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> Jim Gilley Takes Over As President
post Dec 30 2007, 12:02 PM
Post #421

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QUOTE(appletree @ Dec 30 2007, 04:52 AM) *
Those busy doing the accusing have never even been to 3abn or met the people involved. They have no idea of the strict scrutiny and accountability that 3abn functions under every single day. I do. I experience it.

Quote from appletree @ Dec 22 2007, 11:06 PM (Hospitalization thread page 20)
He can't do that. He would be lying. Trust me, I know. Do you?

Quoting sister's response:

Appletree, this is one of your biggest jokes yet.

A better answer would be: He won't do that, because he is lying.

Trust you?

ACTUALLY, I do know many things including the following:

1. Danny Shelton is a liar.
2. Danny Shelton is a thief.
3. Danny Shelton molested Linda Shelton's daughter.
4. Danny Shelton is a serial adulterer.
5. Danny Shelton is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
6. Linda Shelton did not have an affair during her marriage with Danny Shelton.
7. Danny Shelton trumped up charges against Linda Shelton in order to remove her from the ministry and divorce her.
8. The reason Danny Shelton has never produced "the evidence" is because it does not exist.

And the list goes on and on and on...

CONCLUSION? appletree claims to know a lot, but apparently doesn't know as much as some others do. Take a second look at the quote at the top of this post...

I wonder if appletree could explain how others could know so much...w/o resorting to the desperate and unbelievable "it's all lies I tell you, it's all lies!"

Disclaimer Notice: You are hereby cautioned that the information contained within these posts are for the sole purpose of provoking thought, adding fair comment on matters of public interest, and not providing factual information. These posts do not reflect the actual thoughts or intentions of the person writing under this username since said person is not in any position to know. No effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of any personal view, opinion, or hyperbole presented. Therefore, by disclosing, copying, or distributing these posts to others, such information must subsequently be confirmed in writing, signed and dated, by the actual person, or persons, posting behind username LaurenceD.
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post Dec 30 2007, 12:40 PM
Post #422

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QUOTE(Observer @ Dec 30 2007, 12:08 PM) *
The above is false.

Linda loves the organization that she co-founded--3-ABN.

She has strongly resisted doing anything that would hurt it.

Yes, it came to the place where she realized that she msut defend her reputation, and ministry, against false charges. But, she has attempted to keep that as low key as possible.

Yes, she has discussed with others the possibility of writing a book. But, the intent has not be write a "tell-all" book. The thinking has been to write a devotional book as to how God has led her through the morass of false charges to a closer relationship with our Lord and Saviour.

Whether or not she will complete this and whether it will be published, I do not know.

Gregory, I recall the time when Linda was not sure of you. She seemed convinced you were a Danny supporter, so she did not dare have anything to do with you.

This just shows how careful you were in your evaluation of both of them right from the beginning. It seems to me it was finally Danny who convinced you who was telling the truth.

Like we have said several times before, Somehow Danny turns out again and again as Danny's own worst enemy. If he would only realize this we could be having a great time with that man.

He has a tremendous memory in certain areas. He will remember the license number of a car he saw a long time ago. He should train his memory to recall some of the more important things in life. Then we could have more fun together. And he would not be making so many false statements, as you mention here above.

This post has been edited by Johann: Dec 30 2007, 12:41 PM

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)

"The truth can lose nothing by close investigation". (1888 Materials 38)

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post Dec 30 2007, 02:22 PM
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And where did you get the idea that Danny is treated like God at 3abn? From what you have read on the internet? Not a good source believe me. I have personal experience day to day with 3abn, Danny, Jim G. and the board. No one has treated Danny as God. He has had respect for what he, with God's help and blessing has raised up, but beyond that, there has been no God syndrome. Also those here keep saying he thinks he is a prophet when in reality Danny shelton has never said or even hinted those words. Maybe other's have in reference to him, but that isn't his fault. You can't be blamed for what others say about you. There are plenty of times that the board has vetoed an idea or suggestion that he has made. His friends and family have never followed blindly if they thought something wasn't a good decision. If Jim doesn't agree with something he doesn't hesitate to say so.
Maybe you feel Jim has went overboard in his public support of Danny? He has to since the PickleJoy team and their followers have done everything in their power to try and make him this horrible villian. When you have extremes on one side sometimes you over compensate on the other to try and counteract the lies. Same with money. For years 3abn never hardly mentioned donations until others tried to destroy the ministry. 3abn was wounded. That had to be brought to the forefront and people made aware that damage had been done and that damage needed repaired if the work is going to continue. You say you feel 3abn is God's ministry...then surely you realize God expects those who believe in the work to give of their means to keep it going. How will people know the needs if they are not made public?

The "source" you speak of, for me at least, Appletree, it you and the other who come here defending Danny and his questionable"*and I used that word lightly) actions, at all costs. You act as if 3ABN is the Wonderful Word of OZ, it is those who leave because of the Dannys shannigans who have the problem. You have never once even admitted that there were problems at 3ABN, when there is loads of evidence to the contrary. Including court rulings, on going IRS investigations, and questionable buisness practices, which may not be eillegal, but unethical. Not something we expect from the "leader in christian liviing". You only attack those who question these accusations, indtead of providing proof to the contrary or at least a plausible explanation. That in itself is suspect.

It smacks of a cult complete with acussers who are "afraid" to reveal themselves for fear of Danny's wrath.(which several of his supporters have been threatneing here--legal actions, we know your buisness kind of thing, thinly veiled threats. I know, I have warned you all myself). This is where someone would get that. It is not necessary to visit 3ABN. This is one reason why I was trying to ask ALL involved to check themselves, on both sides, it just doesnt' look right. Even those who are asking the tough questions of Danny, are adding to his "power", in that they duck and hide from him. For everyone, both sides, if you believe you stand on truth, and that God is truly on your side, there is no need to hide. Most looking from behind their own annonymity to unveil another's.

At the very least, I can say that those questioning Danny have been straight forward in their questionand information, some have even visited the dark side of t he force to do so. Danny supporters have only come with "That's a lie, trust me, I know", and trying to post info to discredit those asking the question. That is why None of you--Danny niether his supporters--has any credibility with me. You only attack Those who ask the questions when you have no evidence to the contrary. Just answer the questions. If, indeed, you are saving ALL of your "evidence" for court, then you all(supporters) need to just leave the 3ABN forum questions unanswered and just enjoy the rest of BSDA. Because what you are doing now, does, indeed look like Danny-worship, and no matter what he can do no wrong. And, yes, he can help what others are saying, he could shut that down, as well as he can shut down others, including his now ex wife. He likes what you are saying and has or in the process of buying into himself. If he was right, none of you would be here. I am absolutely sure he knows who all of you are and know how to contact you. He could stop it if he wanted.

As far as Linda and the gag order that is standard policy in an organization where one of the VIP's has to be let go. Again, the board had reason to believe Linda wasn't telling the truth about her situation. Compounded with that was her statements to certain people that she would write a "tell all" book. Trouble is, the "tell all" was going to be lies, not truth. So, not only is a gag order standard practice but along with the information they were receiving about her threats, they would have been idiots not to have her sign a gag order. This was advice the attorney's gave to the board.

Gag orders generally mean that the person neither the company divulge anything about the situation. Even in the buisness world once one is signed, ALL parties are silent. Danny has never been silent. Linda still is silent, wisely so. Another thing which we not becoming to the "leader in christian living".

The truth is, I can't see what the big deal is anyway since she never stuck to it and still got her settlement. That wasn't the agreement. 3abn is the one that got the raw end of the stick. She signed an agreement that she would not go away and try and destroy the ministry and in return she was to get a large settlement package over a 2 or 3 year spread. She took the money every month while breaking the agreement, it seems to me, by feeding faulty information to others to print. If I had anything to say about it, I would have cut her off and took her to court so fast it would have made her head spin. But, the board was much kinder and more tolerant of her than I would have been.

Danny would really like to think that Linda is the only one who would give usch info...apparently this is wrong, and you all should just let that go that Linda is supplying everybody here with information. This is called transference. A thief spends his time thinking everyone will is just waiting to steal from him. Danny is talking, therefore, Linda must be, also. Not! If Linda was trulybreaking the agreement, I am positive that Danny, the men who had each and every show retaped with her on it, at her departure, and has spent the last four yesars making thinly veiled inferences to "spiritual adultery" and acting as if she never existed, would have dragged into court and got his money back. He is mean and spiteful. I don't even watch 3ABN that much, and yet I have myself heard his comments, and I know personally of a lady who started watching 3ABN after Linda's departure, and from Danny's own words, she thought that he remained unmarried until Brandy. Now, you ask somebody to believe he would pay Linda if he really and truly thought she was talking? I don't think so!At sime point, Danny and the rest of you are going to have to come out of denial, and realize that it is Danny and 3ABN's words and actions, or the lack thereof, which have caused them the problems, take responsiblity,a nd do the right thing.

Those busy doing the accusing have never even been to 3abn or met the people involved. They have no idea of the strict scrutiny and accountability that 3abn functions under every single day. I do. I experience it. I also experience the sacrifice involved from the workers and the administration to keep this huge world wide ministry functioning at it's best. I have seen the seriousness and prayer that accompany's every request, idea, decision or problem that goes before the board. I have witnessed Jim and Danny and others on their knees with joined hands appealing to God for his blessings and protection on this ministry. I have also seen and experienced what lies, gossip and speculation can do to a wonderful organization and the people responsible for it. I have seen everyone brought to their knees in sorrow but, then, rise up again with renewed hope and faith for what God is doing and will continue to do. I have seen examples of great faith and miracles because of that faith. The 3abn ministry is annointed and my prayer is that they will be left alone to continue the work that our Father has commissioned them to do.

Recently, I was sitting in another meeting whee someone was screaming at the top of her lungs,
"how dare you question the Man of God!"(there was much more, but this was the gist of her rantings). The answer to her rantings was, and calm, "Everyone has the right to have concerns, and voice them. They also have a right to have those concerns answered. Appletree, Ian, Dona, FHB, Danny, JL, WT, and all the rest I can't remember off the top of my head. ALL you have to do is answer the questions. The biggest mistake Danny made long ago was not to answer Bob's questions(and those of other viewing and financial supporters). Boyfirend is like a dog with a bone, and becuase if he is nothing else he is consistent, 3 almost 4 year later he is still asking those questions, and have since found more. You are even suing him in an attempt to avoid answering his concerns. You lost financila nd viewer support, not becuase they were asking questions, but because you had no answers. Save yourself( or your benefactor) some legal fees, and just be the "leader in christian living" you claim to be, openly and honestly, answer the question. Trust God, and take whatever consequences, good or bad. Simple!


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Dec 30 2007, 02:38 PM
Post #424

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QUOTE(princessdi @ Dec 30 2007, 08:22 PM) *
The "source" you speak of, for me at least, Appletree, it you and the other who come here defending Danny and his questionable"*and I used that word lightly) actions, at all costs. You act as if 3ABN is the Wonderful Word of OZ, it is those who leave because of the Dannys shannigans who have the problem. You have never once even admitted that there were problems at 3ABN, when there is loads of evidence to the contrary. Including court rulings, on going IRS investigations, and questionable buisness practices, which may not be eillegal, but unethical. Not something we expect from the "leader in christian liviing". You only attack those who question these accusations, indtead of providing proof to the contrary or at least a plausible explanation. That in itself is suspect.

It is like I have said so many times before:

Danny Shelton is Danny Shelton's worst enemy.

If only he would realize this himself we could have a good time with him. And many of his worst problems would evaporate in no time.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)

"The truth can lose nothing by close investigation". (1888 Materials 38)

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post Dec 30 2007, 05:09 PM
Post #425

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QUOTE(Johann @ Dec 30 2007, 11:40 AM) *
Gregory, I recall the time when Linda was not sure of you. She seemed convinced you were a Danny supporter, so she did not dare have anything to do with you.

This just shows how careful you were in your evaluation of both of them right from the beginning. It seems to me it was finally Danny who convinced you who was telling the truth.

Like we have said several times before, Somehow Danny turns out again and again as Danny's own worst enemy. If he would only realize this we could be having a great time with that man.

He has a tremendous memory in certain areas. He will remember the license number of a car he saw a long time ago. He should train his memory to recall some of the more important things in life. Then we could have more fun together. And he would not be making so many false statements, as you mention here above.

Both played a part in the evaulations that I made.

In those early days, I had some correspondence directly with Danny. That correspondence had a part in my evaulation of the situation. Those elements that helped to convince me I will leave unsaid, so do not make any assumptions as to what they were.

Linda clearly played a part. One element was when I would ask her blunt questions, I believed that I got an honest answer. A second element has been the way she has related to me when she has questioned something that I have done or said. I have given her straight answers. Those have not always convinced her that I was correct. But, she has appreciated that I would openly tell her what I think, and where I was on an issue without regard to what she would think about it.

Linda can not be said to agree with every position that I have taken. She recieves advice from a number of people. She makes her decisions. She has not always followed advice that I have given her. [NOTE: In general I attempt to help people to work through issues to arrive at their own solution, rather than giving direct advice. In general I have done that with Linda rather than telling her what to do.] The bottom line is that Linda wants people who will do more than agree with her. She wants people who will push her to examine issues, and challenge her.

Whatever Linda was as a person when she was 3-ABN VP, the trials that she has gone through have been a growth experience for her. She is not the exact same person today that she was then.

It would be nice if all of us could turn trials into growth. Unfortunately, I am not certain that I would have done the same if I had been in Linda's place. I am not certain that I grow in trials. wink.gif smile.gif

This post has been edited by Observer: Dec 30 2007, 07:00 PM

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Dec 30 2007, 09:00 PM
Post #426

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appletree wrote
And where did you get the idea that Danny is treated like God at 3abn?
I watch 3abn smile.gif
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Suppressing ones free speech to defend themselves is unChristlike.
Ecc 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
I am honestly concerned with your bitter attitude apple. Christ can take the hurt and ager if you let Him smile.gif
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post Dec 30 2007, 10:28 PM
Post #427

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QUOTE(appletree @ Dec 30 2007, 04:52 AM) *
As far as Linda and the gag order that is standard policy in an organization where one of the VIP's has to be let go. Again, the board had reason to believe Linda wasn't telling the truth about her situation. Compounded with that was her statements to certain people that she would write a "tell all" book. Trouble is, the "tell all" was going to be lies, not truth. ...

The truth is, I can't see what the big deal is anyway since she never stuck to it and still got her settlement. That wasn't the agreement. 3abn is the one that got the raw end of the stick. She signed an agreement that she would not go away and try and destroy the ministry and in return she was to get a large settlement package over a 2 or 3 year spread. She took the money every month while breaking the agreement, it seems to me, by feeding faulty information to others to print. If I had anything to say about it, I would have cut her off and took her to court so fast it would have made her head spin. But, the board was much kinder and more tolerant of her than I would have been.

nono.gif Tsk tsk tsk... again with the delusions

Interesting, you would have cut her off. That has been obvious, based on the venom you have spewed for so long here on BSDA. It's a good thing you're not in the inner circle where decisions are made. ohmy.gif Well it is said: out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh...

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post Dec 31 2007, 05:52 PM
Post #428

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QUOTE(LaurenceD @ Dec 30 2007, 08:31 AM) *
That may be appletree's hopeful opinion, but scores of witnesses around the world will account for the fact that they stopped donating because of the another which appletree can't accept. I know. Think about it appletree, would you continue donating to a TV ministry if your favorite TV minister didn't appear to understand how to walk the walk? I'm talking about a leader who apparently doesn't know how to carefully shape a family and keep a marriage together with the everlasting principles he airs.

If folks go to they can find my address at the bottom of each page. In preparing my defense, I could use as many affidavits as possible from folks willing to testify that it was Danny et. al. that convinced them to stop donating, not Gailon or me, so send your notarized statements my way if you're willing.

If anyone isn't sure how to write it, call me or email me at the number or email address at the bottom of each page, and I'll tell you what to do.
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post Jan 1 2008, 12:07 AM
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I don't think you'll need affidavits to convince any reasonable jury, or judge, that in light of the unfolded truth, that damages were not a direct result of any one thing. It happens a lot....programs, candidates, etc, losing support over this kind of thing. Look what happened to other ministries under somewhat comparable circustances.

I'd hate to be the one to prove damages occured because of any one thing. That's a long long shot and I'm sure any attorney realizes it whether he wants to admit it to his $$$$$$$$$$$ client or not. The timing does not agree within itself completely as it should in a clear isolated case, or without, except as misinterpreted by circumstantial coincidence, and the economy in general. Giving has slidden in many areas.

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post Jan 1 2008, 04:06 AM
Post #430

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QUOTE(LaurenceD @ Jan 1 2008, 12:07 AM) *
I don't think you'll need affidavits to convince any reasonable jury, or judge, that in light of the unfolded truth, that damages were not a direct result of any one thing. It happens a lot....programs, candidates, etc, losing support over this kind of thing. Look what happened to other ministries under somewhat comparable circustances.

I'd hate to be the one to prove damages occurred because of any one thing. That's a long long shot and I'm sure any attorney realizes it whether he wants to admit it to his $$$$$$$$$$$ client or not. The timing does not agree within itself completely as it should in a clear isolated case, or without, except as misinterpreted by circumstantial coincidence, and the economy in general. Giving has slidden in many areas.

The Hope Channel

The Adventist Church launched Hope Channel in October 2003. 3ABN no longer has the playing field to itself. It may have taken them some time, but Hope Channel could be making some inroads into segments of 3ABN's clientele.

October 10, 2003 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States

Ansel Oliver/ANN Staff

Pastor Jan Paulsen "throws the switch" launching The Hope Channel as (left to right) Brad Thorp, Williams Costa Jr., Gary Gibbs and Kandus Thorp, watch.
Television programming designed for in-home viewing was launched Oct. 10 by the Adventist Television Network, coinciding with church president Pastor Jan Paulsen's opening address of Annual Council, one of two biannual meetings of the church's executive committee. The new network, called "The Hope Channel," was turned up when Dr. Paulsen moved a switch on a digital console during the meeting.

"This is an historic moment," said Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, a vice president of the world church, "when we begin 24 hour a day, seven days per week, 365 days a year broadcasting."

Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN)

And then there's Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, now a full-time satellite broadcaster "with links to ADRA" and listed on the Adventist Church's Web site. Couldn't former 3ABN viewers be supporting Loma Linda Broadcasting, too?


Description: Loma Linda Broadcasting Network started as a television channel sponsored by The University Church at Loma Linda on the local cable affiliate. The ministry is now a full-time satellite broadcasting network with links to ADRA

Internet URL:
Language: English
Resource Type: Internet Resources; Visual Materials
Resource Objective: Lifelong Learning
Grade: Kindergarten-Adult Ed.
Audience: Teacher, Administrator
Religious Origin: Seventh-day Adventist

Topics: Adventist Communication Networks; Service Learning & Outreach
Keywords: Adventist media; broadcasting; Christian family; electronic media; evangelism; LLBN; NAD; television; TV

Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN)


This post has been edited by Panama_Pete: Jan 1 2008, 04:11 AM
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post Jan 1 2008, 10:45 PM
Post #431

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Good point, Panama. In fact that's a very strong point. Also, I know people that stopped donating because of other changes in programming and presenters--presenters who were often selling their own books too, and co-authored books.

Hope is leaving 3abn in the dust. Lately I've been noticing some parallel programing, also some programs being duplicated. Switching back and forth and seeing it's the same program...or similar in nature. I don't know who's trying to preempt who there, but I do know there is a wide and growing consensus among many regular viewers I associate with that Hope has a far greater appeal in a much wider spectrum.

Disclaimer Notice: You are hereby cautioned that the information contained within these posts are for the sole purpose of provoking thought, adding fair comment on matters of public interest, and not providing factual information. These posts do not reflect the actual thoughts or intentions of the person writing under this username since said person is not in any position to know. No effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of any personal view, opinion, or hyperbole presented. Therefore, by disclosing, copying, or distributing these posts to others, such information must subsequently be confirmed in writing, signed and dated, by the actual person, or persons, posting behind username LaurenceD.
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post Jan 2 2008, 06:35 AM
Post #432

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Not sure where to discuss this but if you go to If you choose trademarks and using the new user form do a search for MOIPTV, you will find a record that has several selections in blue at top of the page. Below them is another set of selections in blue. One of them is Tarr Status. If you click on that it will take you to another page with several documents listed at the bottom. To access them click on trademark document retrieval on the page that comes up, you can see the documents they have so far for MOIPTV.

There are two documents that list the president and ceo. They are TEAS Plus New Application and Response to Office Action. While I have the greatest respect for Moses Primo, although he is the president and ceo of MOIPTV, that does not mean that he does not have a partner. It does not even mean that he is an owner of this for profit company. Since 3ABN is a non profit that has had inurement problems in the past and MOIPTV is a for profit company that is using the resources of 3ABN (see MOIPTV's Web Page) I would like to know who owns MOIPTV. Does 3ABN own MOIPTV or do any of the head people at 3ABN own it? Is this inurement to one of them?

MOIPTV stands for Media Opportunities Internet Protocol TV. If you go to and search for Media Opportunities, you will find Illinois Service Corporation C listed as the agent for the owner(s). This does not mean that Illinois Service Corporation C is an owner. They are acting as an agent for the owner.

I ask here because this is happening under the leadership of Jim Gilley.

This post has been edited by lurker: Jan 2 2008, 08:07 AM
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post Jan 2 2008, 12:52 PM
Post #433

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Why not call or write Jim Gilley and ask him about it. See what he says.
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post Jan 2 2008, 02:38 PM
Post #434

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QUOTE(Pickle @ Jan 2 2008, 06:52 PM) *

Why not call or write Jim Gilley and ask him about it. See what he says.

Or ask Moses Primo himself. I have been told the product of this company is a valuable invention of Moses that other SDA TV stations are also making use of, but I have never seen it and know very little about it. I see that 3ABN is also selling this item.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it" (Martin Luther King)

"The truth can lose nothing by close investigation". (1888 Materials 38)

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post Jan 2 2008, 02:55 PM
Post #435

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Then they would know who I am. So I use my little brain and do research.

No Moses didn't invent iptv (internet protocol tv). I believe the similarity between Moses or MO as his nickname is and the MO in MOIPTV or the "mo-box" is to lead one to look at Mr Moses Primo and no farther.
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