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> Why Did Linda Buy The Pregnancy Test Kit?, Spin off from the “Thompson Respond to Abrahamsen” thread.
Why did Linda Buy the Pregnancy Test Kit?
Let’s document all the theories we have read here and take a vote.
It was an innocent practical joke on Danny. Come on Danny get with it, lighten up, have a little fun. Theorist, Johann and Watchbird [ 17 ] ** [34.00%]
Linda really thought she could have been pregnant. Hey, after all that sterilization stuff does not always work. Theorist, Summertime. [ 1 ] ** [2.00%]
Linda did it to spite Danny. Man got no business going through my stuff. Theorist, Panama Pete [ 8 ] ** [16.00%]
Hey, Danny planted it. I know Danny, this sounds like him. He is such an evil, wicked man. Theorist, I don’t remember and too lazy to go back through the post and look it up. [ 10 ] ** [20.00%]
I really don't care [ 14 ] ** [28.00%]
Total Votes: 50
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post Feb 27 2007, 09:50 AM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Feb 27 2007, 10:31 AM) [snapback]180954[/snapback]

Believe me, Bystander is not "cornered" at all. Nor has he been "burned" by anyone.

Laurence I find your comments very strange. Let me tell you something--I do hope you are listening carefully. Bystander is very close to the situation at 3ABN. Very close.

I do hope you understand what I am saying.

Because he is close to 3ABN, HE KNOWS. He knows exactly what has been going on at 3ABN, all the ins and outs, ups and downs. He knows Danny and he knows Linda.

It would be smart to sit up and pay attention to what Bystander says.

Don't forget, Lee, this is BlackSDA... where the motto is... "This ain't Sabbath School... we pay attention".

So yes, we HAVE been sitting up and paying attention. And yes... we DO understand what you are saying... maybe more than you would prefer us to understand.

And isn't it interesting that we agree with Laurence in the way we understand Bystander to reveal by his words, comments, and general demeanor?........... uhm.gif

Carry on....... But know that you'll have to do better than this to gain any credibility here....... wave.gif


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post Feb 27 2007, 09:51 AM
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If Bystander is that close to the situation at 3abn--"very close" as you say, then does he know all the details that went on behind closed doors between Danny and Linda? Is he so close that he knows all the ins and outs, ups and downs, about the marriage of Danny and Linda? I'm not talking about his being so close to the situation because Danny said thus and so, but is Bystander so close that he knows things that no one else knows because he's privy to what goes on behind closed doors?

To quote you: I do hope you understand what I'm saying.

QUOTE(Lee @ Feb 27 2007, 10:31 AM) [snapback]180954[/snapback]

Believe me, Bystander is not "cornered" at all. Nor has he been "burned" by anyone.

Laurence I find your comments very strange. Let me tell you something--I do hope you are listening carefully. Bystander is very close to the situation at 3ABN. Very close.

I do hope you understand what I am saying.

Because he is close to 3ABN, HE KNOWS. He knows exactly what has been going on at 3ABN, all the ins and outs, ups and downs. He knows Danny and he knows Linda.

It would be smart to sit up and pay attention to what Bystander says.

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post Feb 27 2007, 09:53 AM
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"get it out on the table." ??? This will be done in Court. Be patient Erik--you know how long it takes for the wheels of justice to turn.
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post Feb 27 2007, 11:04 AM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Feb 27 2007, 09:53 AM) [snapback]180963[/snapback]

"get it out on the table." ??? This will be done in Court. Be patient Erik--you know how long it takes for the wheels of justice to turn.

Oh it's so hard to be patient -- because when this DOES get to court, all the masks will be off.

Maybe even yours, Lee.

"The entire world is falling apart because no one will admit they are wrong."
Don Miller, Blue Like Jazz.
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post Feb 27 2007, 11:16 AM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Feb 27 2007, 07:53 AM) [snapback]180963[/snapback]

"get it out on the table." ??? This will be done in Court. Be patient Erik--you know how long it takes for the wheels of justice to turn.


I 3abn has to go to court to get the truth out then they in my mind have some thing to hid, it would seem to me a much better path to take the list of charges against them and say true not true and here is why and this is were the proof is from 9-12 on Wednesdays or something like this.

What most of the 3abn crowd seems to be missing is going to court is going to damage 3abn, they might win, but it will still hurt.

IF TRUTH IS really on their side then do what i suggested make statement put the proof in room make it open to the public, even for a limited time each week, and then let truth take care of it's self.

I agree the wheels of justice do turn slowly, and from were i sit they have been slowly turning for almost three years, but now they are going and going faster,.

But there is still time to save 3abn from the freight train of truth, by putting the truth out there for all to see and look at.

WHAT pray tell me is gained by letting the courts instead of the breathern get first look at the truth.

Lee if bystander really is that close then lets have the truth otherwise he is just a bystander that might know the people we discuss but really does not know the people, if you get my point.

GOING to court is bad all the way around, but i fear 3abn is to stubborn to see the danger, so they will end up falling into the trap Satan has set for them.

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post Feb 27 2007, 11:23 AM
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A nasty joke at a time when couple are defintiely being "nasty" to each other. As someone said, you are not always excercising wisdom at this most difficult time. it is difficult to relate if you have never been through or even witnessed this sort of thing. Sometimes, you just have to laugh to keep from crying. I would say that Bystander and the rest have picked a great ally in one who has had almost no adverse life experiences. If Danny was searching her car for evidence that was not there, it is defintiely laughable. What else could it be? He was making himself the butt of a joke by trying to maintain something to be true that was not. Basically, Linda should have paid more attention, as Danny seems to have been building a case for himself.......... scratchchin.gif

QUOTE(Aletheia @ Feb 26 2007, 03:50 PM) [snapback]180848[/snapback]

Well it's not about being less then perfect, AFAIC it's a nasty cruel joke to play on your spouse.

Here's another question, if this letter is legit.

She'd talked to the Doctor about D.S. searching her car before, why???

How did she know that? Because D.S. found something in it? Like the nice watch the Doctor had given L.S.??
Somehow I don't believe either Linda or Danny were laughing...

The fact that she was laughing with the Doctor and her husband was the butt of the joke?



And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

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post Feb 27 2007, 11:24 AM
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QUOTE(Lee @ Feb 27 2007, 09:53 AM) [snapback]180963[/snapback]

"get it out on the table." ??? This will be done in Court. Be patient Erik--you know how long it takes for the wheels of justice to turn.

promises promises... thank you for the comment Lee, however I disagree.... this has been smoke and mirrors from Danny from the very beginning.... and it is still happening 3 yrs hence.... He was wrong, he had no biblical basis for a divorce, he had no right to trash her reputation, and he gave her the short end of the stick financially...... those are facts that he and his defenders like to overlook or minimize.....

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Feb 27 2007, 11:28 AM
Post #233

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I appreciate your effort to clear things up, Lee. And, I would never underestimate the seemingly insurmountable challenge you must face. A whole different approach is required though. If I may, let me offer some suggestions for more effective communication...


Believe me, Bystander is not "cornered" at all. Nor has he been "burned" by anyone.
Perhaps you could refrain from using expressions like, "believe me." What's a revelation to you is only a story to someone else. I don't form my beliefs from stories, but rather from demonstrations, forthrightness, and logic. This is no time for faith, regardless of your urgent desire for me to believe you. His indubitible demonstration (attitude in posting) defies your claims.

Laurence I find your comments very strange. Let me tell you something--I do hope you are listening carefully. Bystander is very close to the situation at 3ABN. Very close.
This statement is not useful to me at all. It's reminiscent of the old outdated authoritarian method of teaching undergraduates. I know, my loss ;-)

I do hope you understand what I am saying.
It's important to come to the surface with what you're trying to get across, and not bury your well-meaning intentions with such deep implication. Full disclosure is required for there to be any progress. "His life was an open book."

Because he is close to 3ABN, HE KNOWS. He knows exactly what has been going on at 3ABN, all the ins and outs, ups and downs. He knows Danny and he knows Linda.
How do you know he really knows? I get the distinct impression he's trying to shape public perception rather than offering unbiased accounts. I'm hardly influenced by people that may have a conflict of interest, or an apparent strategy to reshape public perception.

It would be smart to sit up and pay attention to what Bystander says.
Unless, of course, he's unable to demonstrate what he's saying, or offer valid arguments. Stories and biased accounts don't make it no matter how accurate they may possible be. People who are susceptible to believing through such a process are nothing but sheep. If one cannot demonstrate what one is saying, nothing is really being said at all. I'd be happy if he'd do more than just offer official fiats. Nowadays, so much more is expected from those searching for truth.


BTW, re all this court-talk, surely you realize the damage has already been done. Litigation is beside the point at this stage of the game.

Please don't be offended by my conclusions so far. There's still a ways to go, and I leave the door open. The best way for you to look at things may not be the right way at all.

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post Feb 27 2007, 11:31 AM
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Laurence I like the way you think and present yourself.... very reasonable whatever conclusions you may come to.... spoton.gif

"you are as sick as your secrets...." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-
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post Feb 27 2007, 01:24 PM
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QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 27 2007, 01:41 AM) [snapback]180913[/snapback]

I truly wish it was the end of the story, but sadly it is not. Let me just say that no one on this board has done any more evil surmising, accusing and throwing allegations than you, sister. You have shown, over and over that you care not who gets hurt by your evil slander. Even children are not exempt when you try to ruin their parents. And don't try to tell me that whomever, did it to themselves by their own behavior because, you know and God knows, no matter what anyone did or didn't do, it doesn't need to be all over the internet. I really have no idea why that you hate 3abn so much, or why you hate the shelton's so much, and truthfully, I really don't care. No matter what vengeance you seek and and what reasons you have for doing so, nothing excuses your attempts at trying to destroy, reputations, families, marriages, the children involved, a whole entire church, and a great ministry. You have even slandered the families of your "friends." With friends like you, who needs enemy's. You have allowed your evil imagination and surmisings to run wild, and have shown nothing or no one any kind of respect, not even for those that are deceased and cannot defend themselves. Your hate and bitterness show through with every post that you make. The word says, If you are guilty of breaking one, then you are guilty of breaking all.....think about it...slander, untruths, deceitful insinuations, the spreading of rumors, it is all sin in the eyes of God. Therefore, you are no less sinful than those that you accuse of such horrible wrongs.
The difference between you and others on your side of the camp, is that you never just make statements that you don't like DS or the way he does things or you think there needs to be some changes made etc dive in and try to drive blows way below the belt and you don't care who gets in the way. Some of the people you have tried to destroy have never, done anything to you. And, in fact, have been good to you. But hey they are just deterrents on your mission to try and take DS down, so strike them down too, no matter who they are.
I would love for christianitys sake to just say you don't realize what you are doing or you are just making some big mistakes. But I can't. The things you have said are calculated and thought out.
Just remember whether a person murders, steals, commits adultery, or assasinates a persons character with slander, falsehoods and halftruths, the fires will burn the same for the sinners. It isn't too late to stop what you are doing. I and others pray for you and for the bitterness and hate that pushes you to do this. We will keep praying.

Bystander, your post speaks volumes about you and nothing about me. There is no bitterness or hate within my heart toward the ministry of 3ABN, I have not committed slander through falsehoods and halftruths, but I have given true testimony in the hope that the camp will be cleansed and God's character will no longer be misrepresented through the heinous actions of individuals that claim to represent him to the world or as ministers of the Gospel.

Bystander, I forgive you for your attempts to slander my good name and misrepresent my motives. I have pity for you in my heart because of the yoke of ignorance and bitterness that burdens you. I wish you the complete healing power of the Holy Spirit that comes to those that repent and accept the Lordship of Christ in their lives.

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post Feb 27 2007, 01:41 PM
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That is so true sister. What's written inbetween the lines of that post cannot be hidden from the eyes of those who have acquired a more profound and perceptive wisdom. But, thank God he has hidden these things from the worldly-wise and revealed them to babes like you.

By opening his mouth, a fool only slays himself.

This post has been edited by LaurenceD: Feb 27 2007, 01:56 PM

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post Feb 27 2007, 01:53 PM
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QUOTE(sister @ Feb 27 2007, 01:24 PM) [snapback]181015[/snapback]

Bystander, your post speaks volumes about you and nothing about me. There is no bitterness or hate within my heart toward the ministry of 3ABN, I have not committed slander through falsehoods and halftruths, but I have given true testimony in the hope that the camp will be cleansed and God's character will no longer be misrepresented through the heinous actions of individuals that claim to represent him to the world or as ministers of the Gospel.

Bystander, I forgive you for your attempts to slander my good name and misrepresent my motives. I have pity for you in my heart because of the yoke of ignorance and bitterness that burdens you. I wish you the complete healing power of the Holy Spirit that comes to those that repent and accept the Lordship of Christ in their lives.


This is the kind of spirit we should all exhibit here ...

"The entire world is falling apart because no one will admit they are wrong."
Don Miller, Blue Like Jazz.
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post Feb 27 2007, 02:12 PM
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QUOTE(SoulEspresso @ Feb 27 2007, 01:53 PM) [snapback]181023[/snapback]

This is the kind of spirit we should all exhibit here ...

You show once again that you can't see the forest for the trees. Were you online the other night when sister attacked Melody? She did it with such a smug and "tell all" spirit. She did it with no concern for her friend Derrell or the children involved. Have you read her other hundreds of post that reek with satisfaction of trying to destroy reputations? When she is not, out and out calling people, liars, adulterers, thieves, etc...she plants innuendo that causes speculation and finally grows into a "fact" before it is all said and done. Then, if called on it, she always back pedals to "oh my, I am just doing what God wants me to do, and I will pray for 3abn. Go back, expresso, Look at the spirit of her posts.
If that is the kind of spirit we all should exhibit then I am truly fearful for the name of christianity. I am sure we have all, at times, said things that we shouldn't have but her posts are way beyond that. They are cruel, nasty, and smack with an air of superiority and, a hate, that she cannot hide.
And again, haven't you believed what she has to say without asking her to identify herself, since she claims to know firsthand?

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post Feb 27 2007, 02:28 PM
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Isaiah had an attitude like that, early on (Ch. 1-6), where he said woe unto everyone else. But then he looked in the mirror, and in the light of humility finally exclaimed, "woe is me, for I am undone, for I am a man of unclean lips."

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post Feb 27 2007, 02:37 PM
Post #240

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 27 2007, 10:12 PM) [snapback]181026[/snapback]

You show once again that you can't see the forest for the trees. Were you online the other night when sister attacked Melody? She did it with such a smug and "tell all" spirit. She did it with no concern for her friend Derrell or the children involved. Have you read her other hundreds of post that reek with satisfaction of trying to destroy reputations? When she is not, out and out calling people, liars, adulterers, thieves, etc...she plants innuendo that causes speculation and finally grows into a "fact" before it is all said and done. Then, if called on it, she always back pedals to "oh my, I am just doing what God wants me to do, and I will pray for 3abn. Go back, expresso, Look at the spirit of her posts.
If that is the kind of spirit we all should exhibit then I am truly fearful for the name of christianity. I am sure we have all, at times, said things that we shouldn't have but her posts are way beyond that. They are cruel, nasty, and smack with an air of superiority and, a hate, that she cannot hide.
And again, haven't you believed what she has to say without asking her to identify herself, since she claims to know firsthand?

If you call her methods cruel, then I need a much stronger word to describe your methods. Here you give the impression that since she is attempting to make things right you feel hurt. In stead of handling the issues you attack the person who uses her God-given talents in concise and humorous writing to challenge what is destroying 3ABN right now. Why not rather ask, What does God want us to do to make things right?

This post has been edited by Johann: Feb 27 2007, 02:40 PM

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