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> Can One Defy The 3abn Board & Get Away With It?, Linda, Tommy, Danny, & Brandy
post Apr 2 2007, 07:49 AM
Post #91

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QUOTE(Clay @ Apr 1 2007, 07:03 PM) [snapback]189442[/snapback]

so how is doing essential work for an adventist run institution different from doing essential work for other employers i.e. regular hospitals, state colleges, etc....

Sabbath: I cannot help but chime in on this one:

Generally SDAs have seen the Sabbath commandment as prohibiting non-essential work, and as allowing essential labor on the Sabbath. Under that construct, if something is prohibited, it should not be done by anyone. That is to say that a Sabbath-keeper should not hire someone to do something that the Sabbath-keeper cannot do. If it is essential, then it may be done by a Sabbath-keeper.

These constructs are not as locked in concrete as some would like. Generally, the SDA Church allows the individual to exercise some choice. That stems from the idea that the Christian life is a life of growth, and the Holy Spirit can lead.

It is not always easy, in this 21st Cent. to put this into practice. That which is essential today, may not have been heard of in Biblical times. In some climes electricity is essential for life and required 24 hours a day. Probably few of us would want for our electricity to be turned off during the Sabbath. Yet, the fact that we use it requires that people work to keep the generators going.

I sometimes think that we relate to the Sabbath in a manner that presents our God in an unfavorable light. I am reminded of a SDA congregation where I once worshiped. It was located in an area that had maintained some of the natural forms of plant an animal life. So, it contacted a State agency and asked that it supply a naturalist who would take the congregation on a nature walk, on a Sabbath afternoon, in an area abundant with plant and animal life.

That State agency charged a fee for automobiles to enter that area and park. Well, the congregation all parked outside the gate, and caused traffic problems on that narrow entry road, because they did not want to pay the entry fee on the Sabbath. The State agency assigned a member of the congregation to escort them on that nature walk. The congregation then wanted to discipline that member because he had worked on the Sabbath and provided services as requested by the congregation!

NOTE: I intervened, and stopped the discipline. But, he had to appear before a committee, and explain himself.

Where is God in our insanity?

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Apr 2 2007, 08:27 AM
Post #92

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QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 30 2007, 06:21 PM) [snapback]189070[/snapback]

And I question the stewardship practices of any ministry that would use God's money in such an irresponsible and senseless way as suing those who ask questions in an attempt to avoid answering questions 1.

This is NOT gonna fly Bob Pickle. Not as long as I am entitled to post my opinion.

Do not pretend you are some innocent little guy merely asking questions who is being victimized by people who refuse to answer them, and are trying to avoid that. I promise you I am gonna be all over you like white on rice everytime you try to play this sob story and act like you can't understand what you have done.

People do NOT get sued for asking questions!

The facts are there is NOTHING wrong with questions, and in the beginning several people at 3ABN started to answer your questions, you have posted the e-mails which prove that yourself. The problem was you took everything that was said to you and ran with it and used it as a reason to libel and accuse them, twisting and distorting everything that was said to you, and putting it in the worst possible light, then when they naturally stopped answering questions, you jumped to false assumptions and began to post all that as if it was fact.

That isn't just asking innocent questions Bob! You supplied your own answers to your questions and those accusations and libel are all over this forum and others and your save 3ABN website.

QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 30 2007, 06:21 PM) [snapback]189070[/snapback]

I remain genuinely concerned regarding the potential damage to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and message that the scandals of Danny et. al. may cause, as well as for the stability and effectiveness of the global ministry of 3ABN.

"potential damage"? "may cause"?

This is the most ridiculous outrageous falsehood to date!

Are you seriously so self deceived that you believe this?

A Christian concerned with all of ths and believing there is sin or error, would follow Matt 18, they would take it to the Church and handle it privately and take care of it as the bible and the SOP says
They wouldn't make excuses about how jesus' way doesn't work, and do it all themselves, justifying every wrong step they take, ignoring Church discipline, not allowing the Church to decide and arbitrate and even give them counsel if they were wrong or in error.

They would not ignore the whole chain from the local Church , clear up to the General Conference, making excuses about "well 3ABN can't be handled that way" because they would know that individuals can be handled that way, and every single person with the exception of Tommy Shelton whom ylou have accused and found fault with is a member of the Church and may be dealt with within the Church.

You claim you are not against 3ABN the ministry, but insist on badmouthin 3ABN, and refuse to deal with individuals within it as Christ commanded and thus preserve the ministry. Ask yourself why, I don't want to hear more excuses.

A Christian truly concerned with preventing scandal and reproach on God's people should all this become known, would not himself begin to run up and down among the people trumpeting it to everyone, and being a talebearer. They would not publish it all to the world on a public website, sounding like the national Enquirer, causing the scandal and reproach and damge themselves, and gleefully keep posting how many hits the page is generating, and constantly announcing the new garbage there.

You, Bob, have been instramental in causing the scandal, the damage to a ministry and the reproach on the SDA Church by your unchristlike behaviour, and your condemnations and slopppy research.

That Bob is why people get sued, and why you yourself should be under Church discipline, just look at what you and your partners have wrought.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Pickle
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:47 PM
Subject: [adventism_prophecy] Re: The Shelton Saga & 1950 Church Manual
Corruption Saga

Oops. I must have overwritten the second of those three quotes, the
one that should have said something about gossip. Here it is, along
with a couple others I found:

"Those who are associated together in church capacity have entered
into a relationship with one another which implies mutual
responsibility. They have individually pledged themselves to God and
to their brethren to build up one another in the most holy faith,--to
build up, not to tear down. No church can be in a healthy, flourishing
condition unless its leaders shall take firm, decided measures to
repress this fault-finding, accusing spirit wherever it exists. Its
indulgence should be made a matter of church discipline; for it is a
violation of the law of God, a violation of the rules which Christ has
laid down for preserving order in the church. If these mischievous
talkers are not subjected to church discipline they become confirmed
in their evil work, and God charges the guilt upon the church." (RH

"Here is defined the exalted position we should occupy. Let busybodies
and accusers be visited and rebuked. If after thorough labor, they do
not hold their tongues in check, they should be suspended from church
membership." (15MR 163)

"There are those members who are busybodies, speaking evil, sowing the
seeds of doubt and infidelity, who pay no heed to the light God has
given them in His Word. If we have but one church member who by his
spirit, words, and influence seeks to counterwork the influence of the
minister of Christ, labor with that one faithfully; and if after
taking the steps required by Christ, he will not hear, will not change
his course of action, then separate him from the church, and let him
know the reason why the church cannot hold him in her fellowship."
(15MR 163)

--snipped balance of post involving your personal horn tooting. Actions speak louder then words--

"...Go, burdened ones, and free yourselves from your burden in God's appointed way. First go tell your brother his fault between you and him alone. If this fail, next take with you one or two friends, and tell him in their presence. If these steps fail, then tell it to the church. Not an unbeliever is to be made acquainted with the slightest particular of the matter. Telling it to the church is the last step to be taken. Publish it not to the enemies of our faith. They have no right to the knowledge of church matters, lest the weakness and errors of Christ's followers be exposed. " {2T 54.2}

" It pains me to say that there are unruly tongues among church members. There are false tongues that feed on mischief. There are sly, whispering tongues. There is tattling, impertinent meddling, adroit quizzing. Among the lovers of gossip some are actuated by curiosity, others by jealousy, many by hatred against those through whom God has spoken to reprove them. All these discordant elements are at work. Some conceal their real sentiments, while others are eager to publish all they know, or even suspect, of evil against another.

I saw that the very spirit of perjury, that would turn truth into falsehood, good into evil, and innocence into crime, is now active. Satan exults over the condition of God's professed people. While many are neglecting their own souls, they eagerly watch for an opportunity to criticize and condemn others. All have defects of character, and it is not hard to find something that jealousy can interpret to their injury. "Now," say these self-constituted judges, "we have facts. We will fasten upon them an accusation from which they can not clear themselves." They wait for a fitting opportunity and then produce their bundle of gossip and bring forth their tidbits.

In their efforts to carry a point, persons who have naturally a strong imagination are in danger of deceiving themselves and deceiving others. They gather up unguarded expressions from another, not considering that words may be uttered hastily and hence may not reflect the real sentiments of the speaker. But those unpremeditated remarks, often so trifling as to be unworthy of notice, are viewed through Satan's magnifying glass, pondered, and repeated until molehills become mountains. Separated from God, the surmisers of evil become the sport of temptation. They scarcely know the strength of their feelings or the effect of their words. While condemning the errors of others, they indulge far greater errors themselves. Consistency is a jewel.

Is there no law of kindness to be observed? Have Christians been authorized of God to criticize and condemn one another? Is it honorable, or even honest, to win from the lips of another, under the guise of friendship, secrets which have been entrusted to him, and then turn the knowledge thus gained to his injury? Is it Christian charity to gather up every floating report, to unearth everything that will cast suspicion on the character of another, and then take delight in using it to injure him? Satan exults when he can defame or wound a follower of Christ. He is "the accuser of our brethren." Shall Christians aid him in his work?

God's all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of faultfinding, every word of censure or condemnation, is painful.

There have always been men and women who profess the truth, who have not conformed their lives to its sanctifying influence; men who are unfaithful, yet deceiving themselves and encouraging themselves in sin. Unbelief is seen in their life, their deportment, and character, and this terrible evil acts as does a canker.

Would all professed Christians use their investigative powers to see what evils needed to be corrected in themselves, instead of talking of others' wrongs, there would be a more healthy condition in the church today. Some will be honest when it costs nothing; but when policy will pay best, honesty is forgotten. Honesty and policy will not work together in the same mind. In time, either policy will be expelled, and truth and honesty reign supreme, or, if policy is cherished, honesty will be forgotten." Testimonies vol 5

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post Apr 2 2007, 08:33 AM
Post #93

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haterade so early in the day.... sheesh....

IPB Image

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Apr 2 2007, 09:27 AM
Post #94

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QUOTE(Clay @ Apr 2 2007, 10:33 AM) [snapback]189501[/snapback]

haterade so early in the day.... sheesh....

IPB Image

Hey Clay, this is a bit offtopic, but can you see if I am somehow blocked from posting pictures? I used to be able to, but keep getting a error message talking about permission now.. Like in, I tried to post a small Ernie and Bert picture (jpg) and couldn't. And I tried to pm you a picture of a book page and couldn't..

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Apr 2 2007, 09:30 AM
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post Apr 2 2007, 09:43 AM
Post #95

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 09:27 AM) [snapback]189500[/snapback]

A Christian concerned with all of ths and believing there is sin or error, would follow Matt 18, they would take it to the Church and handle it privately and take care of it as the bible and the SOP says
They wouldn't make excuses about how jesus' way doesn't work, and do it all themselves, justifying every wrong step they take, ignoring Church discipline, not allowing the Church to decide and arbitrate and even give them counsel if they were wrong or in error.

They would not ignore the whole chain from the local Church , clear up to the General Conference, making excuses about "well 3ABN can't be handled that way" because they would know that individuals can be handled that way, and every single person with the exception of Tommy Shelton whom ylou have accused and found fault with is a member of the Church and may be dealt with within the Church.

What YOU are ignoring is the fact that long before Bob came into the picture, MULTIPLE persons had on MULTIPLE occasions gone through all of the steps of Matt 18.... "clear up to the General Conference"..... and only when all of that failed to have any effect.... and when every church level claimed that they could not "deal with it".... did they go to the public forums.

As long as you choose to ignore what has already been tried, your spin machine will slip a cog with every revolution. You would be well advised to make sure what is in the kool-aid that you are drinking. It just could be that you are trusting the wrong entities.
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post Apr 2 2007, 09:58 AM
Post #96

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QUOTE(watchbird @ Apr 2 2007, 10:43 AM) [snapback]189510[/snapback]

What YOU are ignoring is the fact that long before Bob came into the picture, MULTIPLE persons had on MULTIPLE occasions gone through all of the steps of Matt 18.... "clear up to the General Conference"..... and only when all of that failed to have any effect.... and when every church level claimed that they could not "deal with it".... did they go to the public forums.

As long as you choose to ignore what has already been tried, your spin machine will slip a cog with every revolution. You would be well advised to make sure what is in the kool-aid that you are drinking. It just could be that you are trusting the wrong entities.

First, Bob doesn't get justified or condemned by what others did or did not do. Bob is accountable for what Bob says and does.

Second, What have I ignored? claims without proof, like this? Multiple times? Why don't you cite an example, just one of someone, anyone, in your camp following the three steps in Matt 18, and it coming to nought?

I asked this before, and despite their same exact claims about this, neither Inga or johann, would or could tell me how this was done.

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Apr 2 2007, 10:04 AM
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:09 AM
Post #97

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I suppose, Cindy, to be fair and consistent, you have also put Danny and Harold Lance on notice that they need to correct the false information in Harold Lance's statement, right? Or are you only concerned about pointing out the alleged sin you see in only one side?

"White on rice." I think brown rice is healthier. Should help prevent colon cancer, based on what I've heard MD's say.

Well, anonymous Cindy, regarding Matt. 18, I did ask Hal Steenson about when Melody got married. Then I asked him privately for an apology. On September 1 I brought that problem to John Lomacang's attention. Eventually I brought it to Walt Thompson's attention.

But remember, Matt. 18 has never applied to Tommy Shelton's case, since those allegations were in the public domain. And they wouldn't apply to Danny and Tommy falsely blaming his alleged high blood pressure on a ferry, since they did that on global TV. Matt. 18 does not apply to public sins.
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:14 AM
Post #98

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QUOTE(Observer @ Apr 2 2007, 07:49 AM) [snapback]189490[/snapback]

Sabbath: I cannot help but chime in on this one:

Generally SDAs have seen the Sabbath commandment as prohibiting non-essential work, and as allowing essential labor on the Sabbath. Under that construct, if something is prohibited, it should not be done by anyone. That is to say that a Sabbath-keeper should not hire someone to do something that the Sabbath-keeper cannot do. If it is essential, then it may be done by a Sabbath-keeper.

These constructs are not as locked in concrete as some would like. Generally, the SDA Church allows the individual to exercise some choice. That stems from the idea that the Christian life is a life of growth, and the Holy Spirit can lead.

It is not always easy, in this 21st Cent. to put this into practice. That which is essential today, may not have been heard of in Biblical times. In some climes electricity is essential for life and required 24 hours a day. Probably few of us would want for our electricity to be turned off during the Sabbath. Yet, the fact that we use it requires that people work to keep the generators going.

I sometimes think that we relate to the Sabbath in a manner that presents our God in an unfavorable light. I am reminded of a SDA congregation where I once worshiped. It was located in an area that had maintained some of the natural forms of plant an animal life. So, it contacted a State agency and asked that it supply a naturalist who would take the congregation on a nature walk, on a Sabbath afternoon, in an area abundant with plant and animal life.

That State agency charged a fee for automobiles to enter that area and park. Well, the congregation all parked outside the gate, and caused traffic problems on that narrow entry road, because they did not want to pay the entry fee on the Sabbath. The State agency assigned a member of the congregation to escort them on that nature walk. The congregation then wanted to discipline that member because he had worked on the Sabbath and provided services as requested by the congregation!

NOTE: I intervened, and stopped the discipline. But, he had to appear before a committee, and explain himself.

Where is God in our insanity?

the sheep might have gotten lost otherwise. would it have been possible for the congregation to have paid in advance?? and as for electricity. if it meant everyone on this earth was keeping the sabbath, i'd gladly praise the Lord for no electricity that day.

Thess. 2:16-17 - Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."

[quote: fine art]

Instead we seem to be using sensationalism, emotionalism, moving lights and motivational speakers that are prepared to manipulate, by well chosen words, the minds of the listeners.
It used to be, messages that were given by our pioneers were wrenched from the depths of the heart by the Holy Spirit.
Humor was not added to get that laugh of entertainment. Drama was not introduced behind the sacred desk to glue your attention.

Man's Rationale has replaced a cry for God's wisdom."

"How To Be Free From Bitterness" ( booklet written by Jim Wilson of Community Christian Ministries, Moscow, Idaho - E-mail: )
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:19 AM
Post #99

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The pics you are attempting to post are proabaly too large. check the size and reduce it if at all possible.
QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 07:27 AM) [snapback]189508[/snapback]

Hey Clay, this is a bit offtopic, but can you see if I am somehow blocked from posting pictures? I used to be able to, but keep getting a error message talking about permission now.. Like in, I tried to post a small Ernie and Bert picture (jpg) and couldn't. And I tried to pm you a picture of a book page and couldn't..


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:33 AM
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QUOTE(princessdi @ Apr 1 2007, 02:14 PM) [snapback]189367[/snapback]

LT According to Bystander, wwjd, Lee, FHB, and Aletheia. Danny/3ABn are aupposed to be in the midst of suing Gailon Joy, Pickle, Sister(even though they dont' know who she is), and pretty much anybody(if I remember correctly they even threatened Kevin a time or two with civil action) who has had something negative to say about Danny, and therefore 3ABN, here at BSDA.

This is why they are not free to divulge any of the mountains of evidence they "have" which disproves and allegations here. So Lee wants us to tbe patient and rust her, bastion of turth that she is, that the lawsuit is coming and eeeeeeverything will come out then. and people will pay for crossing Danny and 3ABN, etc., etc., etc...........Got it?
giggle.gif,and anyother internet site.

I've been threatened with lawsuits before. I used to repossess cars for a living. It's a line a lot of people use when they think they can scare you.

It doesn't work with me.

Duane Clem

It's not about religion, it's about a relationship.

Gems of Wisdom
"Lisa and Ronda are not Danny's biological father." -- wwjd, 2/8/07
"Watchbird, The facts prove the above lie." -- wwjd, 2/13/07
"Another lie that can be proven..." -- Bystander, 3/18/07
"The thing about lies is they can be proven." -- Aletheia, 3/22/07
"I am not here to argue" -- Aletheia, 4/24/07
"She didn't move to 3ABN, she moved to Illinois" -- Aletheia, 4/25/07
"Hope is liberal. 3abn is not." -- steffan, 6/9/07
"Danny Shelton does not decide what goes on the air, period." -- appletree, 8/22/07
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:44 AM
Post #101

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QUOTE(ex3ABNemployee @ Apr 2 2007, 11:33 AM) [snapback]189523[/snapback]

I've been threatened with lawsuits before. I used to repossess cars for a living. It's a line a lot of people use when they think they can scare you.

It doesn't work with me.

And one you have admittedly used...

Would you say it worked when you threatened Glenn Dryden???

QUOTE(princessdi @ Apr 2 2007, 11:19 AM) [snapback]189520[/snapback]

The pics you are attempting to post are proabaly too large. check the size and reduce it if at all possible.

Thanks Di.

I thought that too, but the Ernie and Bert picture I tried to post was much smaller then another i previously posted here?? dunno.gif That's why I thought it may have accidenally been disabled when I was on my little vacation smile.gif
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:47 AM
Post #102

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Not that I know of.
QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 08:44 AM) [snapback]189525[/snapback]

Thanks Di.

I thought that too, but the Ernie and Bert picture I tried to post was much smaller then another i previously posted here?? dunno.gif That's why I thought it may have accidenally been disabled when I was on my little vacation smile.gif


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Apr 2 2007, 10:56 AM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Apr 2 2007, 09:09 AM) [snapback]189515[/snapback]

I suppose, Cindy, to be fair and consistent, you have also put Danny and Harold Lance on notice that they need to correct the false information in Harold Lance's statement, right? Or are you only concerned about pointing out the alleged sin you see in only one side?

"White on rice." I think brown rice is healthier. Should help prevent colon cancer, based on what I've heard MD's say.

Well, anonymous Cindy, regarding Matt. 18, I did ask Hal Steenson about when Melody got married. Then I asked him privately for an apology. On September 1 I brought that problem to John Lomacang's attention. Eventually I brought it to Walt Thompson's attention.

But remember, Matt. 18 has never applied to Tommy Shelton's case, since those allegations were in the public domain. And they wouldn't apply to Danny and Tommy falsely blaming his alleged high blood pressure on a ferry, since they did that on global TV. Matt. 18 does not apply to public sins.

(edited for content) never mind...sigh no.gif


Rosyroi @}---;---;-----


"Joy, Love, Peace, Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Self Control are what being full of the Holy Spirit is all about." Galations 5.

"Don't waste your time waiting and longing for large opportunities which may never come, but faitfully handle the little things that are always claiming your attention..." F.B. Meyers

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B. 2007

"For GOD so LOVED you and me..." John 3:16

"I believe that there is a devil, and here's Satan's agenda. First, he doesn't want anyone having kids. Secondly, if they do conceive, he wants them killed.
If they're not killed through abortion, he wants them neglected or abused physically, emotionally, sexually...One way or another, the legions of hell want to destroy children because children become the future adults and leaders. If they (legions) can warp or wound a child, he or she becomes a warped or wounded adult who passes on this affliction to the next generation". -Terry Randall in TIME Magazine, October 21, 1991
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post Apr 2 2007, 11:17 AM
Post #104

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 11:44 AM) [snapback]189525[/snapback]

And one you have admittedly used...

Would you say it worked when you threatened Glenn Dryden???
Thanks Di.

I thought that too, but the Ernie and Bert picture I tried to post was much smaller then another i previously posted here?? dunno.gif That's why I thought it may have accidenally been disabled when I was on my little vacation smile.gif

copy and paste the link to where the pic is and it will be embedded in your post.... the image icon where the link is to be posted can be found on the menu bar when you reply... its the icon that looks like a tree.... click it, then paste the link in there... then post your reply.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Apr 2 2007, 11:49 AM
Post #105

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 11:58 AM) [snapback]189513[/snapback]

Second, What have I ignored? claims without proof, like this? Multiple times? Why don't you cite an example, just one of someone, anyone, in your camp following the three steps in Matt 18, and it coming to nought?

I asked this before, and despite their same exact claims about this, neither Inga or johann, would or could tell me how this was done.

Because Matt 18 says "between he and thee *alone*"... If they give you details of when and how and what was said, they violate that. That they are at the point of taking it to the church says that there was no resolution at those earlier stages.

We are still waiting for you to provide the list of what, in all of this, that you have personally witnessed versus that which you know because someone told you. You mentioned in a previous post that you had never met nor spoken to Linda or Danny... so what, exactly makes you an authority? Who is feeding you the questions to be asked? And why don't they just ask them themselves?

In His service,
Mr. J

QUOTE(Aletheia @ Apr 2 2007, 10:27 AM) [snapback]189500[/snapback]

This is NOT gonna fly Bob Pickle. Not as long as I am entitled to post my opinion.

Do not pretend you are some innocent little guy merely asking questions who is being victimized by people who refuse to answer them, and are trying to avoid that. I promise you I am gonna be all over you like white on rice everytime you try to play this sob story and act like you can't understand what you have done.

People do NOT get sued for asking questions!

The facts are there is NOTHING wrong with questions, and in the beginning several people at 3ABN started to answer your questions, you have posted the e-mails which prove that yourself. The problem was you took everything that was said to you and ran with it and used it as a reason to libel and accuse them, twisting and distorting everything that was said to you, and putting it in the worst possible light, then when they naturally stopped answering questions, you jumped to false assumptions and began to post all that as if it was fact.

That isn't just asking innocent questions Bob! You supplied your own answers to your questions and those accusations and libel are all over this forum and others and your save 3ABN website.
"potential damage"? "may cause"?

This is the most ridiculous outrageous falsehood to date!

Are you seriously so self deceived that you believe this?

A Christian concerned with all of ths and believing there is sin or error, would follow Matt 18, they would take it to the Church and handle it privately and take care of it as the bible and the SOP says
They wouldn't make excuses about how jesus' way doesn't work, and do it all themselves, justifying every wrong step they take, ignoring Church discipline, not allowing the Church to decide and arbitrate and even give them counsel if they were wrong or in error.

They would not ignore the whole chain from the local Church , clear up to the General Conference, making excuses about "well 3ABN can't be handled that way" because they would know that individuals can be handled that way, and every single person with the exception of Tommy Shelton whom ylou have accused and found fault with is a member of the Church and may be dealt with within the Church.

You claim you are not against 3ABN the ministry, but insist on badmouthin 3ABN, and refuse to deal with individuals within it as Christ commanded and thus preserve the ministry. Ask yourself why, I don't want to hear more excuses.

A Christian truly concerned with preventing scandal and reproach on God's people should all this become known, would not himself begin to run up and down among the people trumpeting it to everyone, and being a talebearer. They would not publish it all to the world on a public website, sounding like the national Enquirer, causing the scandal and reproach and damge themselves, and gleefully keep posting how many hits the page is generating, and constantly announcing the new garbage there.

You, Bob, have been instramental in causing the scandal, the damage to a ministry and the reproach on the SDA Church by your unchristlike behaviour, and your condemnations and slopppy research.

That Bob is why people get sued, and why you yourself should be under Church discipline, just look at what you and your partners have wrought.
--snipped balance of post involving your personal horn tooting. Actions speak louder then words--
"...Go, burdened ones, and free yourselves from your burden in God's appointed way. First go tell your brother his fault between you and him alone. If this fail, next take with you one or two friends, and tell him in their presence. If these steps fail, then tell it to the church. Not an unbeliever is to be made acquainted with the slightest particular of the matter. Telling it to the church is the last step to be taken. Publish it not to the enemies of our faith. They have no right to the knowledge of church matters, lest the weakness and errors of Christ's followers be exposed. " {2T 54.2}
" It pains me to say that there are unruly tongues among church members. There are false tongues that feed on mischief. There are sly, whispering tongues. There is tattling, impertinent meddling, adroit quizzing. Among the lovers of gossip some are actuated by curiosity, others by jealousy, many by hatred against those through whom God has spoken to reprove them. All these discordant elements are at work. Some conceal their real sentiments, while others are eager to publish all they know, or even suspect, of evil against another.

I saw that the very spirit of perjury, that would turn truth into falsehood, good into evil, and innocence into crime, is now active. Satan exults over the condition of God's professed people. While many are neglecting their own souls, they eagerly watch for an opportunity to criticize and condemn others. All have defects of character, and it is not hard to find something that jealousy can interpret to their injury. "Now," say these self-constituted judges, "we have facts. We will fasten upon them an accusation from which they can not clear themselves." They wait for a fitting opportunity and then produce their bundle of gossip and bring forth their tidbits.

In their efforts to carry a point, persons who have naturally a strong imagination are in danger of deceiving themselves and deceiving others. They gather up unguarded expressions from another, not considering that words may be uttered hastily and hence may not reflect the real sentiments of the speaker. But those unpremeditated remarks, often so trifling as to be unworthy of notice, are viewed through Satan's magnifying glass, pondered, and repeated until molehills become mountains. Separated from God, the surmisers of evil become the sport of temptation. They scarcely know the strength of their feelings or the effect of their words. While condemning the errors of others, they indulge far greater errors themselves. Consistency is a jewel.

Is there no law of kindness to be observed? Have Christians been authorized of God to criticize and condemn one another? Is it honorable, or even honest, to win from the lips of another, under the guise of friendship, secrets which have been entrusted to him, and then turn the knowledge thus gained to his injury? Is it Christian charity to gather up every floating report, to unearth everything that will cast suspicion on the character of another, and then take delight in using it to injure him? Satan exults when he can defame or wound a follower of Christ. He is "the accuser of our brethren." Shall Christians aid him in his work?

God's all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of faultfinding, every word of censure or condemnation, is painful.

There have always been men and women who profess the truth, who have not conformed their lives to its sanctifying influence; men who are unfaithful, yet deceiving themselves and encouraging themselves in sin. Unbelief is seen in their life, their deportment, and character, and this terrible evil acts as does a canker.

Would all professed Christians use their investigative powers to see what evils needed to be corrected in themselves, instead of talking of others' wrongs, there would be a more healthy condition in the church today. Some will be honest when it costs nothing; but when policy will pay best, honesty is forgotten. Honesty and policy will not work together in the same mind. In time, either policy will be expelled, and truth and honesty reign supreme, or, if policy is cherished, honesty will be forgotten." Testimonies vol 5

For by the measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again...

So, condemned by that which you are trying to use to condemn others, what are you gonna do with that lumberyard in your own eye? Start selling it by the linear foot?

In His service,
Mr. J

There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony

You’ve got to be real comfortable in your own skin to survive the animosity your strength evokes in people you'd hope would like you. - Dr. Renita Weems
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