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> Letter To Calvin, "Boss" Means Accountability
Joe Smith
post Jan 18 2007, 02:27 PM
Post #1

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It is with concern for you and the others on BSDA, that I write this post. We believe as Adventist that Jesus is coming soon. We believe that we have a calling to warn the world of a coming Judge and King. The judgment is near... even at the door... Can you see this, Calvin? We have a unique message to the world, and yet we sometimes fail in presenting that unique message to our own group.. we Adventist. Our very name...Adventist.. proclaims that we are the people who KNOW, that Christ is coming back.

Have we lost that vision?? Have we lost that understanding?
My heart is saddened as I read the slanderous, unholy comments that are posted here almost everyday. The making fun of other Christians who are serving God the best way they know how.

Are we any better than the rest of the world? Does our conduct as Adventist say "yes, we are a Peculiar People!?" Does our conduct say....."We're different than the other denominations.... different than the world.... because WE HAVE LOVE?" Love for our brothers and sisters?
I ask you Calvin.... is this what is being posted on your website BSDA? You have a VERY SERIOUS obligation to follow the council found in Philippians 4:8... it reads,

"Finally brethren...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy ... think on theses things."

I ask you brother Calvin.....Is this what is being posted about 3ABN and those associated with it? I don't think so. I know that is true, I am ashamed to say, I have been a part of it.

Calvin, I speak to you because you are the "Boss". With being the "Boss" comes Great Accountability with God. I know, I am in that same position of great accountability. I am a pastor. And with that calling, comes great responsibility also. That is why I am compelled to write this letter to you.

There is soon coming a "Judgment Day" for you and me. I want to be faithful. I pray you want to be faithful also. I want to hear on that great day... "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

Please don't anyone take this as a rebuke.... it's meant to awaken those of us who are in responsible positions. I know there are others out there that will read this post. Some will be angry, some will be moved to do the right thing. The same Son, shines on us all. Some will be melted... some will be hardened.
May the God of our hearts, bless us.
Joe Smith smile.gif
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post Jan 18 2007, 02:44 PM
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QUOTE(Joe Smith @ Jan 18 2007, 01:27 PM) [snapback]170977[/snapback]

It is with concern for you and the others on BSDA, that I write this post. We believe as Adventist that Jesus is coming soon. We believe that we have a calling to warn the world of a coming Judge and King. The judgment is near... even at the door... Can you see this, Calvin? We have a unique message to the world, and yet we sometimes fail in presenting that unique message to our own group.. we Adventist. Our very name...Adventist.. proclaims that we are the people who KNOW, that Christ is coming back.

Have we lost that vision?? Have we lost that understanding?
My heart is saddened as I read the slanderous, unholy comments that are posted here almost everyday. The making fun of other Christians who are serving God the best way they know how.

Are we any better than the rest of the world? Does our conduct as Adventist say "yes, we are a Peculiar People!?" Does our conduct say....."We're different than the other denominations.... different than the world.... because WE HAVE LOVE?" Love for our brothers and sisters?
I ask you Calvin.... is this what is being posted on your website BSDA? You have a VERY SERIOUS obligation to follow the council found in Philippians 4:8... it reads,

"Finally brethren...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy ... think on theses things."

I ask you brother Calvin.....Is this what is being posted about 3ABN and those associated with it? I don't think so. I know that is true, I am ashamed to say, I have been a part of it.

Calvin, I speak to you because you are the "Boss". With being the "Boss" comes Great Accountability with God. I know, I am in that same position of great accountability. I am a pastor. And with that calling, comes great responsibility also. That is why I am compelled to write this letter to you.

There is soon coming a "Judgment Day" for you and me. I want to be faithful. I pray you want to be faithful also. I want to hear on that great day... "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

Please don't anyone take this as a rebuke.... it's meant to awaken those of us who are in responsible positions. I know there are others out there that will read this post. Some will be angry, some will be moved to do the right thing. The same Son, shines on us all. Some will be melted... some will be hardened.
May the God of our hearts, bless us.
Joe Smith smile.gif


We have a great responsibility.

We are imperfect.

BSDA, and the other forums are imperfect.

But, we have a responsibility to follow the leading of the Lord. The Lord uses imperfect people--you and I.

One on the list of responsibilities is, in a time of great sin, to call sin by its name. There are clearly Biblical verses of which you are aware that call upon God's people to do that. That call does not come to perfect people. It does not come to people who will fulfill it in a perfect way. It simply comes to the people that God has called.

The majority of the people here are united in the belief that God has called us to take a stand. We feel that we must obey that call from God.

You may disagree.

It may not be your call.

But, God has not called upon you to tell us what our call is.

Ulltimately, God will bring His will to pass. It will not be us. But, God may use us to accomplish His will, imperfect as we are. But, when God inteervenes to bring this to a close, we will be satisfied that God has accomplished His will, and we have responded as we believe He called us.

When God brings this to a close, even you may believe, with us, that God has accomplished His purpose.

Why has God not closed it off, and accomplished His will. Perhaps to give those who have sinned a time to repent, and rectify wrongs. Perhaps to bring things into the open so that all will be convinced that God has accomplilshed His purpose. Perhaps. . . . ..

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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Richard Sherwin
post Jan 18 2007, 02:57 PM
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In other words, when you can't attack the message you attack the messenger. Typical of those that can't dispute the facts as presented.

QUOTE(Joe Smith @ Jan 18 2007, 03:27 PM) [snapback]170977[/snapback]

It is with concern for you and the others on BSDA, that I write this post. We believe as Adventist that Jesus is coming soon. We believe that we have a calling to warn the world of a coming Judge and King. The judgment is near... even at the door... Can you see this, Calvin? We have a unique message to the world, and yet we sometimes fail in presenting that unique message to our own group.. we Adventist. Our very name...Adventist.. proclaims that we are the people who KNOW, that Christ is coming back.

Have we lost that vision?? Have we lost that understanding?
My heart is saddened as I read the slanderous, unholy comments that are posted here almost everyday. The making fun of other Christians who are serving God the best way they know how.

Are we any better than the rest of the world? Does our conduct as Adventist say "yes, we are a Peculiar People!?" Does our conduct say....."We're different than the other denominations.... different than the world.... because WE HAVE LOVE?" Love for our brothers and sisters?
I ask you Calvin.... is this what is being posted on your website BSDA? You have a VERY SERIOUS obligation to follow the council found in Philippians 4:8... it reads,

"Finally brethren...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy ... think on theses things."

I ask you brother Calvin.....Is this what is being posted about 3ABN and those associated with it? I don't think so. I know that is true, I am ashamed to say, I have been a part of it.

Calvin, I speak to you because you are the "Boss". With being the "Boss" comes Great Accountability with God. I know, I am in that same position of great accountability. I am a pastor. And with that calling, comes great responsibility also. That is why I am compelled to write this letter to you.

There is soon coming a "Judgment Day" for you and me. I want to be faithful. I pray you want to be faithful also. I want to hear on that great day... "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

Please don't anyone take this as a rebuke.... it's meant to awaken those of us who are in responsible positions. I know there are others out there that will read this post. Some will be angry, some will be moved to do the right thing. The same Son, shines on us all. Some will be melted... some will be hardened.
May the God of our hearts, bless us.
Joe Smith smile.gif

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eye witness
post Jan 18 2007, 03:21 PM
Post #4

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QUOTE(Joe Smith @ Jan 18 2007, 02:27 PM) [snapback]170977[/snapback]

It is with concern for you and the others on BSDA, that I write this post. We believe as Adventist that Jesus is coming soon. We believe that we have a calling to warn the world of a coming Judge and King. The judgment is near... even at the door... Can you see this, Calvin? We have a unique message to the world, and yet we sometimes fail in presenting that unique message to our own group.. we Adventist. Our very name...Adventist.. proclaims that we are the people who KNOW, that Christ is coming back.

Have we lost that vision?? Have we lost that understanding?
My heart is saddened as I read the slanderous, unholy comments that are posted here almost everyday. The making fun of other Christians who are serving God the best way they know how.

Are we any better than the rest of the world? Does our conduct as Adventist say "yes, we are a Peculiar People!?" Does our conduct say....."We're different than the other denominations.... different than the world.... because WE HAVE LOVE?" Love for our brothers and sisters?
I ask you Calvin.... is this what is being posted on your website BSDA? You have a VERY SERIOUS obligation to follow the council found in Philippians 4:8... it reads,

"Finally brethren...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy ... think on theses things."

I ask you brother Calvin.....Is this what is being posted about 3ABN and those associated with it? I don't think so. I know that is true, I am ashamed to say, I have been a part of it.

Calvin, I speak to you because you are the "Boss". With being the "Boss" comes Great Accountability with God. I know, I am in that same position of great accountability. I am a pastor. And with that calling, comes great responsibility also. That is why I am compelled to write this letter to you.

There is soon coming a "Judgment Day" for you and me. I want to be faithful. I pray you want to be faithful also. I want to hear on that great day... "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

Please don't anyone take this as a rebuke.... it's meant to awaken those of us who are in responsible positions. I know there are others out there that will read this post. Some will be angry, some will be moved to do the right thing. The same Son, shines on us all. Some will be melted... some will be hardened.
May the God of our hearts, bless us.
Joe Smith smile.gif

Your right Pastor the Bible reads as follows:

James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things, Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
1 Peter 3:10 “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.”
Proverbs 18:8 “The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.”
James 4:11 “Speak no evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: thou are not a doer of the law, but a judge.”
1 Peter 2:1 “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings.”
1 Peter 2:12 “Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may be your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.”
1 Peter 3:16 “Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:20 “But now are they many members, yet but one body.”

Romans 1:28 – 32 “ And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient: Being filled with all unrighteousness; full of envy, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boaster, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, convenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Ephesians 4:29-32 “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye KIND one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
Philippians 4:8 “Finally breather, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise THINK ON THESE THINGS.”
Matthew 18:15 “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bond in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
3 John 9, 10 “I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and for biddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.
1 Timothy 5: 11-13 “But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry: Having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith, And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house: and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.”
2 Thessalonians 3:11 “For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.”
Romans 12:10 “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love: in honour preferring one another;”
Proverbs 11:13 “A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.”
Proverbs 25:9, 10 “Debate they cause with they neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another: Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.”

Ellen G White has some to say also on Faultfinding and Gossip:
Testimonies Vol #2
Testimonies Vol #3
Testimonies Vol #5
Testimonies Vol#8 (A neglected warning) P. 81-85
“The time spent in criticizing the motives and works of Christ’s servants might better be spent in prayer. Often if those who find fault knew the truth in regard to those with whom they find fault, they would have an all together different opinion of them. How much better it would be if, instead of criticizing and condemning other, everyone would say: “I must work out my own salvation. If I co-operate with Him who desires to save my soul, I must watch myself diligently. I must cut away evil from my life. I must become a new creature in Christ. I must overcome my fault. Then, instead of weakening those who are striving against evil, I can strengthen them by encouraging words.”
Testimonies Vol#9

Testimonies Vol#7
Testimonies Vol#8

Eye Witness smile.gif

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post Jan 18 2007, 03:22 PM
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I'm amused every time I read these protest threads. Where is the outrage and "sadness" about the state of race relations in our church? Where is the outcry about the abuse and misuse of power at all levels of our church administration? Where is the call for known adulterers and pedophiles in our churches to be dealt with, regardless of their last name or political affiliations? When did the Lord say it was OK to stick our heads in the sand when we know that wrong is being done? Please. Spare me the moral indignation and patronizing attitude. The level of hypocrisy that has come to the surface with this 3ABN mess is just incredible. I don't wade into the muck of 3ABN threads very often, but this one was just more than I could handle. I, for one, think Calvin has done a valuable service by allowing this information to be presented in a respectful could very easily have become gossip central, but it isn't.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
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post Jan 18 2007, 03:36 PM
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For the record, I'm not Calvin... but if you truly expected only Calvin to read and/or respond, you'd have done what you have been whining about with others and followed Matt 18... and taken it up between " he and thee alone" as the bible states... so that said...

QUOTE(Joe Smith @ Jan 18 2007, 03:27 PM) [snapback]170977[/snapback]

It is with concern for you and the others on BSDA, that I write this post. We believe as Adventist that Jesus is coming soon. We believe that we have a calling to warn the world of a coming Judge and King. The judgment is near... even at the door... Can you see this, Calvin? We have a unique message to the world, and yet we sometimes fail in presenting that unique message to our own group.. we Adventist. Our very name...Adventist.. proclaims that we are the people who KNOW, that Christ is coming back.

You need to re-check your definitions. 'Adventist' means we look for... wait for... and fully expect Christ to come again. It is our 'blessed hope'. It's not an issue of knowing... or of our proclaiming knowledge.

Have we lost that vision?? Have we lost that understanding?

To borrow from Tonto, when the Lone Ranger informed him " It looks like we're surrounded by indians..." Whaddya mean 'we'?

I cant speak for you, as to what vision you had.... and if your posts are any indication, if we've lost both your vision and your understanding.. that can only be a *good* thing.

My heart is saddened as I read the slanderous, unholy comments that are posted here almost everyday. The making fun of other Christians who are serving God the best way they know how.

I will presume you mean the slanderous, unholy comments made by posters other than yourself... or those who share your opinions... you seem quite alright with those slanderous, unholy comments.

Are we any better than the rest of the world?

better at what?

Does our conduct as Adventist say "yes, we are a Peculiar People!?"

Seeing that it was never about anything we did or did not do that makes us a 'peculiar people' I would hope the answer is 'NO'... any other answer and you have set your feet on the path to another gospel. It is God's election that makes us God's peculiar treasure... not anything we do... or that we don't do, for that matter.

Does our conduct say....."We're different than the other denominations.... different than the world.... because WE HAVE LOVE?" Love for our brothers and sisters?
I ask you Calvin.... is this what is being posted on your website BSDA? You have a VERY SERIOUS obligation to follow the council found in Philippians 4:8... it reads,

"Finally brethren...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy ... think on theses things."

i seem to recall another verse...Thou hypocrite, first consider the beam in thine own eye... since you seem inclined to look at scripture.

I ask you brother Calvin.....Is this what is being posted about 3ABN and those associated with it? I don't think so. I know that is true, I am ashamed to say, I have been a part of it.

See above.

Calvin, I speak to you because you are the "Boss". With being the "Boss" comes Great Accountability with God. I know, I am in that same position of great accountability. I am a pastor. And with that calling, comes great responsibility also. That is why I am compelled to write this letter to you.

You are not speaking 'to' Calvin. You are speaking *at* him. To speak to him, would require dialog... and as a pastor, you should be well versed in the difference. He is not one of your parishioners... and you are not the only one here that bears the ordination upon which the bulk of your ecclesiological authority is derived... which is the ordination of local elder, BTW. You are speaking to him as if he is your subordinate, not as if he is your peer... but i suppose that should not surprise any since that has been your posture since you came here... with Calvin and everyone else here who chose to not accept your version or see your conclusions as valid.

There is soon coming a "Judgment Day" for you and me. I want to be faithful. I pray you want to be faithful also. I want to hear on that great day... "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

Please don't anyone take this as a rebuke.... it's meant to awaken those of us who are in responsible positions. I know there are others out there that will read this post. Some will be angry, some will be moved to do the right thing. The same Son, shines on us all. Some will be melted... some will be hardened.
May the God of our hearts, bless us.
Joe Smith smile.gif

Yes, there is a judgement day coming... where each of us will have to stand before God and the balance in which each will be weighed is the one that has " inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me". the bottom line of your argument has been that you believe that God selected Danny Shelton and thus the end will eventually justify the means he has utilized to have things as he desires them.

It doesn't... and it wont. Yes, I agree that zeal can be a dangerous tool in some hands... but before you begin pointing fingers, you have your own self to clean up... if you deem those opposed to Danny as doing something evil, have you not recompensed them evil for evil? If you see those here as your brethren in Christ overtaken in a fault, is not your obligation to restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself lest ye also be tempted? If you see us as 'enemies', do you not have an obligation to love your enemies and pray for those who despise you, not recompensing evil for evil but rather overcoming evil with good?

Weighed in the balance you are trying to put Calvin in, it is you who is found wanting, pastor.

May God have mercy on us all. If you truly have the concerns noted here, then you need need to approach Calvin more correctly than you have... but you are waaaaaaaaaay out of pocket at this juncture... but I think you knew that already.

In His service,
Elder Kevin Josey

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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post Jan 18 2007, 04:46 PM
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It only took 35 posts for you to become ashamed?


"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde
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post Jan 18 2007, 07:07 PM
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where do they come from? dunno.gif so tiresome they are.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Jan 18 2007, 07:47 PM
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Elder Smith: Thank you for your letter. I could tell it was from your heart. I pray God will bless you in your efforts at 3ABN. I am praying for you and for 3ABN.
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post Jan 18 2007, 09:05 PM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Jan 18 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]171027[/snapback]

Elder Smith: Thank you for your letter. I could tell it was from your heart. I pray God will bless you in your efforts at 3ABN. I am praying for you and for 3ABN.

great letter pastor smith. Just hope all of you on this site tune in to the 3ABN live program that is going on right now. It answers a lot of your questions. 1 hour has already passed but there is another hour left.
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post Jan 18 2007, 09:11 PM
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QUOTE(Nuggie @ Jan 18 2007, 05:22 PM) [snapback]170989[/snapback]

I'm amused every time I read these protest threads. Where is the outrage and "sadness" about the state of race relations in our church? Where is the outcry about the abuse and misuse of power at all levels of our church administration? Where is the call for known adulterers and pedophiles in our churches to be dealt with, regardless of their last name or political affiliations? When did the Lord say it was OK to stick our heads in the sand when we know that wrong is being done? Please. Spare me the moral indignation and patronizing attitude. The level of hypocrisy that has come to the surface with this 3ABN mess is just incredible. I don't wade into the muck of 3ABN threads very often, but this one was just more than I could handle. I, for one, think Calvin has done a valuable service by allowing this information to be presented in a respectful could very easily have become gossip central, but it isn't.

Who is speaking for the sexually abused children? Who?

QUOTE(Lee @ Jan 18 2007, 09:47 PM) [snapback]171027[/snapback]

Elder Smith: Thank you for your letter. I could tell it was from your heart. I pray God will bless you in your efforts at 3ABN. I am praying for you and for 3ABN.

.....why hasn't anyone (from the shut up and stop "gossiping" camp) mentioned praying for the sexually abused children? What about praying for the adults still trying to cope with the sexual abuse? What about that?

I await replies. I want to hear someone say something about prayer for victim of sexual abuse that have yet to see their perpetrator in jail....

*"Some folks use their ignorance like a umbrella. It covers everything, they perodically take it out from time to time, but it never is too far away from them."*
PrincessDrRe; March, 2007

~"Blood = Meat, Face = Meat, Internal "Organs" = Meat - you can try to make it cuter; but it's still meat...."~
PrincessDrRe; September, 2007

*(NOTE: Any advice given by Re' Silvey, MSW is not to be taken as medical/mental health advice. Although trained to be a counselor, currently employed as a therapist, and currently pursuing her PhD in Counseling Psychology (ABD/I) - she is not your assigned therapist. Please consult a mental health professional of your choice for a face-to-face consultation.)*
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post Jan 18 2007, 09:37 PM
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QUOTE(Bystander @ Jan 18 2007, 07:05 PM) [snapback]171040[/snapback]

great letter pastor smith. Just hope all of you on this site tune in to the 3ABN live program that is going on right now. It answers a lot of your questions. 1 hour has already passed but there is another hour left.

Oh, it answers (and confirms) a LOT of questions alright. no.gif

Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

Click here for Linda Shelton's newly updated website
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Uncle Sam
post Jan 18 2007, 09:40 PM
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QUOTE(sonshineonme @ Jan 18 2007, 08:37 PM) [snapback]171046[/snapback]

Oh, it answers (and confirms) a LOT of questions alright. no.gif

I am missing it, what are they saying?
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post Jan 18 2007, 09:44 PM
Post #14

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QUOTE(Uncle Sam @ Jan 18 2007, 07:40 PM) [snapback]171047[/snapback]

I am missing it, what are they saying?

A lot of spin. It's all the devil, it's never Danny. Danny is to be a cork now, and not let Jezeble the queen take him down (Lomacang). He says the devil would have taken him down 3 years ago if God had let him. They are claiming victory in 2007 from the enemy.

Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

Click here for Linda Shelton's newly updated website
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Green Cochoa
post Jan 18 2007, 09:44 PM
Post #15

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Jan 18 2007, 09:05 PM) [snapback]171040[/snapback]

great letter pastor smith. Just hope all of you on this site tune in to the 3ABN live program that is going on right now. It answers a lot of your questions. 1 hour has already passed but there is another hour left.

So, I tuned in in time to hear Danny with a cute slip of the tongue! Anyone else hear him say this? Speaking of 3ABN taking the message to the world, he said 3ABN will spread the message "that will counterfeit into all the world." Oops! He left out some key words in that one from his normal routine!

To copyright man's creation is to plagiarize God's gifts.

"Our salvation depends on a knowledge of the truth contained in the Scriptures." (COL 111.3)
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