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> An Unauthorized History of 3ABN, Chapter 8 (still more of the televangelist)
post May 30 2006, 10:33 AM
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“The Televangelist”, Part 8...

“After his first wife died, the televangelist married a recently divorced young lady with two children: a girl and a boy. His new wife served as executive vice president of the ministry, and was in charge of production, programming, publishing, and radio. As her children grew into their teens, her son developed problems with violence and drugs. The televangelist told her that this was her son, not his. He said that he did not want the boy in his house, and that this situation would have to be dealt with by her alone. He would have nothing to do with the boy.

The child’s situation worsened until a foreign doctor visited the ministry and said that he would be willing to take the boy back to his country and put him in rehab. The televangelist’s wife took a friend of hers and went to visit her son in this overseas rehab for three days. While there, she was also with a very good friend who was retired from a lifetime of work in the Church. The gentleman had served as a pastor and conference official in many parts of the world for fifty years and was now working with the televangelist’s ministry. His wife was suffering from cancer, and was undergoing treatment from the same physician who was treating the boy.

Upon returning home, the televangelist’s wife walked into a nasty surprise. Her husband greeted her with an accusation of adultery with the doctor. He demanded that she cease all communication with him. Outraged, she at first ignored him. The situation escalated.”

Reading the above extraction from “The Televangelist” I thought of the accusation of martial misconduct that has been charged against Linda Shelton — “Spiritual Adultery”. Turning to the word of God, I sought the Biblical definition of wrongdoing pertaining to divorce and remarriage. Opening my Bible and turning to the book of Matthew I read the following in chapter 5, verse 12: “But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” What does “Spiritual Adultery” have to do with fornication? To be sure that I was not mistaken, reading on in Matthew 19: 8, 9, my suspicions were confirmed, it was not Linda who had committed adultery: “He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality [fornication], and marries another woman commits adultery.”

According to scripture it is the husband, that has put away his wife for grounds other than fornication and remarried, that has committed adultery. Interesting... The Bible is positively clear upon this subject. There are no gray areas or shadows in which to hide. No mention made nor definition given of Spiritual Adultery in regard to divorce. So how has this strange fire made it’s way into the temple of God? Or is it only applicable in the 3ABN Worship Center, where the high priest, John Lomacang presides over the 3ABN congregation of Danny Shelton. And if repeating the mantra “Spiritual Adultery” over and over again is intended to give all this foolishness credibility, then Dr. Walt Thompson must be Danny’s personal guru.

Upon reviewing the letters written by Dr. Walt Thompson concerning Danny’s actions in regard to divorcing Linda and his remarriage to Brandy, not once is the charge of fornication made against Linda. So why is the scarlet letter “A” pinned upon her? What makes her an adulteress in the eyes of God? Like the woman dragged through the streets and thrown down on the ground in front of Jesus, was Linda caught in the act of adultery? No. Then why has she been publically dragged through the mud and deposited by her accusers at the feet of the court of Adventist public opinion: to be tried, convicted and branded as an adulteress without a shred of evidence?

The right to confront one’s accusers is granted to every defendant charged with even the most heinous of crimes. Yet, through coercion, Linda was duped into relinquishing her rights to publicly exonerate herself against the fallacious charges made by her ex-husband and the chairman of his independent ministry board. With her options for employment going down the drain along side her reputation, what other choices were left to her but to take the money and run?

Danny has divorced Linda, remarried and presumably gone on with his life. Why then continue this vendetta against Linda? Why persevere in attempting to ruin her reputation, close any avenues for her to pursue her livelihood and discredit her word? Is Danny so afraid of Linda? Why?

Does God change His mind? For example does he raise up a new prophet and through him say, “Sorry, it seems I made a mistake. Fornication is not the only reason I am willing to accept for divorcing your wife. I have created a new category just for your situation: Spiritual Adultery. If your wife talks on the phone too long to a foreign doctor, who is not her husband, and perhaps you as her husband is already looking for a plan to put her away, this is now acceptable Biblical grounds for divorcing her.” Convenient, yes! Consistent with the character of God as revealed through Scripture? Come on Danny, we didn’t just fall off a turnip truck passing through T’ville yesterday.

In this strange tale of intrigue it appears that Danny has followed the example of the leadership and/or current prophet of the LDS church, taking this page from his book: the proclamations of the current prophet supersedes the Word of God. As the book of Mormon supplants the Bible as the rule of conduct, so the proclamations of Danny and the chairman of the 3ABN board usurp Biblical authority in regard to acceptable grounds for divorce. Are Danny and the chairman of his board standing on “Holy Ground” in their continued harassment and accusations against Linda or are they standing on dangerous ground in positioning Danny above the law of God?

Stayed tuned...

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post May 30 2006, 11:09 AM
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Just a quick clarification. It was not Polly's Place Network, but two Polly's Place shelters that have previously received funding from ASI. An application for an ASI grant this year was completed and turned down, but Polly's Place Network intends to apply for future grants from ASI and, in time, hopes to develop a good working relationship with them.

Although Danny, Dr. Thompson, John Lomacang, and others have set forth to block any ministry opportunities that Linda may pursue, this is a big world. The church is made up up of many people, and even ASI (and other such organizations) consist of a number of people who are capable of thinking independently of the arm-twisting, and we pray that in all of these situations, the clearer heads will prevail in the end.
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post May 30 2006, 07:52 PM
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QUOTE(sister @ May 30 2006, 07:38 PM) [snapback]132840[/snapback]

I agee with you completely. But, it is unfortunate that they continue trying...

As Grandpa used to say, "If at first you don't succeed, stop what you're doing. There's usually a good reason."

This post has been edited by Panama_Pete: May 30 2006, 07:57 PM
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post May 30 2006, 08:09 PM
Post #4


QUOTE(seeshell @ May 30 2006, 08:12 PM) [snapback]132836[/snapback]

Then why do you remain Adventist?

Why do you ask that particular question, seeshell?
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post May 30 2006, 08:43 PM
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QUOTE(gracetoyou @ May 30 2006, 08:42 PM) [snapback]132841[/snapback]

Just read sister's comment. I agree that this is getting off the theme of this thread and should be moved to the theology forum.

Thank you, gracetoyou!
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post May 30 2006, 08:55 PM
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Topic has been split
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post May 30 2006, 09:58 PM
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QUOTE(calvin @ May 30 2006, 09:55 PM) [snapback]132847[/snapback]

Thank you, Calvin!
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post May 30 2006, 10:40 PM
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QUOTE(Clay @ May 30 2006, 01:31 AM) [snapback]132699[/snapback]

If Shelton has many of the church's leaders in his pocket, has serious influence in the church's decision making processes, has in effect compromised the church because of their partnership with him, and some even suggesting he is the face of adventism, then it's time to leave the building.

The jews continued their rituals thinking God was still in it and he had left the building.... How do we know that God has not left this (the sda church) building?

Clay, I think it may be time to leave the 3ABN building, but let's not equate 3ABN with the whole church!

Yes, Dan has some church leaders more or less "in his pocket," particularly in the NAD. Someone who owes his position to lots of exposure on 3ABN & Dan's pressuring is likely to support 3ABN, don't you think? However, this doesn't mean that such an individual or individuals know much about all the other misdeeds of the Shelton tribe (resisted using the word "gang").

Yes, Dan has "serious influence," largely because of his perceived influence on the Adventist membership through 3ABN & the exposure he can give through his network. However, I suspect that some of that "serious influence" has been slipping away rather dramatically since his remarriage a few days after his divorce from Linda was declared legal. It doesn't take an advanced degree to figure out that Dan wasn't exactly trying to hold his marriage together -- with Linda contesting the legality of the divorce & his lawyers fighting to have it declared legal.

While some of our folks in high positions may be subject to being unduly influenced, they aren't necessarily totally corrupt. They're human like you and like me. That has certain consequences. And some folks in very high positions in the GC are totally committed to God and to His last-day church on earth. They are some of the best.

While 3ABN may be "the face of Adventism" for many, that can change. The fact is that 3ABN is
not really the face of Adventism; it is just perceived to be so by some. And Dan thinks that he represents Adventism. But I don't put much stock in Dan's thinking.

Ellen White once had a vision in which she saw the church as a ship heading towards an iceberg. The iceberg was symbolic of apostasy in her time, and the captain of the ship said to hit it dead on. It did, and the ship survived. She also foresaw that in the end time, the church would look like it would "go down," but it would stand in spite of appearances.

Looking at the relatively high profile of 3ABN and the sordid stories behind the scenes, I began to wonder if it might not be this 3ABN scandal that would make the church look like it was about to go down. But then that Washington Post article demonstrated how very easy it would be for God to deflect the scandal in such a way that the church would not suffer any more than necessary to sort out the bad apples. (While I don't think it's time to leave the building, I do think it's time for a house cleaning!)

I think that comparison to the Jews and their rituals fits the 3ABN situation quite well. I don't think it fits the church as a whole just now. Remember that the NAD is a relatively small portion of the church right now.

Things will happen in God's own timing. Things that were done in secret will be proclaimed for all the world to see/hear. It has happened before. It will happen again. Each individual involved will have to pray to be submissive to God's leading. Sometimes that means telling the truth, even though it is ugly. Other times it means being silent, even when silence is hard.

May God grant wisdom and strength to all who have had the misfortune to be under Dan's control

QUOTE(watchbird @ May 30 2006, 06:23 AM) [snapback]132710[/snapback]

Now if you had used your metaphor to say that it is time to abandon the notion that the Shelton empire either represents God or is the "face of adventism", then we'd be in synch.

And if you would move on from that to urge us all to redirect our available funds back to the church itself and to let our leaders know that we want to support them in cutting all ties to the "Absolom in the gate" that Danny Shelton has turned out to be, THEN clap.gif clapping.gif notworthy.gif clapping.gif clap.gif

Right on!! clap.gif
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post May 31 2006, 05:14 AM
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good points Inga... time will tell....yes.gif

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post May 31 2006, 07:03 AM
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the questions about home churches and what the Jews were in the grand scheme of things have been moved to their own thread...(in the theology section)

This post has been edited by Clay: May 31 2006, 07:04 AM

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post May 31 2006, 04:43 PM
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Danny and Pope John Paul II ...

Arrayed in all his pontifical glory, Pope John Paul II, with skill and craftiness, personified the Catholic Gospel for twenty-seven years. He became the face of Catholicism to the world in the latter part of the twentieth century until his death in 2005. Did this “Vicar of Christ” have infallibility in all matters concerning the Church as he, by Catholic profession, ruled in the stead of the Son of God on earth? Were his pronouncements accepted as the voice of God within the independent state of Vatican City and to his followers around the world? Was his seat of power holy ground? It is to the adherents of the Catholic Church. And finally, what do Pope John Paul II and Danny Shelton share in common? In what paradigm of reality do these two men stand adjacent, imbued with substitutable power?

The first law of the real estate business is location, location, location. For John Paul II the location was Vatican City. In this tiny sovereign state, only about 100.8 acres, he ruled supreme. And Danny Shelton? Again location, but unlike Vatican City State which is encapsulated within the city of Rome, Italy; the compound of 3ABN is located adjacent to the rural hamlet of Thompsonville in the backwoods of Southern Illinois. But it’s land holdings are nearly double that of Vatican City. And the power that Danny wields within his independent ministry is equal in it’s scope and self-professed infallibility as his Catholic counterpart the Pope: he depends on his word being above reproach and his actions unquestioned. Like the Protestants who questioned the authority of the Catholic Church in the middle ages, the employees that dare to question the propriety of Danny’s actions are swiftly dealt with—not by burning at the stake, even southern Illinois is not that backward—but by other forms of disciplinary action. Actions that may continue long after they have permanently left the confines of 3ABN.

In the question of infallibility, the Pope lays claim to this attribute by virtue of the Catholic tradition of his supreme apostolic authority. Danny’s claim to infallibility comes from 3ABN tradition introduced by Mollie Steenson. When Danny installed Mollie in the position of his personal secretary, she immediately undertook the task of expanding upon the pronouncement she and Hal had made during an employee week of prayer a number of years before. She declared to both Danny and her fellow employees that God speaks to Danny and speaks through Danny to 3ABN. When ET Everett arrived on the scene, she enlarged upon Mollie’s pronouncement, encouraging Danny in his belief that whatever thoughts and impressions he received regarding anything was the voice of God. Danny believed that God was showing him things in dreams and visions, and if you disagreed with him, in fact you were disagreeing with God himself, for Danny is the voice of God at 3ABN. Newcomer to the fold Shelly Quinn has perpetuated Mollie and ET’s worship of Danny.

It is interesting to note the following: the tradition of 3ABN takes the infallibility of Danny a step beyond Papal infallibility, which does not signify that the Pope is specially exempt from accountability to sin, whereas Danny has laid claim to being relieved from answerability for certain sins “since God has given him such a great task to perform”.

Danny’s followers? It is opening night at the Spring 2006 3ABN Campmeeting... The floor director counts down the seconds 5...4...3...2...1...cue Danny and let the games begin. Poised and oozing with self-confidence Danny is truly in his element: from the well groomed hair implants on the top of his head to the fresh shine on his dress cowboy boots and a smile calculated to open the pocketbooks of the assembled followers, he picks up his microphone. Approaching center stage, Danny calls forth the faithful to testify of his greatness. Thrilled with being in the actual presence of this holy man of God— who has been called forth, a lowly carpenter himself just like Jesus, “to bring the three angels message to a lost and dying world”— the faithful line up to shake the hand of the man who stands on Holy Ground.

Like the faith healer in his traveling tent show, Danny parades a selected few of his target market, the elderly who have arrived in their Winnebagos prepared for a great show at the hands of their spiritual leader, up to the stage. After receiving the adoration of a wrinkled, white haired old soul, smiling sweetly at her he says, “Can I give you a hug?” As a blush creeps up upon her ancient countenance, microphone in one hand Danny’s other arm encircles her shoulders. As he draws her close to his chest he gives her a slightly flirtatious smile and looking toward the audience he addresses his wife, “Brandy, is it alright if I hug this lady?” Giving Brandy’s response, to the gentle laughter of the assembled crowd, he replies with a Cheshire Cat smile on his face, “Brandy says it’s okay, go right ahead.”

Just as the Pope stood high above the square in Vatican city, Danny now stands upon center stage in the Worship Center at the 3ABN compound. Thousands of the faithful, densely crowded in front of St. Peters Basilica, their gaze turned upon the balcony high above them, raise their voices in adoration as John Paul II waves to them. Eight satellites beam the image of Danny Shelton to television sets around the world, as the faithful tune in to see this holy man of God, the spiritual leader of the 3ABN Church. Raising their pens in adoration, tithes and offerings are willing sent in response to the solicitations of the man who represents the Seventh-day Adventist Church to his viewing congregation of millions.

As Pope John Paul II became the face of Catholicism to the world, it has been claimed that Danny Shelton has become the face of Adventism to the world. And both, when standing within their sovereign states, confidently believe they are “standing on Holy ground”. The only difference is that Danny chooses to sing his verison.

Stay tuned...
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post May 31 2006, 06:17 PM
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Sister said:
In the question of infallibility, the Pope lays claim to this attribute by virtue of the Catholic tradition of his supreme apostolic authority. Danny’s claim to infallibility comes from 3ABN tradition introduced by Mollie Steenson. When Danny installed Mollie in the position of his personal secretary, she immediately undertook the task of expanding upon the pronouncement she and Hal had made during an employee week of prayer a number of years before. She declared to both Danny and her fellow employees that God speaks to Danny and speaks through Danny to 3ABN. When ET Everett arrived on the scene, she enlarged upon Mollie’s pronouncement, encouraging Danny in his belief that whatever thoughts and impressions he received regarding anything was the voice of God. Danny believed that God was showing him things in dreams and visions, and if you disagreed with him, in fact you were disagreeing with God himself, for Danny is the voice of God at 3ABN. Newcomer to the fold Shelly Quinn has perpetuated Mollie and ET’s worship of Danny.

I had already put this comparison together some time back and it still disturbs me very much. People can't see the forest for the trees. The very thing that we have been warned to watch for, could it be so close that we can not see it? scratchchin.gif

Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

Click here for Linda Shelton's newly updated website
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post May 31 2006, 07:34 PM
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Do the Steensons, E.T. Everett and Shelly Quinn all have Pentecostal backgrounds? If so, is there some reason that they, rather than those of solid Adventist background, have been given such high and influential positions within 3ABN?


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:3
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post May 31 2006, 09:15 PM
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uhm.gif This post is for "Sister",

I don't really have the time to enter into many posts here; but I have been following your posts since you have been writing them on here. I don't know where you get all of your information, but if it is true, we have a very sad situation happening here. You may be completely right in what you have been posting here; yet we are dealing with a much bigger problem then withier you are right or wrong.

You see, I believe that this bigger problem is what Linda has been dealing with all along. It's the precious souls who are finding Jesus through the dedicated and God fearing programs on 3abn.

3abn isn't Danny Shelton. Yes, He got it started and has been leading it. But 3aboon, I believe was led by God to win many thousands of souls to the truth. And that has been what is happening for years.

Linda could have made waves, but she didn't, because she loves God and she listened to His voice to keep quiet, while taking the brunt of terrible rumors and a horrible defamation of character and more.... She loved those who found Jesus and never wanted to shake their faith in God.

The wheat and tares grow together and it isn't us that separates them. It's God. So as we stand and watch this whole situation, we can only add fuel to Satan's scheme if we continue on with the "facts"; only to harm so many honest new baby christians. Sometimes truth is truth, but look what it can do to harm others.

This situation is sao complicated. Yet, I believe that it's time for us to leave it in God's hands to deal with. And if not in this world; it will happen when God calls forth His Children. And I believe that it is going to happen very soon.

None of us truly know the facts because we weren't there in the room or the corner etc. Only God knows. So how can we truly make a judgement on this situation. We Can't. So I say, leave it all in God's hands and we can rest assured that He will deal with everything in His time and way.

With much love to all of you. Let's be ready for Jesus to come. Our Characters must reflect His or we will be lost too. Those are the issues that should occupy our minds. I know I have much to deal with to allow this to happen in my life.


Just a short "ie" to the above post.

We have a very small church here and we are the only town in Canada, that the cable station put 3abn on. It was a miracle. We now have 4 precious non adventists attending who came through 3abn. One just came 2 weeks ago. Heard Doug Bachelor. They have been through the Shawn Boonstra meetings and Doug Bachelor, and Cox's and Wahlbergs etc. etc. They are finding Jesus. They are precious souls that God is using 3abn to help them to find truth. I know there are many others all around the world who are finding Jesus in the same way. So I shudder for their souls, if the tares are plucked up, without God being the one to deal with this situation.
Can you see my fear..

In Christ,

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post May 31 2006, 09:38 PM
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QUOTE(CJO @ May 31 2006, 07:15 PM) [snapback]133015[/snapback]

uhm.gif This post is for "Sister",

I don't really have the time to enter into many posts here; but I have been following your posts since you have been writing them on here. I don't know where you get all of your information, but if it is true, we have a very sad situation happening here. You may be completely right in what you have been posting here; yet we are dealing with a much bigger problem then withier you are right or wrong.

You see, I believe that this bigger problem is what Linda has been dealing with all along. It's the precious souls who are finding Jesus through the dedicated and God fearing programs on 3abn.

3abn isn't Danny Shelton. Yes, He got it started and has been leading it. But 3aboon, I believe was led by God to win many thousands of souls to the truth. And that has been what is happening for years.

Linda could have made waves, but she didn't, because she loves God and she listened to His voice to keep quiet, while taking the brunt of terrible rumors and a horrible defamation of character and more.... She loved those who found Jesus and never wanted to shake their faith in God.

The wheat and tares grow together and it isn't us that separates them. It's God. So as we stand and watch this whole situation, we can only add fuel to Satan's scheme if we continue on with the "facts"; only to harm so many honest new baby christians. Sometimes truth is truth, but look what it can do to harm others.

This situation is sao complicated. Yet, I believe that it's time for us to leave it in God's hands to deal with. And if not in this world; it will happen when God calls forth His Children. And I believe that it is going to happen very soon.

None of us truly know the facts because we weren't there in the room or the corner etc. Only God knows. So how can we truly make a judgement on this situation. We Can't. So I say, leave it all in God's hands and we can rest assured that He will deal with everything in His time and way.

With much love to all of you. Let's be ready for Jesus to come. Our Characters must reflect His or we will be lost too. Those are the issues that should occupy our minds. I know I have much to deal with to allow this to happen in my life.


Just a short "ie" to the above post.

We have a very small church here and we are the only town in Canada, that the cable station put 3abn on. It was a miracle. We now have 4 precious non adventists attending who came through 3abn. One just came 2 weeks ago. Heard Doug Bachelor. They have been through the Shawn Boonstra meetings and Doug Bachelor, and Cox's and Wahlbergs etc. etc. They are finding Jesus. They are precious souls that God is using 3abn to help them to find truth. I know there are many others all around the world who are finding Jesus in the same way. So I shudder for their souls, if the tares are plucked up, without God being the one to deal with this situation.
Can you see my fear..

In Christ,


I might be going out on a limb here, but, I want you to understand something - I know how you feel. I have been through what you are talking about myself. I came to the conclusion that truth was better for everyone, no matter how new they were, or how old they are, or how much 3abn is doing to bring people to God. God is the one using 3abn, not 3abn doing it. We are all tools and vessels of God's. God has many ways to accomplish the same thing, and HE will do it in HIS way. He wastes nothing - not even something like the corruption that is happening and has happened behind the scenes at 3abn for some time. I know Linda. I have talked to her alot about this. I know she loves the "ministry" that bring people to Jesus. But I don't think she would be willing to look the other way for the "good" that it may do. Like I said, God uses men, not the other way around. SO, while you are protecting your new babes in Christ, they also need to learn for themselves what their religion should mean; is it to worship a MAN or men, or God alone? We all will have to take the test at some point - it's a check that God uses to make sure we have our eyes squarely on Him, and not a human being. They humans will fail us, the sooner we realize that, the better off we are. The bottom line is, it's not about what the preacher or people tell us, it's about our personal and private relationship with a God we find and discover, who lead us to HIM through whatever means He chooses, and about nothing else. I understand your feeings, but think it through - do the ends really justify the means? Does God allow sin to go on to see if we also say and do nothing about it? I can think of countless bible stories were the test was to stand up and call it what it was. Even Jesus exposed the pharisees and sadducees, and I'm sure they had true believers among them, but those people needed to learn to see through the deceits and distractions of the devil. God will take care of each of His children, He was the one the brought them to Him in the first place.
One other thing I wanted to share with you - there was a HUGE effort to get 3abn in my area for over two years, about 4 years ago. We did everything, contacted the cable comp, wrote letters and postcards, went door to door and got signed petitions, everything that was asked of us in order to get the cable co. to promise a spot on the line up. It was a done deal. Then it crashed, new people, had to start over, we started over....did it all again, and it looked like it was going to happen. But it just wouldn't happen!! We all scratched our heads wondering "why isn't God letting this happen here!!??". I look back now and because of this whole mess that has since taken place at 3abn, I am THANKFUL it didn't happen!! We have a circle of people here that are not SDA's that we regularly associate with, and have been witness' too through normal daily friendships for some time. I would have hated to have to deal with this whole mess of 3abn after all the talking to we did to people about what it was. So, I am thankful. There are many ways to look at this. The biggest thing to remember is what you said - God is in control and He will take care of things, and He uses us to do many things, and our job is to respond when He is calling us. I believe He has called people to speak up now about the 3abn situation, it's His timing that will carry things to pass. If we remember it's in His timing, then the things that take place will be as they should. This is only my opinion of course, but give this some more thought...keep the big picture in mind. God will take care of His children. It's on the individual level that people find Jesus and stay with Jesus. Not on the organized level. smile.gif

Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

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