Archive of preserved for the defense in 3ABN and Danny Shelton v. Joy and Pickle.
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> Subponea Issued For Advent Talk Information
mystery- man
post Mar 13 2008, 03:28 AM
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QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 12 2008, 01:51 AM) *
Let me help you understand SSOM & Inga. Free speech is one thing, until, it begins to defame and slander another individual and/or hurt the individual's business, ministry, company etc. Now when that happens, folks find themselves in court and since, they are the ones making the accusations, the burden of proof is on the accuser to prove what he/she has been spreading is true. That is the problem with you and others like you that actually have little or no association with 3abn, Danny or anyone else involved. You are accusing Danny of being a liar by what you have been told, read on the net and on and on. Those of you in this position have slandered people with your statements with no proof of your own to back it up. This is exactly the kind of thing that needs to be stopped by the courts. You may not like 3abn, you may not like Danny, you may not like the board, but you, yourself are holding no positive proof of your stated allegations. This puts you out on a very long limb. If you were on a witness stand and the attorney ask you how you could prove Danny or the board did this that or the other, what would you have to say? Oh I read it on the save3abn site? Or, maybe, Pickle and Joy said it and they're my friends so I know it's true?

Now biblically, we know that even if you could prove your allegations, it would be wrong to make them public especially to the outside world. Mrs. White is very clear on that. The bible has plenty to say about lying tongues and spreading gossip and rumors. I shall paraphrase by saying in a nutshell that those who are guilty of these kinds of actions and judgements will burn just as long and just as hot as the ones they are accusing. Speaking of judgements, that takes us in a whole different direction. You know, we will be judged on how we judge others, and judge not lest ye be judged. Those words are saying we are not to judge in a general way, much less, judge someone that you don't know and have no personal contact with.

No one can stop you or anyone else from having an opinion but when you hurt others publically and to the degree that the ministry has been hurt, you are held responsible for your actions.

Hopefully a precedence will be set with this case as it relates to what can and cannot be talked about on the internet. Think about it. If there are no rules and everything applies to free speech, what is to stop a person that doesn't like you from starting a web site all about you, your family, your business associates and fill it with every lie, rumor, and story imaginable? What if it then caused you to lose your job? Lose friends, lose your business associates?
If this happened to you or anyone else that is reading this, I have no doubts that you would do exactly what 3abn has had to do. After all, there are legal and moral boundries that definitely have been crossed, and you Inga, have been a big part of it.
BTW, I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me Danny. That shows me clearly that you don't know anything about him or you would never think that:
1. He is here posting
2. He is telling me what to post
3. That he even has a clue as to who you are and how you feel about him
4. That he has time to worry about it period.

SSOM tried to say that I was being told by Danny what to post and then I could just "claim" that I am not him when in reality, she just turned the Linda/sister scenerio around. I'm quite sure that Linda has told many of her friends what to say and when to say it. Then she claims she doesn't read any of it, and never posts. But, why wouldn't she be reading the net? She doesn't work so has plenty of time to kill. Danny on the other hand has no desire or time to read all the gossip about him. In fact, as of Tuesday, I don't think he was even aware of this new turn of events. He and his wife have been away for a few days so Danny could attend Kenneth Cox's board meeting. (Yes, he is a member of Kenneth's board before anyone asks or speculates)

You don't seem to understand that 3abn is (suppose) to be a christian entity, 3abn is suppose to represent Christ. We as Seventhday Adventist have been admonished by scripture and by the writings of Ellen G. White not to sue but rather to suffer wrong.
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post Mar 13 2008, 04:36 AM
Post #47

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QUOTE(mystery- man @ Mar 13 2008, 09:28 AM) *
You don't seem to understand that 3abn is (suppose) to be a christian entity, 3abn is suppose to represent Christ. We as Seventhday Adventist have been admonished by scripture and by the writings of Ellen G. White not to sue but rather to suffer wrong.

It is the most pathetic story I have encountered during the 75 year the Lord has granted me to this date. When I was working for 3ABN for a while - after my retirement from working for the SDA church - Danny Shelton seemed to be such a powerful man, mastering all situations with his tremendous will power and verbiosity.

Now that his physical strength and size appears to diminish, reminding him that one day soon he will have to stand before the court of the universe, his actions indicate he thinks he has a better chance before God if his well-paid lawyers manage to relieve him of some of the guilt complex that is tearing his body apart, as sickness is gaining control of him.

That man needs our love and sympathy. He needs the grace of God to take care of what he is trying to do in his own weakness with the help of Mammon. And we all need to pray that we do not fall into the same trap ourselves in trying to gain access to the Kingdom through self-justification.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)

"The truth can lose nothing by close investigation". (1888 Materials 38)

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post Mar 13 2008, 02:10 PM
Post #48

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Thanks for the informative post, Mr. Appletree. I really hope that Danny is doing OK healthwise, but if he is able to put in so many hours on his new home then he must be doing OK. I'm just curious - would you happen to know if he is still drawing a salary from 3ABN?


QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 13 2008, 04:22 AM) *
The other thing that was funny, but only after I heaved was sister saying that she spoke to someone who had recently seen Danny and he was a pathetic little man and skin and bones and blah blah....It was very obvious to me who made those observations since she and Danny were in court together a few weeks ago. Sure sounded like a bitter ex wife to me. Danny has lost a little weight from working 10 hours a day on his house. Work's good for the soul. Maybe Linda should try it sometime.

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post Mar 13 2008, 02:35 PM
Post #49

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QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 13 2008, 04:22 AM) *
A friend sent me some posts from AT. One in particular from sister made me chuckle. Sister says "Danny" is doing this for Revenge. Also mentioned by someone else was that he wanted to harrass. The truth is, Danny had no knowledge that a subpeona was going to served on the carrier of AT. These decisions are totally up to the attorney's. They know what they need, why they need it, and when to do it. They do not call Danny for permission or even to inform him of the next action they are taking. That is what they get paid for. So, all this "Danny" is doing this and that is comical to me because it shows the lengths some people will go to to try and make Danny responsible for anything and everything, whether he knows it or not.

The other thing that was funny, but only after I heaved was sister saying that she spoke to someone who had recently seen Danny and he was a pathetic little man and skin and bones and blah blah....It was very obvious to me who made those observations since she and Danny were in court together a few weeks ago. Sure sounded like a bitter ex wife to me. Danny has lost a little weight from working 10 hours a day on his house. Work's good for the soul. Maybe Linda should try it sometime.

I will address one more thing. Everyone at AT is hashing and rehashing the subpeona and what it means and how it affects them.....if those same people would quit spreading rumors and heresay on the net, there wouldn't be anything to discuss. Who knows? If they are willing to make retractions and admit that they have no first hand knowledge or proof of any of their accusations against Danny and 3ABN, maybe, 3abn would be willing to acknowledge those statements by not pursuing the charges. Why can't people see that by getting caught up in the rumors, gossip and allegations and spreading those allegations on nothing more than your opinions, that you have wronged God's ministry as well as the people that have dedicated their lives to it. 3abn, Danny nor anyone else is looking for revenge about anything. They are looking for justice to be served on those that have worked maliciously and with premeditation to destroy characters, to destroy faith in the 3abn ministry and the dedicated people that run that ministry with false stories, heresay, opinions and gross word manipulation that twists truths into lies. I am trying to help those that are reading here see that 3abn, Danny and everyone else involved are the victims here. They have been maligned, slandered, hurt and accused of everything under the sun publicaly. That is wrong any which way you look at it. They did not want to be involved in a lawsuit. They don't want to waste their time dealing with any of this but they were forced into this position by the continued abuse on their reputations by people they didn't even know.

Much of this was started by sister's stories. Most here thought that she was a credible witness. She made statements that:
She had spent a lot of time with the Shelton Family through the years,
She said she was an eyewitness to a lot of the stories she told,
Recently she said she wasn't getting information from Linda that, in fact, she had no contact with Linda,

We believe that we have sister's identity. If we are correct, you that had so much faith in her stories will be sorely disappointed because every one of the above statements are false. The person that we believe to be sister was only at 3abn approx 1 year. She did not spend anytime to speak of with the Shelton family and she couldn't have witnessed much when she wasn't even there. Instead, she got her information second and third hand from others. These weren't random people that gave her the stories. We believe that she was "encouraged" to contact certain people that had past problems with 3abn or Danny and get "their" stories. She signed a post here on bsda as "Danny's confidante." She wasn't. She said here on BSDA recently that she had no contact with Linda. We believe the exact opposite to be true. If we are correct, you will find you have been duped by becoming involved in helping to spread false accusations on the basis of sister's stories. Sister will have lost credibility on the forums but I believe she will suffer other ramifications by those who do not understand her involvement, her actions and the falsehoods told in this internet campaign against 3abn. IMO this kind of involvement will be questioned by her own church and will not reflect well on her husband and a certain position that he holds.

Danny has no desire or need to seek revenge. Sister will suffer her own repurcussions as she reaps what she sowed.

Following is the post I made at AT which Appletree referred to and as usual he is wrong, the friend I spoke to was not Linda Shelton. Linda is not the only victim of intimidation by Danny Shelton. Ask Johann if Danny tried to intimidate him. Look to Appletree himself, his posts are full of attempts to try and intimidate myself and others who will not pay homage to Danny Shelton.

Inga, thank you for your concern... When I read the list for the Subpoena I came to the same conclusion: although names other than my own were listed, some of them have posted little or nothing of consequent regarding Danny Shelton and others have openly posted under their own names. It appears that I have joined Joy and Pickle and together we, including the others who may still be sought, have become the image of Moby Dick to Danny's Captain Ahab. In time it will become evident to everyone that the lawsuit Danny has initiated is akin to Captain Ahad's relentless persuit of a perceived adversary: the goal is not the persuit of justice, but to exact revenge.

The other day I spoke with a dear friend that had recently seen Danny, this was what that individual said regarding their encounter:

"Danny seemed so small and broken. I wondered how I could have ever been afraid of that little man, he is little more than skin and bones. It was actually rather sad in a way. He is not the Danny I knew. Just a broken, vindictive little man, nothing more. Not the frightening, powerful, life changing creature that he once was. I am actually embarrassed that he intimidated and scared me like he did, and that he was able to affect me so powerfully, when he is such a pathetic little thing. It is almost sad to see someone like him be the little nothing that he is now. The great oz! But now his day is over, and he is seen for who he is... "

Behold the once mighty OZ, see him for what he has become...


Appletree states that "much of this was started by sister's stories", but "Danny has no desire or need to seek revenge". Interesting, then why Subpoena internet records in an attempt to find my identity?

If Appletree is so certain of who I am then out me here and now. There are no longer any rules that would forbid him from doing so. So who do you think I am Appletree?


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post Mar 13 2008, 02:44 PM
Post #50

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So now, Danny is clueless about what is going on with his own lawsuit? You mgiht be right about Danny not sending you ain't helping him not one bit. Don't they have to inform him of what they are doing? I understand them having the expertise and doing their job, however, they don't get to make the final decisions without talking with their client.

QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 13 2008, 02:22 AM) *
A friend sent me some posts from AT. One in particular from sister made me chuckle. Sister says "Danny" is doing this for Revenge. Also mentioned by someone else was that he wanted to harrass. The truth is, Danny had no knowledge that a subpeona was going to served on the carrier of AT. These decisions are totally up to the attorney's. They know what they need, why they need it, and when to do it. They do not call Danny for permission or even to inform him of the next action they are taking. That is what they get paid for. So, all this "Danny" is doing this and that is comical to me because it shows the lengths some people will go to to try and make Danny responsible for anything and everything, whether he knows it or not.
The other thing that was funny, but only after I heaved was sister saying that she spoke to someone who had recently seen Danny and he was a pathetic little man and skin and bones and blah blah....It was very obvious to me who made those observations since she and Danny were in court together a few weeks ago. Sure sounded like a bitter ex wife to me. Danny has lost a little weight from working 10 hours a day on his house. Work's good for the soul. Maybe Linda should try it sometime.

I will address one more thing. Everyone at AT is hashing and rehashing the subpeona and what it means and how it affects them.....if those same people would quit spreading rumors and heresay on the net, there wouldn't be anything to discuss. Who knows? If they are willing to make retractions and admit that they have no first hand knowledge or proof of any of their accusations against Danny and 3ABN, maybe, 3abn would be willing to acknowledge those statements by not pursuing the charges. Why can't people see that by getting caught up in the rumors, gossip and allegations and spreading those allegations on nothing more than your opinions, that you have wronged God's ministry as well as the people that have dedicated their lives to it. 3abn, Danny nor anyone else is looking for revenge about anything. They are looking for justice to be served on those that have worked maliciously and with premeditation to destroy characters, to destroy faith in the 3abn ministry and the dedicated people that run that ministry with false stories, heresay, opinions and gross word manipulation that twists truths into lies. I am trying to help those that are reading here see that 3abn, Danny and everyone else involved are the victims here. They have been maligned, slandered, hurt and accused of everything under the sun publicaly. That is wrong any which way you look at it. They did not want to be involved in a lawsuit. They don't want to waste their time dealing with any of this but they were forced into this position by the continued abuse on their reputations by people they didn't even know.

Much of this was started by sister's stories. Most here thought that she was a credible witness. She made statements that:
She had spent a lot of time with the Shelton Family through the years,
She said she was an eyewitness to a lot of the stories she told,
Recently she said she wasn't getting information from Linda that, in fact, she had no contact with Linda,

We believe that we have sister's identity. If we are correct, you that had so much faith in her stories will be sorely disappointed because every one of the above statements are false. The person that we believe to be sister was only at 3abn approx 1 year. She did not spend anytime to speak of with the Shelton family and she couldn't have witnessed much when she wasn't even there. Instead, she got her information second and third hand from others. These weren't random people that gave her the stories. We believe that she was "encouraged" to contact certain people that had past problems with 3abn or Danny and get "their" stories. She signed a post here on bsda as "Danny's confidante." She wasn't. She said here on BSDA recently that she had no contact with Linda. We believe the exact opposite to be true. If we are correct, you will find you have been duped by becoming involved in helping to spread false accusations on the basis of sister's stories. Sister will have lost credibility on the forums but I believe she will suffer other ramifications by those who do not understand her involvement, her actions and the falsehoods told in this internet campaign against 3abn. IMO this kind of involvement will be questioned by her own church and will not reflect well on her husband and a certain position that he holds.
Danny has no desire or need to seek revenge. Sister will suffer her own repurcussions as she reaps what she sowed.


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Mar 13 2008, 02:49 PM
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roflmao.gif roflmao.gif rofl1.gif rofl1.gif


QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 13 2008, 04:22 AM) *
Danny has no desire or need to seek revenge.

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post Mar 13 2008, 03:48 PM
Post #52

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Exactly, Snoopy,...the one who went and wasted donor's money retaping shows, just because Linda was on them...........

QUOTE(Snoopy @ Mar 13 2008, 01:49 PM) *
roflmao.gif roflmao.gif rofl1.gif rofl1.gif


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Mar 13 2008, 07:02 PM
Post #53

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QUOTE(appletree @ Mar 13 2008, 08:22 PM) *
A friend sent me some posts from AT. One in particular from sister made me chuckle. Sister says "Danny" is doing this for Revenge. Also mentioned by someone else was that he wanted to harrass. The truth is, Danny had no knowledge that a subpeona was going to served on the carrier of AT. These decisions are totally up to the attorney's. They know what they need, why they need it, and when to do it. They do not call Danny for permission or even to inform him of the next action they are taking. That is what they get paid for. So, all this "Danny" is doing this and that is comical to me because it shows the lengths some people will go to to try and make Danny responsible for anything and everything, whether he knows it or not.

The other thing that was funny, but only after I heaved was [color="#FF0000"]sister [/color]saying that she spoke to someone who had recently seen Danny and he was a pathetic little man and skin and bones and blah blah....It was very obvious to me who made those observations since she and Danny were in court together a few weeks ago. Sure sounded like a bitter ex wife to me. Danny has lost a little weight from working 10 hours a day on his house. Work's good for the soul. Maybe Linda should try it sometime.

Much of this was started by sister's stories. Most here thought that she was a credible witness. She made statements that:
She had spent a lot of time with the Shelton Family through the years,
She said she was an eyewitness to a lot of the stories she told,
Recently she said she wasn't getting information from Linda that, in fact, she had no contact with Linda,

We believe that we have sister's identity. If we are correct, you that had so much faith in her stories will be sorely disappointed because every one of the above statements are false. The person that we believe to be sister was only at 3abn approx 1 year. She did not spend anytime to speak of with the Shelton family and she couldn't have witnessed much when she wasn't even there. Instead, she got her information second and third hand from others. These weren't random people that gave her the stories. We believe that she was "encouraged" to contact certain people that had past problems with 3abn or Danny and get "their" stories. She signed a post here on bsda as "Danny's confidante." She wasn't. She said here on BSDA recently that she had no contact with Linda. We believe the exact opposite to be true. If we are correct, you will find you have been duped by becoming involved in helping to spread false accusations on the basis of sister's stories. [color="#FF0000"]Sister will have lost credibility [/color]on the forums but I believe she will suffer other ramifications by those who do not understand her involvement, her actions and the falsehoods told in this internet campaign against 3abn. IMO this kind of involvement will be questioned by her own church and will not reflect well on her husband and a certain position that he holds.
Danny has no desire or need to seek revenge. Sister will suffer her own repurcussions as she reaps what she sowed.

So, this is really what it's all about, isn't it? Wanting to find out who 'Sister' is? Use the Subponea as a 'cover' to find out who 'Sister' is. Pretend they want information about certain other people, although they already know that anyway. Another pathetic attempt to intimidate and at the same time, waste donor's precious gifts to 3abn.

One can't help but wonder how this pathetic excuse for a leader, will try to wriggle and squirm his way around all this, as he tries to bargain wih God on the Judgement day.

"It's important that people know what you stand for. It's equally important that they know what you won't stand for."
~ Mary Waldrop.

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post Mar 13 2008, 08:22 PM
Post #54

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QUOTE(Ozzie @ Mar 13 2008, 07:02 PM) *
So, this is really what it's all about, isn't it? Wanting to find out who 'Sister' is? Use the Subponea as a 'cover' to find out who 'Sister' is. Pretend they want information about certain other people, although they already know that anyway. Another pathetic attempt to intimidate and at the same time, waste donor's precious gifts to 3abn.

One can't help but wonder how this pathetic excuse for a leader, will try to wriggle and squirm his way around all this, as he tries to bargain wih God on the Judgement day.


No, it's not about who Sister is, or what country she lives in, or who anyone else is. As those things aren't so very hard to figure out. It's about defamation of character...

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post Mar 13 2008, 08:27 PM
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QUOTE(Ian @ Mar 13 2008, 09:22 PM) *

No, it's not about who Sister is, or what country she lives in, or who anyone else is. As those things aren't so very hard to figure out. It's about defamation of character...


Really? I have some emails written about me by a member of the Shelton family which are very defamatory. Are you suggesting I take the same course of action?

Duane Clem

It's not about religion, it's about a relationship.

Gems of Wisdom
"Lisa and Ronda are not Danny's biological father." -- wwjd, 2/8/07
"Watchbird, The facts prove the above lie." -- wwjd, 2/13/07
"Another lie that can be proven..." -- Bystander, 3/18/07
"The thing about lies is they can be proven." -- Aletheia, 3/22/07
"I am not here to argue" -- Aletheia, 4/24/07
"She didn't move to 3ABN, she moved to Illinois" -- Aletheia, 4/25/07
"Hope is liberal. 3abn is not." -- steffan, 6/9/07
"Danny Shelton does not decide what goes on the air, period." -- appletree, 8/22/07
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post Mar 13 2008, 08:32 PM
Post #56

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This was posted on AT and needs to be heard here as well as there:


Posted on BlackSDA today by Appletree:

"Everyone at AT is hashing and rehashing the subpeona and what it means and how it affects them.....if those same people would quit spreading rumors and heresay on the net, there wouldn't be anything to discuss. Who knows? If they are willing to make retractions and admit that they have no first hand knowledge or proof of any of their accusations against Danny and 3ABN, maybe, 3abn would be willing to acknowledge those statements by not pursuing the charges."

Artiste responded:

How about it?

How many are willing to make retractions?

(Three guesses as to my response--first two don't count.)

Yes, Appletree, it is all about brute intimidation and tyrannical misuse of process.
WE ARE NOT AFRAID and will now stand shoulder to shoulder to defend the rights of victims and to oppose every open and obvious sin.

Why don't you just roll out that evidence you claim to have for nearly four years and lets see if we have anything to retract!!! It is most likely we will have much more to CROW ABOUT!!! And I cannot wait to cross examine your pathetic statements on the stand in front of fourteen jurors!!! Will you accept a trial Subpoena and take your opportunity to testify and defend tyrrany???

Looking for an answer, APPLETREE!!! Put your money where your mouth is and take a courageous stand for your version of the truth!!! I am waiting for you to take a real stand and be open and transparent...and we'll just see what your conference president has to say!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy

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post Mar 13 2008, 08:42 PM
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QUOTE(princessdi @ Mar 13 2008, 03:48 PM) *
Exactly, Snoopy,...the one who went and wasted donor's money retaping shows, just because Linda was on them...........

You keep saying that, but it's not true Princessdi...

Have you ever listened to the June 2004 3ABN broadcaxt made specifically because of all the questions by donors and viewers?

It wasn't easy I'm sure, but Danny did it, and has been accused ever since of trashing Linda, but not once did he do so, that I could see, and tried his hardest not to. That's why whenever we have asked those accusing him of trashing her on the air for a quote , they can NEVER provide one..

Perhaps it's time to watch it with a open mind Di. He even addresses the fact that they ran all the taped shows with her while she was gone, until they ran out, and then when they taped more, of course she wasn't in them, she wasn't there... thus the questions... Something had to be said...

This post has been edited by Ian: Mar 13 2008, 08:43 PM
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post Mar 13 2008, 09:03 PM
Post #58

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QUOTE(ex3ABNemployee @ Mar 13 2008, 08:27 PM) *
Really? I have some emails written about me by a member of the Shelton family which are very defamatory. Are you suggesting I take the same course of action?

No, I'm not, nor do I believe you ever would..

now, what?
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post Mar 13 2008, 09:08 PM
Post #59

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QUOTE(Ian @ Mar 13 2008, 10:03 PM) *
No, I'm not, nor do I believe you ever would..

now, what?

Well, we shall see, won't we?

Duane Clem

It's not about religion, it's about a relationship.

Gems of Wisdom
"Lisa and Ronda are not Danny's biological father." -- wwjd, 2/8/07
"Watchbird, The facts prove the above lie." -- wwjd, 2/13/07
"Another lie that can be proven..." -- Bystander, 3/18/07
"The thing about lies is they can be proven." -- Aletheia, 3/22/07
"I am not here to argue" -- Aletheia, 4/24/07
"She didn't move to 3ABN, she moved to Illinois" -- Aletheia, 4/25/07
"Hope is liberal. 3abn is not." -- steffan, 6/9/07
"Danny Shelton does not decide what goes on the air, period." -- appletree, 8/22/07
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post Mar 13 2008, 09:19 PM
Post #60

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QUOTE(ex3ABNemployee @ Mar 13 2008, 10:08 PM) *
Well, we shall see, won't we?


Ian is always asking for documentation, maybe you would like to share it with us all? The Sheltons count on the silence of the innocent victims to cover up their sins. Thanks for your support in all of this, brother.

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