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> Fallible's questions regarding 3ABN, his observations and skepticism
post Aug 12 2006, 05:50 AM
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QUOTE(watchbird @ Aug 12 2006, 06:18 AM) [snapback]144556[/snapback]

Now please BSDA admins (blessings on your whole tribe) ... won't you please ... notworthy.gif ... rescue the two threads that fm has hijacked........ ( as you have done in the past when things moved off topic)........ by moving all of the offtopic.gif............. and just plain spam.gif posts to a new thread ...... (I started to suggest a name, but decided against it....... it was too appropriate) so that we can get back to Sister's intended purpose for this thread, and also back to the subject that Brother Bill raised in his thread having to do with Trust Services.

Thanks much....... in advance. You've been so kind to do this on other occasions. ................ signthankspin.gif .............

I agree with Watchbird,

It would be better to move the off-topic postings. With so many reading the threads, the people deserve to have something readable if they're going to spend the time here.

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post Aug 12 2006, 05:57 AM
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QUOTE(watchbird @ Aug 12 2006, 06:43 AM) [snapback]144582[/snapback]

"Fallible's padded playpen"

Fallible's Padded Playpen


I'm laughing so hard I'm falling out of my chair.
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post Aug 12 2006, 06:21 AM
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task done.... Fallible has a thread to himself. Likewise any question that he poses that is not related to the thread in question will be moved here.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Aug 12 2006, 07:07 AM
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QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Aug 11 2006, 09:48 PM) [snapback]144492[/snapback]


Isn't it the modus operendi to use a pseudonym when posting here? Okay, sarcasm aside . . .

I have not worked at 3ABN, that isn't a prerequisite to discovering the truth is it? I am not working there now. yes, we us a pseudonym to protect our identity. Like I've said, and others if you know how 3ABN operates you'd understand the need for pseudonym identity. Also, with this day and age one needs to take safety precautions regarding posting identities online. Yes, even on christian sites!

I will allow you that personally you don't feel I am cognizant of what happens at 3ABN, that I am not privy to what goes on behind the scenes - but if I were in either camp I sure would be worried about Toto running up and pulling the curtain aside - IF what has been presented by both sides is anywhere near the truth. You are free to believe what you will about me - that isn't my concern. what past employees have posted here is correct and if you are truly seeking answers, that IS your conncern.
Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." but that is only a piece of the advice
M 7: 2 and 3 "2: For in the same way you judge others, you will be judgedm and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3: Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Have I passed judgement on an individual here? Please show me. I have said I don't believe some of what is presented here - and I am not sure about other information. If you feel judged by that, my apologizes - but I am not going to bail on my quest.

If you truly seek my identity I am sure you can find a way to reach me and we can talk. Oh yes, I jumped in already and I am not getting out of the pool.

- fallible

Have I been disrespectful? I don't think so. Am I going to make it clear that I am hear not to take one side or the other - but rather to seek insight - sure. How many posts have told me to leave thus far? And now you threaten to drop me because I will not be viewed as a "Danny supporter" and at the same time don't buy into Linda's story either.

Okay here is a question:

Does this area of your discussion board see itself as the heir aparent to the reign at 3ABN?


Has it ever been presented here that this forum will bring down 3ABN and replaced it with a Linda run entity? Or that it has the power to do so?

Where does this group derive it's authority to lay claim to the reigns at 3ABN?

One last question - don't you want this to be an open discussion? Or is this a one sided discussion board - meaing can no one come in and disagree or at least be skeptical?

- fallible

I have pasted some of your comments for you to reread and I HOPE that you will be able to see your judgemenal comments.

My point about identity mirrors another post in a 3ABN thread - that when you accuse, when you present information as fact and don't reveal your identity your information automatically carries less weight for many.
Okay, a point here BB. You mention that many of the people posting here worked at 3ABN or are even currently working there. IF, all this is the truth and such egregious activities are taking place it seems there would be no fear of reprisal - at least in the long run. If it is true then step up and like the voice crying in the wilderness don't hide. I am not here to make a statement about anything. I said I was here to ask questions and that is what I havce done.

You say I am not accepting what is being said - should I? I don't think anyone seeking the truth should walk into the room and without asking all the necessary questions accept what is being said there as the truth. Do you do that? I doubt it. So don't expect me to - but to expect me to be here with an open mind because that is how I have arrived. Sure there is a defensive mechanisim that kicks in when everyone sitting in the room automatically discounts you because you don't buy in, but I try to temper that with the fact that there seems to be a vested interest in bringing down 3ABN - and anyone who questions the validity of what is said here is persona nongrata. And lest there be any doubt - my disbelief is because I am seeking.

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Brother Sam
post Aug 12 2006, 09:06 AM
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I have been reading your rhetoric.

Are you trying to get names of those posting on BSDA so Danny can get their names and attack them personally and/or fire them?

If you are not Danny you are using the same logic as Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson.

I have heard this same twisted logic at worship and the yearly day of prayer(or what I understand was a day of prayer at one time) it then became a what you can do for Danny day as well as listening to his bragging.

For us who have been there and experienced Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson philosophy - If you are not Danny and if you aren't doing this for Danny you are a prevaricating, egotistical, egomanic, with the brain of a sheep(capable only of following regardless of who is leading).

This is America and we have the freedom to say anything true or false.

Remember if you you believe a lie long enough it becomes truth to you.

And if you listen to Danny and don't think for yourself you will believe anything.

Maybe each one that worked there should start telling every little dirty thing that Danny has done to them or others.

Maybe its time for that!!!
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post Aug 12 2006, 09:41 AM
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QUOTE(Brother Sam @ Aug 12 2006, 09:06 AM) [snapback]144597[/snapback]


I have been reading your rhetoric.

Are you trying to get names of those posting on BSDA so Danny can get their names and attack them personally and/or fire them?

If you are not Danny you are using the same logic as Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson.

I have heard this same twisted logic at worship and the yearly day of prayer(or what I understand was a day of prayer at one time) it then became a what you can do for Danny day as well as listening to his bragging.

For us who have been there and experienced Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson philosophy - If you are not Danny and if you aren't doing this for Danny you are a prevaricating, egotistical, egomanic, with the brain of a sheep(capable only of following regardless of who is leading).

This is America and we have the freedom to say anything true or false.

Remember if you you believe a lie long enough it becomes truth to you.

And if you listen to Danny and don't think for yourself you will believe anything.

Maybe each one that worked there should start telling every little dirty thing that Danny has done to them or others.

Maybe its time for that!!!

Actually, yes, I do think it is time for that .... though I think it should be in a new thead rather than tacked on the end of this lengthy one. And perhaps it should not be "every little dirty thing", but we certainly do need for people to understand that Linda was not the only person he ever did "dirty things" to. IOW, we need to change the spotlight that has been focused on Linda into a floodlight that illuminates all of the others that he has (and still is) abusing.

We also need to broaden the scope beyond a mere recital of "what Danny did". What about others there who either carried out his orders to abuse others, but did so on their own inititative? Some of the names we have already heard, but what about others? ......

But enough for here. Maybe Clay will begin a thread with a more appropriate title where we can carry on with this.
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post Aug 12 2006, 09:51 AM
Post #97

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QUOTE(Brother Sam @ Aug 12 2006, 08:06 AM) [snapback]144597[/snapback]


I have been reading your rhetoric.

Are you trying to get names of those posting on BSDA so Danny can get their names and attack them personally and/or fire them?

If you are not Danny you are using the same logic as Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson.

I have heard this same twisted logic at worship and the yearly day of prayer(or what I understand was a day of prayer at one time) it then became a what you can do for Danny day as well as listening to his bragging.

For us who have been there and experienced Danny, Mollie, and Dr Thompson philosophy - If you are not Danny and if you aren't doing this for Danny you are a prevaricating, egotistical, egomanic, with the brain of a sheep(capable only of following regardless of who is leading).

This is America and we have the freedom to say anything true or false.

Remember if you you believe a lie long enough it becomes truth to you.

And if you listen to Danny and don't think for yourself you will believe anything.

Maybe each one that worked there should start telling every little dirty thing that Danny has done to them or others.

Maybe its time for that!!!

Two thoughts:

Fallible is TRYING reverse phycology to get EVERYTHING on the table (no, not all the real names yet) - he/she is provoking for all truth to come out - what's here is not enough, we want it all from everyone that has been there/done that.

Fallible is working for the other camp and is hijacking this - to feed the crowd that are coming here for TRUTH more SPIN. The more I read of fallible, the more fallible I see he/she is. Or very good at playing spin games (yes, I know, sounds familiar). Too many questions that have all the answers at his/her feet.

Everyone interested, do the reading. Read Linda's website too. Listen to the people that have worked there. THere is NO hate in ANYONES voice. They are WITNESS'S. You know what a witness is?


1. One who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced: a witness to the accident.
2. One who furnishes evidence.
Something that serves as evidence; a sign.
3. One who is called on to testify before a court.
4. One who is called on to be present at a transaction in order to attest to what takes place.
5. One who signs one's name to a document for the purpose of attesting to its authenticity.
6. An attestation to a fact, statement, or event; testimony.
(see if you don't believe me)

Now, HUSH UP (I did say that with a smile on my face, sort of) and IF you REALLY want to KNOW, then USE YOUR BRAIN. There is more then enough information to give you a heads up to the basics of how people were treated, how the shelton game is played (which you would be good at). and the old saying "KISS" which means KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Because if you don't, you are no different then many theologians (in our church and out) I know who can sit and spin on something for so long, they are no longer even hearing what anything really means. They just love hearing themselves TALK.


Here's the thing - "...if you pull "folks" into a fight you don't know what "weapon" they will bring." PrincessDrRe

"A man who digs a pit for others to fall into, will end up falling into it himself. And if a man rolls a stone on someone, the stone will roll back on him". Said Solomon the wise, Proverbs 26:27

"No man can follow Christ and go astray." William H.P. Faunce

"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." Robert M. McCheyne

Click here for Linda Shelton's newly updated website
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post Aug 12 2006, 09:53 AM
Post #98

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QUOTE(PaperTigers @ Aug 11 2006, 01:22 AM) [snapback]144314[/snapback]

...if you would actually sit down and read all of the posts you would see that we are just people seeking answers.. some of us do have first hand experience.

Fallible states that they have "read everything"..... I don't think so.

QUOTE(beartrap @ Aug 11 2006, 02:12 AM) [snapback]144318[/snapback]

....Many people walked down that path, were torn by thorns, and fell into the bog. Some pulled themeselves out by the thorny vine, and others sunk to their demise, choosing to believe they were still on the better path, and still shouting back that the path was beautiful.

Tremendous abuse was heaped on the woman who chose to warn the people about the shortcut, but many lives were saved by her warnings, and this, to her, was worth the abuse she suffered day after day.

Good post Bear!

QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Aug 11 2006, 08:10 PM) [snapback]144441[/snapback]

.....I want to know the truth - and quite frankly don't feel I have gotten it fully from anywhere - including here.

Imma be honest again.... No - you don't want the truth. Because the "truth" has been given to you....and you refuse to see it....
QUOTE(Daryl Fawcett @ Aug 11 2006, 09:09 PM) [snapback]144456[/snapback]

If fallible is looking for people to release their identity, it would be appropriate for fallible to lead the way.

...and this ain't happening - so we can let this totally go.

QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Aug 11 2006, 09:15 PM) [snapback]144457[/snapback]

....I have met Danny three times. I have met Linda just as many times. I have no need to support either one. In short I do not have a personal axe to grind.....

.....One last time, I am not Danny, do not communicate with Danny, have any personal stake in 3ABN or Linda's musical ministry. I want the truth and here I am to pick this source - like it or not you can't harang me out of here. I will leave when I feel my questions have been answered.

Me thinks thou doest protest too much.....
QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Aug 11 2006, 10:11 PM) [snapback]144466[/snapback]

....I watched the same show last night that all of you did - or at least I think I did. Danny said he and Brandy were going on an extended vacation. This leaves two options to consider:

A. Danny and Brandy are exhuasted from all the personal attacks and the rancorous accusations that have been aimed at them.

B. He is guilty of one or more of the accusations that have been made - and come on be honest they are accusations at this point (innocent until proven guilty) - and he is seeking a quiet way out to exit.

Can you know which - no. Time will tell. Time will also tell where the truth is and who hasn't been presenting it.

You forgot "C" - Linda was actually clear in all of this and Danny is ...well...."EVIL".... you forgot that one....

QUOTE(princessdi @ Aug 12 2006, 12:09 AM) [snapback]144484[/snapback]

Also, if you have been reading this site, you will know that questions are not a problem. Some believe we question too much. So you accusations opf us being afraid of your questions are foundless. Try again, that dog won't hunt here.
Now, proceed with your questions. snack.gif BTW, Happy Sabbath!

Meaty Bits? dunno.gif

QUOTE(inga @ Aug 12 2006, 02:01 AM) [snapback]144516[/snapback]

You're familiar with the tactics, and you are using them against posters on this forum.

Again, you appear to be projecting your own tactics on others.

"De-nial is not just a river in Egypt....."

QUOTE(Clay @ Aug 12 2006, 04:15 AM) [snapback]144544[/snapback]

...Your answering my questions with questions will simply make me restate my question until you answer it... and we can do this all night if you wish....

I'm so "into this" - getting my question answered with "another question" - Like I'm not gonna keep askin' you the ORIGINAL QUESTION ovah and ovah and ovah and ovah..... *le'sigh*
QUOTE(Panama_Pete @ Aug 12 2006, 05:12 AM) [snapback]144551[/snapback]

Thompson says, and I quote. "Experiences such as this with Linda." That's called equating.

This was your question: "I would like to know the exact citation where you claim Dr. Thompson equated Linda to Lucifer."

Dictionary definition of equate:

"To correspond."
You're just upset because the quote is actually there. You asked the question because you thought the quote was not around anywhere. And you thought wrong. Now you have to deny that it exists. So sad.

Per the "Lang-west" you used the dictionary function correctly....carry on!

I have determined that "Fallible" is here per Danny/is Danny (regardless of what they say - like Danny ain't never lied before...)/or someone in "close" that is being paid. Ain't no body ever came in here this strong..... w/o having some deeper connection to the 3ABN saga.


This post has been edited by PrincessDrRe: Aug 12 2006, 09:54 AM

*"Some folks use their ignorance like a umbrella. It covers everything, they perodically take it out from time to time, but it never is too far away from them."*
PrincessDrRe; March, 2007

~"Blood = Meat, Face = Meat, Internal "Organs" = Meat - you can try to make it cuter; but it's still meat...."~
PrincessDrRe; September, 2007

*(NOTE: Any advice given by Re' Silvey, MSW is not to be taken as medical/mental health advice. Although trained to be a counselor, currently employed as a therapist, and currently pursuing her PhD in Counseling Psychology (ABD/I) - she is not your assigned therapist. Please consult a mental health professional of your choice for a face-to-face consultation.)*
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post Aug 12 2006, 10:07 AM
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I have determined that "Fallible" is here per Danny/is Danny (regardless of what they say - like Danny ain't never lied before...)/or someone in "close" that is being paid. Ain't no body ever came in here this strong..... w/o having some deeper connection to the 3ABN saga.


Right on pernt Re!! You go girl!


My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first one being -- hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
-Erma Bombeck-

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post Aug 12 2006, 11:08 AM
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"God lost one of his closest companions
when Lucifer went astray. More than that, myriads more angels
left with him when he left heaven. Talk about grief or
emotional pain. Experiences such as this with Linda, I think,
help us to understand the pain of loss, and the reality of the
war between God and Satan. "

I must confess that, to me, the above statement could be taken (interpreted) more than one way. I does seem to give one the impression with that of equating Danny with God here in the analogy, and how God must have felt when He lost Lucifer, and therefore this is how Danny (and perhaps the rest of 3ABN staff) felt in losing Linda. This would seem to infer Linda with Lucifer to some extent, although perhaps (hopefully) it is not carrying the same weight of sin and grevious error that Satan has.

On the other hand, this statement could also perhaps be taken to simply refer to, as fallible has said, the emotional pain and the feeling of tremendous loss that individuals on BOTH sides have experienced through losing Linda and her ministry...the pain of a loss of someone you loved very dearly, and hopefully still do. The truth is that God has never stopped loving Lucifer, and will (not that He hasn't already) shed some tears of sorrow when Satan is gone, not because evil is eliminated, which is a blessed relief for all of us, but more because of the potential that Lucifer could have had, had he chosen to not throw away all of this, and the choice(s) he made when he went his own way. And also all of the pain that Lucifer has caused millions of others in his downfall. Our choices we make certainly do have a big impact on others.

I think that perhaps Dr. Thompson could have been a bit more clear in his analogy as to what exactly he meant by what he said, instead of leaving it open for different interpretations. I do perhaps sense that we may be carrying this a bit too far by saying that he is equating Linda with Lucifer in the strictest sense of the word. Please don't interpret this as an endorsement of his statement by any means. I am not!

However, I certainly could be way off base here. tongue.gif

Just my 2 cts. worth... blink.gif


This post has been edited by Fstpicker: Aug 12 2006, 11:11 AM
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post Aug 12 2006, 12:24 PM
Post #101

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QUOTE(Fstpicker @ Aug 12 2006, 12:08 PM) [snapback]144610[/snapback]

I must confess that, to me, the above statement could be taken (interpreted) more than one way. I does seem to give one the impression with that of equating Danny with God here in the analogy, and how God must have felt when He lost Lucifer, and therefore this is how Danny (and perhaps the rest of 3ABN staff) felt in losing Linda. This would seem to infer Linda with Lucifer to some extent, although perhaps (hopefully) it is not carrying the same weight of sin and grevious error that Satan has.

On the other hand, this statement could also perhaps be taken to simply refer to, as fallible has said, the emotional pain and the feeling of tremendous loss that individuals on BOTH sides have experienced through losing Linda and her ministry...the pain of a loss of someone you loved very dearly, and hopefully still do.


That's an interesting puzzle: Would 3ABN management actually compare people to Lucifer? Are they putting the words "Linda" and "Lucifer" into the same, small paragraph to keep them separate, independent thoughts?

Let's look at that.

First of all, we have seen over the past 2 years that Dr. Thompson is Danny's spokesperson. The magazine articles site Dr. Thompson as the author. Thompson repeats what he feels is on the mind of Danny Shelton, the President of 3ABN

Now, let's go to the Arild Abrahamsen letter of June 20, 2006 to find this:

"Linda was living in an impossible situation. Danny was "in her face" on a regular basis. At times he would say, "If you don't say you're a pathological liar, the marriage and 3ABN is over. If you don't say you're an adulterous woman the marriage and 3ABN is over for you. If you don't say you've given your heart to another man and that he is a demon the marriage and 3ABN is over..... etc."

The Lucifer and Linda paragraph isn't the only place where you will find the theme of "he is a demon."

When you wade through all of the documents and get a "feel" for them, the preponderance of the weight is that both the Norwegian doctor and Linda are being called or compared to either the Devil or a demon. It's a recurring 3ABN theme.

Therefore, I see absolutely no reason to believe that Dr. Thompson is being more restrained than the President of 3ABN, Danny Shelton, for whom Thompson speaks.

Is it carrying things way too far? Yes, of course. But that's another issue.

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post Aug 12 2006, 01:09 PM
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QUOTE(Fstpicker @ Aug 12 2006, 12:08 PM) [snapback]144610[/snapback]

I must confess that, to me, the above statement could be taken (interpreted) more than one way. I does seem to give one the impression with that of equating Danny with God here in the analogy, and how God must have felt when He lost Lucifer, and therefore this is how Danny (and perhaps the rest of 3ABN staff) felt in losing Linda. This would seem to infer Linda with Lucifer to some extent, although perhaps (hopefully) it is not carrying the same weight of sin and grevious error that Satan has.

On the other hand, this statement could also perhaps be taken to simply refer to, as fallible has said, the emotional pain and the feeling of tremendous loss that individuals on BOTH sides have experienced through losing Linda and her ministry...the pain of a loss of someone you loved very dearly, and hopefully still do. The truth is that God has never stopped loving Lucifer, and will (not that He hasn't already) shed some tears of sorrow when Satan is gone, not because evil is eliminated, which is a blessed relief for all of us, but more because of the potential that Lucifer could have had, had he chosen to not throw away all of this, and the choice(s) he made when he went his own way. And also all of the pain that Lucifer has caused millions of others in his downfall. Our choices we make certainly do have a big impact on others.

I think that perhaps Dr. Thompson could have been a bit more clear in his analogy as to what exactly he meant by what he said, instead of leaving it open for different interpretations. I do perhaps sense that we may be carrying this a bit too far by saying that he is equating Linda with Lucifer in the strictest sense of the word. Please don't interpret this as an endorsement of his statement by any means. I am not!

However, I certainly could be way off base here. tongue.gif

Just my 2 cts. worth... blink.gif


Fstpicker - welcome!

...and your post looking at both sides is quite alright. I don't interpret it as an endorsement...but as someone picking apart EVERYTHING - just as most of us are doing on here..... yes.gif

Ain't nuthin' wrong with dat!


*"Some folks use their ignorance like a umbrella. It covers everything, they perodically take it out from time to time, but it never is too far away from them."*
PrincessDrRe; March, 2007

~"Blood = Meat, Face = Meat, Internal "Organs" = Meat - you can try to make it cuter; but it's still meat...."~
PrincessDrRe; September, 2007

*(NOTE: Any advice given by Re' Silvey, MSW is not to be taken as medical/mental health advice. Although trained to be a counselor, currently employed as a therapist, and currently pursuing her PhD in Counseling Psychology (ABD/I) - she is not your assigned therapist. Please consult a mental health professional of your choice for a face-to-face consultation.)*
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post Aug 12 2006, 02:51 PM
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QUOTE(fallible humanbeing @ Aug 12 2006, 02:50 AM) [snapback]144539[/snapback]


Okay, the first item you mentioned. The "gag" order. Was this tied to the severance package she accepted? And, didn't it only cover the time during which the severance was being paid? I think that time is up - or at least close to it. Did Linda willingly of her own volition sign these documents? Did she have -any- legal council before she did, any at all? Did she avail herself of legal guidence?

- fallible

Linda was not permitted legal counsel if she wanted any kind of severence package. It was handled differently. The gag order is not over. As to Linda's willingness to sign documents, she did. Were there extenuating circumstances? Yes. Remember, she was also being divorced at the time.
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post Aug 12 2006, 02:56 PM
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QUOTE(PrincessDrRe @ Aug 12 2006, 01:09 PM) [snapback]144614[/snapback]

Fstpicker - welcome!

...and your post looking at both sides is quite alright. I don't interpret it as an endorsement...but as someone picking apart EVERYTHING - just as most of us are doing on here..... yes.gif

Ain't nuthin' wrong with dat!


Panama_Pete gave one perspective on what Thompson might mean.... Fstpicker gave a different one. I'm not at all sure that we would need to choose between them. I think that it is for certain that Danny and his Pentecostal coherts at 3ABN use a LOT of "demon" language that goes beyond what most of us are used to or comfortable with or would believe if we understood it. Thompson, coming from an Adventist background may or may not pick up all of the doctrinal implications of their use of language. What is certain, however, is that he picks up Danny's and ET's and Mollie's terminology and buys into what he thinks they mean by it...... and if they use an analogy, he is almost certain to use it also whether or not he applies it in quite the same way that they do. IOW ...... when we "hear" Thompson's words, we are also hearing Danny's words. So for us to interpret them we need not only to ask what Thompson might have meant by them, but also what Danny or ET or Mollie would have meant by them.
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fallible humanbe...
post Aug 20 2006, 08:29 PM
Post #105

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Nope, sorry, I am not Fitzhume or some "Mrs. Gray" either (never been a member at CA, just did the requisite reading there) . . . I know it may be surprising that there is more than one person who does not agree with you either a little bit or even entirely, but that is the case.

Reading along - fhb

But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. - Yoda

If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see. - Henry David Thoreau

May those who love us love us. And those who don’t love us– may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limping. - Keeping Faith
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