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> Letters Between Linda And The Thompsonville Church, J.L. re: counseling, censure & attempts at reconciliation
post Apr 10 2007, 12:38 PM
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The following 3 letters are new and were posted on "Christian Forums" by a member there. All his clarifications and explanations are in blue. The red font was supplied by him for emphasis in reference to his points, so I am also including it here.

Here is the actual letter written to Linda. I asked for it and it was sent as requested. I will post several others also.

Thompsonville 7th Day Adventist Church
3577 Angel Lane * P.O. Box 23 Thompsonville, Illinois 62890 618-627-2999

October 27, 2005

Linda Shelton
-- private address removed--

Dear Linda,

We hope that this letter finds you in the best of health. Since you left Thompsonville you have been on our hearts and in our prayers. It is in a spirit of deep spiritual concern that we pray that you will understand that this letter was written with eternal interest at heart.This letter is to inform you of the decision made by the Church Board of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church with reference to your membership.We received your membership request for transfer to the Springfield Seventh-day Adventist Church. After much discussion, prayer, and consideration, at the church board level, we have voted to call a church business session to recommend to the church that you be placed under censure.

The meeting is scheduled to be held on Saturday evening, November 19th following sunset.

It is your right to appear in person to represent yourself or to write a letter to the church to address the recommendation that the Church Board will make to the church in business session.You can also request that some time be given for you to respond before the matter is taken to church business session.

Because of the nature of the decision made we will await your response before November 17,2005. After that time if we have not heard from you by letter we will take the matter to business session, You ****** can send any correspondences to the address above. If you have any immediate concerns you can call pastor John Lomacang at .*****...

Yours In Christ
Pastor John Lomacang

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Apr 11 2007, 07:23 AM
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post Apr 10 2007, 12:49 PM
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still quoting from CF...

Linda's answer:

October 31, 2005

Dear Pastor Lomacang and Thompsonville SDA Church Board Members,

I received your letter dated October 27, 2005. My participation in the SDA Church means very much to me, thus I take very seriously the message of your letter. Yet I strongly feel, John, that you are compromised because of your close association with Danny Shelton and your employment with 3 ABN and the “3 ABN Church.” (Also your dream. of many years to be on TV.) Additionally I feel that you, as the Church Board, are compromised since most of you work at 3AB1. Also, I feel the church members are compromised, to the matter at hand, because of the propaganda in which they have beensaturated. Ihave yet to he approached by any of you for ministry purposes or to inquire about “my side of the story.’ Quite frankly I do not feel I would receive a fair hearing in this church. I protest the fact that you claim to go by the church manual in regards to censure, but you ignore the church manual when it comes to reaching out to the hurting one. Thus, I am formally requesting that as of today my membership be dropped from the church.

Let it be known that I am innocent of the rumors and allegations made against me. Let it be known that the separation from my husband and 3ABN was against my will. And let it be known. that I love my Church and the people in it enough to not publically broadcast in detail the wrongs that have been done to me. These facts would only hurt, not help.

In spite of the neglect of Christians during my dark days, God has been very good to me. I am blessed to have emerged with my sanity still intact and I have a brand new perspective; a perspective which has clearly revealed to me that many professed Christians have not yet found a genuine heart-felt relationship with Christ, For this, the heart of Jesus bleeds. Although man can remove job titles, etc, etc,, no man can take away my calling which I will continue to pursue. I still welcome your greetings and comments, thus I am including my email address. May God’s richest blessings be yours, and may God bless the Thompsonville SDA Church!

With warmest regards,
Linda Shelton,

Lindashelton. org

The lines highlighted above are for me to clarify. John Lomacang told me out of his own mouth that he had spent hours and hours counseling with Linda and with Linda and Danny. Then once she left, John called her to ask if he and his wife could come and visit her. She said she wasn’t ready. Later (still after the separation) he ran into her and Danny at the mall ( she says she was afraid of Danny) and ask again if he could come to visit her and she said she would call when she was ready. She didn’t.
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post Apr 10 2007, 01:30 PM
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still quoting...

Now the final letter from JL To LS. Read carefully. It clears up a lot of things.

77 Angel Lane P.O. Box 23 ‘Thompsonville, Illinois 62890

January 14, 2006

Linda Shefton
-private address removed-

Dear Linda,

Thank you for your speedy response to the letter the Church Board sent to you. I, H- was also pleased to speak to you when you called me Sabbath afternoon. I thought that our conversation went well and I listened to your observations hoping that we would be able to help you. I was somewhat surprised how soon you had Derrell Mundall hand deliver your reply letter to me at my office As I read it I was a bit disappointed to see that you expressed so little confidence in the church board, the church members, and in me. To incessantly suggest that the church is made of “compromised” members is quite short-sighted on your part. This board is not made of people bought by Danny Shelton. It is comprised of God-fearing Christians that understand all too well the great responsibility of making well informed decisions.

It is enlightening to see how you unceasingly, and relentlessly, attempted to dismiss your poor decision making by maligning others.

It was also quite manipulative on your part to imply that my “dreams of many years to be on TV” disqualified me as an objective pastor. Linda you may remember, it was at your urging that Danny called me to join the 3ABN family. At no time did I even call or suggest that I was interested in being on TV. Years before I even knew of 3ABN, Doug Batchelor and I were already on television; not to mention countless other times without Doug. It was on the heels of Net ‘99 in New York that I was invited to sing at 3ABN; prior to that I had not heard of 3ABN. The doors that opened at 3ABN were not opened by any dream on my part, of which there was none concerning 3ABN but by the hand of the Lord.As a matter of record you probably remember well when you said to me,”John, God brought you to St. Louis so that we could bring you the rest of the way.” To suggest that you will be not be able to receive fairness and impartiality is ludicrous.

Linda, as we look at the time-line of events you were the first one to call me and ask for counsel about your friendship with the doctor. It was after I arrived at your home that I heard the other side of the story. It was hearing both sides that led me to give you counsel to sever the relationship with the doctor from Norway. I made that decision as your pastor and as a marriage counselor with 16 years experience, not as a “back-pocket” servant of Danny Shelton.

It has been nearly two years since this escapade started and you will recall that from the very outset, that Tuesday night in your living room, when you made the decision not to sever your relationship with the doctor, you set the course that led you to where you are today. Linda, the decision to hold on to someone other than your husband in spite of the months of counseling, was a critical decision in furthering your downfall. To further compound the matter, you still held firmly to your course after the relentless pleading from your friends, confidants, pastors, 3ABN board members, and non-Adventist counselors to sever the relationship. One has to be quite short-sighted and uninformed to come to the conclusion that all of those people were ”compromised.”

You also mentioned that no one made an attempt to visit you and minister to you. Speaking for Angie and I, you may remember that when you made the decision to move to out of your home and go to Marion for ”more privacy,” we called you and asked if we could come and visit with you. You refused by saying that you were not ready and that you would let us know when you were ready for our visits. You never contacted us so we can only assume that you did not want a visit from us. Even when we saw you in the mall with Danny, we asked again about visiting and you said I will tell you when.”

Many of the people that are still supporting your cause were not at ground zero. You continue to suggest that it was the subsequent decisions that other people made, rather than the initial one that you made that landed you where you are. One of the greatest evidences of hazardous decision-making on your part is the fact that you and the doctor are still in a relationship.

There was never a conspiracy to get rid of you and to refuse you a fair hearing. You were, and are greatly loved by many of the people at 3ABN and Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, love for someone and loyalty to them are not always the same. While we love you, we must be loyal to the truth and to the Lord. That is where we must be accountable.

God placed within your hands the responsibility of carrying a message to the world. It is unfortunate that you came to the place where your desires became more important than the responsibility placed on you through the message. Linda, God called you and the Bible says in Romans 11:29”For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” God called King Saul and God called David; both of these followers of God sinned. The difference between a ”king” and a ”shepherd boy” was clearly seen. Saul was too great to repent and turn to God and the record is clear concerning his fate. David, although his fall was great, turned to God with the heart of a repentant servant. For our admonition David’s prayer of repentance was preserved in Psalm 139:23,24 (KJV),”Search me, 0 God, and know my heart; Try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

I read your recent response letter to the church board dated October 31,2005, and I hope that the declaration that you made, ”Let it be known that I am innocent of the rumors and allegations made against me, ”is not written in stone. Linda, on this note you were correct, ”Man can remove job titles.” However let me caution you about the rest of your declaration, ”No man can take away my calling which I will continue to pursue.” Saul pursued a course that dishonored God and God removed him. On the other hand David repented and pursued a course that opened the way for God to restore him. The eternal question is one to deeply and prayerfully ponder. Which course will you pursue? David humbled himself under the Almighty Hand of God and was restored. In spite of the dark stain of David’s past the apostle Paul preached a message that recalls the fate of these two great men. He writes in Acts 13:21-22 (NKJV),”And afterward they asked for a king; so God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years. (22) “And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ’l have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.”

Linda, from the first night that I sat before you in your living room I made a statement that has so far proven to be true. I said to you, ”Satan wants to destroy you, your ministry, your career, and your marriage. ”The results are evidence that to this day Satan has prevailed. I am hoping that he will not prevail in robbing you of your salvation. Just recently I read the chapter ”Why Was Sin and Suffering Permitted,” from the book, ”Patriarchs & Prophets.” I was deeply impressed again by what I read to further warn you that you are still on enchanted grounds and that the enemy is not done. Here are a few of the quotes that opened my eyes:

“The angels whom he could not bring fully to his side, he accused of indifference to the interests of heavenly beings. The very work which he himself was doing, he charged upon the loyal angels. It was his policy to perplex with subtle arguments concerning the purposes of God. Everything that was simple he shrouded in mystery, and by artful perversion cast doubt upon the plainest statements of Jehovah. And his high position, so closely connected with the divine government, gave greater force to his representation.

“He had artfully presented his side of the question, employing sophistry and fraud to secure his objects. His power to deceive was very great. By disguising himself in a cloak of falsehood, he had gained an advantage. All his acts were so clothed with mystery that it was difficult to disclose to the angels the true nature of his work. Until fully developed, it could not be made to appear the evil thing it was; his disaffection would not be seen to be rebellion. Even the loyal angels could not fully discern his character or see to what his work was leading.”

“Rejecting with disdain the arguments and entreaties of the loyal angels, he denounced them as deluded slaves. The preference shown to Christ he declared an act of injustice both to himself and to all the heavenly host, and announced that he would no longer submit to this invasion of his rights and theirs.”

Linda, I saw that because of your great influence Satan would come at you with great intensity. If you persist in holding to the self-deceiving position that you have done nothing wrong, you are preparing yourself for the completion of Satan’s plan, complete destruction. As long as you play the role of total innocence, you are a gullible prey.
That is why we prayed for you when you were in your post at 3ABN and we will still pray for you. Our deepest prayer is that you discover that greatness comes not from being served but serving. We pray for your supporters because they only know the side that you presented. Our prayer is that the Lord will bring softness to your heart to make you a servant. At the end of the day it must be seen that it is “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts. ”Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV). Linda, God has not called us to be famous but to be faithful. I pray that you will respond to the Holy Spirit’s call to faithfulness.

We deeply regret that you have made the final decision to have your membership dropped from the church, but we do not have the right to refuse your written “formal request.”

The church chose censure rather than removal of membership because it was our desire to connect you with a Seventh-day Adventist church where you could find spiritual healing and recovery, not to cause you any further hardship. It is not our prayer that you pursue your calling; it is our prayer that you pursue the heart of God.

Your greatest blessing will come when you are restored to wholeness in the sight of God. God will richly bless you, not on account of whom you are, but on account of whom He is. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all that He has for you will be added.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor John Lomacang

...if Linda did not feel comfortable and felt John would be unfair why did she contact him when all of this first started to come over and talk to them? Why, because knowing him, she knew that he wasn't in DS's pocket and that he would tell it like it is. Only after hearing both sides and what had transpired he went against what she wanted. Then all of a sudden he is in DS's pocket and being ordered to do what DS says. You can see by the letter, Linda did not think that about him or would never have called him in the first place. Also let me add some facts.

1.Danny at no time discussed the church membership issue with JL or any board member of the Thompsonville church. Neither was he ask for his opinion in the situation. He had no idea what they had decided until later, after the fact.

2. Out of 20 + board members, 11 are not employed by 3abn.

3. John as stated in his later already was singing and preaching on TV and has been the pastor of several different churches. He is employed by the conference. The thompsonville church is not a 3abn church. It is a conference church. 3abn does pay 1/3 of his salary and the conference the rest. He could have his choice of a number of churches and televised speaking and singing engagements elsewhere. He is not dependant on 3abn except for the fact he believes God sent him there. At Linda's invitation I might add.

And yes. I have permission to post these letters. The one by Linda she has already posted but those by the Thompsonville church, I asked for permission when I asked they be sent to me.

I also recived permission from the poster to repost this here.


This post has been edited by Aletheia: Apr 10 2007, 01:43 PM
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post Apr 10 2007, 03:08 PM
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 10 2007, 02:30 PM) [snapback]190759[/snapback]

still quoting...

...if Linda did not feel comfortable and felt John would be unfair why did she contact him when all of this first started to come over and talk to them? Why, because knowing him, she knew that he wasn't in DS's pocket and that he would tell it like it is. Only after hearing both sides and what had transpired he went against what she wanted. Then all of a sudden he is in DS's pocket and being ordered to do what DS says. You can see by the letter, Linda did not think that about him or would never have called him in the first place. Also let me add some facts.

1.Danny at no time discussed the church membership issue with JL or any board member of the Thompsonville church. Neither was he ask for his opinion in the situation. He had no idea what they had decided until later, after the fact.

2. Out of 20 + board members, 11 are not employed by 3abn.

3. John as stated in his later already was singing and preaching on TV and has been the pastor of several different churches. He is employed by the conference. The thompsonville church is not a 3abn church. It is a conference church. 3abn does pay 1/3 of his salary and the conference the rest. He could have his choice of a number of churches and televised speaking and singing engagements elsewhere. He is not dependant on 3abn except for the fact he believes God sent him there. At Linda's invitation I might add.

And yes. I have permission to post these letters. The one by Linda she has already posted but those by the Thompsonville church, I asked for permission when I asked they be sent to me.

I also recived permission from the poster to repost this here.


This letter to Linda opens my eyes! I was blind, but now I see even more clearly! Thank you for posting it. Now for my opinion of the situation.

After reading this letter to Linda from John Lomacang, I can more fully understand why Linda did what she did. I wouldn't have called JL either! Why on earth would ANYONE want to invite someone that professes to be a christian pastor into to their home only to be falsely accused and compared to evil people in the Bible?

Give me a break. Go to and read Danny's emails. Linda was innocent even after the marriage was over! Yet, here their pastor is claiming she has left God's will for her life, and she is not obeyed what people wanting to control her life wanted her to do. Hum.

What would each of you do if everyone tells you that you are not doing God's will in your life for taking your son to a Christian Doctor for healing the Natural way? What if your son was in the middle of treatment and survival? What if the doctor was actually helping you and your health? What would you have done?

JL never supported her! Why was it so wrong to keep Linda's only son's doctor? I am a mother! Linda did the RIGHT thing. Linda has a right to choose who treats her son! She is the mother! She has to put her child before all those self proclaimed "right" people!

There was no improper relationship! She did not commit adultery! She did not put her relationship with the doctor above Danny. She had no relationship other than the doctor and the parent of a patient.

Wow, I see now why Linda had to get out. How could anyone stand all that "You are evil"? I am glad God gave her the will and power to stand up against evil forces aimed at her.

All I can say is, "You GO GIRL! Forget about what others think they know! Do what is right in the eyes of God.

Linda, what have you done to deserve all the attacks and abuse, yes, abuse? You have not done anything wrong that I can see. Stand tall!

The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. {Ed 57.3}
But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man. {Ed 57.4}
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post Apr 10 2007, 03:19 PM
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Tell 'em Franny!!!!(in my best impression of "Mama" of Mama's Family) clap.gif


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Apr 10 2007, 03:21 PM
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QUOTE(Fran @ Apr 10 2007, 05:08 PM) [snapback]190773[/snapback]

This letter to Linda opens my eyes! I was blind, but now I see even more clearly! Thank you for posting it. Now for my opinion of the situation.

After reading this letter to Linda from John Lomacang, I can more fully understand why Linda did what she did. I wouldn't have called JL either! Why on earth would ANYONE want to invite someone that professes to be a christian pastor into to their home only to be falsely accused and compared to evil people in the Bible?

Give me a break. Go to and read Danny's emails. Linda was innocent even after the marriage was over! Yet, here their pastor is claiming she has left God's will for her life, and she is not obeyed what people wanting to control her life wanted her to do. Hum.

What would each of you do if everyone tells you that you are not doing God's will in your life for taking your son to a Christian Doctor for healing the Natural way? What if your son was in the middle of treatment and survival? What if the doctor was actually helping you and your health? What would you have done?

JL never supported her! Why was it so wrong to keep Linda's only son's doctor? I am a mother! Linda did the RIGHT thing. Linda has a right to choose who treats her son! She is the mother! She has to put her child before all those self proclaimed "right" people!

There was no improper relationship! She did not commit adultery! She did not put her relationship with the doctor above Danny. She had no relationship other than the doctor and the parent of a patient.

Wow, I see now why Linda had to get out. How could anyone stand all that "You are evil"? I am glad God gave her the will and power to stand up against evil forces aimed at her.

All I can say is, "You GO GIRL! Forget about what others think they know! Do what is right in the eyes of God.

Linda, what have you done to deserve all the attacks and abuse, yes, abuse? You have not done anything wrong that I can see. Stand tall!


Of course Nathan's a grown Man, as are my 2 boys, and they've struggled with some of the same as nathan, in addition my Oldest is bi-polar. and so I personally know how hard it is as a mother to try to support and help without condoning or enabling, so I have every sympathy with Linda in that regard. What I never had was a relationship with any of my Son's Doctors beyond what was considered proffessional and necessary for the well being of my Son.

Thanks to God they are both recovering and beoming what he wants them to be.

I also had a husband who was a alcoholiic and drug addict, and could not help himself much less our boys. He was abusive, controlling, possesive and VERY jealous, yet even he could not find anything to complain of regarding any of the Doctors or me.

As you claim to SEE so well, and are so defensive of Linda. Help me to understand what it is that you see here, that I cannot.

What do you really know about Nathan and the Doctor, other then one visit to Norway in January of 2004?

His drug use? recovery? any ongoing treatments or visits to Norway? any ongoing conversations or even a relationship between nathin and Dr A? Any contact at all?

What do you really know of Linda's ongoing relationship with Doctor A, after the begiinning of 2004?

Do tell, please.

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Apr 10 2007, 03:38 PM
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post Apr 10 2007, 03:34 PM
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QUOTE(Fran @ Apr 10 2007, 04:08 PM) [snapback]190773[/snapback]

This letter to Linda opens my eyes! I was blind, but now I see even more clearly! Thank you for posting it. Now for my opinion of the situation.

After reading this letter to Linda from John Lomacang, I can more fully understand why Linda did what she did. I wouldn't have called JL either! Why on earth would ANYONE want to invite someone that professes to be a christian pastor into to their home only to be falsely accused and compared to evil people in the Bible?

Give me a break. Go to and read Danny's emails. Linda was innocent even after the marriage was over! Yet, here their pastor is claiming she has left God's will for her life, and she is not obeyed what people wanting to control her life wanted her to do. Hum.

What would each of you do if everyone tells you that you are not doing God's will in your life for taking your son to a Christian Doctor for healing the Natural way? What if your son was in the middle of treatment and survival? What if the doctor was actually helping you and your health? What would you have done?

JL never supported her! Why was it so wrong to keep Linda's only son's doctor? I am a mother! Linda did the RIGHT thing. Linda has a right to choose who treats her son! She is the mother! She has to put her child before all those self proclaimed "right" people!

There was no improper relationship! She did not commit adultery! She did not put her relationship with the doctor above Danny. She had no relationship other than the doctor and the parent of a patient.

Wow, I see now why Linda had to get out. How could anyone stand all that "You are evil"? I am glad God gave her the will and power to stand up against evil forces aimed at her.

All I can say is, "You GO GIRL! Forget about what others think they know! Do what is right in the eyes of God.

Linda, what have you done to deserve all the attacks and abuse, yes, abuse? You have not done anything wrong that I can see. Stand tall!

I totally agree. If I'd gotten that letter I would have run the other way. FAST!!

And since Fran said it so well notworthy.gif I guess that's all I have to say about that!

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post Apr 10 2007, 04:23 PM
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Cindy, first of all let me ask your forgiveness for thinking that you could not possible understnad Lind'as situation. I did not say it out loud, but I thought it and I was wrong. You have, indeed, come through some difficult times. May God continue to bless and heal those wounds.

I know that Fran will answer, but just let me begin. Everyone knows about those "counseling" sessions. They were basically something of a crude "intervention"(in the loosest sense of the word) to get Linda to cut off Linda's association with the Dr. because they had been told by Danny that it was inappropriate. However, as a mother, they were basically asking her to choose between her husband and her son. Her husband who, like yours, should have been man enough to be by her side in this. I fyou say you know about addictions, then you know LInda was bound to support her child when he was serious about getting th help he needed. Danny had asked her I am sure within the confines of their home, and then went to the board and staff to make "his" request, and now her denial of this request was now basis for her being censured.

Secondly she was being asked to this board meeting by the same man who had conduted the "counseling" sessions. What was there to make her think that board meeting would be any different than she had been experiencing? I think she had blindly walked into the lion's den far too many time already. I believe she met with them and continue to talk with JL, because she didn't want to believe what he was doing. She was the one who was intrumental in bringing him and his wife to 3ABN and now he was basically stabbing her in the back. First her husband and now her friends, Brenda, now JL, and what others were there whom she thought to be friends, even family in that close knit community. No, I would not have walked into another trap with these people. Right now, they can only say she refused to meet with them and her own words in an email. If she would have met with them and actually gave them some her words to twist, as they already had, no tellin' what info you would be getting to post at this point.

Cindy it was a set up, like everything in this whole unfortunate story. I am telling you now, you should not even try to buy into that lie about lInda nd the Dr., it was devised by Danny for his own purposes. If the story was true, he could have said that from the beginning, why even bother making up the "spiritual adultery" mess? As long as women like you, a wife, mother, continue to buy into this, he will continue because your faithin him gives him credibility........he believes. Apply some things from your own situation and in your heart you will know there is something not quite right about this. You should already see similarities between Danny and your ex, especially in that jealousy dept. Danny doesn't have an substance abuse issues that I have heard of. IHowever, can see the similarities in just what you have told here.

Also, from the sound of it, Linda been given this choice before by Danny, and she had failed as Nathan's mother in order to be Danny's wife.(that actually should have been a HUGE red flag, a real man, christian man would never have presented her that choice). Danny does not have a good track record with his wives children.

So those are basically the problems I see, Cindy. Those emails are not saying what you want them to say, at lest not to me, Fran and Snoopy, and I don't believe we are alone in this.

QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 10 2007, 02:21 PM) [snapback]190776[/snapback]


Of course Nathan's a grown Man, as are my 2 boys, and they've struggled with some of the same as nathan, in addition my Oldest is bi-polar. and so I personally know how hard it is as a mother to try to support and help without condoning or enabling, so I have every sympathy with Linda in that regard. What I never had was a relationship with any of my Son's Doctors beyond what was considered proffessional and necessary for the well being of my Son.

Thanks to God they are both recovering and beoming what he wants them to be.

I also had a husband who was a alcoholiic and drug addict, and could not help himself much less our boys. He was abusive, controlling, possesive and VERY jealous, yet even he could not find anything to complain of regarding any of the Doctors or me.
As you claim to SEE so well, and are so defensive of Linda. Help me to understand what it is that you see here, that I cannot.

What do you really know about Nathan and the Doctor, other then one visit to Norway in January of 2004?

His drug use? recovery? any ongoing treatments or visits to Norway? any ongoing conversations or even a relationship between nathin and Dr A? Any contact at all?

What do you really know of Linda's ongoing relationship with Doctor A, after the begiinning of 2004?
Do tell, please.


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Apr 10 2007, 04:32 PM
Post #9

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QUOTE(Fran @ Apr 10 2007, 03:08 PM) [snapback]190773[/snapback]

This letter to Linda opens my eyes! I was blind, but now I see even more clearly! Thank you for posting it. Now for my opinion of the situation.

After reading this letter to Linda from John Lomacang, I can more fully understand why Linda did what she did. I wouldn't have called JL either! Why on earth would ANYONE want to invite someone that professes to be a christian pastor into to their home only to be falsely accused and compared to evil people in the Bible?

Give me a break. Go to and read Danny's emails. Linda was innocent even after the marriage was over! Yet, here their pastor is claiming she has left God's will for her life, and she is not obeyed what people wanting to control her life wanted her to do. Hum.

What would each of you do if everyone tells you that you are not doing God's will in your life for taking your son to a Christian Doctor for healing the Natural way? What if your son was in the middle of treatment and survival? What if the doctor was actually helping you and your health? What would you have done?

JL never supported her! Why was it so wrong to keep Linda's only son's doctor? I am a mother! Linda did the RIGHT thing. Linda has a right to choose who treats her son! She is the mother! She has to put her child before all those self proclaimed "right" people!

There was no improper relationship! She did not commit adultery! She did not put her relationship with the doctor above Danny. She had no relationship other than the doctor and the parent of a patient.

Wow, I see now why Linda had to get out. How could anyone stand all that "You are evil"? I am glad God gave her the will and power to stand up against evil forces aimed at her.

All I can say is, "You GO GIRL! Forget about what others think they know! Do what is right in the eyes of God.

Linda, what have you done to deserve all the attacks and abuse, yes, abuse? You have not done anything wrong that I can see. Stand tall!

I would say even more than that Fran. Can you imagine everyone around you coming at you like pirahnas? It's like a Psycho movie. Linda was in a very closed environment. Her work, her home, her personal friends and her mission in life were all encompassed. All in one basket with one person holding the entire basket. Who would have ever imagined that the walls would close in on her like that. No one is ever prepared for something like that. It doesn't occur to you.....Your husband is president of the company/ministry you work for. You are Vice-President. He gets jealous and power-crazed and wants to force you to do his will. So when you don't, he starts talking to everyone around him to see if they can force you to do his will. He knows "how to work it". He gets everyone who can attack you to do so (albeit it in an Oh so Christian, loving way).
I ask you: Where is one's independence? Where is their free-will? Where is respect? No one was giving her the respect she deserved from what i have gathered. As Vice-President and Co-Founder, giving her blood, sweat and tears for 20 years, she should have been given buckets of respect and consideration that she might be the one who was in the right. The respect and consideration she was given was no more than a slumlord would pay his tenant. In my view, she found herself in a situation where everyone who has any say in her life, besides God, is trying to force "their" will on her and control every aspect of her life. That kind of stunning realization would send me fleeing to the farthest shore, i can assure you. It sounds terrifying to me and if there is anyone who can't see that, then it is purely because you don't want to see it. wallbash.gif

This post has been edited by mozart: Apr 10 2007, 04:41 PM

Thess. 2:16-17 - Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."

[quote: fine art]

Instead we seem to be using sensationalism, emotionalism, moving lights and motivational speakers that are prepared to manipulate, by well chosen words, the minds of the listeners.
It used to be, messages that were given by our pioneers were wrenched from the depths of the heart by the Holy Spirit.
Humor was not added to get that laugh of entertainment. Drama was not introduced behind the sacred desk to glue your attention.

Man's Rationale has replaced a cry for God's wisdom."

"How To Be Free From Bitterness" ( booklet written by Jim Wilson of Community Christian Ministries, Moscow, Idaho - E-mail: )
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post Apr 10 2007, 04:37 PM
Post #10

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QUOTE(Snoopy @ Apr 10 2007, 11:34 PM) [snapback]190778[/snapback]

I totally agree. If I'd gotten that letter I would have run the other way. FAST!!

And since Fran said it so well notworthy.gif I guess that's all I have to say about that!

In the present situation the best we can do is to pray that God through His Holy Spirit may grant Cindy ointment that she may see it the way others see it.

This post has been edited by Johann: Apr 10 2007, 04:45 PM

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)
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post Apr 10 2007, 04:53 PM
Post #11

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QUOTE(mozart @ Apr 11 2007, 12:32 AM) [snapback]190786[/snapback]

I would say even more than that Fran. Can you imagine everyone around you coming at you like pirahnas? It's like a Psycho movie. Linda was in a very closed environment. Her work, her home, her personal friends and her mission in life were all encompassed. All in one basket with one person holding the entire basket. Who would have ever imagined that the walls would close in on her like that. No one is ever prepared for something like that. It doesn't occur to you.....Your husband is president of the company/ministry you work for. You are Vice-President. He gets jealous and power-crazed and wants to force you to do his will. So when you don't, he starts talking to everyone around him to see if they can force you to do his will. He knows "how to work it". He gets everyone who can attack you to do so (albeit it in an Oh so Christian, loving way).
I ask you: Where is one's independence? Where is their free-will? Where is respect? No one was giving her the respect she deserved from what i have gathered. As Vice-President and Co-Founder, giving her blood, sweat and tears for 20 years, she should have been given buckets of respect and consideration that she might be the one who was in the right. The respect and consideration she was given was no more than a slumlord would pay his tenant. In my view, she found herself in a situation where everyone who has any say in her life, besides God, is trying to force "their" will on her and control every aspect of her life. That kind of stunning realization would send me fleeing to the farthest shore, i can assure you. It sounds terrifying to me and if there is anyone who can't see that, then it is purely because you don't want to see it. wallbash.gif

Just the other day I talked to a prominent church leader who recognized it the way you describe it, mozart. Where did that church leader get the insight? By talking to Mr. Danny Shelton and listening his distorted version of the events.

It will be interesting meeting these people in that court case they are talking about. It will not be difficult to verify how distorted their vision is.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)
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post Apr 10 2007, 05:25 PM
Post #12

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QUOTE(Johann @ Apr 10 2007, 04:53 PM) [snapback]190796[/snapback]

Just the other day I talked to a prominent church leader who recognized it the way you describe it, mozart. Where did that church leader get the insight? By talking to Mr. Danny Shelton and listening his distorted version of the events.

It will be interesting meeting these people in that court case they are talking about. It will not be difficult to verify how distorted their vision is.

I have tried to be open minded through all of this. Through a decade of watching 3ABN there are those that i have grown to love and admire. Many have hurt and disappointed me and soiled the name of 3ABN. There are those in these forums on both sides that are guilty of short-sighted and slanted dialog. Maybe i have been one of them, myself. i don't know. i hope not, but i know i'm no better than the rest of you, so i maybe i have...As i have read the documents and the letters, i've tried to see it from the perspective of the writer. I've tried to imagine it from both sides. Sometimes i feel like a volleyball, but the gravity of evidence keeps pulling that ball towards the harsh wrongdoings, deceptive and disgusting stunts of Danny S., Walt T., Shelley Q., Mollie S., John L., C.A.M.(guilty by association because he hasn't said much but has sat there on the panel like a supporting pillar). Even if Linda is guilty as charged, (which i honestly don't think she is) getting away from there was the best and sanest thing she could do. Sometimes you just have to "flee to the mountains and do not look back for anything."
The latter days are upon us. We need the evangelism that 3ABN can do. There has to be something done to fix this and it has to be done right and quickly. Maybe instead of writing here, day after day, we should spend our time writing to every SDA pastor, conference president & evangelist to plead with them to assist in cleaning up 3ABN. i don't think we need to expound endlessly on every detail or present any bias; but just emplore them to demand an expedient investigation because time is SO short and our first concern should be souls for the Kingdom.

Thess. 2:16-17 - Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."

[quote: fine art]

Instead we seem to be using sensationalism, emotionalism, moving lights and motivational speakers that are prepared to manipulate, by well chosen words, the minds of the listeners.
It used to be, messages that were given by our pioneers were wrenched from the depths of the heart by the Holy Spirit.
Humor was not added to get that laugh of entertainment. Drama was not introduced behind the sacred desk to glue your attention.

Man's Rationale has replaced a cry for God's wisdom."

"How To Be Free From Bitterness" ( booklet written by Jim Wilson of Community Christian Ministries, Moscow, Idaho - E-mail: )
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post Apr 10 2007, 05:38 PM
Post #13

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AMEN! Mozart.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)
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post Apr 10 2007, 06:06 PM
Post #14

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Great Idea, Mozart. I will be calling mine tomorrow. I believe information has beens ent to many before, but I think some follow up is needed, and a little rpessure from the pews......

QUOTE(mozart @ Apr 10 2007, 04:25 PM) [snapback]190808[/snapback]

I have tried to be open minded through all of this. Through a decade of watching 3ABN there are those that i have grown to love and admire. Many have hurt and disappointed me and soiled the name of 3ABN. There are those in these forums on both sides that are guilty of short-sighted and slanted dialog. Maybe i have been one of them, myself. i don't know. i hope not, but i know i'm no better than the rest of you, so i maybe i have...As i have read the documents and the letters, i've tried to see it from the perspective of the writer. I've tried to imagine it from both sides. Sometimes i feel like a volleyball, but the gravity of evidence keeps pulling that ball towards the harsh wrongdoings, deceptive and disgusting stunts of Danny S., Walt T., Shelley Q., Mollie S., John L., C.A.M.(guilty by association because he hasn't said much but has sat there on the panel like a supporting pillar). Even if Linda is guilty as charged, (which i honestly don't think she is) getting away from there was the best and sanest thing she could do. Sometimes you just have to "flee to the mountains and do not look back for anything."
The latter days are upon us. We need the evangelism that 3ABN can do. There has to be something done to fix this and it has to be done right and quickly. Maybe instead of writing here, day after day, we should spend our time writing to every SDA pastor, conference president & evangelist to plead with them to assist in cleaning up 3ABN. i don't think we need to expound endlessly on every detail or present any bias; but just emplore them to demand an expedient investigation because time is SO short and our first concern should be souls for the Kingdom.


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Apr 10 2007, 06:12 PM
Post #15

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QUOTE(Fran @ Apr 10 2007, 02:08 PM) [snapback]190773[/snapback]

This letter to Linda opens my eyes! I was blind, but now I see even more clearly! Thank you for posting it. Now for my opinion of the situation.

After reading this letter to Linda from John Lomacang, I can more fully understand why Linda did what she did. I wouldn't have called JL either! Why on earth would ANYONE want to invite someone that professes to be a christian pastor into to their home only to be falsely accused and compared to evil people in the Bible?

Give me a break. Go to and read Danny's emails. Linda was innocent even after the marriage was over! Yet, here their pastor is claiming she has left God's will for her life, and she is not obeyed what people wanting to control her life wanted her to do. Hum.

What would each of you do if everyone tells you that you are not doing God's will in your life for taking your son to a Christian Doctor for healing the Natural way? What if your son was in the middle of treatment and survival? What if the doctor was actually helping you and your health? What would you have done?

JL never supported her! Why was it so wrong to keep Linda's only son's doctor? I am a mother! Linda did the RIGHT thing. Linda has a right to choose who treats her son! She is the mother! She has to put her child before all those self proclaimed "right" people!

There was no improper relationship! She did not commit adultery! She did not put her relationship with the doctor above Danny. She had no relationship other than the doctor and the parent of a patient.

Wow, I see now why Linda had to get out. How could anyone stand all that "You are evil"? I am glad God gave her the will and power to stand up against evil forces aimed at her.

All I can say is, "You GO GIRL! Forget about what others think they know! Do what is right in the eyes of God.

Linda, what have you done to deserve all the attacks and abuse, yes, abuse? You have not done anything wrong that I can see. Stand tall!

AMEN!!!!!!! thank you for saying it all clap.gif
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