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> Damage Control, Emails
post Dec 6 2006, 04:31 AM
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Some additional verification needed for Walt Thompson's statements.
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2006 06:14:06 -0600
To: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson, Elder Ken Denslow

Greetings, Danny.

I trust that you received my email attached at the end, which was sent six days ago as a follow-up to the suggestion of Dr. Walt Thompson, your board chairman, that I verify what he had told me. As I have pondered it all, I see some further questions that I need clarification on in order to do just that, and so I will add below to my original five questions what I wrote out over the weekend.

I'll first say that I really hope to hear from you soon, since there are many, many people eager and anxious to hear your side of the story, and see you and Tommy cleared of these allegations being brought by a pastor and members of the Church of God, by members of your own community, and, not maliciously and a bit indirectly, your own board chairman. It is highly critical that there be as little delay as possible.

Dr. Thompson wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"The allegations against Tommy were made about 30 years ago."

Frankly, this was the first time I had heard of any allegations of 30 years ago. The oldest allegations I have heard about were the ones that led to the revoking of Tommy's ordination in Illinois in or around 1985, which I have thought were therefore about 20 years ago rather than about 30. Thus,

Question 6: What exactly were these 30-year-old allegations that Walt referred to, and when and in what locality or localities did the alleged events take place?

I have one more chronology-related question. One of your employees, one of the O'Briens, informed me indirectly, maybe a month ago or so, that Pastor Dryden's May 2003 letter to Walt was a rehashing of something that had already been hashed around in the '90's. At the time I thought that someone must have gotten the dates mixed up somewhere, and that the '80's was really what was intended to be or what should have been said, but something Gailon told me last week makes me wonder if there might be another possibility. Gailon wrote:

QUOTE(Gailon Joy)
"Bad news...the 3ABN board in the mid 90's took up the issue of Tommy Shelton as he was working in production at the time. The board clearly determined it was best that Tommy not be working at 3ABN based upon an investigation of the allegations against Tommy at the Ezra COG. Shortly after this decision, Tommy received a call to the Dunn Loring COG and moved to Mannassas, finally into the parsonage."

I wouldn't even mention this at all since I have no evidence of myself to this effect, but since one of the O'Briens indicated, unless something got garbled in transmission or recollection, which is always possible, that there was some sort of discussion in the '90's, I'll ask the following:

Question 7: Did the 3ABN board determine in the mid-1990's that it was not best for Tommy to work at 3ABN; and if so, on what basis was there a later reversal of their position; and if not, how can I get copies of the board minutes leading up to Tommy's departure so that I can post them and put to rest once and for all this allegation?

You may be tempted to pick out some sort of trivial detail that isn't quite absolutely correct and concentrate on that to the exclusion of everything else, so I would simply suggest that, while you may need to correct some minor errors, you also ensure that you put to rest the major points of concern as well.

Walt wrote to me the following:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"Based upon my understanding [obtained from Danny Shelton] that Dryden had had a long standing feud with Tommy over factors unrelated to the above accusations, it did not seem indicated to approach the boys in question directly, having been informed that no case had ever been filed with the courts or legal disposition made."

I think it would be extremely helpful to know more about Dryden's alleged feud with Tommy. This is especially true given the following facts:
  • Walt said that the allegations were about 30 years old.
  • Pastor Glenn Dryden says that he did not meet Tommy until somewhere around the early '80's or about 1985 when Tommy's ordination was revoked.
  • Dryden says that he first became associated with the Dunn Loring, Virginia, church in 1974, served as an assistant pastor from 1983 until 1993, at which time he moved to Illinois.
  • He claims that he had a good pastor-to-pastor relationship with Tommy after meeting him.
Question 8: Did Walt mean to say that Dryden was the cause of the original, 30-year-old allegations; is it true that Tommy did not meet Dryden until at the earliest the early '80's; and if both these points are correct, how is it that the allegations were caused by a feud between two men who had not yet met; or, if this is not what Walt meant, what exactly did he mean?

Since I have no evidence at this point that would indicate that either Tommy or Dryden had achieved celebrity status, I think the following question is in order.

Question 9: Are Dryden's details regarding his states of residence correct (as well as the date of the revoking of Tommy's ordination), and if so, what was the nature of their feud that would have motivated Dryden to promote allegations of child molestation against a pastor who lived 800 miles away from him?

Walt wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"The picture that was painted by that leader of the Church was exactly as portrayed earlier by Danny. Dryden was jealous of Tommy and was out to get him - a jealousy that has continued to the present."

Here is an area that becomes a little more nebulous, for it gets into the area of he said, she said, something I prefer to avoid. But it should be mentioned that Dryden denies that this was the case, and claims that there has been no opportunity for jealousy to arise. And frankly, since Dryden arrived in Illinois in 1993 and Tommy left for Virginia in 1995, according to Dryden's chronology, it would seem that there was precious little opportunity for jealousy to arise. Thus,

Question 10: What exactly about Tommy was Dryden jealous of, and during what periods of time and in what ways was this jealousy manifested?

Dryden also claims that Tommy has used this jealousy argument as a smokescreen, but with this variation: He claims that Tommy told the folks in Virginia that allegations had been raised against him because churches around him were jealous of both him and the success he was having. Thus,

Question 11: Is it true that Tommy told the folks in Virginia something even remotely akin to this and if so, what was the nature of the success that Tommy had that surrounding churches of his own denomination would make false accusations against him of such a serious thing as child molestation?

Dryden also claims that Tommy never informed the folks in Virginia regarding what the nature of the allegations against him were. Thus,

Question 12: Who specifically in Virginia did Tommy tell about the exact nature of the allegations against him, and how can I contact them to obtain a signed statement to this effect?

Walt wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"Except for pastor Dryden's personal accounts, there are apparently no other records of the allegations."

Dryden claims that in early 2003, Roger Clem of West Frankfort confided in him that he had been victimized by Tommy, and that Roger subsequently shared openly about this in his church and about the community.

Question 13: Is it true that a member of your small community did indeed share openly his claim that your own brother had victimized him, and if so, a) when did you first become aware of these new allegations, cool.gif how did Walt arrive at the opinion that there are no other accounts of these allegations than Pastor Dryden's, and c) how is it that you never corrected Walt on this major discrepancy?

Dryden claims that after Roger came forward, that,

QUOTE(Pastor Dryden)
"It was within a week or less that Tommy called me."

In that conversation Tommy told Dryden, according to him, something along the lines of, "I have something to read to you. Maybe you don't want to even talk to me. It's difficult." Dryden, thinking this was part of Tommy's damage control efforts and that there might be an attempt at manipulation, told him their conversation would need to be face to face and in the presence of another member of the congregation. Dryden had prayer with him, and he claims the meeting never took place.

Dryden then claims that Tommy called up someone who was a pillar in the church and read his statement to them, which convinced them of his guilt.

Dryden says that Tommy has made statements like, "I made some mistakes," and "I have regrets," and has said such for damage control purposes, but has never made a meaningful apology to his knowledge, nothing like Ted Haggard's confession, and that Tommy has been unwilling to be subject to church discipline. Thus,

Question 14: Did Tommy in fact call Dryden and the other individual in the church in early 2003 and make statements to this effect, and if so, how can we get a copy of what he wrote and read at that time, and if not, what evidence or testimony to this effect can be produced?

Question 15: Is it true that Tommy was unwilling to be subject to church discipline even though Walt claims he did apologize for some unspecified thing; and if so, for what reasons was he unwilling; and if not, who can I contact to confirm that he indeed was subject to church discipline?

I would want nothing more than to see you personally vindicated, and to see some sort of plausible explanation for not just one or two or three of the perceived inconsistencies, but for every last one of them. This issue of the allegations against Tommy is only one of many swirling around you and/or 3ABN, and I would take great delight in seeing each one of those issues decided in favor of you.

But I think we clearly need to get the air cleared of this one as soon as possible. It is absolutely crucial that we demonstrate that your word is utterly dependable, or else the court of public opinion as well as that of ASI will be less inclined to accept solely your testimony and the testimony of the 3ABN board about Linda's alleged guilt of the sin of adultery.

And, as a loyal Seventh-day Adventist church member, a member in the middle of nowhere who is but a lone voice without any actual say-so, I must say that I am a bit concerned because of the potential liability issues that could arise if there ever was a problem in the future. I certainly hope that the apparent way this was all handled would never be used in a court of law as a justification for compromising the financial security of the Illinois Conference, which I understand, from websites affiliated with the church or its leadership, voted to move part of their Academy operations to Thompsonville.

Perhaps this is what concerns me most of all, that somehow in all of this God's cause and my church could be brought into reproach, and we as a people could be blamed for the very type of things that we so ardently oppose, through no fault of our own or because of innocent mistakes on the part of some, all because of the not-so-innocent mistakes on the part of others.

Danny, in all sincerity, I pray that God grant you clear discernment of what is right and what is wrong, and what He wants you to do at this hour. May you stand for the right though the heaven's fall, whether it be for the first time or the millionth time.

And may 3ABN and its ministry be truly blessed by the Spirit of God in the days ahead in proportion to its fulfillment of the conditions laid out by the Lord for the reception of the latter rain


P.S. I really need ASAP the name and contact info from the Church of God leader Walt referred to but did not name. I don't know who else to contact to hear another side of the story, and talking to him or her may help quite a bit.

Also, Pastor Dryden has expressed personal concern for Tommy, indicating that he wishes that we would all pray for his health during the stress of all this, and that he do the right and appropriate thing.

God bless.

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post Dec 6 2006, 08:52 PM
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Some additional verification needed for Walt Thompson's statements.
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 09:16:41 -0600
From: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson


As you know we are letting ASI handle the situation regarding my divorce from Linda.

Did I have biblical grounds for my part in the divorce of Linda and me.

Many lies have been spread by Linda and others using people like Gailon Joy and others.

According to you and Gailon and several others, the 3ABN leadership including myself, have covered up my wrong doing by making Linda the scape goat.

Either this is true or it is not. Much has been said by Johann, Arild, Barbara K. and people who didn't even know Linda and me.

ASI will decide who is doing the cover up. Somebody is lying! After hearing the testimony and evidence from both sides ASI will make a decision. Should ASI decide that the 3ABN board and myself did not "scapegoat Linda" to cover up my sins, then, in my opinion it will become obvious to the public that maybe many of these other accusations are lies also.

If on the other hand ASI decides that me and the 3ABN board covered up my sins to scapegoat Linda, then I believe that it will become obvious that I am probably lying when I deny many of the other accusations coming from Linda and her group.

That's why I choose to wait until ASI handles this huge issue of mine and Linda's divorce before answering questions of all the other accusations manufactured byLinda, Gailon, Derrell Johann, Barbara Kerr and others who have or has had an ax to grind with 3ABN.

For every person accusing me and 3ABN of dong wrong I can show thousands who will testify of all the good that 3ABN in doing including nearly all of it's employees.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Some additional verification needed for Walt Thompson's statements.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:13:19 -0600
To: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson, Elder Ken Denslow

Hi Danny. Thanks so much for your initial reply, which appears below my reply to you.

I must say that I am a little surprised by your reply. I will point out in this email a few difficulties that I see, and why it is extremely difficult for me to use it to clear you of any of the allegations out there, as well as ask some additional questions.

First of all, you will recall that I initially wrote to you a week ago at the suggestion of your board chairman, Dr. Walt Thompson. On Monday, November 27, he gave me some information and said,

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"I would like to request ... that you ... verify [this letter's] contents."

Now Walt gave me only two sources for his information other than Pastor Glenn Dryden. The only one of those two that he named was yourself, and therefore the only way I can fulfill his request is to write to you. And yet you write:

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"That's why I choose to wait until ASI handles this huge issue of mine and Linda's divorce before answering questions of all the other accusations manufactured by Linda, Gailon, Derrell Johann, Barbara Kerr and others who have or has had an ax to grind with 3ABN."

As you know quite well, Walt has been accused of being a "lemming" and your "surrogate," language I disapprove of. Yet in light of the fact that you as president can so easily disregard the wishes of your own board chairman, I think it fair to ask,

Question 16: How can you demonstrate that Dr. Walt Thompson and/or your board have any definite, real, and actual authority within the 3ABN corporate structure as it currently operates, authority unrelated to whatever you may choose to delegate to them or what is merely described on paper?

I think this question is vital since it does indeed affect perceptions of how the divorce and remarriage were handled, as well as how the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations were handled, and perhaps even the success or failure of the appeal of the tax case I understand 3ABN has pending.

In light of the fact that it is now one week since I requested the name of the other source so that I can verify Walt's information, I think it fair to ask,

Question 17: What might be the reason or reasons why there is such hesitancy to provide that name, as well as the name of the person who gave that name to Walt Thompson?

You write:

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"According to you and Gailon and several others, the 3ABN leadership including myself, have covered up my wrong doing by making Linda the scape goat."

I believe the term "smokescreen" would be more appropriate than "scapegoat."

You also write:

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"After hearing the testimony and evidence from both sides ASI will make a decision. Should ASI decide that the 3ABN board and myself did not 'scapegoat Linda' to cover up my sins, then, in my opinion it will become obvious to the public that maybe many of these other accusations are lies also."

By referring to only two "sides" when you full well know that there are many more parties than two, and by pitting ASI's conclusions regarding your divorce and remarriage against all the remaining allegations, you again demonstrate that you have chosen not to allow ASI to review all the allegations, a fatal mistake in my opinion.

In other words, while claiming to be false the perception that you are trying to use the Linda issue as a smokescreen, you then go on to prove that that perception of the situation is correct. Thus,

Question 18: Will you and/or the 3ABN board make a formal request in writing to ASI that they examine all allegations of financial, operational, and personal misconduct, and will you provide us a copy of that letter as soon as possible, and if not, could you please list whatever you are afraid of that you might lose from such a process, and why?

You write:

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"Much has been said by Johann, Arild, Barbara K. and people who didn't even know Linda and me.


"That's why I choose to wait until ASI handles this huge issue of mine and Linda's divorce before answering questions of all the other accusations manufactured by Linda, Gailon, Derrell Johann, Barbara Kerr and others who have or has had an ax to grind with 3ABN."

John Lomacang on September 1 told me the same, that all these allegations were manufactured by or are the result of Linda and "her boyfriend," the doctor, and their allies. I told him I can't buy that, since the not-quite-most-recent Tommy Shelton allegations date from the first half of 2003, about a year before Linda's alleged affair. Thus,

Question 19: How did Linda, Derrell, Johann, and Barbara manufacture the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations a year before Linda's alleged affair; what sort of ax to grind against 3ABN would Church of God member Roger Clem have in 2003 that he would come forward and accuse Tommy, not 3ABN, of child molestation; and what sort of ax to grind against 3ABN would motivate members/attendees of the Church of God congregation Tommy pastored in Virginia to accuse Tommy, not 3ABN, of sexual misconduct before he ever returned to Illinois around 2000 and began working at 3ABN again?

Lastly, you write:

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"That's why I choose to wait until ASI handles this huge issue of mine and Linda's divorce ...." (bold added)

As serious as the allegations are that you lied about Linda having an affair in order to justify divorcing her, it is fair to ask,

Question 20: By saying this, are you suggesting that being accused of intentionally lying about your wife being an adulteress is an extremely more serious issue than the allegation that you intentionally lied to your board chairman about the serious nature, wide extent, and recent timing of the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations, and thus put innocent children at continued risk?

I think these are the only challenges I see in your reply, challenges that make it difficult to use to clear you of the allegations against you. And as I have expressed to you before, I think that if you truly have the best interest of 3ABN at heart, you will need to immediately alter the way you address these issues. There is a desperate need of greater transparency, straightforwardness, and openness if these issues are ever going to go away, and I am certain that you must realize that.

May God grant you special courage and wisdom at this time.


[Danny's reply omitted.]

This post has been edited by Pickle: Dec 6 2006, 08:57 PM
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post Dec 6 2006, 09:05 PM
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QUOTE(Pickle @ Dec 6 2006, 09:52 PM) [snapback]162441[/snapback]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Some additional verification needed for Walt Thompson's statements.
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 09:16:41 -0600
From: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson


As you know we are letting ASI handle the situation regarding my divorce from Linda.

Did I have biblical grounds for my part in the divorce of Linda and me.

Many lies have been spread by Linda and others using people like Gailon Joy and others.

According to you and Gailon and several others, the 3ABN leadership including myself, have covered up my wrong doing by making Linda the scape goat.

Either this is true or it is not. Much has been said by Johann, Arild, Barbara K. and people who didn't even know Linda and me.

ASI will decide who is doing the cover up. Somebody is lying! After hearing the testimony and evidence from both sides ASI will make a decision. Should ASI decide that the 3ABN board and myself did not "scapegoat Linda" to cover up my sins, then, in my opinion it will become obvious to the public that maybe many of these other accusations are lies also.

If on the other hand ASI decides that me and the 3ABN board covered up my sins to scapegoat Linda, then I believe that it will become obvious that I am probably lying when I deny many of the other accusations coming from Linda and her group.

That's why I choose to wait until ASI handles this huge issue of mine and Linda's divorce before answering questions of all the other accusations manufactured byLinda, Gailon, Derrell Johann, Barbara Kerr and others who have or has had an ax to grind with 3ABN.

For every person accusing me and 3ABN of dong wrong I can show thousands who will testify of all the good that 3ABN in doing including nearly all of it's employees.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Some additional verification needed for Walt Thompson's statements.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:13:19 -0600
To: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson, Elder Ken Denslow

Hi Danny. Thanks so much for your initial reply, which appears below my reply to you.

I must say that I am a little surprised by your reply. I will point out in this email a few difficulties that I see, and why it is extremely difficult for me to use it to clear you of any of the allegations out there, as well as ask some additional questions.

First of all, you will recall that I initially wrote to you a week ago at the suggestion of your board chairman, Dr. Walt Thompson. On Monday, November 27, he gave me some information and said,
Now Walt gave me only two sources for his information other than Pastor Glenn Dryden. The only one of those two that he named was yourself, and therefore the only way I can fulfill his request is to write to you. And yet you write:
As you know quite well, Walt has been accused of being a "lemming" and your "surrogate," language I disapprove of. Yet in light of the fact that you as president can so easily disregard the wishes of your own board chairman, I think it fair to ask,

Question 16: How can you demonstrate that Dr. Walt Thompson and/or your board have any definite, real, and actual authority within the 3ABN corporate structure as it currently operates, authority unrelated to whatever you may choose to delegate to them or what is merely described on paper?

I think this question is vital since it does indeed affect perceptions of how the divorce and remarriage were handled, as well as how the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations were handled, and perhaps even the success or failure of the appeal of the tax case I understand 3ABN has pending.

In light of the fact that it is now one week since I requested the name of the other source so that I can verify Walt's information, I think it fair to ask,

Question 17: What might be the reason or reasons why there is such hesitancy to provide that name, as well as the name of the person who gave that name to Walt Thompson?

You write:
I believe the term "smokescreen" would be more appropriate than "scapegoat."

You also write:
By referring to only two "sides" when you full well know that there are many more parties than two, and by pitting ASI's conclusions regarding your divorce and remarriage against all the remaining allegations, you again demonstrate that you have chosen not to allow ASI to review all the allegations, a fatal mistake in my opinion.

In other words, while claiming to be false the perception that you are trying to use the Linda issue as a smokescreen, you then go on to prove that that perception of the situation is correct. Thus,

Question 18: Will you and/or the 3ABN board make a formal request in writing to ASI that they examine all allegations of financial, operational, and personal misconduct, and will you provide us a copy of that letter as soon as possible, and if not, could you please list whatever you are afraid of that you might lose from such a process, and why?

You write:
John Lomacang on September 1 told me the same, that all these allegations were manufactured by or are the result of Linda and "her boyfriend," the doctor, and their allies. I told him I can't buy that, since the not-quite-most-recent Tommy Shelton allegations date from the first half of 2003, about a year before Linda's alleged affair. Thus,

Question 19: How did Linda, Derrell, Johann, and Barbara manufacture the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations a year before Linda's alleged affair; what sort of ax to grind against 3ABN would Church of God member Roger Clem have in 2003 that he would come forward and accuse Tommy, not 3ABN, of child molestation; and what sort of ax to grind against 3ABN would motivate members/attendees of the Church of God congregation Tommy pastored in Virginia to accuse Tommy, not 3ABN, of sexual misconduct before he ever returned to Illinois around 2000 and began working at 3ABN again?

Lastly, you write:
As serious as the allegations are that you lied about Linda having an affair in order to justify divorcing her, it is fair to ask,

Question 20: By saying this, are you suggesting that being accused of intentionally lying about your wife being an adulteress is an extremely more serious issue than the allegation that you intentionally lied to your board chairman about the serious nature, wide extent, and recent timing of the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations, and thus put innocent children at continued risk?

I think these are the only challenges I see in your reply, challenges that make it difficult to use to clear you of the allegations against you. And as I have expressed to you before, I think that if you truly have the best interest of 3ABN at heart, you will need to immediately alter the way you address these issues. There is a desperate need of greater transparency, straightforwardness, and openness if these issues are ever going to go away, and I am certain that you must realize that.

May God grant you special courage and wisdom at this time.


[Danny's reply omitted.]

Bob raises some good points. I'm curious to read Danny's response.
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post Dec 6 2006, 09:07 PM
Post #79

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Final questions for now on Tommy Shelton allegations.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 11:48:57 -0600
To: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson, Elder Ken Denslow

Hi Danny.

I think this may be the last email I send you regarding the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations, and I will try to end it on an encouraging note.

Again, I want to just say that you and I initiated this discussion one week ago because your board chairman, Dr. Walt Thompson, gave me some information and said:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"I would like to request ... that you ... verify [this letter's] contents."

The following is what I can thus far come up with regarding some of the allegations against Tommy:
  • Walt claims that there are allegations of some sort against Tommy regarding children that are 30 years old.
  • Tommy's ordination with the Church of God, Anderson, was revoked around 1985 because of allegations of child molestation arising from his pastoring the Ezra congregation in West Frankfort, Illinois.
  • Roger Clem claims that he was molested at the age of 16, which would be about 1988, while Tommy was pastoring the breakaway Ezra congregation that had sided with him and against the previous alleged victims.
  • Tommy pastored a Church of God congregation in Dunn Loring, Virginia, from 1995 to about 2000, and then left apparently because of the surfacing of some sort of sexual misconduct allegations against him.
  • Just now in late 2006 we have a new allegation of child molestation coming to light in Virginia at the Church of God congregation where he used to pastor.
Gailon has talked to quite a few individuals on this matter. As of this point, I have only spoken to Walt Thompson, Church of God pastor Glenn Dryden, a member of the board of the Dunn Loring congregation who wished to remain anonymous, and alleged victim Roger Clem.

Walt wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"Based upon my understanding that Dryden had had a long standing feud with Tommy over factors unrelated to the above accusations ...
"Dryden was jealous of Tommy and was out to get him - a jealousy that has continued to the present."

Both Roger Clem and the Dunn Loring board member I spoke with made it very plain that there was no malice, no feud, and no jealousy between the two men. The board member said that they had known Dryden and his family since 1990, and that they first heard rumors two years ago, which was a year or more before Dryden returned to Virginia. (Why did they hear about it only two years ago? They said they had had a lesser position and thus would not have been privy to such allegations.)

Question 21: Do you believe that the above scenario(s) and time line painted by these four individuals is fairly accurate, and if so, why did you essentially tell Walt Thompson, as he claims, that there were no new allegations for the last 30 years, and if not, how many more individuals do you think I should interview before concluding that the above time line is essentially correct?

Walt wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"No physical actions ever occured."

Pastor Dryden, based on what alleged victims have confided to him, and Roger Clem, based on his own experience, both declare that this is false. Thus,

Question 22: Do you personally believe that no physical action occurred, and if not, what way would you propose that we establish that none indeed occurred?

Soon after Clem came forward in 2003, Tommy phoned him. Clem says that it was somewhere around a year later when he sent a letter to Tommy. That letter ended with the following:

QUOTE(Roger Clem)
"I will tell you up front, if I get a letter or phone call from your brother or an attorney that in any way appears threatening, I will immediately go to the sheriff's office and file charges against you. This has gone on long enough with nothing being done. This is Not a threat. It all rests on you Tommy, let your conscience be your guide. I will not wait long before I will decide what action is best to resolve this."

Clem says that before Tommy had a chance to open and read the letter, Tommy's wife had opened it, even though it was addressed to Tommy, and read it to their daughters, and was calling Clem about it.

Question 23: Is there any tendency among Tommy's family to try to cover for him when these sort of allegations come up?

Clem had stated clearly, "I will not wait long before I will decide what action is best to resolve this," and he claims that Tommy called him the next day, this second phone call taking place a year or so after the previous one, and said,

QUOTE(Tommy Shelton)
"What do you want me to do?"

Clem replied,

QUOTE(Roger Clem)
"Register as a sex offender."

Clem claims that Tommy replied,

QUOTE(Tommy Shelton)
"Well, that's just not going to happen. I've dealt with it with my family. I've dealt with it in counseling. That's all I feel I should have to do."


Question 24: Do you believe that Tommy did indeed make this much of an admission verbally and/or made anything akin to this kind of reply, and if so, a) do you agree that all that's necessary for someone to do who has had allegations of child molestation leveled against them for so many years is to deal with it in their family and in counseling, and cool.gif can you please describe for us the nature, timing, and duration of the counseling Tommy obtained?

I touched on the next one previously. Walt wrote:

QUOTE(Walt Thompson)
"Accept for pastor Dryden's personal accounts, there are apparently no other records of the allegations."

Clem has two brothers. In one of the two calls Tommy made to Clem in 2003 and 2004, Clem asked Tommy,

QUOTE(Roger Clem)
"Did the same thing happen to my brother that happened to me?"

And, according to Clem, Tommy replied,

QUOTE(Tommy Shelton)
"Which one?"

Other things that Clem claimed were that people caught Tommy with boys doing things that he shouldn't have been doing on back roads and such. He claims that abuse happened at church, at Tommy's house and in his car, and right down the road from the first building of "3 Angels."

Dryden wrote:

[Due to a limit to the number of quotes one can have in a post, I am moving the rest of this one to my next post down a little bit.]

This post has been edited by Pickle: Dec 6 2006, 11:05 PM
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post Dec 6 2006, 09:17 PM
Post #80

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QUOTE(Pickle @ Dec 6 2006, 10:07 PM) [snapback]162444[/snapback]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Final questions for now on Tommy Shelton allegations.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 11:48:57 -0600
To: Danny Shelton
CC: Walt Thompson, Elder Ken Denslow

Hi Danny.

I think this may be the last email I send you regarding the Tommy Shelton child molestation allegations, and I will try to end it on an encouraging note.

Again, I want to just say that you and I initiated this discussion one week ago because your board chairman, Dr. Walt Thompson, gave me some information and said:
The following is what I can thus far come up with regarding some of the allegations against Tommy:
  • Walt claims that there are allegations of some sort against Tommy regarding children that are 30 years old.
  • Tommy's ordination with the Church of God, Anderson, was revoked around 1985 because of allegations of child molestation arising from his pastoring the Ezra congregation in West Frankfort, Illinois.
  • Roger Clem claims that he was molested at the age of 16, which would be about 1988, while Tommy was pastoring the breakaway Ezra congregation that had sided with him and against the previous alleged victims.
  • Tommy pastored a Church of God congregation in Dunn Loring, Virginia, from 1995 to about 2000, and then left apparently because of the surfacing of some sort of sexual misconduct allegations against him.
  • Just now in late 2006 we have a new allegation of child molestation coming to light in Virginia at the Church of God congregation where he used to pastor.
Gailon has talked to quite a few individuals on this matter. As of this point, I have only spoken to Walt Thompson, Church of God pastor Glenn Dryden, a member of the board of the Dunn Loring congregation who wished to remain anonymous, and alleged victim Roger Clem.

Walt wrote:
Both Roger Clem and the Dunn Loring board member I spoke with made it very plain that there was no malice, no feud, and no jealousy between the two men. The board member said that they had known Dryden and his family since 1990, and that they first heard rumors two years ago, which was a year or more before Dryden returned to Virginia. (Why did they hear about it only two years ago? They said they had had a lesser position and thus would not have been privy to such allegations.)

Question 21: Do you believe that the above scenario(s) and time line painted by these four individuals is fairly accurate, and if so, why did you essentially tell Walt Thompson, as he claims, that there were no new allegations for the last 30 years, and if not, how many more individuals do you think I should interview before concluding that the above time line is essentially correct?

Walt wrote:
Pastor Dryden, based on what alleged victims have confided to him, and Roger Clem, based on his own experience, both declare that this is false. Thus,

Question 22: Do you personally believe that no physical action occurred, and if not, what way would you propose that we establish that none indeed occurred?

Soon after Clem came forward in 2003, Tommy phoned him. Clem says that it was somewhere around a year later when he sent a letter to Tommy. That letter ended with the following:
Clem says that before Tommy had a chance to open and read the letter, Tommy's wife had opened it, even though it was addressed to Tommy, and read it to their daughters, and was calling Clem about it.

Question 23: Is there any tendency among Tommy's family to try to cover for him when these sort of allegations come up?

Clem had stated clearly, "I will not wait long before I will decide what action is best to resolve this," and he claims that Tommy called him the next day, this second phone call taking place a year or so after the previous one, and said,
Clem replied,
Clem claims that Tommy replied,

Question 24: Do you believe that Tommy did indeed make this much of an admission verbally and/or made anything akin to this kind of reply, and if so, a) do you agree that all that's necessary for someone to do who has had allegations of child molestation leveled against them for so many years is to deal with it in their family and in counseling, and cool.gif can you please describe for us the nature, timing, and duration of the counseling Tommy obtained?

I touched on the next one previously. Walt wrote:
Clem has two brothers. In one of the two calls Tommy made to Clem in 2003 and 2004, Clem asked Tommy,
And, according to Clem, Tommy replied,
Other things that Clem claimed were that people caught Tommy with boys doing things that he shouldn't have been doing on back roads and such. He claims that abuse happened at church, at Tommy's house and in his car, and right down the road from the first building of "3 Angels."

Dryden wrote:
Clem told the same story without being asked, and added this one detail: The lady from the congregation after seeing Tommy's son at the school drove back to the house and saw a red-faced boy leaving it, trying to cover his face.

After Clem came forward in early 2003, he claims that Tommy called him shortly thereafter. Clem was very open about everything in his church and community, and told me by name about two ministry leaders or pastors of two different faiths, individuals who had backed Tommy previously, whom he approached and informed that the allegations were true after all because it had happened to him. One of those men said, "You don't know how much that disturbs me."

Question 25: Would you consider that these accounts are essentially correct, and if so, why did Walt think there were no other accounts of allegations except for Dryden's, and if not, which precise points would you dispute and which ones would you not?

Clem claims, as Dryden did, that Tommy has never given a meaningful apology. He also says that Tommy has never apologized in writing and is manipulative. In his letter sent around 2004 to Tommy, Clem wrote, among other things,
Question 26: Is there any truth to the allegation that Tommy resorted to manipulative behavior, such as having transient health problems and/or trying to create sympathy in order to hush up the accusers; and can you give us examples of when and to whom Tommy apologized either before a big public spectacle took place, or when he apologized in writing, or both?

In the same letter, Clem writes:
Similarly, the board member I spoke with from Dunn Loring, Virginia said that whenever allegations would arise, you would "execute a lot of pressure," and "make them go away."

Question 27: Is it true that you called people who were raising allegations, and what exactly did you say that might have given them the idea that you were trying to pressure them into silence?

Your Illinois Tax Case lists as one of the attorneys present,
On June 13, 2003, Riva issued a letter that appears to be a reply to Pastor Glenn Dryden's letter of May 14, 2003. In that letter of seven paragraphs, paragraphs 1, 2, 6, and 7 contain language threatening legal action against both the Ezra Church of God and Pastor Dryden. From what I can tell, and I am not an attorney, the only legal basis he gives for such a potential lawsuit appears in paragraphs 3-5, and consists of supporting arguments after the following sentence:
Question 28: Do you think that it was wise for an attorney who does or has served the network that preaches the undiluted three angels' messages to use this sort of logic to threaten a non-Adventist minister with legal action in order to shut him up regarding his concerns over alleged child molestation?

Since the attorney who sent this threatening letter does or has served 3ABN, this question appears in order:

Question 29: Did Mr. Riva perform his services for Tommy Shelton pro bono, or did Tommy pay for them out of his own pocket, or did you pay for them out of your own pocket, or did 3ABN cover the cost, and what sort of documentation can you provide to substantiate your answer?

Pastor Dryden writes:
Now let us consider the following facts:
  • A special 3ABN Live telecast on August 10, 2006, claimed that you and 3ABN were receiving "persecution" and that "lies" were being told about you.
  • Shelley Quinn in that broadcast, to all appearances, compared you to John the Baptist, Linda to Herodias, and Salome to Linda's daughter.
  • Before Shelley identified the daughter she was speaking of as being Salome, she described her as one who had become "entangled in the web of deceit," when the Bible story does not indicate that there was any deceit involved in regard to Herodias and Salome.
  • Linda's daughter had previously issued a signed and confidential statement alleging that you had sexually assaulted her.
Thus it appears that that broadcast was particularly attempting to call Linda's daughter's allegations a lie and "persecution," even though throughout the broadcast the claim was repeatedly made that you and the others would not be defending yourselves.

Question 30: Would you have any comment to make about this apparent similarity between how Tommy (according to Dryden) and you have both related to allegations of sexual misconduct?

On November 4 you wrote to me and said, among other things,
According to what Hal Steenson and John Lomacang told me, I'm uncertain that this is true. But I won't go into that now.

I want to end by sharing with you a story from the Spirit of Prophecy, a story from a sermon given by Ellen White in Minneapolis in 1888 and from an 1888 letter, that is hard for me to read without getting choked up. I was talking to my family about it yesterday, and even though it's been a long time since I read it through, it still got to me. And while formatting it for this email, I could not refrain from weeping.

If any of the more serious allegations against you, Tommy, and anyone else are true, I invite you and them to consider following the example of the man she referred to, and just see if perchance there may be a possibility that you will reap similar results of blessings and good will, and that the cause of God will advance with much greater power.
May God grant you, Tommy, and the rest by His grace the courage to right every wrong, whether that wrong be small or great.


Where is this powerful story found in Ellen White's writing(s)? This is a moving story and should be shared with others. Thanks, Bob.

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post Dec 6 2006, 09:56 PM
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Bob, the story from Ellen White shows the power of true, Biblical repentance and restitution! Not only does it transform the one who has sinned against others it can also transform those who have been victimized.

When one who has committed grievous sins against others opens his eyes and realizes just how those sins have separated him from God and damaged his victims, when pride and denial is set aside to allow God's power to work, just look at the healing that can take place!

Got Peace?

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

"Truth welcomes examination and doesn't need to defend itself, while deception hides in darkness and blames everyone else." Aunt B, 2007
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post Dec 6 2006, 11:08 PM
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[For the first part of this letter, see above at my last post.]

QUOTE(Pastor Glenn Dryden)
"In the summer of 1993 as my wife and two teenage sons and I were preparing to relocate from Northern Virginia to West Frankfort, Illinois, Tommy Shelton again was visiting in Virginia and asked to meet with my wife and I. During this meeting he alerted us that we may 'hear some things' when we got to Illinois. He also informed us at this meeting that he had been caught in a lie during his pastorate at the Ezra Church of God, intimated extenuating circumstances and said he had sought and received forgiveness. Indeed we did hear some things after arriving in West Frankfort, Illinois, in mid-1993, including the circumstances surrounding the lie (He was found alone with a young man in a home to which he had access and when challenged said the young man [who was out of view] was his son when in fact he was not. The individual who came upon him confirmed this by immediately driving to the church school Tommy's son attended and finding his son there.). It was not until another victim's mother spoke with me in early 1996 that I fully realized that not only was sexual abuse of adolescent boys the nature of the allegations but that there was substance to these allegations as well."

Clem told the same story without being asked, and added this one detail: The lady from the congregation after seeing Tommy's son at the school drove back to the house and saw a red-faced boy leaving it, trying to cover his face.

After Clem came forward in early 2003, he claims that Tommy called him shortly thereafter. Clem was very open about everything in his church and community, and told me by name about two ministry leaders or pastors of two different faiths, individuals who had backed Tommy previously, whom he approached and informed that the allegations were true after all because it had happened to him. One of those men said, "You don't know how much that disturbs me."

Question 25: Would you consider that these accounts are essentially correct, and if so, why did Walt think there were no other accounts of allegations except for Dryden's, and if not, which precise points would you dispute and which ones would you not?

Clem claims, as Dryden did, that Tommy has never given a meaningful apology. He also says that Tommy has never apologized in writing and is manipulative. In his letter sent around 2004 to Tommy, Clem wrote, among other things,

QUOTE(Roger Clem)
"When someone would confront you about what you did, you would try to take the attention off of what you did by having some sort of health problem (loss of memory, heart problems, nervous breakdown). It seemed odd to me that you recovered quick when you realized that you were in the clear. You really disgust me. It makes me sick to realize how many lives you damaged and the only time that you feel the need to apologize is when it all comes back up again. Then you put on this POOR PITIFUL ME act (how you wish it didn't happen, the reason you do this is because you were abused as a child, you would take it all back if you could, and the all-time favorite, please don't put my family through this again). What about what you put all of us through?"

Question 26: Is there any truth to the allegation that Tommy resorted to manipulative behavior, such as having transient health problems and/or trying to create sympathy in order to hush up the accusers; and can you give us examples of when and to whom Tommy apologized either before a big public spectacle took place, or when he apologized in writing, or both?

In the same letter, Clem writes:

QUOTE(Roger Clem)
"Then what makes me mad is when your brother calls to try to scare people into not saying anything or when the church receives a letter from Mike Riva telling us to stop saying anything. ... I will tell you up front, if I get a letter or phone call from your brother or an attorney that in any way appears threatening, I will immediately go to the sheriff's office and file charges against you."

Similarly, the board member I spoke with from Dunn Loring, Virginia said that whenever allegations would arise, you would "execute a lot of pressure," and "make them go away."

Question 27: Is it true that you called people who were raising allegations, and what exactly did you say that might have given them the idea that you were trying to pressure them into silence?

Your Illinois Tax Case lists as one of the attorneys present,

QUOTE(3ABN v. Dept. of Rev. of the St. of Il.)
"Mr. D. Michael Riva for 3 Angels Broadcasting Network."

On June 13, 2003, Riva issued a letter that appears to be a reply to Pastor Glenn Dryden's letter of May 14, 2003. In that letter of seven paragraphs, paragraphs 1, 2, 6, and 7 contain language threatening legal action against both the Ezra Church of God and Pastor Dryden. From what I can tell, and I am not an attorney, the only legal basis he gives for such a potential lawsuit appears in paragraphs 3-5, and consists of supporting arguments after the following sentence:

QUOTE(D. Michael Riva)
"Even if the actions occurred, there is no criminal jeopardy as the statute of limitations has long since passed." (bold added)

Question 28: Do you think that it was wise for an attorney who does or has served the network that preaches the undiluted three angels' messages to use this sort of logic to threaten a non-Adventist minister with legal action in order to shut him up regarding his concerns over alleged child molestation?

Since the attorney who sent this threatening letter does or has served 3ABN, this question appears in order:

Question 29: Did Mr. Riva perform his services for Tommy Shelton pro bono, or did Tommy pay for them out of his own pocket, or did you pay for them out of your own pocket, or did 3ABN cover the cost, and what sort of documentation can you provide to substantiate your answer?

Pastor Dryden writes:

QUOTE(Pastor Glenn Dryden)
"Tommy vaguely alluded to the allegations in Illinois at times in his preaching when invited by our founding pastors to minister at the Community Church of God in the late 1980s. He did so by speaking not of the allegations but of the 'persecution' he and his family suffered as a consequence. He was successful in drawing sympathy thereby as he spoke of hardship suffered by he and his family." (bold added)

Now let us consider the following facts:
  • A special 3ABN Live telecast on August 10, 2006, claimed that you and 3ABN were receiving "persecution" and that "lies" were being told about you.
  • Shelley Quinn in that broadcast, to all appearances, compared you to John the Baptist, Linda to Herodias, and Salome to Linda's daughter.
  • Before Shelley identified the daughter she was speaking of as being Salome, she described her as one who had become "entangled in the web of deceit," when the Bible story does not indicate that there was any deceit involved in regard to Herodias and Salome.
  • Linda's daughter had previously issued a signed and confidential statement alleging that you had sexually assaulted her.
Thus it appears that that broadcast was particularly attempting to call Linda's daughter's allegations a lie and "persecution," even though throughout the broadcast the claim was repeatedly made that you and the others would not be defending yourselves.

Question 30: Would you have any comment to make about this apparent similarity between how Tommy (according to Dryden) and you have both related to allegations of sexual misconduct?

On November 4 you wrote to me and said, among other things,

QUOTE(Danny Shelton)
"I will just say this, ... I have done nothing legally wrong in my administration with 3ABN."

According to what Hal Steenson and John Lomacang told me, I'm uncertain that this is true. But I won't go into that now.

[I'm going to try to move the ending of the letter to another post in order to get the formatting to work correctly.]

I want to end by sharing with you a story from the Spirit of Prophecy, a story from a sermon given by Ellen White in Minneapolis in 1888 and from an 1888 letter, that is hard for me to read without getting choked up. I was talking to my family about it yesterday, and even though it's been a long time since I read it through, it still got to me. And while formatting it for this email, I could not refrain from weeping.

If any of the more serious allegations against you, Tommy, and anyone else are true, I invite you and them to consider following the example of the man she referred to, and just see if perchance there may be a possibility that you will reap similar results of blessings and good will, and that the cause of God will advance with much greater power.

QUOTE(Ellen G. White)
"We have seen of the grace of God since we met you last. ... I was at the Selma camp meeting. During my stay there I was introduced to a tall man--over six feet tall--and well proportioned. When he took my hand he seemed much affected and said, 'I am so glad to meet you; I am thankful that I can speak with you.' After going into the tent a brother came in and said, 'That man has a history.' Then he went on and told how a year before he had been converted; how he had once kept the Sabbath but had gone back, and how he claimed that he never had been converted. Then after he gave up the truth he went back into the company of hard cases, and Satan took complete possession of him. Two or three were linked with him in his wickedness--men who would not want it to be known that they were in such business. They stole and did wickedness in every way.

"He was not a licentious man; he had a wife and he respected her. She was a Sabbathkeeper, and he would not allow a word to be said against her. This was the position he took; he loved her, but not enough to stop his evil course. He did not care for the spoil of his robberies, but did it for the enjoyment he found in it. Well, Elder [E.P.] Daniels was holding meetings, and he was speaking on confession. What was said seemed to take hold of this man's mind, and he could not resist. He seemed to turn white, and then left the tent. He could not stand it. He went out and then he came back again. This he did three times; he looked as if he were going to faint away.

"After the meeting had closed he said, 'I must talk to you, sir.' He told Elder Daniels his condition and said, 'Is there any hope for me? I am a lost man; I am undone; I am a sinner. Will you pray for me? I dare not leave this place to go home for fear the Lord will cut me down in my sins.' He said he could not stay in the tent, and went out again and again, but did not dare remain outside for fear the power of the devil should fasten on him and that would be the last of him.

" 'They prayed for him, and the man was converted right there. The defiant look was gone; his countenance was changed. 'Now,' said he, 'I have a work to do. I stole thirty-one sheep from that man in Selma, and I must go and confess to him.' Elder Daniels was afraid to have it known for fear they would shut him up. He said he would rather go to prison and stay there than to think that Christ had not forgiven his sin. So he started, with a young man who before this was engaged with him in thefts, to go and see the man. He met the man on the road and stopped him. The man commenced to shake like an aspen leaf. He was an infidel. Well, he got on his knees before them in the road and begged to be forgiven. The man asked, 'Where did you get this? What has brought you into this state? I did not know that there was any such religion as this.' They told him that they had been down to the camp meeting, and heard it preached there. 'Well,' said he, 'I will go over to that meeting.'

"They confessed to having burned houses and barns. And they went to the grand jury and confessed to having stolen here and there. Mind, they confessed to the authorities. They said, 'We deliver ourselves up. Do with us as you see fit.' So the case was considered in court, and they had a council over the matter. One suggested that they better put those men through. The judge looked at him and said, 'What, put him through? Put a man through that God is putting through? Would you take hold of a man that God is taking hold of? Whom God's forgiving power has taken hold of? Would you do that? No, I would rather have my right arm cut off to the shoulder.' Something got hold of those men so that they all wept as children.

"The report of that experience went everywhere. People thought that there was a power in this truth that was in nothing else--a power that shows that Jesus lives. We have seen the power of His grace manifested in many cases in a remarkable manner." (1888 Materials, pp. 81, 82)

"Brother Will Smith is a man that was converted last year. He was in the truth years ago, but for some reason gave it up, and the devil took possession of him, and he became a desperado. His wife kept the Sabbath. He is a tall, well developed, powerfully built man. He went into all sorts of lawlessness, stealing, and tried to kill, but his victim did not come in just when he was prepared to kill him. Last year at Fresno under the labors of Elder [E.P.] Daniels he was powerfully wrought upon, and he repented with another backslider who had gone with him in all his wickedness. Then commenced the work of confession and restitution. One man they went to see and met him in the road and down they went in the very dust and dirt on their knees, weeping and confessing, and the infidel wept like a child. 'Now,' said they, 'We want you to forgive us, and we do not ask you to arrest us for stealing your sheep, but we ask pardon; we will pay every cent of the cost of the sheep.'

"The man who had been wronged said, 'What has wrought upon you to make this confession?' Said they, 'We have been attending the campmeeting, and the spirit and power of God and the religion of Jesus Christ have taken hold upon us.' 'Well,' said the man, 'If the work done there is of this order I must go there,' and he did go, and he did tremble under the sharp arrows of God. The influence of these confessions made to many others who have been wronged, is as far reaching as eternity. This man in his wickedness had nothing, but since his conversion the Lord has blessed him greatly with means, and he is using it in making restitution and in advancing the cause of truth. He is free, generous to a fault, he is humble as a child, sitting at the feet of Jesus, ready and willing to do anything. He takes 150 Signs and distributes. He has done more missionary work alone the past year than the whole Fresno Church together." (Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, pp. 150, 151)

May God grant you, Tommy, and the rest by His grace the courage to right every wrong, whether that wrong be small or great.


QUOTE(Chez @ Dec 6 2006, 09:17 PM) [snapback]162447[/snapback]

Where is this powerful story found in Ellen White's writing(s)? This is a moving story and should be shared with others. Thanks, Bob.



See 1888 Materials, pp. 81, 82; and Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, pp. 150, 151.

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post Dec 7 2006, 06:12 AM
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I'm new. Another SDA living in the midwest. I have been reading ALL these posts and trying to sort the facts and real evidence, from unsupported slander and inuendo and character assasination

Boy, it's deep in here, at times. But I am sure most are interested in the truth of all this, rather then the drama, as I am.

Anyway there are alot of posts, and I can't find one which I previously read. And wonder if anyone can point me to it, or has a link to it.

I believe it was from Walter Thompson. The one where he goes into all the details regarding Danny and Linda, and how they both were councelled by a Non Adventist Christian marriage councellor (8 hrs) and claims she was removed not for adultery, but for not complying with the board or some such thing, and how she wouldn't agree to stop talking to this Dr,

Do you know the one I am talking about?

I'd like to compare it to the statements made by Linda on her website, Dr. Arild Abrahamsen's letter, and Barabra Kerr's.

Needless to say there are opposing claims being made and something really stinks. :-o


And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. .. in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Lev 19:12-18

Pro 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
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post Dec 7 2006, 07:26 AM
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Dec 7 2006, 06:12 AM) [snapback]162466[/snapback]

The one where he goes into all the details regarding Danny and Linda, and how they both were councelled by a Non Adventist Christian marriage councellor (8 hrs) and claims she was removed not for adultery, but for not complying with the board or some such thing, and how she wouldn't agree to stop talking to this Dr,


Needless to say there are opposing claims being made and something really stinks. :-o


At this point Danny and the 3ABN board have absolutely no credibility in the minds of the unbiased, so I would venture to suggest that you ask them for the name of the counsellor, and for a signed statement of release from Danny that you can give to the counsellor so that he can confirm that the counselling did ineed take place.

Then if Danny evades and stonewalls and claims that he's going to let ASI look into it all, it would be resonable to assume that the counselling never took place. And no one except someone whose integrity is compromised would fault you for arriving at that conclusion.
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post Dec 7 2006, 07:46 AM
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Dec 7 2006, 07:12 AM) [snapback]162466[/snapback]


I'm new. Another SDA living in the midwest. I have been reading ALL these posts and trying to sort the facts and real evidence, from unsupported slander and inuendo and character assasination

Boy, it's deep in here, at times. But I am sure most are interested in the truth of all this, rather then the drama, as I am.

Anyway there are alot of posts, and I can't find one which I previously read. And wonder if anyone can point me to it, or has a link to it.

I believe it was from Walter Thompson. The one where he goes into all the details regarding Danny and Linda, and how they both were councelled by a Non Adventist Christian marriage councellor (8 hrs) and claims she was removed not for adultery, but for not complying with the board or some such thing, and how she wouldn't agree to stop talking to this Dr,

Do you know the one I am talking about?

I'd like to compare it to the statements made by Linda on her website, Dr. Arild Abrahamsen's letter, and Barabra Kerr's.

Needless to say there are opposing claims being made and something really stinks. :-o


Welcome to the task of sorting and comparing.

If you are REALLY serious about this, you should probably print things out as you see ones that seem especially significant.

And definitely you will want to explore the capabilities of the search engine. As it is set now, it will only take you to the thread which contains your search criteria. But if you select "Search" from the top line menu and scroll down to the box which is called "Result Type", you will notice that "Show results as topics" is presently checked. The other choice is "Show results as posts". Check that and then enter your search criteria and perform the search and you will be taken directly to a list of individual posts that contain your criteria. Once in the list, you can click on the "Post Preview #****" which will take you to that post live in the thread in which it occurs. With a little practice (and patience) you can usually find what you are looking for.

First, though, I would recommend that you read all of the pinned threads at the top.... including working your way through the "guided tour" included in "The Unauthorized 3abn History Threads, all 10 chapters linked here...". The Table of Contents style and the live links will help you navigate that very important and lengthy set of threads.... and a few other significant ones that are mentioned in those threads as well.

The bottom line is still that your printer is your best aid in preserving and comparing the various things you read.

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post Dec 7 2006, 08:27 AM
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The next 3ABN Rally:

3ABN LIVE Ralley: December 8-9, 2006
Please join Danny Shelton, Melody Firestone, Brenda Walsh, Tommy Shelton, C.A. Murray, Emily Felts-Jones, and Wintley Phipps for this special event!


Lauderhill Seventh day Adventist Church
4100 NW 11th Court
Lauderhill, FL 33313

Phone: 954-584-1734

December 8 7:00-8:30pm (Eastern) 6:00-7:30pm (Central) Friday Evening Program

December 9 9:30-10:45am (Eastern) 8:30-9:45am (Central)
Kids Time Sabbath School w/Brenda Walsh
11:00am-12:30pm (Eastern) 10:00-11:30pm (Central) Worship Service
2:30-4:00pm (Eastern) 1:30-3:00pm (Central) Afternoon Program

If you live in this area, this would be your opportunity to speak with Danny and Tommy personally and ask them some questions...

It is interesting to note that with all the allegations againt Tommy Shelton, Danny has him participating in a program that includes a "Kids Time" Sabbath School program. Is this wise?

This post has been edited by sister: Dec 7 2006, 08:31 AM
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post Dec 7 2006, 08:39 AM
Post #87

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QUOTE(sister @ Dec 7 2006, 09:27 AM) [snapback]162477[/snapback]

The next 3ABN Rally:

3ABN LIVE Ralley: December 8-9, 2006
Please join Danny Shelton, Melody Firestone, Brenda Walsh, Tommy Shelton, C.A. Murray, Emily Felts-Jones, and Wintley Phipps for this special event!


Lauderhill Seventh day Adventist Church
4100 NW 11th Court
Lauderhill, FL 33313

Phone: 954-584-1734

December 8 7:00-8:30pm (Eastern) 6:00-7:30pm (Central) Friday Evening Program

December 9 9:30-10:45am (Eastern) 8:30-9:45am (Central)
Kids Time Sabbath School w/Brenda Walsh
11:00am-12:30pm (Eastern) 10:00-11:30pm (Central) Worship Service
2:30-4:00pm (Eastern) 1:30-3:00pm (Central) Afternoon Program

If you live in this area, this would be your opportunity to speak with Danny and Tommy personally and ask them some questions...

It is interesting to note that with all the allegations againt Tommy Shelton, Danny has him participating in a program that includes a "Kids Time" Sabbath School program. Is this wise?

Until this is cleared up, TAKE YOUR CHILDREN/TEENS AND RUN!!!!! I wonder how many children/teens these people have had intimate access to and have these children/teens been safe?
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Ed White
post Dec 7 2006, 08:56 AM
Post #88

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After reading the letter of Roger W. Clem & his offer to Tommy to make things right while there is still time if appears as if Tommy legal bills will be more than all the money he has received over the years that by-passes the 3ABN coffers on this video 3ABN shows often asking for money to the people down a Haiti where the rats had ate up their supply of drugs. Anyone remeber the years & the giggle sessions of Danny and Rick O. saying with their hand to the mouth "Confession is good for the soul, but bad on the reputation"?
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post Dec 7 2006, 09:36 AM
Post #89

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Welcome to the task of sorting and comparing.


If you are REALLY serious about this, you should probably print things out as you see ones that seem especially significant. And definitely you will want to explore the capabilities of the search engine...The bottom line is still that your printer is your best aid in preserving and comparing the various things you read.

Thanks this was all really helpful. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of cornfields, I'm also in the middle of a snow storm, and my printer just ran out of ink blink.gif

First, though, I would recommend that you read all of the pinned threads at the top.... including working your way through the "guided tour" included in "The Unauthorized 3abn History Threads, all 10 chapters linked here...". The Table of Contents style and the live links will help you navigate that very important and lengthy set of threads.... and a few other significant ones that are mentioned in those threads as well.

That I did before asking, several times... It's not pinned. With your help though clap.gif I located the letter I was looking for.

Danny And Walt's E-mails To Me--september , post #2

So I have sent some e-mails, with questions, and I'll let you all know what I find out, IF anything. smile.gif

~ Aletheia

And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. .. in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Lev 19:12-18

Pro 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
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post Dec 7 2006, 09:49 AM
Post #90

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Welcome Aletheia, hope your stay here is enjoyable and feel free to explore other areas of the forum besides the 3ABN section.... you will have fun we promise.... spoton.gif

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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