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> Was Linda Innocent?
post Dec 31 2006, 08:09 AM
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The issue here has been, from its inception, Danny's character - or lack there of. [/quote]

Danny's character would not be at issue if Danny had not put his character into play by going public with his aspersion of Linda and his alleging things that have proven problematic if not outright lies.
Linda didn't come here saying she wanted to save her marriage while she was filing for divorce in Guam. Linda didnt put out letters declaring her guilt and have Danny gagged by threatening destitution if he said anything that could be construed as negative and make on camera statements and send out an army of apologists to make sure that the only side of this that got out was hers. And the list goes on. Danny has put out this " she did it; I have proof" line and when asked for the proof, all we get is " you're gonna have to trust me". When Johann, who has a first hand report that contradicted Danny's claims regarding Linda and Doctor Arildsen tried to tell the 3ABN board the things they were being told were not how things were, he was run off the compound and not allowed to refute the claims made by Danny and his crew.

It was this railroad job that caused sister and others to start putting out how untrustworthy Danny was based on events and statements because the only actual 'evidence' of Danny's claim is what he said and his insistence that his version can be trusted.

Danny put Danny's character on trial and no one else.

[quote] The same issue needs to be applied to Linda if one is to gain a complete picture of all that has transpired over the last twenty years. [/quote]

See above.

[quote]Do you know anyone who is divorced? Has there been a couple that you have been close to that divorced? [/quote]

Who, in this day and age, *doesn't* know someone who is divorced? For the record I am divorced from my first wife. Unlike Linda, however, my ex-wife committed physical adultery, in which she was caught in the act. And in spite of that and her admission there are people in her family who still insist it didn't happen...

[quote]Is there really only one side. Is one side guilty of all that is wrong in a marriage? [/quote]

If you are asking, by extension was I a 'perfect husband' to her? No... and 20+ years after the fact there is much I see that I did wrong in that relationship. I have since remarried and looking back I havent been a perfect husband in my current marriage either... neither have you or any other man in any marriage, ever, since the fall.

But does that excuse the choices she made that resulted in her infidelity? No.

[quote] Or is one person responsible for wanting the divorce. [/quote]

In Danny and Linda's case, yes; Danny alone wanted the divorce; Danny alone filed for divorce... even while he was telling everyone who would listen how he was fighting to save his marriage.

[quote]To date, we have two parties saying neither on e of them really wanted the divorce with one saying that there was a reason for it (legitimate or not). [/quote]

We only have one of those parties who filed for divorce even as he was claiming he wanted to save his marriage...

[quote]The divorce is nothing but a he said-she said situation. [/quote]
Only if both sides are allowed to say... in this instance you have a "he-said" situation, with him taking drastic measures to ensure she says little or nothing.

[quote] How do those from the outside handle that. The Adventist church as a whole has never dealt well with divorce - I know this from personal experience. So it continues here. [/quote]

My issue with all of this has always been the selective manner in which the church has dealt with this and the blind eye it has turned to even the inconsistensies I've noted here... and if you've been reading Pickle's posts you see that the list of inconsistencies is getting longer, not shorter. This whole Nantucket Sleigh Ride would not have been necessary if the church had set out to do what was right rather than what was easy; IMO, the examination of Danny's character is as much to put the church in a position where they can no longer turn a blind eye as it is to vindicate Linda and remove the scarlet letter Danny has worked so hard to make her wear.

[quote]Is it possible that Linda was unfaithful, at least in heart - absolutely! Do we know for sure - no way! [/quote]

She says she was not; on what basis do you call her a liar? Be specific.

[quote]You weren't there privy to all the conversations and encounters. You only have the word of others to go on. These may be people - you - consider solid witness, but I don't know them, nor does Peacefully, or Lee, or maybe even "sister" . . . so, you have chosen to believe those that have provided you information they hold - fine, but it can not be used to prove other wrong who question your position. Pickle, for all his twisting, is at least possibly on the right path. [/quote]

By this standard, you should not be a Christian... since you were not privy to all those conversations and encounters and only have the word of others to go on... BTW, when those who were privy have said it wasnt what Danny has claimed, he has bent over backwards to try to prevent them from stating what they have seen, heard and experienced... and in the face of things witnessed first hand that contradict the claims, you have chosen to give more weight to the claims, even when the person making the claims was not present and the person refuting them *was*

[quote]You are free to question me - my motives, my bias, my claims, my intuition . . . but, simply because you do does not make you right and me wrong. And of course the converse is the same.

- fhb

And the sooner you realize this the better off you will be.

In His service,
Mr. J

This post has been edited by awesumtenor: Dec 31 2006, 08:16 AM

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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post Dec 31 2006, 10:31 AM
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QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Dec 31 2006, 02:09 AM) [snapback]166540[/snapback]

I am sorry, I, nor many others will never buy this excuse.
An easy way out of responsibility. It is always easy to put the blame on someone else when your responsibility is brought to light. IF she was the woman of integrity you claim - and it is obvious that she is a woman of strong personality and drive - then if she felt it is wrong she should have stood up to it and denied herself the monetary benefits and various perks over the years. I carry around in my wallet the following poem in my wallet:

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

This is a variation on the supposed original poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984).

Linda can not hide behind the claims that she has because they are after the fact. There are many who have stood up in the midst of the fire - husband of the year (who claims to still be employeed at 3ABN) continues to work there while posting his concerns and claims here. While that isn't quite the same it is impossible for a rational individual to look at what Linda gained and believe that she didn't willingly take part in all the "evils" that took place over the life of 3ABN. I already hear all the arguments that will arise - but Linda evidenced herself to be a woman of strength and chutzpa who wouldn't back down from people - this I have as first hand testament from a few individuals who knew her well, worked with her (and not at 3ABN).
I can not accept this picture of Linda. It is contray to even what has been described to me by some of those close to her.

The point of my posts in this thread are that, here could balance occur. But what has been evidenced is a full force effort to remove any responsibility from Linda that should rightfully fall at her feet. To have credibility Linda and those who support her here would admit that the point I made in my previous post are indeed accurate and there is much that she need atone for. Then present your facts that she was "shafted" in the marriage settlement. I can even accept that she and those close to her feel she should have been treated more fairly - and maybe she should have. But until those with the accusations and claims can show that she received less than she should have, and was essentially kicked to the curb financially, the claims will only hold as much weight as the digital paper they are printed on.

Are there two sides to every story? Here there seems to be only one - everything we think Danny has done wrong in the past fifty years. Now, since he is human I am sure we can collect a number of things he did wrong - but what about Linda . . . come on, do you really expect people to believe that she enjoyed the perks of being the co-founder of 3ABN for all those years and couldn't muster the where-with-all to speak up? You claim she was intimated by Danny, what about the board? Could she not find a member there to listen to her - or has 3ABN from its inception been headed up by evil men with anything but the Lord's work at heart? You can't really expect us to believe that - and if you do . . . well, that is naive.

- fhb
Nope, just checked, they are green. Will go ask the neighbors for first hand clarification if that will help.

- fhb

Thank you for this. I spent most of the night in meditation and prayer, and towards morning I found peace and understanding. I was wrong in what I wrote.

It was completely wrong of me to be defending Linda. She is responsible for herself. My trouble is that I was defending myself and my actions, or at least trying to find a solace, and I was wrong.

You are so right, we must face the challenges that are before us, regardless of the consequence, and I failed in May of 2004. I travelled from Norway to Thompsonville for one purpose, to tell the board of 3ABN what experiences I had had, and how I personally had experienced Mr. Danny Shelton's falsehood in what he said about Linda. But I failed because I feared Mr. Danny Shelton. I saw a demon in his eyes when I met him while he used his standard treatment of people. He threatened to have me arrested by police for trespassing private property, even though I had received a written invitation to attend Camp Meeting, and 3ABN had used my picture on the screen for weeks to advertice those meetings. There had come people to those Camp Meetings especially because they wanted to see me there. They went to Danny asking him where I was. He merely told them I had disappeared.

Yes, I disappeared because of Danny's threats. He sent Private Investigators trailing me. I don't know what they told him, but he was soon circulating false reports of what the people I was together with were doing.

I was scared because he seemed like a monster to me. This is where I failed, just like Peter and the Apostles did when they were scared. I fled. I was afraid that Danny would really put me in prison.

Now I know I should not have feared Danny. I should have demanded to stay and bring the TRUTH to the board of 3ABN, even if he had put me in prison for it.

I pray for greater determination never to run away again. To speak the TRUTH always, regardless of how much I am ridiculed for it on BSDA or elsewhere. Regardless of threats, even if Danny keeps calling me an idiot or uses any other of his favoritte terms for me in his writings. (I could post many of the e-mails he has sent me, but save him from the embarrassment.)

Your letter caused me to spend a night in meditation and prayer. Towards morning I was given peace as I saw where I had failed. Now God is giving the strength and stamina to keep on being a better witness, and he has provided a countless number of assistants world-wide to make this possible. Your letter was a tremendous challenge. I had to wake up and thank you for the stimulus.


Johann Thorvaldsson

This post has been edited by Johann: Dec 31 2006, 10:47 AM

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)

"The truth can lose nothing by close investigation". (1888 Materials 38)

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Ed White
post Dec 31 2006, 11:26 AM
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QUOTE(Johann @ Dec 31 2006, 10:31 AM) [snapback]166722[/snapback]

Thank you for this. I spent most of the night in meditation and prayer, and towards morning I found peace and understanding. I was wrong in what I wrote.

It was completely wrong of me to be defending Linda. She is responsible for herself. My trouble is that I was defending myself and my actions, or at least trying to find a solace, and I was wrong.

You are so right, we must face the challenges that are before us, regardless of the consequence, and I failed in May of 2004. I travelled from Norway to Thompsonville for one purpose, to tell the board of 3ABN what experiences I had had, and how I personally had experienced Mr. Danny Shelton's falsehood in what he said about Linda. But I failed because I feared Mr. Danny Shelton. I saw a demon in his eyes when I met him while he used his standard treatment of people. He threatened to have me arrested by police for trespassing private property, even though I had received a written invitation to attend Camp Meeting, and 3ABN had used my picture on the screen for weeks to advertice those meetings. There had come people to those Camp Meetings especially because they wanted to see me there. They went to Danny asking him where I was. He merely told them I had disappeared.

Yes, I disappeared because of Danny's threats. He sent Private Investigators trailing me. I don't know what they told him, but he was soon circulating false reports of what the people I was together with were doing.

I was scared because he seemed like a monster to me. This is where I failed, just like Peter and the Apostles did when they were scared. I fled. I was afraid that Danny would really put me in prison.

Now I know I should not have feared Danny. I should have demanded to stay and bring the TRUTH to the board of 3ABN, even if he had put me in prison for it.

I pray for greater determination never to run away again. To speak the TRUTH always, regardless of how much I am ridiculed for it on BSDA or elsewhere. Regardless of threats, even if Danny keeps calling me an idiot or uses any other of his favoritte terms for me in his writings. (I could post many of the e-mails he has sent me, but save him from the embarrassment.)

Your letter caused me to spend a night in meditation and prayer. Towards morning I was given peace as I saw where I had failed. Now God is giving the strength and stamina to keep on being a better witness, and he has provided a countless number of assistants world-wide to make this possible. Your letter was a tremendous challenge. I had to wake up and thank you for the stimulus.


Johann Thorvaldsson

Jonann what a sweet testimony! It would have been nice to have the 3 ABN board on their knees the night before your arrival as you were last night, but a fearlless leader such as you encountered that day can only lead those subject under him to where he/she has been. So without power of his own, he had to reach out to the state to supply the POWER he was lacking. I rather have your kind of power, as full payment doesn't come in this life.
My 103 year old mother that emptyed her bank account each month for years to 3ABN has all the nurses saying her words. "I don't know, but I've been told; the streets of heaven are paved with gold."
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post Dec 31 2006, 12:22 PM
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QUOTE(princessdi @ Dec 30 2006, 10:43 PM) [snapback]166606[/snapback]

Naw, you are missing one point. Apaprently there was at least one or two meetings without her knowledge, or else she would not be in the situation she finds herself today. Also, your ID is "fallible" not "gullible" human being. I am sure Linda is not the first wife place in a high position, in name only, to keep the power(shares, money, etc.) in the family.

You said it, PrincessDi!

Right on! thumbup1.gif

It has become perfectly evident that Linda had little, if any power, on the board. Otherwise she could not have been so easily cast out and slandered.

I wonder, was she the only woman on the board at the time? If not, what was the matter with the other woman/women on the board that they did not see through the whole fabrication?

This post has been edited by inga: Dec 31 2006, 12:23 PM
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post Dec 31 2006, 12:41 PM
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QUOTE(inga @ Dec 31 2006, 11:22 AM) [snapback]166741[/snapback]

You said it, PrincessDi!

Right on! thumbup1.gif

It has become perfectly evident that Linda had little, if any power, on the board. Otherwise she could not have been so easily cast out and slandered.

I wonder, was she the only woman on the board at the time? If not, what was the matter with the other woman/women on the board that they did not see through the whole fabrication?


Your point is well taken. Proof of Linda's lack of power lies in her failure to recieve "due process" in how she was fired, and the way she was treated afterwords.

On a personal basis, and I say this advisedly, in my interaction with Linda, I have come to believe that Linda was nieve. She beleived to much in the goodness of others, and trusted them beyond what was approprite.

Linda has had a rude awakening to life.

I hesitate to present Linda in that light. But, that is where I go in my searach for truth.

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Dec 31 2006, 12:49 PM
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Well I am in agreement with FHB.

There is no way one side is totally innocent here, or that she is not knowledgable and equally accountable for what happened at 3ABN, and is happenin' at 3ABN, if what people are saying here is even true. Where is her voice right now?

And I'd like to know if Linda was so cowed and intimidated, how she suddenly got the courage to stand up to the whole 3ABN board because of this non-important Doctor, and get herself fired, when all this alleged abuse and deception and sin allegedly going on against others could never get a peep out of her mouth? And going by what her defenders here say, still doesn't.

And If she's so scared of Danny, that she agreed to a divorce which she got shafted on and cheated out of what was rightfully hers, then how did she morph into this woman who is suddenly able to sue danny Shelton in a civil court of Law in Illinois?

It doesn't compute.

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Dec 31 2006, 12:55 PM
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post Dec 31 2006, 12:55 PM
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QUOTE(Johann @ Dec 31 2006, 05:31 PM) [snapback]166722[/snapback]

Thank you for this. I spent most of the night in meditation and prayer, and towards morning I found peace and understanding. I was wrong in what I wrote.

It was completely wrong of me to be defending Linda. She is responsible for herself. My trouble is that I was defending myself and my actions, or at least trying to find a solace, and I was wrong.

You are so right, we must face the challenges that are before us, regardless of the consequence, and I failed in May of 2004. I travelled from Norway to Thompsonville for one purpose, to tell the board of 3ABN what experiences I had had, and how I personally had experienced Mr. Danny Shelton's falsehood in what he said about Linda. But I failed because I feared Mr. Danny Shelton. I saw a demon in his eyes when I met him while he used his standard treatment of people. He threatened to have me arrested by police for trespassing private property, even though I had received a written invitation to attend Camp Meeting, and 3ABN had used my picture on the screen for weeks to advertice those meetings. There had come people to those Camp Meetings especially because they wanted to see me there. They went to Danny asking him where I was. He merely told them I had disappeared.

Yes, I disappeared because of Danny's threats. He sent Private Investigators trailing me. I don't know what they told him, but he was soon circulating false reports of what the people I was together with were doing.

I was scared because he seemed like a monster to me. This is where I failed, just like Peter and the Apostles did when they were scared. I fled. I was afraid that Danny would really put me in prison.

Now I know I should not have feared Danny. I should have demanded to stay and bring the TRUTH to the board of 3ABN, even if he had put me in prison for it.

I pray for greater determination never to run away again. To speak the TRUTH always, regardless of how much I am ridiculed for it on BSDA or elsewhere. Regardless of threats, even if Danny keeps calling me an idiot or uses any other of his favoritte terms for me in his writings. (I could post many of the e-mails he has sent me, but save him from the embarrassment.)

Your letter caused me to spend a night in meditation and prayer. Towards morning I was given peace as I saw where I had failed. Now God is giving the strength and stamina to keep on being a better witness, and he has provided a countless number of assistants world-wide to make this possible. Your letter was a tremendous challenge. I had to wake up and thank you for the stimulus.


Johann Thorvaldsson

PTL.gif Thank you for your testimony, Johann. May we always defend the truth no matter the cost. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!



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post Dec 31 2006, 01:02 PM
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Dec 31 2006, 01:49 PM) [snapback]166750[/snapback]

Well I am in agreement with FHB.

Can we file this revelation under 'reiterating the obvious'?

There is no way one side is totally innocent here, or that she is not knowledgable and equally accountable for what happened at 3ABN, and is happenin' at 3ABN, if what people are saying here is even true. Where is her voice right now?

And I'd like to know if Linda was so cowed and intimidated, how she suddenly got the courage to stand up to the whole 3ABN board because of this non-important Doctor, and get herself fired, when all this alleged abuse and deception and sin allegedly going on against others could never get a peep out of her mouth? And by what here defenders here say still doesn't.

And If she's so scared of Danny, that she agreed to a divorce which she got shafted on and cheated out of what was rightfully hers, then how did she morph into this woman who is suddenly able to sue danny Shelton in a civil court of Law in Illinois?

It doesn't compute.

Neither you nor he has addressed the short list of discrepancies I noted in my reply to FHB... ever... and I merely summed up what has been public knowledge for years now.

Tell us how Danny's crocodile tears allegedly over wanting to save his marriage and his claiming to not want a divorce computes with his filing for a quickie divorce in Guam.

Then again forget it... we all know you have no answer. And neither does Danny.

I'd bet you believed Saddam Hussein had WMD... and that Oswald was operating alone.. and that Judas was simply misunderstood.

Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

In His service,
Mr. J

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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post Dec 31 2006, 01:06 PM
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not suprised...

Nor do I know what list of questions, or discrepensies, you are referring to...

You asked:"Tell us how Danny's crocodile tears allegedly over wanting to save his marriage and his claiming to not want a divorce computes with his filing for a quickie divorce in Guam."

I suggest if you can answer that same question about Linda, you'll know.

It takes 2 to get a quickie "uncontested" divorce in Guam...

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Dec 31 2006, 01:11 PM
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post Dec 31 2006, 01:14 PM
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QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Dec 30 2006, 11:54 PM) [snapback]166645[/snapback]


Please detail this for us. Give us chapter and verse, make known the clarifying facts you have that will give all of those wondering about the fairness, equity, or lack thereof in regards to the divorce the information that makes it unmistakeably clear what you base your decision on....... snip.....

FHB..... there is nothing more I have to say to you regarding this issue.... my opinion.... you have issues... now I will gladly discuss something else, the weather, current events, cars, etc... but this one.... nothing more with you.... have a good day....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Dec 31 2006, 01:51 PM
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FHB--sounds like you are the winner on this one! thankyou.gif
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post Dec 31 2006, 01:52 PM
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Re: " . . . how [did] she [Linda] suddenly got the courage to stand up to the whole 3ABN board . . .
It doesn't compute."

I understand.

Surely you can understand that the answer to your question is a private matter. You do not need to know those details.

EVen nieve people can undergo growth in their lives. That growth is ofen painful. But, it can happen. Linda has had very painful growth. Some of us have watched her grow. But, that does not mean that we have to share the details with every person who wants to know them.

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post Dec 31 2006, 02:20 PM
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Dec 31 2006, 11:49 AM) [snapback]166750[/snapback]


And If she's so scared of Danny, that she agreed to a divorce which she got shafted on and cheated out of what was rightfully hers, then how did she morph into this woman who is suddenly able to sue danny Shelton in a civil court of Law in Illinois?

It doesn't compute.

Can someone help me out here? What civil court of Law in Illinois suit are you speaking of here?

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Dec 31 2006, 03:36 PM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Dec 31 2006, 03:20 PM) [snapback]166784[/snapback]

Can someone help me out here? What civil court of Law in Illinois suit are you speaking of here?

This civil case was filed 02/05, 8 months after the uncontested divorce was finalized in Guam.
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post Dec 31 2006, 03:51 PM
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QUOTE(Observer @ Dec 31 2006, 02:52 PM) [snapback]166778[/snapback]

Re: " . . . how [did] she [Linda] suddenly got the courage to stand up to the whole 3ABN board . . .
It doesn't compute."

I understand.

Surely you can understand that the answer to your question is a private matter. You do not need to know those details.

EVen nieve people can undergo growth in their lives. That growth is ofen painful. But, it can happen. Linda has had very painful growth. Some of us have watched her grow. But, that does not mean that we have to share the details with every person who wants to know them.

Nice editing...

Does anyone need to know, or can you share whether she's going about her business as if nothing ever happened, or if she is trying to right the "alleged" wrongs she had part in while vice-president and co-founder of 3ABN, many of which you all claim are still going on?

As I asked, where is HER voice?

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Dec 31 2006, 03:53 PM
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