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> Why Did Linda Buy The Pregnancy Test Kit?, Spin off from the “Thompson Respond to Abrahamsen” thread.
Why did Linda Buy the Pregnancy Test Kit?
Let’s document all the theories we have read here and take a vote.
It was an innocent practical joke on Danny. Come on Danny get with it, lighten up, have a little fun. Theorist, Johann and Watchbird [ 17 ] ** [34.00%]
Linda really thought she could have been pregnant. Hey, after all that sterilization stuff does not always work. Theorist, Summertime. [ 1 ] ** [2.00%]
Linda did it to spite Danny. Man got no business going through my stuff. Theorist, Panama Pete [ 8 ] ** [16.00%]
Hey, Danny planted it. I know Danny, this sounds like him. He is such an evil, wicked man. Theorist, I don’t remember and too lazy to go back through the post and look it up. [ 10 ] ** [20.00%]
I really don't care [ 14 ] ** [28.00%]
Total Votes: 50
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post Mar 2 2007, 10:21 PM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Mar 2 2007, 09:45 PM) [snapback]181824[/snapback]

wwjd--thanks for your posts on this subject--it is very clear that if the doctor is considered as her "Best Friend" that indeed, the friendship had gone far beyond just a professional one! Pretty easy to see!

Besides, Linda's email to the Dr. about the hilarious pg kit that was supposed to be a joke tells me she knew him FAR more than just on a professional level.

Any intelligent person can see this! It is clear as a bell!!

And this, folks, is what the judgement of the world would be like if the likes of Lee, wwjd, and Bystander were given free reigns to conduct their little kangaroo court. At least when the scribes and pharisees brought a woman actually caught in the act of sinning (not just some fabricated form of wishful thinking) they had their ducks all lined up with the right witnesses, etc.
    John8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

    4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

    5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

    6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

    7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

    8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

    9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

    10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

Don't you get the feeling that if Jesus were to see this shallow sentencing, like that witness here tonight by this adultry-thirsty 3abn team, he wouldn't even need to write in the sand. He probably just say something like "grow up." I think the same would go for most of the 3abn team that were involved in the fabrication.

Again, if you have witnesses of the accusation, who were they, where are they? Did they slink home ashamed?

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post Mar 2 2007, 10:29 PM
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QUOTE(Snoopy @ Mar 2 2007, 08:45 PM) [snapback]181825[/snapback]


Do you think the answer to your question might lie in his post?? Just a hunch...

wwjd claimed when he arrived that he is not SDA so I don't believe he is JL. He makes so many claims in his earlier statement that he needs to support/verify as to how he gathered such info. Was it hearsay or first-hand?


That exchange between Lee and wwjd reminded me of the gossip that goes on when catty little old ladies get together to play bridge and get the run down the latest rumors.

If they agree on the substance of a lie, it becomes validated as truth in their minds - something they have accused truth-seekers here of since they arrived. Sad.

This post has been edited by PeacefullyBewildered: Mar 2 2007, 10:30 PM

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Richard Sherwin
post Mar 3 2007, 09:32 AM
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wwjd don't put word where there are none. What I was saying was that people keep defending Danny while 3abn is being hurt because of Danny. In other words, just as Nero fiddled while watching Rome burn instead of doing something about it. All the defenders of Danny are doing nothing to help the cause of 3abn and their problems. If his defenders were to turn around and encourage Danny to do the right thing maybe then something would be being accouplished to strengthen this work that I personally do not wish to see fail.


QUOTE(wwjd @ Mar 2 2007, 11:05 PM) [snapback]181835[/snapback]

Oh, I thought you were on of those that said you didn't want to see the ministry fall. You just thought there should be a change in management. By your post, I guess I misunderstood you.

This post has been edited by Richard Sherwin: Mar 3 2007, 09:35 AM
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post Mar 3 2007, 03:26 PM
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QUOTE(Richard Sherwin @ Mar 3 2007, 09:32 AM) [snapback]181926[/snapback]

wwjd don't put word where there are none. What I was saying was that people keep defending Danny while 3abn is being hurt because of Danny. In other words, just as Nero fiddled while watching Rome burn instead of doing something about it. All the defenders of Danny are doing nothing to help the cause of 3abn and their problems. If his defenders were to turn around and encourage Danny to do the right thing maybe then something would be being accouplished to strengthen this work that I personally do not wish to see fail.


Richard, the defenders here, know he has done the right thing, which is why we defend him. Maybe those in your camp would do well to encourage Linda, to "do the right thing."
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Richard Sherwin
post Mar 3 2007, 03:49 PM
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Doing the right thing in this case is for Danny to resign, even if only temporarily for the good of 3abn, and then open up and show all the evidence publicly about their proof of adultery, open the financial books for all to see etc. They need to be so transparent that they would not only be willing to be scrutinized by a neutral party but be willing to be scrutinized by the critics. That would be true transparency. If Danny and 3abn really wants this all to stop it is within their power.


QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 3 2007, 04:26 PM) [snapback]182034[/snapback]

Richard, the defenders here, know he has done the right thing, which is why we defend him. Maybe those in your camp would do well to encourage Linda, to "do the right thing."

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post Mar 4 2007, 03:03 AM
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QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Mar 2 2007, 10:29 PM) [snapback]181853[/snapback]



That exchange between Lee and wwjd reminded me of the gossip that goes on when catty little old ladies get together to play bridge and get the run down the latest rumors.

If they agree on the substance of a lie, it becomes validated as truth in their minds - something they have accused truth-seekers here of since they arrived. Sad.

PB you have described exactly what has been done on this forum. Someone says DS is an embezzler, before you know it it is fact but no proof has been shown. Someone says the board is all lackeys, it is then repeated as fact. Anyone that defends Danny is "paid" to do so and that becomes another fact. I could go on and on. At times, PB you say things that seem to come across as more of a fair attitude than shown by most on this forum. But, if you really are fair, you cannot possibly deny that your example of little old ladies has not happened here, over and over again.

QUOTE(PeacefullyBewildered @ Mar 2 2007, 05:43 PM) [snapback]181741[/snapback]


If you are not Danny where have you gotten all of this intimate, inside information? If you aren't Danny, whose words have you used to build such a statement? If it is just hearsay aren't you being just a mite hypocritical?

If you aren't Danny, I have to say that you must be pretty winded after that extensive exercise in extrapolation. I know my head is spinning just from reading it.

Again PB be fair across the board. If you would question me about info, then you must question WB, SSOM, Sister and several others. They tell stories of what DS said and did to Linda when only those 2 were in the room. Well, that would have to be hearsay wouldn't it? But that has never stopped most of you from believing every word.

QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 2 2007, 04:29 PM) [snapback]181736[/snapback]

Exactly, it only supports a relationship between her and the Doctor, which had nothing to do with her son. I have never read anyone saying that the trip was the cause of the divorce but Johann and his fan club when they put that in the mouth of others...

Which is how most of the so called facts and relating of events about Linda's side have originated (from what I read). Johann says something (heresay, as he wasn't there). All told or interpreted by his best friend Linda. He repeats it as facts, assigns motives and intents to Danny based on what Linda tells him, repeats that as fact, Then all the anonymous Danny accusers repeat it as fact, claiming they have an identified witness, but never identify the person. Then other people arrive and say these anonymous people's testimony is true cause they all have the same story and other people who identify themselves by name verify what they are saying is true. Then Johann arrives agrees, and adds more details, and the stories keep spreading like manure.

I seriously believe when the facts are made known, these people will never see them, they are so loving the lies and convinced of their personal discernment and opinions.

But why should that be a suprise do you know how many have said, even if Linda is guilty, even if she lied even if she did commit adultery, that isn't the point, the point is that "DANNY WAS MEAN TO HER!"

As if husbands can't get upset and angry or be heartsick and not thinking straight when wives lie and commit adultery?

I thank God that others will see..

Aletheia, You have hit the nail exactly on the head. What you say is 200% the truth. I have seen it done over and over. DS motive and intent are specialty's of Johanne and Pickle. And it is always said in such a way that it appears to be fact.
Go girl, you have great insight.
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post Mar 4 2007, 07:50 AM
Post #307

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QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 2 2007, 08:40 PM) [snapback]181799[/snapback]

Now you are contradicting some of the information Danny wrote to me at that time. He bragged to me that he had his own spynet with which he could be informed of all of Linda's movements, even as soon as she had ordered an airline ticket. He even informed me that this was thanks to his good friend Garvin McNeilus who had some kind of contraption through some kind of a travel office where he was able to see who had ordered what. When I say "some kind of" it is because I do not know how this works.

Yes, due to Danny Shelton's demonic actions Linda had no other friends she could go to at that time than the trio in Norway.


One of the main reasons I saw that Danny's actions were highly suspicious were all the e-mails he wrote to me right from the beginning of this affair. It shone through most of them that he was not real, so if you convince him it pays to be real, than you have achieved a lot!

I have to stop now, but I'll get back to this later!

QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 2 2007, 09:28 PM) [snapback]181817[/snapback]

I was merely stating what Mr. Danny Shelton told me. Was he lying or was he telling the truth...

It doesn't sound like you knew what Dr A and L. Shelton were doing all the time. This is what has about what D. Shelton told you in private e-mail. Did you give these e-mails to them to publish? They are all the e-mails I could find, and it doesn't really tell the things you are saying here. Are there more emails?

-------- Original Message --------
From: Danny Shelton
To: Johann Thorvaldsson
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:05:11 -0000

Certain people didn't see YOU enough to get much video of you, but they sure got plenty of the Dr. and the lady together at numerous places including apartments and hotels.

One may never know how much really went on between the two including you. On the other hand, one might. But we know for sure, that the scripure that says to shun the appearance of evil sure went out the window with those two as the lady is still, very much, married. Have a great flight back, when you finally leave.

Once again you showed yourself for having become a disciple of the Dr. as much as the lady in question, when on Thursday night you tried to play the deceptive game of asking where she was, pretending as though you didn't know. You didn't fool anyone, especially God. I'm praying that you can awake out of the spiritual stupor you have fallen into.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Danny Shelton
To: Johann Thorvaldsson
Subject: Re: American Intelligence
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 01:33:19 -0000

You really are spiritually dead. Why do you think the doctor faked losing his passport? Dah, Dah! And you fell for it.

I know where they were the next 24 hours and what they were doing. You don't.

People who stoop to hiding and planning affairs shouldn't be mad when they get caught. I see no one is denying what went on, they're just mad they got caught.

They laugh at you and I heard them say "Old Johann has alsheimers disease". He should know if it's true or not. You tell everyone what a great doctor he is.

Bless your heart. He has taken you for a fool and you didn't even know it! (a fellow European).

He only had you for a scape goat and you blindly fell in a ditch, that he dug for you!

Maybe you should try a little intelligence so you could know who your friends are.

By the way, as you know my wife denied that the doctor bought her a watch. She said she knew nothing of a Pierre Cardin watch. I found the watch in her glove box. A two faced watch. One set for US Central time and the other face set for Norway.

The two faced watch reminded me of your two faced Dr. friend who used you to get to my wife, then sent you home pretending to have forgotten his passport. Or could he have even persuaded you to stay around St. Louis, anything just to get you out of his hair.

Maybe you do have Alsheimers, or maybe your just naive. Either way they made you look pretty naked!

My wife also told me the Dr. treated her in his hotel room. (Yes, that worries me). She has a v*****l infection and said he could tell from this little old American machine that is years out of date. I have found out that it is impossible to tell with his equipment. He also gave her infection medicine. I believe one would call that illegal treatmeant by a foriegn Dr. The next time he comes to America he might have a surprise waiting for him!

Anyway since his equipment can not tell him that she had a v*****l infection, there are only a couple of other ways one could know! I'll leave it at that.


This post has been edited by Eirene: Mar 4 2007, 07:53 AM
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post Mar 4 2007, 01:42 PM
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My wife also told me the Dr. treated her in his hotel room. (Yes, that worries me). She has a v*****l infection and said he could tell from this little old American machine that is years out of date. I have found out that it is impossible to tell with his equipment. He also gave her infection medicine. I believe one would call that illegal treatmeant by a foriegn Dr. The next time he comes to America he might have a surprise waiting for him!

Anyway since his equipment can not tell him that she had a v*****l infection, there are only a couple of other ways one could know! I'll leave it at that.

I cannot immagine a more humiliating experience for a woman than to have someone publish on the Internet claimed information in regard to her haveing a vaginal yeast infection, and speculating in regard to how it was diagnosed, treated, by whom, and under what circumstances.

I suspect that the publication of the above did more to generate support for Linda than most anything else that has been published about her. I can only immagine an insensitve male who really did not understand the consequences of his post publishing such.

If it was posted by a female, I will leave it to the women here to comment on that, and their reaction.

[Yes, I know that it appears that both a male and a female were involved in this information.]

[You know, I just may ask my wife what she thinks of a female being involved in the posting of the above.]

However, as it has been posted, I will make a couple of factual statements:

1) In regard to Dr. A practicing medicine in the U.S: Just about every one of the individual States allows a properly licensed physician in another area to perform medical services on a very limited basis. So, no, if Dr. A did such, it is probable that it was legal for him to do such.

2) In regard to how the vaginal yeast infection was diagnosed: I work with physicians who would be willing to prescribe medication for such an infection without doing a pelvic examination. Quit speculating men. You do not need to be rolling over in your head how it may have been diagnosed. Get you mind on something else.

This post has been edited by Observer: Mar 4 2007, 01:47 PM

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Mar 4 2007, 01:54 PM
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There is always the possibility that Danny just made that part up. I don't think we can take anything he says at face value.
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post Mar 4 2007, 02:12 PM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 4 2007, 12:54 PM) [snapback]182308[/snapback]


There is always the possibility that Danny just made that part up. I don't think we can take anything he says at face value.

I am not dealing with the truth, or lack of truth, in the post. I am simply dealing with the humilation of a woman, in posting such on the Internet. I am saying to all males who wish to comment on that post: Get your mind on to some other subject.

Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer."
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post Mar 4 2007, 02:22 PM
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QUOTE(Eirene @ Mar 4 2007, 07:50 AM) [snapback]182219[/snapback]

It doesn't sound like you knew what Dr A and L. Shelton were doing all the time. This is what has about what D. Shelton told you in private e-mail. Did you give these e-mails to them to publish? They are all the e-mails I could find, and it doesn't really tell the things you are saying here. Are there more emails?

Pickle what is the speculation about this being on the internet? It says in the above post that these were published on the pickle/joy site. Anyway, after publishing the minute details of brad D on your site, a VYI looks like childs play
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post Mar 4 2007, 02:46 PM
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It's not my site.

But this all does raise some interesting questions:
  • What sort of husband would be talking about such things to someone who is not his spouse?
  • Did Danny commit spiritual adultery by talking about such things to Pastor Thorvaldsson?
  • If so, did Linda therefore have biblical grounds to divorce Danny?
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post Mar 4 2007, 03:11 PM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 4 2007, 02:46 PM) [snapback]182327[/snapback]

It's not my site.


Wait, wait, wait a minute. It's not your site? You haven't written anything for that site? You haven't been a party to, what was going to be put on that site? You don't have any input where that site is concerned? Please..............Your ethics and behavior have already been called into question over and over again and now you make a statement that is isn't your site?

Next question. Since, obviously by your answer, it is on that site, why were you and observer just trying to act like you didn't know who the culprit was for publishing it?

Of course, all of this, could be to distract from the fact that those emails, published to try and make DS look bad, have backfired and did just the opposite. The entire content casts a very bad light on LS and the doc, showing once again, that the "my only relationship was professional and about my son" isn't flying anywhere. One of the emails also establishes the fact that when the 3 were in springfield together, that indeed, Johann went back a day before the Doc. So he wasn't there to chaperone as he has led everyone to believe. Of course I am sure he didn't dream that doc would have the bad luck to "lose" his passport and have to stay over.
Really, as more and more emails are published, tit is only proving that the "professional only" story crashed and burned quite some time ago.
Then there is always Johann. The more he opens his mouth, the more he reveals of the details of said situation. Case in point. After sticking for years to the above story of a strictly professional relationship, Johann finally admits she flew to Norway right after the divorce and says it was to see her BEST FRIENDS. Then goes on to say that of course she had to turn to someone with DS being "so mean" to her. That of course establishes a relationship, while still married, that goes way beyond "the son" story.
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post Mar 4 2007, 04:06 PM
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QUOTE(Eirene @ Mar 4 2007, 03:50 PM) [snapback]182219[/snapback]

It doesn't sound like you knew what Dr A and L. Shelton were doing all the time. This is what has about what D. Shelton told you in private e-mail. Did you give these e-mails to them to publish? They are all the e-mails I could find, and it doesn't really tell the things you are saying here. Are there more emails?

You quoted Mr. Danny Shelton's version - and he wasn't there. I was there in that room while Linda was there, and I can verify that Dr. Arild Abrahamsen never did anything inappropriate, even if he had not been a physician.

Linda did not touch the doctor and he did not touch her. Danny Shelton permits a wild imagination to rule his thoughts and accusations. He is so desperately attempting to verify his actions.

QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 4 2007, 11:11 PM) [snapback]182332[/snapback]

Wait, wait, wait a minute. It's not your site? You haven't written anything for that site? You haven't been a party to, what was going to be put on that site? You don't have any input where that site is concerned? Please..............Your ethics and behavior have already been called into question over and over again and now you make a statement that is isn't your site?

Next question. Since, obviously by your answer, it is on that site, why were you and observer just trying to act like you didn't know who the culprit was for publishing it?

Of course, all of this, could be to distract from the fact that those emails, published to try and make DS look bad, have backfired and did just the opposite. The entire content casts a very bad light on LS and the doc, showing once again, that the "my only relationship was professional and about my son" isn't flying anywhere. One of the emails also establishes the fact that when the 3 were in springfield together, that indeed, Johann went back a day before the Doc. So he wasn't there to chaperone as he has led everyone to believe. Of course I am sure he didn't dream that doc would have the bad luck to "lose" his passport and have to stay over.
Really, as more and more emails are published, tit is only proving that the "professional only" story crashed and burned quite some time ago.
Then there is always Johann. The more he opens his mouth, the more he reveals of the details of said situation. Case in point. After sticking for years to the above story of a strictly professional relationship, Johann finally admits she flew to Norway right after the divorce and says it was to see her BEST FRIENDS. Then goes on to say that of course she had to turn to someone with DS being "so mean" to her. That of course establishes a relationship, while still married, that goes way beyond "the son" story.

Watch out, Danny Shelton, these claims are not going to help you one bit. Just wait and you will regret! I wish I did not have to reveal too much about your situation, but you are forcing me to.

"Any fact that needs to be disclosed should be put out now or as quickly as possible, because otherwise the bleeding will not end." (Attributed to Henry Kissinger)

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post Mar 4 2007, 05:14 PM
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I think you dodged a legitimate question: Did Danny Shelton commit spiritual adultery when he disclosed Linda's alleged medical condition to Pastor Thorvaldsson?
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