that has no credentials, no real insight on this subject (except what you have told him) and appears to have "the I am Somebody" syndrome so, wave.gif would therefore, welcome, his 10 minutes of fame. Aka ....Gailon Joy. Could you have known in advance that he was convicted of embezzlement while representing himself? That he claims only to have taken money that belonged to him which one would think, would be fairly easy to prove if one was competent at all. Not only could he not prove it the first time, he could not prove it through several appeals. So, Linda, all you had to do was convince him that you were "victimized" and needed his help to "clear" yourself. Now readers, stay with me here, it is complicated. Gailon was chosen, (as well as Pickle I would assume) because of his lack of knowledge and credentials. Why? Because Linda knew that Gailon would bumble and fumble his way through the ASI intervention with unrealistic rules, requests and wanting to bring in many other topics that were never to be considered by ASI. Having done this, ASI had no choice but to withdraw before any "evidence" could be brought forth for their consideration. Bottom line...Linda looks like she wanted ASI's involvement when in fact, it appears she set about the make sure they wouldn't be involved. Great strategy? Absolutely. Only one problem. What excuses can the people on this forum come up with for ASI's findings? So far, everyone that has defended 3ABN and it's leadership has been (according to this forum) Scared, threatened, intimidated, paid off, ect ect....Will the same apply to such a highly respected organization as ASI? Or are you going to accuse ASI of being corrupt like you have 3ABN leadership and the whole board? I think not. We know that ASI is comprised of many accomplished business men and women with the highest integrity. The McNeilus Family & Harold Lance just to name a few. I hardly think that the McNeilus family needs to take a "payoff" from 3ABN or that they would be "intimidated" by the leadership there. That is laughable. People, there are no more excuses, only the facts. ASI had no ulterior motives to make the statement that they did, other than, it is the truth. They are not partial or biased in any way to one side or the other. They have no reason to be. Their findings are based on fact. But...whether Linda set out purposely to derail the investigation or, whether she just got lucky in choosing Gailon, I guess we will never know for sure....


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