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post Jun 22 2007, 08:02 PM
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QUOTE(Clay @ Jun 22 2007, 10:53 AM) [snapback]200966[/snapback]

non-denominational.... interesting.... and all this time the 3ABN crew has been appealing to local churches for support.... did the members know that they were supporting a non-denominational ministry? probably not.... alot of people have been punk'd.....


This bears repeating!

QUOTE(calvin @ Jun 22 2007, 09:18 AM) [snapback]200944[/snapback]

I find this to be a very brazen statement considering 3abn owes its existence to the Adventist church as well as most of its support….and now to distant itself from the church ought to be a wakeup call to Amazing Facts and any financial contributor.

I guess this is just more legal maneuvering. But to make statements like we preach a non-denominational message is a lie.


I wonder what the GC thinks about this?

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Jun 22 2007, 08:39 PM
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I am really thinking that this, little tidbit, if not THE reason for the records being sealed, is in the top two. Everyone of "us"(Adventist and everyone else) believing that their doctrine is Advnetist doctrine. We did n't assume that, they said that!...........but wait a minute come to think of the, they really don't make that claim especially in ther little station identification...they just say they preach the three angels message..........Which is a definite 'assumed" affiliation with the SDA church, but they can say that didn't claim to be an Adventist network/ministry. Shady, just shady!

Whoever's watch it is at GC to look in at BSDA, it's time to cut that cord guys...looks like they already have the scissors in hand.


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

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post Jun 22 2007, 08:46 PM
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QUOTE(LaurenceD @ Jun 22 2007, 03:31 PM) [snapback]200967[/snapback]

BTW, I heard DS the other night saying 3abn was operating on a shoe string budget, and he told his TV audience "we could use millions" in donations right now.

He'd better go ask his non-denominational, Sabbath-keeping, undiluted three angels messages, vegetarian churches for the money...
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post Jun 22 2007, 08:49 PM
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QUOTE(Richard Sherwin @ Jun 22 2007, 11:17 AM) [snapback]200964[/snapback]

Even in these early postings we are seeing the lawsuit backfire. Danny, Walt, 3ABN and their big supporters will rue the day they considered a lawsuit against the truth. May God have mercies on their souls.

... if God has a strong enough stomach. thumbdown.gif

Seriously, if this goes badly enough for them, maybe they'll come to Jesus ... for the first time? dunno.gif If they've been taking His Name in vain all this time ... yikes.gif

"The entire world is falling apart because no one will admit they are wrong."
Don Miller, Blue Like Jazz.
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post Jun 22 2007, 10:16 PM
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QUOTE(sonshineonme {quoting Gailon Joy} @ Jun 21 2007, 07:36 PM) [snapback]200900[/snapback]

After carefully discussing trial strategy, we made the determination there would be
the potential for serious conflicts as we progressed and added parties, etc. Therefore,
I opted to enter my appearance Pro Se and manage my own case in concert with
Defendant Pickles counsel.

One lawyer described Pro Se this way, "He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client."
Even if it is in concert with Defendant Pickle's counsel, it is worth remembering that two
experienced lawyers will be representing the Plaintiffs.

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post Jun 23 2007, 12:44 AM
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Since its inception, Shelton and 3ABN have worked tirelessly to promote 3ABNs ministry and to spread its unique, non-denominational "Return to God" message.

Excuse Me! Just when did this change take place? Last I heard it was, "Mending Broken People," not "Return to God!" Maybe the evidence that has been presented has revealed that in actuality 3ABN/Danny actually "Broke People" and caused this drastic change in Slogans?

doh.gif I get it now! Danny is the self appointed Anointed One; it must be that we need to return to him?

QUOTE(calvin @ Jun 22 2007, 12:18 PM) [snapback]200944[/snapback]

I find this to be a very brazen statement considering 3abn owes its existence to the Adventist church as well as most of its support….and now to distant itself from the church ought to be a wake-up call to Amazing Facts and any financial contributor.

I guess this is just more legal maneuvering. But to make statements like we preach a non-denominational message is a lie.

Actually, Calvin, I believe "BRAZEN" is just the right word needed here!

The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. {Ed 57.3}
But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man. {Ed 57.4}
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post Jun 23 2007, 04:00 AM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Jun 22 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]200968[/snapback]

Observer, thanks for observing. I missed that one.


This entirely my opinion.

Danny couldn't risk Linda registering 3ABN! He had to get it done BEFORE they divorced! He didn't dump her until he got it done. He sort of got the horse before the cart. Brenda told what she was told to tell, but Danny had to tie up those loose ends before he could get her out of the way.

Hey, why do we think Danny wanted Linda way away from 3ABN? Say for an additional 30 days? He would have NEVER let her come back as promised! They wanted her gone so they could take care of these issues.

This was part of Danny and Walt's PREPOSITIONING! It was ALL PREPLANNED. I have been saying that since I read the IL vs 3ABN Property Tax Lawsuit in 2004.

I heard that Linda had committed Adultery in March 2004! At that time, I am ashamed to say I believed it! That is, I believed it until I read that Property Tax Lawsuit! There was evidence in that lawsuit Danny was setting Linda up by bringing Linda's CD front and center, but lies about his books and CD's. Even that was Prepositioned and Preplanned! He did that on purpose way back then!

In 2003 the letter was received about Tommy. Linda had previously won in the decision to not have Tommy on the payroll. Oops here we go again! Danny does not loose to anyone over choices about his blood siblings!

This is what caused Danny and his close buddies to start praying for Linda's removal in 2003. A president can not be trumped by a VP/Wife! Never Again!

December came. The Doc comes to 3ABN to check out the ministry he has so strongly supported financially and meets Nathan and Linda and decided to help Nathan, Linda's (and supposedly Danny's) son! The Doc says he is a supporter. Danny checks the books and accuses the Doc of Lying! He can't find his name on the donor list. He soon finds out that 3ABN's data entry people mis-spelled his name! Danny embarrasses himself by accusing the innocent doc who was NOT lying!

Danny pitches a fit! There went Linda again, challenging his authority in these matters. She trumps him again and sends Nathan to Norway when Danny clearly said NO. In early Feb., Linda went to check on Nathan, and, of course, she takes her "Best" friend! (Yeah, Right-Not) They came home and the preplanned prepositioning began!

Linda returned home. She and Danny traveled in that February, more than they had ever traveled in the history of 3ABN! Danny needed Linda to gather into the storehouse as much cash as possible before he dumped her!

Brenda Walsh takes her sweet time to reveal her lie. Why? It took that long for Danny to hit upon the perfect plan! He had to enlist support from his most loyal subjects. To bad, he was a day late and a $ dollar $ short. But it works with Kay Kuzma, Walt, and John Lomacang, all of Danny's recruited accomplices. Did they know? Or were they blinded by the stories from Danny, the anointed one?

Walt sends Linda a demand letter. Do this or else. If she had followed his instructions to perfection, she was NEVER to return to 3ABN!

Linda just would not co-operate! Danny had to actually divorce her through the courts in Guam so no one would know why he really dumped her. Oops, that did not work out either, did it?

It started with Tommy not being able to be hired because of Linda swaying the vote of the board. Danny could not let that ever happen again, EVER! His resentment grew exponentially!

To reinforce Brenda and his lie, he starts the horrible leaks of lies about Linda. Every word, every action is to trash Linda! It is working! People are sending in $ Money $ hand over fist! Danny's group announces that this is God blessing Danny and 3ABN for kicking out the bad seed. Yeah, sad huh. $$ gain by breaking his wife. Real manly like, right? This is how the self appointed, anointed one, works to increase his self image at the cost of others. Linda became his stomping stone.

To make thing work, Danny had to break a few others along the way. (Johann & Darrel to name only 2) Oh, well, the job had to be done, right? So the lies have to be covered. How did they do that? By continuing their slander, lies, and innuendo about Linda at any & every given opportunity and even to MAKING additional opportunities!

Now back to the IL vs 3ABN Property Tax Lawsuit. As I have shown from documented court documents, 3ABN/Danny had serious VALUATION PROBLEMS with assets & TRUST FUNDS. THEY WERE NOT FOLLOWING GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP)! The auditors wrote up 3ABN for NOT FOLLOWING GAAP! Then it goes on to write them up again for having serious problems with TRUST FUNDS and the VALUATION OF THOSE ASSETS AND TRUST FUNDS AND REAL PROPERTY. Oops. It is written up in actual court documents!

If you would go to the audits on the Attorney General's website you will find more current audits. Guess what! They are WRITTEN UP AGAIN ABOUT GAPP AND VALUATIONS! They didn't learn anything back in 2000 & 2001! As of that newer audit on the Attorney General's website, they STILL have TRUST ISSUES and VALUATION ISSUES AT 3ABN! Did I forget to mention Asset Valuation also?

In the Jan and Feb 2006, issue of AToday, there was an article called "3ABN Financial Irregularities." I provided Documented Court Documents to AToday. Yet, they said not one word about 3ABN's dealings with TRUST FUNDS OR VALUATIONS! I was irate and called them. I was informed that Walt Thompson admitted to AToday there were problems involving TRUST FUNDS and Walt asked AToday not to publish that because 3ABN was addressing that at that very moment. WERE THEY?


I started screaming in 2004. Why else would God have dropped that in my lap. About that time, I felt all my screaming was a failure, yet I kept on with my then hopeless screaming.

I have no desire to be in power or be in any lime light. I just wanted the truth to be known. When Joy and Pickle came along, I said my piece and shut up to let them tie all the loose ends. My job was over until Shiny Penny came along. She provided the platform for my information one last time.

Folks, God is in charge! I believe he is leading through Joy and Pickle. Both men have been trying to work with and for God, even though 3ABN says they are of the devil. I know where the devil has been working. Joy and Pickle are doing their earthly best to do God's will! Praise be to God!

Gailon Joy and Bob Pickle (Oops, sorry Robert) They got sued because they started telling the truth! I now see how trivial this lawsuit really is. I can't believe his lawyers even bothered with the suit! All I can say is all it did was hurt Danny/3ABN/The 3ABN Board and now Amazing Facts! It had to be for the $$$ they stand to make from Danny/3ABN for this total nonsense.

I was told by someone very close to Doug that this lawsuit was a counter suit to a suit that Linda, Joy ,and Pickle filed against 3ABN/Danny! This does not look like a counter suit to me. Does it look like one to you? I wonder who started this lie?

Could it be that 3ABN is using this lawsuit to make it clear to the world that they ARE NOT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ANYTHING! Does this constitute breaking the 3ABN/SDA World Church Contract? It is so clear, it should cause that to happen fast!

Why the impounding? It was so 3ABN had time to finish their prepositioning and preplanning. I believe there is another big, big bang coming soon! Keep praying for Joy, Pickle, and their workers. Satan has not given up by any means!

What's gonna happen when Danny figures out he could very possible be suing the wrong people?

Thank you for allowing me to VENT my opinions. These opinions are subject to change as Bob and Gailon continue to reveal the truth that God brings to them.

Oh, I almost forgot, The horse sales/cash donations show yet another instance of VALUATION PROBLEMS at 3ABN. Everything is relative to Danny's opinions! Oops again.

The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. {Ed 57.3}
But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man. {Ed 57.4}
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post Jun 23 2007, 04:58 AM
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QUOTE(Shepherdswife @ Jun 22 2007, 09:46 PM) [snapback]200997[/snapback]

He'd better go ask his non-denominational, Sabbath-keeping, undiluted three angels messages, vegetarian churches for the money...

Great post Shepherdswife! He is going to be looking for a long long time to find that church.
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post Jun 23 2007, 05:38 AM
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QUOTE(princessdi @ Jun 22 2007, 06:39 PM) [snapback]200996[/snapback]

I am really thinking that this, little tidbit, if not THE reason for the records being sealed, is in the top two. Everyone of "us"(Adventist and everyone else) believing that their doctrine is Advnetist doctrine. We did n't assume that, they said that!...........but wait a minute come to think of the, they really don't make that claim especially in ther little station identification...they just say they preach the three angels message..........Which is a definite 'assumed" affiliation with the SDA church, but they can say that didn't claim to be an Adventist network/ministry. Shady, just shady!

Whoever's watch it is at GC to look in at BSDA, it's time to cut that cord guys...looks like they already have the scissors in hand.

On the April 19 Merge Show, Danny made it clear that he and Doug believed in the same basic message (on the Live version Doug made the little disclaimer that he had chased a few ducks in his time) and that the message 3abn was preaching was the same one Danny had been taught by his mother. I don't remember his exact wording, but he referred to it as the message of the early believers.

This was one of the statements that caught my attention as it seemed as though they were positioning themselves apart from the SDA church at large.

If they were worried about the impact the "Little Group" has had on their donations, I think it will pale in comparison to the coming impact as word of this maneuver gets around.

BTW, I have a hard time accepting that Walt Thompson believes that 3abn is non-denominational. I wonder if they ran this bombshell by him before they included it in the lawsuit?

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Jun 23 2007, 08:28 AM
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This post has been edited by beartrap: Jun 23 2007, 08:45 AM
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post Jun 23 2007, 09:11 AM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Jun 23 2007, 07:38 AM) [snapback]201012[/snapback]

On the April 19 Merge Show, Danny made it clear that he and Doug believed in the same basic message (on the Live version Doug made the little disclaimer that he had chased a few ducks in his time) and that the message 3abn was preaching was the same one Danny had been taught by his mother. I don't remember his exact wording, but he referred to it as the message of the early believers.

This was one of the statements that caught my attention as it seemed as though they were positioning themselves apart from the SDA church at large.

If they were worried about the impact the "Little Group" has had on their donations, I think it will pale in comparison to the coming impact as word of this maneuver gets around.

BTW, I have a hard time accepting that Walt Thompson believes that 3abn is non-denominational. I wonder if they ran this bombshell by him before they included it in the lawsuit?

This is no bombshell.... and nobody should be surprised. This has been their publicly stated position on their website for more than 15 years.

Please see my more detailed comments on this at Post #6 of the thread "Court Posts Legal Documents".
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post Jun 23 2007, 01:01 PM
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QUOTE(watchbird @ Jun 23 2007, 08:11 AM) [snapback]201033[/snapback]

This is no bombshell.... and nobody should be surprised. This has been their publicly stated position on their website for more than 15 years.

Please see my more detailed comments on this at Post #6 of the thread "Court Posts Legal Documents".


I understand your reasoning but I don't fully agree with it. We have just gone through quite a journey of exploration over whether or not the GC has removed 3abn from supporting ministry status. The outcome was that the GC communications director, Rajmund Dabrowski, stated:

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has received a number of inquiries into the status of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) as a supporting ministry of the Church. There has been no change or review of the status of 3ABN as a supporting ministry by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Due to ongoing administrative issues at 3ABN, the General Conference administration has taken a position that until these matters have been addressed that the General Conference personnel not involve 3ABN for new program development and production. This approach does not reflect that the General Conference is taking any particular position in issues which are under the purview of the Board of Directors of 3ABN, which is an independent supporting ministry. The GC's position applies to General Conference personnel.

You may read the complete email here.

It has also been pointed out that reps from both 3abn and GC signed an agreement in 1997 and that they are members of ASI, etc. This makes their mission statement look as though they are trying to hide the fact that they are actually affiliated with the SDA denom rather than truly presenting themselves as non-denominational, IMO.

This post has been edited by PeacefullyBewildered: Jun 23 2007, 01:02 PM

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Jun 23 2007, 01:56 PM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Jun 23 2007, 03:01 PM) [snapback]201039[/snapback]


I understand your reasoning but I don't fully agree with it. We have just gone through quite a journey of exploration over whether or not the GC has removed 3abn from supporting ministry status. The outcome was that the GC communications director, Rajmund Dabrowski, stated:
You may read the complete email here.

It has also been pointed out that reps from both 3abn and GC signed an agreement in 1997 and that they are members of ASI, etc. This makes their mission statement look as though they are trying to hide the fact that they are actually affiliated with the SDA denom rather than truly presenting themselves as non-denominational, IMO.

Did you read my post in the other thread? Yes... 3abn started out stating that they were an independent but supporting ministry of the SDA church. Throughout the year 1997 they engaged in a lengthy series of discussions... see the documents elsewhere here on BSDA.... in which the GC tried to get them to sign a contract with them. 3abn refused... and the letters stating that are here also... and then, inexplicably, in the fall of 1997, the GC signed that agreement with them, in which the GC gave everything to 3abn... with none of the safeguards of a contract... no time limits, no conditions, no ways of breaking away from the agreement.

3abn almost immediately put it on their website, and those who have "sold" for 3abn since that time say that they have pulled it out and used it whenever there was any resistance to their entering a territory.

So now.... the agreement is supposedly "still in force"... yet within 4 years of the signing of it, 3abn themselves were not claiming to be a supporting ministry... even on their own website.

So yes... it makes it look very strange... and gives them the ability... or they take the opportunity... to claim to be a supporting ministry or an independent ministry or completely unaffiliated with the church... whichever suits their purpose in any given environment at any given moment.

The "journey of exploration" over whether GC has removed their "supporting minsitry" status has nothing to do with the facts of life (and the doublespeak) of the past 10 years that they have had a web site. The question of what 3abn considers itself is quite apart from any action of the GC... and my point is that for 3abn to (at the present moment) declare that it is a non-denominational entity is nothing new... and since that has been publicly proclaimed on their website for all these years... should come as no surprise to anyone....or at least to none who have access to a computer.

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post Jun 23 2007, 02:16 PM
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I agree, WB, that there is a problem with perception, since when my father read the statement on their website, he took it to mean that 3ABN is not affiliated with any church, denomination, or organization. So people definitely perceive it in the way you describe.

However, the statement on their website only specifically denies being owned, operated, or funded by any church, denomination, or organization. Thus that statement, unlike the lawsuit, doesn't deny affiliation with ASI or the GC.
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post Jun 23 2007, 03:21 PM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Jun 23 2007, 02:16 PM) [snapback]201044[/snapback]

I agree, WB, that there is a problem with perception, since when my father read the statement on their website, he took it to mean that 3ABN is not affiliated with any church, denomination, or organization. So people definitely perceive it in the way you describe.

However, the statement on their website only specifically denies being owned, operated, or funded by any church, denomination, or organization. Thus that statement, unlike the lawsuit, doesn't deny affiliation with ASI or the GC.

The lawsuit needs to be considered independently of everything else, since only those things submitted to the court will be considered. So, if you look at the lawsuit, by itself, it says:

"Although many of 3ABN's employees and volunteers, including Plaintiff Shelton, are members of the Seventh-Day Adventist faith, 3ABN is a non-denominational Christian ministry which is not owned by, affiliated with, or financed by any specific church, denomination, or organization."

The following is what that above statement says to me in my own opinionated paraphrase:

"Despite the fact that we have Adventist employees here, we are not affiliated or controlled by their "specific" denomination. We're non-denominational and totally independent - no strings attached whatsoever to those Adventists.

Failing to recognize this fact, and through no fault of our own, those Seventh-day Adventists have developed an unhealthy interest in our totally independent, non-denominational ministry and seem to have a fixation upon us for no reason that we can understand, Your Honor. Where the Adventists got 3ABN's name and address we do not know."

My two cents.

This post has been edited by Panama_Pete: Jun 23 2007, 04:18 PM
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