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> Thompson Responds To Abrahamsen...., borrowed from Maritime
post Jul 23 2006, 10:37 PM
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(I happened to be perusing the threads on CA and Maritime and saw this letter in both places, but not here dunno.gif so I borrowed it...)

Below is a form letter Dr. Walther Thompson is sending out as a reaction to Dr. Arild Abrahamsen's document. You will find my comments in blue in between.

Dear 3abn friends,

I have maintained from the beginning that we have not seen Linda and the doctor in bed together. If that is the only legitimate designation of adultry, then we have no proof that adultery has been involved. Dr. Abrahamsen claims in his e mail that he has "never committed adultery, (emotional, physical, "spiritual"), and neither has Linda." If all of the things Dr. Abrahamsen talked about in his letter were true, than I would have to put some weight on this claim. Unfortunately, he has made many inaccurate statements and accusations about not only Danny, but Pastor Lomacang, Elder Denslow, Brenda Walsh, Kay Kuzma, myself and others. I know they are inaccurate because I was there to witness them. For this reason, I must question his other claims as well. I must ask you again, is it right for a woman to spend hours at a time secretely on the phone with another man - even if as claimed, they concerned her son? - when we have good evidence that her son was a peripheral matter, if at all.
[Johann Thorvaldsson] I was there too. . . see down below. . .

Is it right for a married woman to purchase a pregnancy test kit when she knows her husband is sterilized?

[Johann Thorvaldsson] This statement is ridiculous. Danny went into another woman's room, where he had no business, searching through a shopping bag where he found this pregnancy test. Looks like he needed so badly some evidence against Linda that he got a pregnancy test that he found in another woman's quarter, and then proclaimed to the whole world that now he had the proof!

Is it OK for one's wife to make plans to visit her doctor to spent time together seeing the sights of his homeland - a trip that was later made?

[Johann Thorvaldsson] When were these plans made and when did such a trip occur? Walt is really mixing up his chronology of events in this case, and this he has done frequently during this whole process

I have followed Linda's coming and going ever since 2003, and when did she make a trip together with Dr. Abrahamsen just to see the sights of his homeland? Be careful what statements you make, Walt! Irmgard tried to arrange a trip where Linda could see more of Norway, but Linda never went until Linda traveled to Bergen to attend Irmgard's funeral in August 2005. Such plans were never made while Danny and Linda were married.

Watch your chronology of events, Walt!

And what about other travel tickets that were purchased - even though the doctor claims no contacts were made?

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Are you referring to the tickets Mrs. Brenda Walsh bought? How can you blame Linda for Brenda making such travel plans? Watch your details, and chronology, Walt!

Is it proper for one's doctor to give his patient a nice wrist watch?

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Another ridiculous statement. In Scandinavia it is a custom to give one's hostess a gift. So Danny made the claim this was a sign of an engagement, claiming that this was a very expensive watch that Arild had given Linda. Now Walt merely calls it "nice"!

Arild and I received a catalog of things available on the aircraft. There was a rather cheap double-faced watch which interested Arild because it showed two time zones at the same time. So Arild bought it. Later we visited Linda and she gave us some tasty meals at Alyssa's place. So Arild gave Linda this watch as a token of our appreciation for her hospitality. I'm not sure Linda liked that watch very much. It really is not that "nice" and I have never seen her wearing it. But what methods doesn't a man use when he so desperately needs some proof that he has the right to divorce his wife?

Or to make a major loan of thousands of dollars?

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Another ridiculous statement. The gist of it is this: When Danny chased Linda out of their home, Linda bought a mobile home in Carbondale. I was there after she bought it. Elsewhere Walt has made reference to how nicely Danny treated Linda then, helping her improve the house, etc. If Danny had really wanted Linda back, why was he anxious she should move to Carbondale? And why did Danny lend Linda the money to buy this mobile home, if he really wanted to save their marriage? And what was Danny really doing in her house?

There were strong indications Danny made those installations merely to place hidden mikes at her place. Linda discovered evidence that these mikes were hidden around her. Danny wrote me e-mails where he bragged about how kind he was to Linda during this period, he even brought her flowers. . . This is what Danny told others as a play for the gallery. I had several talks with Linda during this period, and I sensed she was horrified at his brutality towards her. I called Walt and asked him if he would take the responsibility for Danny's actions, but he ridiculed me. This showed again that neither Walt nor any others of the counselors would listen to any signals Linda tried to give them. They were all in Danny's pocket.

Linda felt Carbondale was too close for comfort because she was constantly harassed by Danny there. And Alyssa was moving out of the apartment for students as she finished college. So Linda found a comfortable house in Springfield. Her main problem was that Walt and Danny had fired her, and without employment it was impossible for her to get a loan. Neither did she have any health insurance after she was fired, but Walt did not care as long as Danny got his will and a divorce.

Don't forget that Linda did not move to Springfield until September, and Danny succeeded in getting his divorce in June, and Brandy moved to Thompsonville shortly after that. Here an educated Christian steeps so low as to state that because a friend helps her got a loan to buy a home three months after her divorce, then she is unfaithful to her husband!!! And that this justifies the evil actions of that Board!!!

I thought timing was important in surgery, but I dare not risk my life having surgery done by a physician with no sense of chronology!!!

If these things are acceptable behavior for a wife, then perhaps our board has acted improperly. If, on the other hand you would not want your spouse doing these things, then I submit that Danny has grounds for doing what he has done.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Only a psychopath could convince the board that Linda's behavior was unacceptable.

The Dr. calls Danny a psychopath. It might be understandable if a non professional person made this kind of a statement, but if Danny is anything, he definitely is not a psychopath.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Walt's words could be stated by a person who is under the spell of a psychopath - and this, according to the experts - is a typical case.

The Dr. says that Linda never met with the small committee of the board. This is a blatantly false statement. He also said pastor Lomocang did not meet with Linda "during April and May" - possibly a correct statement because Linda had already written the pastor off. He had met with both he and Linda singly and together before that). We all met with her, but I will add this. A number of other meetings were sought, but were refused, postponed or canceled by Linda.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] At least you agree that this is true for the months of April and May. When else should the counseling have taken place?

I have a video tape of the live program in Green Bay where Linda told about her "new found friend." I don't think I ever referred to this as mind control.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] I'd like to see your copy of that video tape. Again, I think your chronology is rather faulty. Was this really a live program? I watched that program from Green Bay too, and I watched the hatred in Danny's eyes, and I heard the false statements he made in his so-called sermon!

The words you quote were not, as far as I recall, made in Green Bay. You must be referring to a cooking program where Linda appeared and used similar expressions, but where she never said what Danny and 3ABN now claims she said. That is pure manipulation of facts, and not very Christ-like to produce such things as a base for having Linda condemned by your Board.

Yes, we were anxious to help Linda.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] why didn't you, then? Why did you only listen to Danny and not to Linda? I spoke to you at that time, and I saw no signs in your expressions then that you were willing to listen to Linda!

The letter that I sent to her by registered mail when she was no longer responding to phone calls or e mails requested her to spend a month with some counselor acceptable by both her and us. She did not respond to that letter.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Why? Because Linda had not experienced that any of you were willing to listen to her side of the story. You were just deaf ears, because you knew that Danny would dislike it if you listened to her. This is why you all labeled her a liar.

I also saw the conditions you proposed to Linda at that time. You merely gave her the opportunity to accept the counselor you had prepared for her. The whole program smelled like brainwashing sessions. All that Danny wanted - and I have letters from him that show his sentiments - was for someone to manipulate Linda so that she would admit she had committed adultery, because Danny wanted, as he stated to me, Biblical grounds to marry another woman, something he now has done.

The doctor has labeled statements such as these as slander and ungodly. I don't think it is slander to speak truth, and we have not done anything with the intent to hurt Linda in any way. When people have come to us with questions we have tried to respond intelligently and factually.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] Calling falsehood truth is nothing but slander. If you did not intend to hurt Linda, why did you? Is that being honest?

This letter does not speak to many of Dr. Abrahamsen's statements, but I hope I have touched on enough to demonstrate that 3abn has earnestly and honestly tried to do things right in this difficult situation. I, for one have made every effort to follow the leading of the Spirit of God in the things I have been responsible for. I believe God's continued blessing on this ministry confirms our decisions, as difficult as they have been. For my part, I know Linda is hurting.

[Johann Thorvaldsson] And whose responsibility is that?

It is not because she was not forewarned - by a number of people who cared for her.
[Johann Thorvaldsson] How can you claim such evil actions are based on care?

We still care about Linda and those who have sided with her in this time. All remain in my prayers.

May God give you wisdom and understanding as you come to your own conclusions about this challenge to 3ABN.

Sincerely in Jesus' precious name,

Walter Thompson MD
[Johann Thorvaldsson]I'd hesitate stamping your evil actions with the name of my Savior. The angels must be weeping because of what you have done to Linda.


This post has been edited by Clay: Jul 23 2006, 10:39 PM

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Jul 23 2006, 10:54 PM
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Now I could have broke it down...but thank you - it was already done for me.

Poor Dr. Thompson - when it finally hits him; it's gonna hurt....bad.
*sucks teeth*

*"Some folks use their ignorance like a umbrella. It covers everything, they perodically take it out from time to time, but it never is too far away from them."*
PrincessDrRe; March, 2007

~"Blood = Meat, Face = Meat, Internal "Organs" = Meat - you can try to make it cuter; but it's still meat...."~
PrincessDrRe; September, 2007

*(NOTE: Any advice given by Re' Silvey, MSW is not to be taken as medical/mental health advice. Although trained to be a counselor, currently employed as a therapist, and currently pursuing her PhD in Counseling Psychology (ABD/I) - she is not your assigned therapist. Please consult a mental health professional of your choice for a face-to-face consultation.)*
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post Jul 23 2006, 11:25 PM
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Hurt? Maybe, but what if that hurt comes from the revelation that he was an active participant in the plan to rid 3ABN/Danny of Linda and the coverup of the same? That would be some kind of hurt/

Other than that, it is evident that the 3ABN machine is reving up to shut down the latest attempt to clarify this sordid biblical tale. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride rofl1.gif

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:26-28 KJV
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post Jul 23 2006, 11:52 PM
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QUOTE(PrincessDrRe @ Jul 23 2006, 11:54 PM) [snapback]141444[/snapback]

Now I could have broke it down...but thank you - it was already done for me.

Poor Dr. Thompson - when it finally hits him; it's gonna hurt....bad.
*sucks teeth*

If indeed he is hurt, it will still be nothing compared to the hurt that he has helped impose on others.
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post Jul 24 2006, 09:00 AM
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This is just so sad and it looks like it will get much worse before it gets better. Lord help us!
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post Jul 24 2006, 09:27 AM
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QUOTE(Jvat @ Jul 24 2006, 09:00 AM) [snapback]141501[/snapback]

This is just so sad and it looks like it will get much worse before it gets better. Lord help us!

It seems that Thompson and others have decided they've burned the bridges behind them. Like a Kamikazee pilot, once committed they will go all the way.
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post Jul 24 2006, 11:43 AM
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The fact that 3abn felt a need to respond to Dr. A’s letter is proof the letter is circulating and folks are asking questions, and not just us BSDAers seeking answers because 3abn can brush us off, but their core constituents who impact their continue viability as a going concern. 3abn is hoping that with each broadcast response to these allegations that that will settle it, but it won’t. It continues to raise more questions.
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post Jul 24 2006, 11:55 AM
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Calvin, I am glad that you are optimistic about these developments. Because what I actually see happening, correct me, if I am wrong, is that 3ABN broadcasts a response, then gets quiet again, then their boat is rocked again and they broadcast another response and so it goes. I do not see their responses actually raising questions for the other side. But I am very much opened to correction here.
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post Jul 24 2006, 02:53 PM
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QUOTE(Clay @ Jul 23 2006, 10:37 PM) [snapback]141443[/snapback]

Is it right for a married woman to purchase a pregnancy test kit when she knows her husband is sterilized?

Sincerely in Jesus' precious name,

Walter Thompson MD


Vascetomy Failures - What 3ABN Board Chairman Dr. Thompson does not seem to know. This is a link.

Division of Reproductive Health,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, Georgia 30341, USA.

"OBJECTIVE: To describe the pregnancy rates among women whose husbands underwent vasectomy. METHODS: Between 1985 and 1987, 573 women aged 18-44 years whose husbands underwent vasectomy in medical centers in 5 U.S. cities were enrolled in the U.S. Collaborative Review of Sterilization, a prospective cohort study of male and female sterilization. Women were interviewed by telephone at 1, 2, 3, and 5 years after their husbands underwent vasectomy. RESULTS: Among the 540 eligible women at risk for pregnancy, there were 6 pregnancies occurring from 6 to 72 weeks after vasectomy. The cumulative probability of failure per 1,000 procedures (95% confidence interval) was 7.4 (0.2, 14.6) 1 year after vasectomy and 11.3 (2.3, 20.3) at years 2, 3, and 5 [corrected]. CONCLUSION: Couples considering vasectomy should be counseled about the small, but real, risk of pregnancy following the procedure and that men are not sterile immediately after vasectomy. "

So, the answer to Dr. Thompson's question about rightness to purchase, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is (drum roll please): YES, IT'S RIGHT

Also from a Medical Web site:


Reasons for Unexpected Pregnancies

Pregnancy rates after a vasectomy are estimated to be very low, about 1 in 2,000. There are two primary reasons for an unexpected pregnancy:

* Residual sperm were still alive when the partners had unprotected sex. This is the most common reason for an unexpected pregnancy after a vasectomy.
* Failure of the Procedure. In some cases it is due to a technical error, but most often it is due to recanalization -- when the cut ends of the vas spontaneously reconnect.

Men should have a follow-up examination a year after the procedure to be sure that there are no residual or new sperm. Although physicians urge men to return for such follow-up testing, in one study only 3% did so."

This post has been edited by Panama_Pete: Jul 24 2006, 02:55 PM
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post Jul 24 2006, 04:07 PM
Post #10


Have mercy.

Danny has a vasectomy and that he went and saw that Linda or some woman had a pregnancy kit. So Linda shouldn't check because Danny's thing does not work.

Why does the Dr. Thompson, bless his heart, think I need to know that? blink.gif

The good Dr. would probably serve 3ABN better by renting his head out as a balloon and giving them the money.

This post has been edited by vonessa: Jul 24 2006, 04:09 PM
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post Jul 24 2006, 04:25 PM
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can you say a hot mess on toasy served up with some eggs and hashbrowns!

QUOTE(vonessa @ Jul 24 2006, 02:07 PM) [snapback]141567[/snapback]

Have mercy.

Danny has a vasectomy and that he went and saw that Linda or some woman had a pregnancy kit. So Linda shouldn't check because Danny's thing does not work.

Why does the Dr. Thompson, bless his heart, think I need to know that? blink.gif

The good Dr. would probably serve 3ABN better by renting his head out as a balloon and giving them the money.

life is too short to knit with ugly yarn....

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
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post Jul 24 2006, 04:57 PM
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QUOTE(missthg @ Jul 24 2006, 04:25 PM) [snapback]141570[/snapback]

can you say a hot mess on toasy served up with some eggs and hashbrowns!

hot mess on toast with eggs and hashbrowns......

IPB Image
(for those who don't know that is liver on that toast)

IPB Image

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Jul 24 2006, 05:08 PM
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QUOTE(vonessa @ Jul 24 2006, 05:07 PM) [snapback]141567[/snapback]

Have mercy.

Danny has a vasectomy and that he went and saw that Linda or some woman had a pregnancy kit. So Linda shouldn't check because Danny's thing does not work.

Why does the Dr. Thompson, bless his heart, think I need to know that? blink.gif

The good Dr. would probably serve 3ABN better by renting his head out as a balloon and giving them the money.

yucky.gif Eewwww! This is getting disgusting!

Also, that liver on toast thing that you posted, Clay... stomach is turning.
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post Jul 24 2006, 10:09 PM
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QUOTE(missthg @ Jul 24 2006, 06:25 PM) [snapback]141570[/snapback]

can you say a hot mess on toasy served up with some eggs and hashbrowns!

QUOTE(Clay @ Jul 24 2006, 06:57 PM) [snapback]141576[/snapback]

hot mess on toast with eggs and hashbrowns......

IPB Image
(for those who don't know that is liver on that toast)

IPB Image

Actually to me the liver on toast looks good.... I know I'm a mess too!

This jes keeps gettin' thicka and thicka....


*"Some folks use their ignorance like a umbrella. It covers everything, they perodically take it out from time to time, but it never is too far away from them."*
PrincessDrRe; March, 2007

~"Blood = Meat, Face = Meat, Internal "Organs" = Meat - you can try to make it cuter; but it's still meat...."~
PrincessDrRe; September, 2007

*(NOTE: Any advice given by Re' Silvey, MSW is not to be taken as medical/mental health advice. Although trained to be a counselor, currently employed as a therapist, and currently pursuing her PhD in Counseling Psychology (ABD/I) - she is not your assigned therapist. Please consult a mental health professional of your choice for a face-to-face consultation.)*
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post Jul 24 2006, 10:27 PM
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This jes keeps gettin' thicka and thicka...

Guess they added too much flour to da gravy!!

roflmao.gif rofl1.gif

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first one being -- hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
-Erma Bombeck-

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies.
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