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> An Unauthorized History of 3ABN, Chapter 6 (more of the televangelist)
post May 21 2006, 09:15 AM
Post #136


QUOTE(sister @ May 21 2006, 06:41 AM) [snapback]131651[/snapback]

For God, the motives of a man’s heart and the intent of his thoughts are as damning as the execution of his purposed actions. For most Christians, the very thought of certain acts is a foreign territory, upon whose borders they do not even allow ourselves to linger, let alone enter into habitation. This locality is within the realm of Satan and his minions. It is a strange and terrible world, shrouded in darkness and depravity of the soul. But to a psychopath, this is all too familiar territory and he has no fear or is he hindered by conscience when treading this path. To what depths must the human heart descend in order to convince oneself continual harassment, threats and remorseless use of others are a justifiable means to reach any goal?

Thank you sister for clairifying. I do not believe that you are a prophet in the classical sense, but I do believe that you are providing us with vital truths for these times. You are telling forth about something very serious. Let those who have ears let them hear what you have to say because you are telling the truth in the conglomeration of things that you have set forth. There is no reason to doubt a single word you have said, so please do not minimize yourself in this way. As I review your words, it is sometimes painful, sometimes fascinating to read how the devil has been leading in the life of Danny but these are things that all should know and it has taken someone with your courage to make them known.

From what you have said in your most recent post, he has entered a very dark realm. Let us not forget to pray that he too might experience the joys of salvation before it is too late. Once he returns from the darkness and is restored with the light, what he tells us then might be a warning to prevent others from following his path. If he does not return, we might expect to read his story in its greater entirety as we inspect his record during the millennium.

But sister, please continue on so we can hear the additional truths that you will present to us.
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post May 21 2006, 12:55 PM
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Okay, so we have all this stuff on Danny. So where is Linda in this saga? It is hard for me to believe she is as pure as the fresh driven snow. Didn’t she know of the cash skimming? Did she not benefit from all the kingly trappings? Did she ever say a word to stand for right? Come on, can’t be all about Danny, they where running the ministry together. Do all the Linda sympathizers have blinders on?
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post May 21 2006, 02:07 PM
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QUOTE(calvin @ May 21 2006, 01:55 PM) [snapback]131668[/snapback]

Okay, so we have all this stuff on Danny. So where is Linda in this saga? It is hard for me to believe she is as pure as the fresh driven snow. Didn’t she know of the cash skimming? Did she not benefit from all the kingly trappings? Did she ever say a word to stand for right? Come on, can’t be all about Danny, they where running the ministry together. Do all the Linda sympathizers have blinders on?

I've been wondering that myself about how much did Linda know about Danny's philandering, money skimming, etc. Was she totally in the dark and eventually found out before her ouster? Did she not know until after her dismissal? How long did she buy in to the "Danny is God's mouthpiece" line? Maybe she was so involved with her son Nathan and responsibilities at 3abn that much of Danny's shenanigans were not noticed. scratchchin.gif

I'm glad Calvin has reopened this thread to allow those in the know to enlighten the readers as to the true situation with Linda and at 3abn. I had heard the rumors about Linda and since I heard nothing from her side, I just assumed they were true. She really needs her side to be heard. Thank God for sister, beartrap, PaperTiger and others who are speaking out.

Just came across this quote in the Spirit of Prophecy, Manuscript Releases, vol. 16, p.1,3-
"Those who walk with God are prepared to call wrongdoing by its right name. ...Those who discern unChristlike traits in professed Christians occupying positions of responsibility must use great plainness of speech in pointing out these evils, instead of apparently continuing in fellowship with erring men because they are standing in high places...

Some will need to be watched lest their natural propensities overrule, causing them to manifest self instead of the Christlikeness that should always be prominent. When such persons labor not in accordance with the will and way of God, when in business transactions they fail of elevating the gospel standard, their associates are not to keep silent; they are to strive to change the evil lest they become co-workers in that which will do great injury to the cause and work of God....

To sustain by silence a work that God cannot approve is to abet Satan's work, and this results in the loss of souls. No one should be at ease until he has done all that it is possible for him to do to counterwork evil.

This post has been edited by gracetoyou: May 21 2006, 02:50 PM


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:3
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post May 21 2006, 04:00 PM
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QUOTE(gracetoyou @ May 21 2006, 03:07 PM) [snapback]131674[/snapback]

I've been wondering that myself. How much did Linda know about Danny's philandering, money skimming, etc. Was she totally in the dark and eventually found out before her ouster? Did she not know until after her dismissal? How long did she buy in to the "Danny is God's mouthpiece" line? Maybe she was so involved with her son Nathan and responsibilities at 3abn that much of Danny's shenanigans were not noticed. scratchchin.gif

I will go along with the wonderings of whether Linda knew at least some of the dishonest things that have gone on over the years. How could she not have wondered why some of the extravagant spending was going on. I do remember that Danny said that his wife feared the horses and didn't want anything to do with them. But she must have lived in the big house, flown in the jet planes to the destinations where the 3ABN saga was going to be told over and over again. She did believe in some of the miracles that happened when 3ABN was just getting started. She told of at least one of them when she was interviewed on C/A. At times, on her cooking demonstrations she spoke of his likes and dislikes regarding onions and other things. So there was a husband/wife relationship. I did question some of these things before the firing of Linda occurred. And maybe she does know something about the 'cooking of the books' WHen I wrote to ask them both about these things, I was told that he handled the financial end and she was more into the production end of programming and never the twain met. Could it be (and I am surmising) that Linda wanted these things to stop and wanted to be more honest with God, and that was when her usefullness to Danny began to minimize. There is a reason why her mouth was shut by the contract. She had to know some of the things that he did not want told --they would only shut the mouths of the people/persons who have knowledge and could tell things that could harm the dishonest actions of Danny and 3ABN. So yes, Calvin, a smart lady like Linda must have been aware of something that was going on. I have been told that she was asking that some of the budding speakers and managers that were coming onto 3ABN be fired for some reason. This knowledge came from a meeting of minds where 'big contributors' of 3ABN and the church had gathered to attend a very important gathering of these persons. Instead of Lindaa's wishes being honored, the new 'arrivals' on 3ABN are advancing and Linda is out of the picture and her lips have been sealed so she can not speak about it. At this same meeting of the minds these 'contributors' agreed that his remarriage to another wife was a big mistake.

Maybe Linda has been left to suffer their demonic actions because she was a part of some of these things. --- when the devil went to work to further his evil work, perhaps she would have nothing to do with the continuance of the actions that were enveloping the whole of what had been a chosen work of God. I believe that she has stated that she has learned to trust in God the hard way--maybe God is not finished with her yet. Perhaps, at heart she is an honest lady, and wants to work for the Lord, He has allowed this great calamity to take place in her life because He wants to speak to her heart and give her a greater work to do for Him. I know that she has been a blessing to me. I believe that many people have suffered to polish their characters, so that the Lord can use them. Because of the contract, Linda may be aware of some of these improprieties, but until the contract is expired, she must be quiet. I hope that no harm comes to her and we really need to pray that whateever dealings are being carried forth anywhere where God has a work to be done, that the truth will all come out, and the slate marked clean for everybody's sake.
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post May 21 2006, 05:17 PM
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QUOTE(calvin @ May 21 2006, 12:55 PM) [snapback]131668[/snapback]

Okay, so we have all this stuff on Danny. So where is Linda in this saga? It is hard for me to believe she is as pure as the fresh driven snow. Didn’t she know of the cash skimming? Did she not benefit from all the kingly trappings? Did she ever say a word to stand for right? Come on, can’t be all about Danny, they where running the ministry together. Do all the Linda sympathizers have blinders on?

good question Calvin.... I suspect she may have known about some of the things, ignorant of others.... but as you say, she was a part of the ministry and lived the lifestyle Mr. Shelton lived... that had to be financed by someone... Additionally what was the gag order for? To keep her from telling what?

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post May 21 2006, 07:59 PM
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QUOTE(Clay @ May 21 2006, 06:17 PM) [snapback]131689[/snapback]

good question Calvin.... I suspect she may have known about some of the things, ignorant of others.... but as you say, she was a part of the ministry and lived the lifestyle Mr. Shelton lived... that had to be financed by someone... Additionally what was the gag order for? To keep her from telling what?

Hi, my real name is Fran, for real. I use that name wherever I go on any forum. WYSIWYG, period. I do not use stage names that hide my identity. I would like to see more of that myself, Clay and Calvin. This is not a game! It is real and should be treated as such.

If everyone would read the Lawsuit of IL vs. 3ABN, they would find that Linda had NOTHING to do with finances. Danny was the the one that made ALL of the financial decisions, he signed the checks. He counted the cash. He possessed the ubiquitous credit card and he had access to the cash that was less when it left his hands! He had unlimited "Petty Cash".

Danny touching any cash is a NO-NO! The Chief Finacial Officer (CFO) should have forbid that action from ever taking place. It is proof of severe flaws in Cash Control Management. In fact the CFO and Treasurer should not touch cash either. They may supervise, but not touch until AFTER it is accurately counted, receipted and passed on for deposit. Cash received should always match the deposit slip! Always. If it is not the same, a discrepancy report should be written to explain the problem. Names and signatures of all involved should be on the report naming everyone that touched the cash. Document every discrepancy and attach the original. Put a copy in a Cash Discrepancy file to be readily available to the auditors to review. The buck stops with Danny, he is the boss of the CFO! Ignorance is no excuse when you have been a business dealing with cash for over 20 years! If you don't understand, it would behove you to find out, to avoid going to jail.

Linda had no clue! I believe the Property Tax Lawsuit described the duties of Linda and Danny to what it exactly was at that time. Love is blind.. She was blind AND blindsided! From the documented evidence, I feel very confident that this was a real audit report! No firm hired by 3ABN would have written such a report.

Plus he has other people sell 3ABN goods for him. Where does that money go? Where does it end up? When I found SELLERS that had ties to 3ABN (Danny) and purchased something, they immediately shut down; Boom, Boom, Boom! Follow that money!

QUOTE(Clay @ May 21 2006, 06:17 PM) [snapback]131689[/snapback]

good question Calvin.... I suspect she may have known about some of the things, ignorant of others.... but as you say, she was a part of the ministry and lived the lifestyle Mr. Shelton lived... that had to be financed by someone... Additionally what was the gag order for? To keep her from telling what?

She is under the gag order to keep her mouth shut about the same thing we are under a gag order not to talk about.

The greatest want of the world is the want of men-- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. {Ed 57.3}
But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man. {Ed 57.4}
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post May 21 2006, 08:22 PM
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QUOTE(Fran @ May 21 2006, 08:59 PM) [snapback]131692[/snapback]

Hi, my real name is Fran, for real. I use that name wherever I go on any forum. WYSIWYG, period. I do not use stage names that hide my identity. I would like to see more of that myself, Clay and Calvin. This is not a game! It is real and should be treated as such.

If everyone would read the Lawsuit of IL vs. 3ABN, they would find that Linda had NOTHING to do with finances. Danny was the the one that made ALL of the financial decisions, he signed the checks. He counted the cash. He possessed the ubiquitous credit card and he had access to the cash that was less when it left his hands! He had unlimited "Petty Cash".

Danny touching any cash is a NO-NO! The Chief Finacial Officer (CFO) should have forbid that action from ever taking place. It is proof of severe flaws in Cash Control Management. In fact the CFO and Treasurer should not touch cash either. They may supervise, but not touch until AFTER it is accurately counted, receipted and passed on for deposit. Cash received should always match the deposit slip! Always. If it is not the same, a discrepancy report should be written to explain the problem. Names and signatures of all involved should be on the report naming everyone that touched the cash. Document every discrepancy and attach the original. Put a copy in a Cash Discrepancy file to be readily available to the auditors to review. The buck stops with Danny, he is the boss of the CFO! Ignorance is no excuse when you have been a business dealing with cash for over 20 years! If you don't understand, it would behove you to find out, to avoid going to jail.

Linda had no clue! I believe the Property Tax Lawsuit described the duties of Linda and Danny to what it exactly was at that time. Love is blind.. She was blind AND blindsided! From the documented evidence, I feel very confident that this was a real audit report! No firm hired by 3ABN would have written such a report.

Plus he has other people sell 3ABN goods for him. Where does that money go? Where does it end up? When I found SELLERS that had ties to 3ABN (Danny) and purchased something, they immediately shut down; Boom, Boom, Boom! Follow that money!
She is under the gag order to keep her mouth shut about the same thing we are under a gag order not to talk about.

That would be correct. Those who wish to have documented evidence will find court records reflect that Linda had no part in the business end of 3ABN, and according to Nick Miller, 3ABN attorney and board member, she had no knowledge of the finances or business of 3ABN.

Although I am not able to speak for Linda, I will say that on the inside it is very easy to get caught up the spirit of what is being done and CHOOSE to avoid seeing what one does not wish to see. One also CHOOSES to see what is convient to see. I do not use the word "see" here exclusively in the literal sense.
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post May 21 2006, 09:06 PM
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QUOTE(Fran @ May 21 2006, 08:59 PM) [snapback]131692[/snapback]

Hi, my real name is Fran, for real. I use that name wherever I go on any forum. WYSIWYG, period. I do not use stage names that hide my identity. I would like to see more of that myself, Clay and Calvin. This is not a game! It is real and should be treated as such.

I don’t care what your real name is or anybody else’s. And you are Fran who? You have not told us anything about yourself, not one entry in your BSDA profile. So don’t get all self-righteous because you use your first name. Read the BSDA Privacy Policy. You don’t like it; leave.

No it is not that serious to me and probably not to most if the regular BSDAers. This is interesting stuff to read, but I could give a rats behind about the ongoing at 3ABN. I got no dog in this fight. If I don’t like 3ABN I will turn it off and not send them my money. I can live with that.
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post May 21 2006, 10:08 PM
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Isn't there someone here who has a brother on 3ABN?


"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." Mark Twain

"It is not my first object in life to make people like me." Elizabeth Prentiss

"Níor dhún Dia doras riamh nar oscail Sé ceann eile."
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post May 21 2006, 10:19 PM
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QUOTE(calvin @ May 21 2006, 10:55 AM) [snapback]131668[/snapback]

Okay, so we have all this stuff on Danny. So where is Linda in this saga? It is hard for me to believe she is as pure as the fresh driven snow. Didn’t she know of the cash skimming? Did she not benefit from all the kingly trappings? Did she ever say a word to stand for right? Come on, can’t be all about Danny, they where running the ministry together. Do all the Linda sympathizers have blinders on?

Calvin, that is exactly the catch 22 on this. Linda was not involved in financial areas of this business, she also supported her husband because she trusted him. She has a naive side to her that I think has protected her many many times. She had her focus on her ministry. Yes, she said MANY words to Danny about things that she didn't think were right or apppropirate, and she learned quickly and painfully, and finally to her demise that you don't tell Danny anything - ever. That is something he won't STAND for. Many people know this. For a wife, it's even worse. She has learned a great deal about things and people since being free of that place - and I think it was the grace of God that saved her inside that place and from that place. They did run the place "together", she had her responsibilies and went about them, while he took care of his "responsibilites" (i.e. many things he kept her in the dark on - which is exactly what he wanted for many obvious reasons.) She was as a child believing, trusting, and knowing to speak up would do no good. I think come December, she will have to decide if the Lord wants her to open her mouth and speak about things she has had to keep quiet, and has thought that the ministry would grately suffer, along with the watches across the world - and she may decide that He wants her too, but one thing I know about Linda, she won't do it unless the Lord gives her peace about it. I pray for her, no one really fully comprehends what it's like to live under a controlling dominate man than she does and is seeing to it's fullest now.

Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

Click here for Linda Shelton's newly updated website
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post May 21 2006, 10:55 PM
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QUOTE(beartrap @ May 21 2006, 09:22 PM) [snapback]131693[/snapback]

That would be correct. Those who wish to have documented evidence will find court records reflect that Linda had no part in the business end of 3ABN, and according to Nick Miller, 3ABN attorney and board member, she had no knowledge of the finances or business of 3ABN.

Although I am not able to speak for Linda, I will say that on the inside it is very easy to get caught up the spirit of what is being done and CHOOSE to avoid seeing what one does not wish to see. One also CHOOSES to see what is convient to see. I do not use the word "see" here exclusively in the literal sense.

Thank you, Fran and Beartrap for your encouraging words about the fact that Linda did not know what Danny and others were keeping from Linda and probably a lot of other people who were working at 3ABN. I do not doubt for a moment that a cult-like atmosphoere is probably still surviving at 3ABN. I was so taken in by all the stories told that I was, at one time, hoping that my husband and I could take a large share of our retirement time and money and go to live there and spend a good share of our lives in volunteer work for the Lord.--How better, I thought, for us to honor the Lord and His message. Personally, I still wonder how anyone who spends time living in luxury and flying on jet planes, would not ask where that money is coming from. The same goes for Dr. T. and John L. On the other hand, many of the 3ABN donors still hear and believe that the men spoken to by God should enjoy these luxuries for the sake of convenience in telling others about the Lord's work. So they continue to give. I no longer donate, nor do I intend to ever volunteer at 3ABN. I still see that 3ABN is not aired by Sky Angel and I personally feel that the Lord is guiding. I appreciate the hard work of Fran, Beartrap and Sister in presenting this info to us. Someday, if the Lord gives the ability to Linda to tell how and why all these things have come about. -- Maybe then, many questions will be answered. But I am sure that the Lord will make plain to Linda the words she should give when that time comes.
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post May 21 2006, 11:02 PM
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As someone who does have a dog in the fight, I will say that although one might interpret Calvin's posts to mean that he has a weakness for what some of us consider an evil blight, I have entrusted him and his forum with safe guarding the innocent meanderings of one of the most precious things to me. He walks a very thin line here in maintaining open discussion and a family friendly atmosphere. Although I certainly disagree with my interpretation of some of the sentiments he has expressed regarding the topic at hand, I respect and appreciate the balance he is trying to hold.

It is expected that there will be collateral damage in any war. There is, however, the chance that one will inadvertently become what they are fighting, and where I see a person who has no compunction about destroying other people, and to whom all collateral casualties are acceptable sacrifices, I am trying hard to avoid becoming like that. It is very easy to justify certain things when one is fighting "such a just an holy war."

That being said, I claim no position as a paragon of virtue. I struggle with hatred as I live through the misery inflicted on me and many others. I sometimes say things that I later wish I could take back. I sometimes see an innocent person suffering because, in defense of someone, I fought dirty and considered it justified. Although I resolve daily to uphold my own integrity, I sometimes slip and fall. I think there is a balance in saying what must be said, and taking care in how we say it.

This post has been edited by beartrap: May 21 2006, 11:08 PM
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post May 22 2006, 05:11 AM
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personal testimonies are an interesting read, though they tend to have a limited shelf life..... It is still my opinion that at some point the "survivors" of 3ABN will need to have a place on the web where they can vent and share how they were delivered from it. Either an online support group thing, or an ex-3ABN employee/member/supporter website.... it is apparent to me, that the healing process will take time, and it has changed the way some now view reality.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post May 22 2006, 09:16 AM
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QUOTE(Clay @ May 22 2006, 06:11 AM) [snapback]131718[/snapback]

personal testimonies are an interesting read, though they tend to have a limited shelf life..... It is still my opinion that at some point the "survivors" of 3ABN will need to have a place on the web where they can vent and share how they were delivered from it. Either an online support group thing, or an ex-3ABN employee/member/supporter website.... it is apparent to me, that the healing process will take time, and it has changed the way some now view reality.....

The problem is that not only do survivors (as a group) need healing from past abuse, a situation exists at 3ABN that needs reformation. When I do searches on the internet of Adventist or Seventh-day Adventist etc., 3ABN appears. 3ABN is not controlled by the Seventh-day Adventist Church but 3ABN presumes to speak for the Seventh-day Adventist church. And the Seventh-day Adventist church does not protest this presumption. If I as a member bask in the good PR given the SDA church because of 3ABN now, I must be prepared to bear shame if a public scandal later drags down the good name of my church. How much more disgrace will descend upon those men have whose names are closely linked 3ABN or who out of self interest neglected their duty when they could have done something. They will be ruined. They may not know, but they could have known.
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post May 22 2006, 10:35 AM
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Lurker said: "They may not know, but they could have known."

When the time comes when all is revealed, and out in the open, it will be a time for the people who have guided the actions of 3ABN to resisgn from their posistions. You are correct, there are those who could have known, but have failed to discover the truth.

Until that time comes, it is premature to call for their resignation.

This is a time to wait for the leading of the Lord, and I believe that I see that happening.

Sometimes we should be careful that we do not rush ahead of God's leading.

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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