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> Latest On 3abn - Round 3, Kay Kuzma Response to L Shelton Story
post Aug 18 2004, 05:16 AM
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More lies from Adventism! blowup.gif
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post Aug 18 2004, 07:50 AM
Post #77

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Welcome Ginge.... thanks for that excellent post.... I knew there was more and it continues to come out.... thanks again.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 07:58 AM
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QUOTE(PARADISE @ Aug 18 2004, 05:16 AM)
More lies from Adventism!

What does this refer to?

Trevor Ducreay

1 Peter 4:11 "If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man ministers, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth"
"If my heart condemns me, God is greater than my heart." [Para 1 Jn 3:20]
"But none of these things move me" [Acts 20:24]
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post Aug 18 2004, 08:08 AM
Post #79

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I think I will stay out of this topic until we have all details out. Only because there are conflicting issues and "He say, She say, She say". If they thought that sharing this much was going in their favor, they underestimated the intelligence of this group. We will not take what little they have shared and think it is written in stone.

I am with Claborn, time to quit showing the tip of the iceberg. Tell the whole truth because God already knows.

"When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say,"Jesus, could you get that for me?"
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post Aug 18 2004, 08:48 AM
Post #80

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Several issues though Verette... no where is it written that because your spouse commits adultery that it is mandatory that you get a divorce. It is an option but not required. How does one commit "spiritual adultery" which seems to be Mr. Shelton's claim? If you choose to go public with information, then as I said before, tell it all, tell what you did as well as your spouse... the fact that Mr. Shelton has chosen only to tell on Linda is suspect, in my opinion... I am sure there is more... I just read the letter Linda put out, and I will post that, so there is a degree of comparison....

I am still ticked about the Kuzma thing... she is a counselor and should have known better....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 08:49 AM
Post #81

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Here is Linda's letter from her site....


August 18, 2004

Hello my friends,

I am overwhelmed!! Thank you so much for your cards, letters and gifts. Your love, prayers and encouragement mean more than you can possibly imagine...especially right now.

Many people have been asking "Where is Linda Shelton?" Well, she's been tucked away in the woods here in Southern Illinois nearly three months. It's been a wonderful quiet retreat where I can heal from the scars of spiritual and mental warfare. On 3ABN I've always been one to try to bring out the good things about trials...never dreaming that one day that my entire life would be pulled up from the very foundations. Truly it seems an impossibility that one can lose so much so quickly. It's not my intention that this letter result in your pity and sympathy, but it is my intention to give you, as my friend, perhaps a clearer picture of what happened. I signed a severance agreement with 3ABN. This limits me as to how detailed I can explain my story... but with God's blessing, and the unction of the Holy Spirit working on your heart, I believe I can say what needs to be said to clear up a lot of questions.

My story begins many years ago when I was only 24 years old. I was married with two small babies, Alyssa and Nathan. A literature evangelist came to my door, and after a pleasant visit she invited me to church. Three months later I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. These truths set me free to the highest degree and I was spiritually floating on "cloud nine." Yet Satan was angry. My family, at the time, had a twisted view of the SDA church, and additionally the family was heavily involved in politics. My choice was not, in their opinion, politically correct. The pressure on my husband and marriage resulted in a divorce. I was devastated. I lost my husband, my home and my security. I ended up living in a public housing facility which was completely contrary to the lifestyle in which I had been raised. Although this was an incredible blow, the lessons I learned during this time were priceless. I learned about what was really of the utmost importance in life. Still yet, it was a Gethsemane experience.

Time passed. Ten days after his vision to build 3ABN, Dan and I were married. It was an amazing experience to literally watch the hand of God build this network. It was an incredible privilege to be able to participate in a ministry that was ordained in the courts of heaven. But the battles still came...the evil one was angry with such an incredible evangelistic tool. One battle which literally brought me and kept me on my knees, occurred in 1995. After enjoying the custody of both of my children for many years, my children's father took me to court when my son, Nathan, was only 15 years old. Nathan was quite enamored with the newly acquired attentiveness he was getting from his father, so he wanted to live with him. I told Nathan that I could not, with a clear conscience, and would not place him in such an environment where smoking, drinking, etc. existed. We were in court for 3-1/2 days. Some questions I was asked were "Why couldn't my son play ball on Friday nights like all of the other boys his age?" And "Why couldn't my son eat meat like other young teenagers his age?" The opposing attorney was very successful making me, Nathan's Mom, look like an unbalanced religious zealot. I begged God to intervene. After I cried a barrel of tears I heard a still, small voice say "Just as Abraham placed Isaac on the altar, I want you to place Nathan on the altar." I said, "Please God, anything but that." But finally after crying another barrel of tears, with God's help I was able to place Nathan on the altar. The years that followed were much more than heart-breaking. Nathan become involved in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.. Many times I lay in bed numb and fearful that I would wake up to the news that something happened to Nathan during the night. I begged God to intervene. He did. He saved Nathan's life on not just one, but many occasions. Still yet, this was much more than a Gethsemane experience for me. In the last eight years it has not always been easy to sit on the porch and share the devotions the Lord gave me because of what was happening with my son. But somehow just speaking the Bible scriptures and making the effort to encourage someone else who was hurting always, but always strengthened me.

After 8 years of prayer the turning point came. God impressed an SDA doctor from Norway to visit 3ABN the last part of December. He said he didn't know why he was there...but he does now. I met him briefly and the conversation turned to Nathan. I explained to this doctor how Nathan had a $20,000 plus habit last year that had left him skin and bones. The doctor asked to see him and miraculously I was able to get Nathan to see him. He invited him to Norway to treat him with IV's filled with natural remedies which would cleanse his body then build it up. Again, miraculously Nathan agreed to go. He left around the 20th of January. A friend of mine and myself joined Nathan for about 3-1/2 days the first week in February to give him support. Incredibly, there was a visible difference in Nathan after only 10 days. When I returned I regularly called this doctor for progress reports. Although February was probably the busiest month of travel for Dan and myself, on March 7, 2004 I was accused of committing spiritual adultery with this doctor, because I spoke with this near stranger to me on the phone. Later untruths were spoken by one close to me and a simple situation escalated quickly into a nightmare. Things went from bad to worse to sinister. I literally fought the dragon from March until a separation became vitally necessary around the 1st of June. In a short time my job, my marriage, my ministry, and my reputation were gone...and not in this order. There are many details...but this is my story. Let me add here that before God there was no romantic notions on my part, nor on the part of this doctor, during a time filled with accusations and condemnation.

Although this has been a real Gethsemane experience for me, folks, I still love Jesus and I feel that I am on top of the problem, rather than the problem being on top of me. I praise God for all the precious memories of the past and I look forward to a life of ministry in the future. (I told the Lord that under the circumstances with the "reputation thing" that He's going to have to open up the doors. He's told me He would.) Additionally about my precious son, Nathan still struggles with some drug use, but praise God, he's fighting it...and he's going back to Norway in September for more treatments. Folks, I just want to encourage you to stay CLOSE to Jesus. The whirlwind can come when you least expect it to knock you off your feet...and where will you land?? Now is the time to lean hard on those everlasting arms, now is the time to spend time in God's Word and now is the time to make Jesus your Best Friend! May He bless you abundantly more than you can ask or think!! My prayers are with you!!

His love & mine,

Linda Shelton

P.S. Keep checking my website for new updates at

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 09:26 AM
Post #82

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I know I am going to get a lot of responses so finish reading before responding.

True they are in the public eye and there was an issue about some type of adultery. My thinking is this, if it involves a marriage, let them work that out. Yes, they are suppose to be an example, we all make mistakes.

Now there is always a third wheel or as most call it a "monkey wrench". I have seen what the "counselor" wrote and saw what Linda wrote. Now where is Danny Boy's side of things. I believe that he is allowing this to go on because he has a few things to hid. If we all remember how the game is played. If you make all evidence point another direction, then you will not be considered a suspect.

To the flip side of this...if she did have an affair, why. What was missing from the marriage that would make her do that. From the letter above, this is her second marriage. So she would have to be aware of the signs that there is a problem.

I just believe that one can not throw a stone ata glass house.

"When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say,"Jesus, could you get that for me?"
Always allow yourself to learn something new each day, wisdom will grow that way.
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post Aug 18 2004, 10:29 AM
Post #83

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QUOTE(claborn1960 @ Aug 18 2004, 08:49 AM)
[color=blue]Here is Linda's letter from her site....

I signed a severance agreement with 3ABN. This limits me as to how detailed I can explain my story...
....There are many details...but this is my story. Let me add here that before God there was no romantic notions on my part, nor on the part of this doctor, during a time filled with accusations and condemnation.

Linda Shelton

While I appreciate that Linda has to try to balance the PR equation this is just mosre of the lies, spins and misuse and abuse of Scripture to cover up---God knows what.

1. The only thing honest about this letter is that she insists it's her "story." And story it is.

2. She was not accused of "romantic notions" but of "spiritual adultery" and "adultery."

3. The misuse and abuse of Scripture by Linda should disturb any believer.
QUOTE(Linda Shelton via claborn)
"Why couldn't my son play ball on Friday nights like all of the other boys his age?" And "Why couldn't my son eat meat like other young teenagers his age?" The opposing attorney was very successful making me, Nathan's Mom, look like an unbalanced religious zealot.

4. What kind of mother fights over Friday night activities and meat eating for her 15-year old child? Of course she was a fanatic! Poor kid!

5. She signed a severance agreement so she can't talk..what kind of trash is that?

It's about the money folks. Everyone involved in this is about the money. Everypone can talk but can't say much. Do you see the pattern?

Kay Kuzma's cottages/resorts get good free publicity on 3ABN. I didn't expect her to take Linda's side.

Linda got her millions to keep quiet--about what? Time will tell? The IRS hasn't finished with them yet.

Trevor Ducreay

1 Peter 4:11 "If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man ministers, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth"
"If my heart condemns me, God is greater than my heart." [Para 1 Jn 3:20]
"But none of these things move me" [Acts 20:24]
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post Aug 18 2004, 10:39 AM
Post #84


QUOTE(mema @ Aug 18 2004, 10:26 AM)
I just believe that one can not throw a stone at a glass house.

Show me a better place to throw them.
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post Aug 18 2004, 10:40 AM
Post #85

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I am sure it is about the money, yet this could have been kept from public view if Mr. Shelton and 3ABN had announced Linda's departure in a more professional way leaving us to guess what really happened. I still maintain that Mr. Shelton had to come away looking clean so that 3ABN could keep it's conservative patrons on board.

As far as Mrs. Shelton's side is concerned, somewhere it may have been rumored that she was romantically linked to the man in question. Let's be real folks, how do you prove spiritual adultery? The inferences had to be made for something more than talking on the phone so that he could justify kicking her to the curb.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 10:44 AM
Post #86


Why do you guys keep on speaking as if there is anything like spiritual adultery?
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post Aug 18 2004, 10:49 AM
Post #87

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You mean there is no such animal? Hmmmmm I think Mr. Shelton was hanging his hat on the "if a man looks with lust then he has committed adultery" only in his situation it would be, " if my wife talks on the phone longer than 10 minutes to a male she is not married to, then she has committed adultery with him..." or something like that. Granted I don't know Mr. Shelton, have no idea what kind of person he is, have not walked a mile or less in his shoes....However I do know that the bible he reads says Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church... so EVEN IF he thought divorce was the only option he could have done it in love and saved her from embarrassment.... but that's just me

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 11:23 AM
Post #88

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So if is possible to commit spiritual adultery, is it also possible to commit spiritual stealing? Or spiritual coveting? How about spiritual dishonoring your parents?

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 18 2004, 11:26 AM
Post #89


How do all these church heavyweights who were involved in this case explain how they allowed an accusation of spiritual adultery to be pursued by a spouse?
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post Aug 18 2004, 11:29 AM
Post #90

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They do the selective criteria thing.... it may be permissible for some to do it but not others, and then they will spin it to say it is evaluated on a case by case basis....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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