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> Why Did Linda Buy The Pregnancy Test Kit?, Spin off from the “Thompson Respond to Abrahamsen” thread.
Why did Linda Buy the Pregnancy Test Kit?
Let’s document all the theories we have read here and take a vote.
It was an innocent practical joke on Danny. Come on Danny get with it, lighten up, have a little fun. Theorist, Johann and Watchbird [ 17 ] ** [34.00%]
Linda really thought she could have been pregnant. Hey, after all that sterilization stuff does not always work. Theorist, Summertime. [ 1 ] ** [2.00%]
Linda did it to spite Danny. Man got no business going through my stuff. Theorist, Panama Pete [ 8 ] ** [16.00%]
Hey, Danny planted it. I know Danny, this sounds like him. He is such an evil, wicked man. Theorist, I don’t remember and too lazy to go back through the post and look it up. [ 10 ] ** [20.00%]
I really don't care [ 14 ] ** [28.00%]
Total Votes: 50
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post Mar 1 2007, 12:14 PM
Post #271

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 28 2007, 06:41 PM) [snapback]181348[/snapback]

I have a very real feeling that you do not know the parties involved (or at least one of them) and probably have never been to 3abn. Read my other posts of how anyone that knows DS knows he always put LS on a pedestal to the point of being nauseating. Now if a man thought that highly of his wife, something caused him to suspect that wrong doing had entered into the picture. A man doesn't just wake up one day after 20 years praising and loving his wife and "just decide" that she is being unfaithful. He had not been suspicious and hanging a dark cloud over their marriage for 20 years. Why start now out of no where. Use your head man. Many verifiable "things" led him up to that point of thinking. Of course I know I am wasting my time. There are too many things you don't know and I am sure, don't want to know, for you to come to any kind of intelligent conclusion. So, pontificate all you want, but I will say, as nicely as I can, You have no idea what you're talking about. wave.gif


I'm very willing to listen. Please list the "Many verifiable 'things' that led DS up to that point of thinking. You are only wasting your time if there really aren't such "things".


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post Mar 1 2007, 12:17 PM
Post #272

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QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 1 2007, 01:06 PM) [snapback]181478[/snapback]

offtopic.gif offtopic.gif

Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a physical, only to find out that she's pregnant. She is furious... Here she's in the middle of her first run for president,and as Senator of New York this has happened to her. She calls home, gets Bill on the phone and immediately starts screaming;

"How could you have let this happen? With all that's going on
right now, you go and get me pregnant! How could you? I can't
believe this! I just found out I am five weeks pregnant and it is all your fault! Your fault!

Well, what have you got to say?" There is nothing but dead silence on the phone. She screams again, "Did you hear me?"

Finally she hears Bill's very,very quiet voice. In a barely audible whisper, he says, "Who is this?"

rofl1.gif rofl1.gif

okay, back to your regularly scheduled thread.... (that seems to never end)

Now yo know ohmy.gif

HH, you need to hursh you mouf rofl1.gif

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post Mar 1 2007, 01:03 PM
Post #273

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QUOTE(justme @ Mar 1 2007, 12:56 PM) [snapback]181475[/snapback]

I'm so curious as to HOW this supposed email from Linda to Dr. Abrahamsen got published.

Did Linda decide it too good to keep to herself?

Did Dr.Abrahamsen wish to share it?

or is it another "intercepted email"

or another "fabricated email"?

It doesn't sound like either of them to divulge it if true; unless it was supposed to truly be a joke to post it,

Is it a joke on us, too?

Oh what fodder we choose to chew on.

We will NEVER know the truth, even after hundreds of pages of "posts", will we ...!

Read the two threads from the beginning. The truth has already been posted here.... and verified by more than two sources. There are a few variances in details among those first presenting the story, but when put together it turned out that they were all part of the same narrative, and meshed perfectly. For example, a hasty reading would seem to disagree as to where the pg test was left for Danny to find.... but a more careful one reveals that after leaving the shopping bags in the car for sometime without Danny exploring them, that the one containing the pg test was moved to a room in the house... one that Danny had no business even being in.... but was the place where he finally discovered it.

Only much later on did the Dannyites come on and tell the story completely differently. But if you examine the "totally different" story, you will find that it matches the story that Danny and Walt have told from the beginning. A story that does NOT match the ones told by Linda on her website, by Johann telling of his first person experiences, nor by Arild who was the other person accused of being a demon and of "stealing Linda". Your decision as to what is truth will be made depending on which of the basic stories you believe. And many here have found that an easy decision to make once they read all of the testimonies from both sides.

As for this present letter..... My take on it is that it is genuine, and that it was originally sent not only to Arild, but also to others of Linda's friends. If you read the threads on this, you will find it stated that several of Linda's friends knew about it at the time..... and knew of it in advance of the actual moment that Danny discovered the pg test.

It has doubtless been said enough times, that Linda's friends, and Linda herself, think it was a stupid thing to do. Unfortunately, none of them realized just how stupid and disuaded her from it before it actually played itself out. But in their defense for not doing so, keep the time line in mind. This was May 6. Neither Linda NOR her friends realized at this time that Danny's determination to rid himself of Linda was cast in stone. And they doubtless shared her thought that perhaps something so "far out" as this would jolt him with a realization of how unreasonable his actions toward her were being. Hindsight only revealed that she had merely played into his hands and given him something tangible that he would claim was "proof" that she had been physically unfaithful to him.

As for knowing the truth, each will have to decide for themselves whether to continue to "chew on fodder" or to accept the first person testimonies of those who have identified themselves here and told the story as they experienced and witnessed it.

This post has been edited by watchbird: Mar 1 2007, 01:05 PM
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post Mar 1 2007, 04:26 PM
Post #274

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QUOTE(watchbird @ Mar 1 2007, 01:03 PM) [snapback]181489[/snapback]

As for knowing the truth, each will have to decide for themselves whether to continue to "chew on fodder" or to accept the first person testimonies of those who have identified themselves here and told the story as they experienced and witnessed it.

What people that witnessed it? Did I miss something? Who was there when Linda planted it. Who else was there when Danny found it? Who else was there to see and hear the exchange that took place between them, when it was found. If you are calling Linda the first person Testimony, that doesn't hold water, Danny has his side too. Unless there was someone else in the car, then in the house, then in the room then you are barking up the wrong tree. Same with the naive junk. Who was there to see Linda fall on her knees in prayer and at the same time see Dan in his office at 3abn looking on the internet. Same with Johann and the "springfield trip" between him, Linda and the Doc. He turned in at 10pm. He doesn't know what, if anything, transpired after that between the two. You say Danny wanted to get "rid" of her....Did you hear him say that? Do you know anyone that did hear him say that, other than what you get from Linda? Even if someone other than Linda told you that, how do you know unless you were there? You have always ignored the fact that DS took LS all the way to the airport to catch a flight to Norway right after the divorce WITHOUT NATHAN. Why haven't you and the other mimics addressed that? Oh wait, I know, you are going to tell us she developed a sudden medical problem that only one doc in the whole world could fix? Address the fact that she ask DS to take her. And he did. Not to mention the conversation on the 2 hour drive. I await with baited breath to see what kind of concoction you come up with to explain or maybe deny the Norway trip without her son.
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post Mar 1 2007, 04:40 PM
Post #275

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 1 2007, 04:26 PM) [snapback]181532[/snapback]


What people that witnessed it? Did I miss something? Who was there when Linda planted it. Who else was there when Danny found it? Who else was there to see and hear the exchange that took place between them, when it was found. If you are calling Linda the first person Testimony, that doesn't hold water, Danny has his side too. Unless there was someone else in the car, then in the house, then in the room then you are barking up the wrong tree. Same with the naive junk. Who was there to see Linda fall on her knees in prayer and at the same time see Dan in his office at 3abn looking on the internet. Same with Johann and the "springfield trip" between him, Linda and the Doc. He turned in at 10pm. He doesn't know what, if anything, transpired after that between the two. You say Danny wanted to get "rid" of her....Did you hear him say that? Do you know anyone that did hear him say that, other than what you get from Linda? Even if someone other than Linda told you that, how do you know unless you were there? You have always ignored the fact that DS took LS all the way to the airport to catch a flight to Norway right after the divorce WITHOUT NATHAN. Why haven't you and the other mimics addressed that? Oh wait, I know, you are going to tell us she developed a sudden medical problem that only one doc in the whole world could fix? Address the fact that she ask DS to take her. And he did. Not to mention the conversation on the 2 hour drive. I await with baited breath to see what kind of concoction you come up with to explain or maybe deny the Norway trip without her son.

Who told you that Danny drove her to the airport? Did Danny tell you that? Danny DID get rid of her!! He quickly divorced her. When people heard about the situation with Linda and Danny, they automatically believed Danny that Linda was unfaithful. However, minds began to change when they heard of the quick divorce. More minds have changed since Danny's marriage to Brandy. There was a hint of Danny's feelings for Brandy at her baptism. We didn't know who she was, but it was obvious that he had feelings for her.
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post Mar 1 2007, 04:53 PM
Post #276

Heiress Josey
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QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 1 2007, 05:26 PM) [snapback]181532[/snapback]


Bystander when exactly are you going to stop spewing the fodder that proceeds from your lips?

You want to speculate on whether the LS did whatever with the Dr. after being left alone, then lets speculate on why you and wwjd, after coming out of the closet so to speak, have not told us what you two de behind that keyboard of ours? One minute you are the epitome of truth because you are upstanding members defending DS/TS and their upstanding members then, in the next breath, one of you sticketh the foot in the mouth of the other. Y'all simplee need to hursh doh.gif

Just HURSH cuz hoof in mouth is NOT a good look blink.gif

Neither of you has ANY credibility here. Not one shred of credibility. With that said, Get Thee Hence and go bow before the porcelain bowl of your master for whatever else it is his desires to serve up, which you will, with undoubted glee, spew here.

This post has been edited by seraph|m: Mar 1 2007, 05:02 PM

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post Mar 1 2007, 05:23 PM
Post #277

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 1 2007, 05:26 PM) [snapback]181532[/snapback]

[/color] I await with baited breath to see what kind of concoction you come up with to explain or maybe deny the Norway trip without her son.

Be careful with that "baited breath" act.... you never know what you might attract with the "bait".... OTOH... if you meant bated breath.... then you still better be careful.... cause I've know folk who actually held their breath so long they passed out... and didn't start breathing again ever..... so sad..... happened to a cousin of mine actually.... a Navy Seal..... but that's offtopic.gif.... sorry about that..... wave.gif .............

This post has been edited by watchbird: Mar 1 2007, 05:31 PM
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post Mar 1 2007, 05:34 PM
Post #278

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QUOTE(Johann @ Feb 28 2007, 04:55 PM) [snapback]181271[/snapback]

This projection is what I discovered from the very beginning of the accusations hurled at Linda. Again and again I had the opportunity to verify that so many of the accusations were things the accuser had done him/her-self that were projected to someone else.

The worst part of it is that the accuser seemed so honest in describing how someone else did what that person had done him/her self, and they managed to convince so many they were telling the truth.

"He who is guilty of wrong is the first to suspect wrong. By condemning another he is trying to conceal or excuse the evil of his own heart." Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 126


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post Mar 1 2007, 05:46 PM
Post #279

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What I don't understand is why if DS loved Linda soooo much did he give up on her after only a couple of months. and got rid of her as quick as he could. I saw a program on 3ABN not too long ago where DS interviewed a couple where the wife had an affair with a pastor and how the couple worked it out and didn't give up on each other. Quite frankly it made DS look pretty bad when you think how quickly he disposed of Linda. Also, before all that happened I saw a "on the porch" program around valentines day where Danny came out and sat and talked with Linda. Can't remember now why but what I saw made me think then something wasn't right in that relationship. My daughter who isn't SDA even remarked about it.
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Richard Sherwin
post Mar 1 2007, 06:36 PM
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What? We're allowed to tell Clinton jokes on here? I thought this was Clinton country and only Bush jokes were allowed

Where have all the Dannyites gone today? Did they finally get the memo that they are hurting Danny by posting on here and should quit? Well Bystander was here but of course he only tells the truth so maybe Danny allows him to post.


QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 1 2007, 01:06 PM) [snapback]181478[/snapback]

offtopic.gif offtopic.gif

Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a physical, only to find out that she's pregnant. She is furious... Here she's in the middle of her first run for president,and as Senator of New York this has happened to her. She calls home, gets Bill on the phone and immediately starts screaming;

"How could you have let this happen? With all that's going on
right now, you go and get me pregnant! How could you? I can't
believe this! I just found out I am five weeks pregnant and it is all your fault! Your fault!

Well, what have you got to say?" There is nothing but dead silence on the phone. She screams again, "Did you hear me?"

Finally she hears Bill's very,very quiet voice. In a barely audible whisper, he says, "Who is this?"

rofl1.gif rofl1.gif

okay, back to your regularly scheduled thread.... (that seems to never end)

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post Mar 1 2007, 07:04 PM
Post #281

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One of the things I have been wondering right along is why Bystander and WWJD would try so hard to paint Danny as such a poor figure of a man that he couldn't keep a woman. He comes off looking pretty wimpy and lame in their version of things. Continually trying to please and constantly trying for sympathy and forever being rejected.

Looking for evidence and finding it and then being laughed at.

He looks much more macho in the opposition's version. Having women on the side and rejecting Linda instead of being rejected.

Could their version of things be correct? Maybe that is why he drives such a big truck.
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post Mar 1 2007, 08:21 PM
Post #282

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[quote name='Bystander' date='Mar 2 2007, 12:26 AM' post='181532']

What people that witnessed it? Did I miss something? Who was there when Linda planted it. [/quote]

Linda was not alone, so she has witnesses!
Who else was there when Danny found it? Who else was there to see and hear the exchange that took place between them, when it was found. If you are calling Linda the first person Testimony, that doesn't hold water, Danny has his side too. Unless there was someone else in the car, then in the house, then in the room then you are barking up the wrong tree.

If two witnesses contradict each other there is no proof! Why should Linda tell us when she came to visit us in Norway that she had driven alone to the airport and was surprised to see Danny there?
Same with the naive junk. Who was there to see Linda fall on her knees in prayer and at the same time see Dan in his office at 3abn looking on the internet. Same with Johann and the "springfield trip" between him, Linda and the Doc. He turned in at 10pm. He doesn't know what, if anything, transpired after that between the two.

Johann did not turn in at 10 pm. Johann and Arild Abrahamsen drove together to their hotel at 3 am from Alyssa's apartments because they were both trying to solve a software problem in Linda's computer so she could finish her letter to the board by morning!
You say Danny wanted to get "rid" of her....Did you hear him say that?

yes, definitely! Danny told me in his e-mails to me. He sent me up to three a day during that period, and he definitely made it clear that he wanted to get a divorce and get rid of Linda. When I suggested a plan to save their marriage to Walt Thompson, he stated,

- Johann, you know Danny! He will not accept that!

Do you know anyone that did hear him say that, other than what you get from Linda? Even if someone other than Linda told you that, how do you know unless you were there? You have always ignored the fact that DS took LS all the way to the airport to catch a flight to Norway right after the divorce WITHOUT NATHAN. Why haven't you and the other mimics addressed that? Oh wait, I know, you are going to tell us she developed a sudden medical problem that only one doc in the whole world could fix? Address the fact that she ask DS to take her. And he did. Not to mention the conversation on the 2 hour drive. I await with baited breath to see what kind of concoction you come up with to explain or maybe deny the Norway trip without her son.

Yes, Linda denies that Danny took her to the airport. She needed to get away from the ordeal to see her three best friends in Norway, and we were all so happy to see her. We had such a great time together! She dreaded to go back to Carbondale, but she had to.

Several times Danny and his scribes have insinuated that her trip to Norway after the divorce was one of the reasons he had to divorce her. What kind of "concoction" is that?

This post has been edited by Johann: Mar 2 2007, 12:53 AM

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post Mar 2 2007, 02:56 PM
Post #283

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QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 1 2007, 08:21 PM) [snapback]181575[/snapback]

Linda was not alone, so she has witnesses!
Who else was there when Danny found it? Who else was there to see and hear the exchange that took place between them, when it was found. If you are calling Linda the first person Testimony, that doesn't hold water, Danny has his side too. Unless there was someone else in the car, then in the house, then in the room then you are barking up the wrong tree.

If two witnesses contradict each other there is no proof! Why should Linda tell us when she came to visit us in Norway that she had driven alone to the airport and was surprised to see Danny there?

Exactly!!! So don't try to say there were "witnesses" about the pregnancy test. No one else was there when it all come down. It is her word against his, which are the facts in most of the information put on this board. The truth is no one else was with them during many discussions and/or events that took place.

She drove alone and was surprised to see Danny there? Surely you're kidding!!!! This post alone proves how prejudiced and gullible you are where Linda is concerned. The divorce is done, they aren't really having contact but Danny knows where she is going and who she is going to see and what time her flight leaves, and just "shows up" at an airport 2 1/2 hours away!!!! roflmao.gif Or are you trying to say he ran into her by accident? rofl1.gif If not, what are you saying? If he had come on his own to the airport what purpose would it have been for? Only one, that he loved her and was still willing to reconcile if she wouldn't go. And, that is what happened except, he drove her. Why, because she called him and ask him to. That is how he knew where she was going and when.
Now, even more telling, you said the reason for her trip was that she was coming to see her 3 BEST FRIENDS in the world? How can that be? All along she has maintained that the only relationship that she had with the doc, was strictly a professional relationship because of her son!!!
She has stuck with that story and so have her supporters throughout this whole ordeal!!! Now you say he was one of her BEST FRIENDS?
Let's get real, shall we? If he had become "her best friend" how did that happen. That doesn't happen overnight and by talking strictly about her son's case. That must mean she had many more conversations with him than just professional. Since we confide in our best friends, that must mean she was confiding details of her And Danny's troubles to him (we already know that because of the supposed email to him about the pregnancy test). This says she had been talking to him all the while they were still married. Conclusion? She was a married woman. Doc was a single man. All this years of claiming strictly professional level, was not true. Danny became aware of all of these conversations and knew they went way beyond Nathan. He ask her to stop being personally involved with another man because at the very least, it was very inappropriate. She refused. He ask her several more times, she wouldn't. The very fact that she wouldn't stop, seeing the rift it was causing, says a whole lot. He demanded she stop when he found other "evidence" that proved to him,just how far things had went. She didn't. He went to his pastor. The pastor talked to her, she wouldn't stop. HOw many others talked to her? She wouldn't stop. There is no point in going on. When your husband says this is causing big trouble in our marriage, and pastors, friends, counselors say this is wrong it is inappropriate. To work on your marriage, the first thing you have to do is end this other relationship, and the wife still refuses. That says everything about her feelings for the other person. From there it went from bad to worse, and other evidence came to light to show that this had possibly not just been a "phone" relationship. Regardless, all the while DS is willing to work it out and all she has to do first, is stop the contact that had went way beyond her son.
Now I say all of that because ,Johann ,you did not deny that she went straight to Norway after the divorce. And you are the one who said she came to see her 3 BEST FRIENDS. She shouldn't have made a "male" "best friend" while she was married, that she would then, run to, half way across the world to see as soon as she was free. Everyone here spouts that DS wouldn't take time to work on the marriage. How can you when your wife refuses to take the first step? As said before, there are many other things that came to light and even so, he was willing to work it out. She wasn't.

You say Danny wanted to get "rid" of her....Did you hear him say that?

yes, definitely! Danny told me in his e-mails to me. He sent me up to three a day during that period, and he definitely made it clear that he wanted to get a divorce and get rid of Linda.

Nice spin, but if and I say if he said he wanted to go ahead with the divorce it was because of the above stated reasons. There was no "reasoning" with her and she didn't want to make even 1 step to working things out. You take those facts and try to twist them that he just "for no reason" wanted a divorce.. If this whole thing wasn't over the doc why would he have been in contact with you period? If there were any other reason, you would have had nothing to do with it. Proves again what was really happening and why. The only reason for contact between you and DS was because you were the docs best friend and you knew that he and Linda had a "friendship." Maybe it is true (and it probably is) that you really didn't know the extent. I am sure since you were all such, good friends, you just took their word for it. Well, loyalty is a good thing up to a point.

Several times Danny and his scribes have insinuated that her trip to Norway after the divorce was one of the reasons he had to divorce her. What kind of "concoction" is that?

One of yours I guess, since you can't divorce someone again for going to norway after the divorce blink.gif

This post has been edited by wwjd: Mar 2 2007, 03:04 PM
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post Mar 2 2007, 03:25 PM
Post #284

Heiress Josey
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QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 1 2007, 09:21 PM) [snapback]181575[/snapback]

Linda was not alone, so she has witnesses!...

Several times Danny and his scribes have insinuated that her trip to Norway after the divorce was one of the reasons he had to divorce her. What kind of "concoction" is that?[/color][/size]

Bro you know these folks are full of half truths and out right lies... If you recall the Wizard of Oz, remember to pay not attention to the man behind the curtain. He's making a lot of noise, and bluffing folks with slight of hand. But he is a paper dragon with no teeth.

QUOTE(wwjd @ Mar 2 2007, 03:56 PM) [snapback]181716[/snapback]

One of yours I guess, since you can't divorce someone again for going to norway after the divorce blink.gif

Remember Johann, and all others, these people have NO CREDIBILITY here... not one ounce.

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post Mar 2 2007, 04:29 PM
Post #285

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QUOTE(wwjd @ Mar 2 2007, 03:56 PM) [snapback]181716[/snapback]

One of yours I guess, since you can't divorce someone again for going to norway after the divorce blink.gif

Exactly, it only supports a relationship between her and the Doctor, which had nothing to do with her son. I have never read anyone saying that the trip was the cause of the divorce but Johann and his fan club when they put that in the mouth of others...

Which is how most of the so called facts and relating of events about Linda's side have originated (from what I read). Johann says something (heresay, as he wasn't there). All told or interpreted by his best friend Linda. He repeats it as facts, assigns motives and intents to Danny based on what Linda tells him, repeats that as fact, Then all the anonymous Danny accusers repeat it as fact, claiming they have an identified witness, but never identify the person. Then other people arrive and say these anonymous people's testimony is true cause they all have the same story and other people who identify themselves by name verify what they are saying is true. Then Johann arrives agrees, and adds more details, and the stories keep spreading like manure.

I seriously believe when the facts are made known, these people will never see them, they are so loving the lies and convinced of their personal discernment and opinions.

But why should that be a suprise do you know how many have said, even if Linda is guilty, even if she lied even if she did commit adultery, that isn't the point, the point is that "DANNY WAS MEAN TO HER!"

As if husbands can't get upset and angry or be heartsick and not thinking straight when wives lie and commit adultery?

I thank God that others will see..

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Mar 2 2007, 04:38 PM
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