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> Why Did Linda Buy The Pregnancy Test Kit?, Spin off from the “Thompson Respond to Abrahamsen” thread.
Why did Linda Buy the Pregnancy Test Kit?
Let’s document all the theories we have read here and take a vote.
It was an innocent practical joke on Danny. Come on Danny get with it, lighten up, have a little fun. Theorist, Johann and Watchbird [ 17 ] ** [34.00%]
Linda really thought she could have been pregnant. Hey, after all that sterilization stuff does not always work. Theorist, Summertime. [ 1 ] ** [2.00%]
Linda did it to spite Danny. Man got no business going through my stuff. Theorist, Panama Pete [ 8 ] ** [16.00%]
Hey, Danny planted it. I know Danny, this sounds like him. He is such an evil, wicked man. Theorist, I don’t remember and too lazy to go back through the post and look it up. [ 10 ] ** [20.00%]
I really don't care [ 14 ] ** [28.00%]
Total Votes: 50
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post Mar 9 2007, 01:39 AM
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QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 8 2007, 04:01 PM) [snapback]183858[/snapback]

the distraction won't work.... answer the questions......don't try to put it off on others....

Can you prove Linda committed adultery?

Why did you stand by while she was being thrown under the bus?

Can you limit your response to just those two questions?

If you can't maybe wwjd can? or Lee? or Cindy? or any of the other clones......

QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 8 2007, 04:08 PM) [snapback]183860[/snapback]

You ask these same questions in another post. I answered them. Go find it.

QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 8 2007, 04:09 PM) [snapback]183863[/snapback]

no you didnt answer it, thats why I am asking again....

Bystander, I'm sure you know by now that you can use tools on this site to look up all your posts.

We're waiting for an answer.

"The entire world is falling apart because no one will admit they are wrong."
Don Miller, Blue Like Jazz.
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post Mar 9 2007, 04:35 AM
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QUOTE(Noahswife @ Mar 8 2007, 05:53 PM) [snapback]183880[/snapback]

Aletheia, I could not agree with you more. This was a simple question. Please answer.


You state over and over you are looking for truth and answers.

Why do you fail to ask WWJD, Bystander and Lee to respond to questions posed by posters on this board when WWJD, Bystander and Lee fail to answer? "

As far as I know they answer the relevant or pertinent questions, IF they can. On the other hand, no one can answer questions like, why they let Linda get thrown under a bus, when that is a made up scenario, and only designed to accuse and condemn them...

Rather then following me from post to post, and thread to thread, and repeating yourself over and over like this; why don't you just respond to a specific question where it is posted to them, and ask the question above, there --where it has some context? That way both the readers and I, can see what your real problem is, and what you are talking about, and if you even have a legit complaint?

For example. what is your point in supplying the link above which only goes to BSDA's topic menu??

Sorry, but right now, you just appear silly to me, and as if you have no real argument, so I don't see any reason to waste time trying to answer further posts or questions from you.

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Mar 9 2007, 04:47 AM
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post Mar 9 2007, 06:46 AM
Post #453

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QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 8 2007, 05:10 PM) [snapback]183864[/snapback]

From day one (back in 2004) you people have been masters at jumping to conclusions, and this is your great weakness. And Aletheia is mastering this art to such a degree that I will not feed her any more information to add to her strange fiction.

What else can you say?? Everytime I asked a question when I arrived here, I was told "stop posting, till you read all the posts" or "this was already discussed , just go read all the posts" , so I just kept doing that...

And noticed, and keep noticing things like this:
Johann in reply to Walt Thompson's letter on July 13, 2006
"What is your evidence? Why can't we see it? What time did Arild and Linda spend together on both sides of the Atlantic? In another letter you state that they spent 10 days together in Norway in June. What evidence do you have for this? I have plenty of evidense that this was impossible because I was in close contact with Arild during that whole period."

And then you prove yourself a liar, right here in this thread:


If you are calling Linda the first person Testimony, that doesn't hold water, Danny has his side too. Unless there was someone else in the car, then in the house, then in the room then you are barking up the wrong tree.

If two witnesses contradict each other there is no proof! Why should Linda tell us when she came to visit us in Norway that she had driven alone to the airport and was surprised to see Danny there?...

" You say Danny wanted to get "rid" of her....Did you hear him say that? Do you know anyone that did hear him say that, other than what you get from Linda? Even if someone other than Linda told you that, how do you know unless you were there? You have always ignored the fact that DS took LS all the way to the airport to catch a flight to Norway right after the divorce WITHOUT NATHAN. Why haven't you and the other mimics addressed that? Oh wait, I know, you are going to tell us she developed a sudden medical problem that only one doc in the whole world could fix? Address the fact that she ask DS to take her. And he did. Not to mention the conversation on the 2 hour drive. I await with baited breath to see what kind of concoction you come up with to explain or maybe deny the Norway trip without her son..

Yes, Linda denies that Danny took her to the airport. She needed to get away from the ordeal to see her three best friends in Norway, and we were all so happy to see her. We had such a great time together! She dreaded to go back to Carbondale, but she had to.

Several times Danny and his scribes have insinuated that her trip to Norway after the divorce was one of the reasons he had to divorce her. What kind of "concoction" is that?

One of yours I guess, since you can't divorce someone again for going to norway after the divorce blink.gif
...She drove alone and was surprised to see Danny there? Surely you're kidding!!!! This post alone proves how prejudiced and gullible you are where Linda is concerned. The divorce is done, they aren't really having contact but Danny knows where she is going and who she is going to see and what time her flight leaves, and just "shows up" at an airport 2 1/2 hours away!!!! Or are you trying to say he ran into her by accident? If not, what are you saying? If he had come on his own to the airport what purpose would it have been for? Only one, that he loved her and was still willing to reconcile if she wouldn't go. And, that is what happened except, he drove her. Why, because she called him and ask him to. That is how he knew where she was going and when.

Now you are contradicting some of the information Danny wrote to me at that time. He bragged to me that he had his own spynet with which he could be informed of all of Linda's movements, even as soon as she had ordered an airline ticket. He even informed me that this was thanks to his good friend Garvin McNeilus who had some kind of contraption through some kind of a travel office where he was able to see who had ordered what. When I say "some kind of" it is because I do not know how this works.

Now, even more telling, you said the reason for her trip was that she was coming to see her 3 BEST FRIENDS in the world? How can that be? All along she has maintained that the only relationship that she had with the doc, was strictly a professional relationship because of her son!!!

Yes, due to Danny Shelton's demonic actions Linda had no other friends she could go to at that time than the trio in Norway.

So when I see you claiming about another time, that they could not have been together in Florida, and saying that it is impossible because again you can prove it because you were with the Doctor in Norway at that time???

Is that credible?????

QUOTE(Johann @ Mar 8 2007, 05:10 PM) [snapback]183864[/snapback]

Just because I mentioned that I had my laptop you peple have concluded that everything a laptop can do must have happened on my laptop. I will not say any more about that, or you will probably jump to all kinds of conclusions.But you probably expect your legal experts will jump to the same conclusions as you do. Don't forget there were more than one or two computers in the state of Illinois back in 2004, and you might also be so smart to consider that a laptop needs to be hooked up to the Internet in order to receive e-mails. Just ask any expert, and they will verify that without me giving you the documentation.

I have come to the conclusion you are a dissembler, and a deciever, who makes fascitious arguments ... The truth is you had no problem either recieving or sending e-mails to Danny Shelton when you came to Illinois, in May- June of 2004, and you supplied the proof of that yourself also. You gave e-mails with those dates to Pickle and Joy to publish on the save3ABN Not site..
and have quoted some or part of others on the forums... And you've claimed you were receiving up to 3 e-mails a day during that time...

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Mar 9 2007, 07:05 AM
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post Mar 9 2007, 07:27 AM
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Two points:

1) You call Johann a liar because he says they weren't physically in the same place for ten days in June, but he acknowledges that they were in the same place at some other time in June. You have therefore falsely called him a liar.

2) Whatever emails have recently been posted on were not sent by Johann to Pickle or Joy.
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post Mar 9 2007, 08:16 AM
Post #455

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QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 9 2007, 08:27 AM) [snapback]184066[/snapback]


Two points:

1) You call Johann a liar because he says they weren't physically in the same place for ten days in June, but he acknowledges that they were in the same place at some other time in June. You have therefore falsely called him a liar.

This is just another of your illogical arguments Bob. The only trip to Norway commencing in June ever discussed anywhere, is the one in 2004 following the divorce, which was finalized on June 21 How many 10 day vacations could she have left on between June 21-30?

Now if you have evidence to the contrary, get it, and present it please!

QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 9 2007, 08:27 AM) [snapback]184066[/snapback]

2) Whatever emails have recently been posted on were not sent by Johann to Pickle or Joy.

And *if that is true* then how did Johann's letters get on your website? And WHAT does your diversionary point have to do with the fact that if Johann could receive and answer those e-mails,during the same time frame, then he most certainly should have got the one warning him not to come to the campmeeting?

This post has been edited by Aletheia: Mar 9 2007, 08:20 AM
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post Mar 9 2007, 08:34 AM
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In other words, Norway is such a small country that two people could not be in it at the same time without having a "tryst"?

It seems to me that Johann said that they were not together for a 10 day tryst... In this quote he did NOT say where Linda was. ("tryst" is my word... I supplied it... don't anyone get excited, please!)

So for him to say later that Linda was in Norway (at some point) does not contradict the earlier quote.

So far, I see no evidence in this little discussion which gives me any basis for any conclusion whatsoever.

Unless of course, it is true that it is impossible for two people to be in Norway at the same time without being together... and romantically involved... uhm.gif

This post has been edited by from-the-pew: Mar 9 2007, 10:40 AM

Pssst! Hi! It's me... no, no, not over there....
I'm over here... sittin' in the pews.... that's me, in the corner - out of the spot light.... I ain't got no connections. I ain't got nobody to call... All that "inside information" - don't mean a thing to me a'tall.
Yup, that's me, in the corner, I'm a stockholder in the pews. Havin' to dig through all the nin-com-piddy, to find a fact or two...
I just don't wanna believe it... it just makes me wanna cry... I'm just afraid we're gonna lose 3abn, no matter who's wrong or right...

I'm sorry... I couldn't help it... I just had this music playing in my head... I got a bit carried away - ok, a LOT carried away...
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post Mar 9 2007, 08:34 AM
Post #457

Heiress Josey
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 09:16 AM) [snapback]184070[/snapback]

Bang, clang, tinkle...

blink.gif What is up with this noise?

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post Mar 9 2007, 10:18 AM
Post #458

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QUOTE(from-the-pew @ Mar 9 2007, 09:34 AM) [snapback]184072[/snapback]

In other words, Norway is such a small country that two people could not be in it at the same time without having a "tryst"?

It seems to me that Johann said that they were not together for a 10 day tryst... In this quote, he did NOT say where Linda was. ("tryst" is my word... I supplied it... don't anyone get excited, please!)

So for him to say later that Linda was in Norway (at some point) does not contradict the earlier quote.

So far, I see no evidence in this little discussion which gives me any basis for any conclusion whatsoever.

Unless of course, it is true that it is impossible for two people to be in Norway at the same time without being together... and romantically involved... uhm.gif

ummmm.... perhaps you need to look again.
and hint: I said nothing about a tryst or romance

Johann said:

"She needed to get away from the ordeal to see her three best friends in Norway, and we were all so happy to see her. We had such a great time together!" speaking of he, his wife and the Doctor and Linda...

It sounds like they were together in the same place at the same time in Norway to me...

It also sounds like the relationship was not strictly professional, and only to do with her Son as Linda has been claiming for years...

It is also the opposite of what Johann claimed previously:
Johann in reply to Walt Thompson's letter on July 13, 2006
"What is your evidence? Why can't we see it? What time did Arild and Linda spend together on both sides of the Atlantic? In another letter you state that they spent 10 days together in Norway in June. What evidence do you have for this? I have plenty of evidense that this was impossible because I was in close contact with Arild during that whole period."

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post Mar 9 2007, 10:26 AM
Post #459

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Johann in reply to Walt Thompson's letter on July 13, 2006
"What is your evidence? Why can't we see it? What time did Arild and Linda spend together on both sides of the Atlantic? In another letter you state that they spent 10 days together in Norway in June. What evidence do you have for this? I have plenty of evidense that this was impossible because I was in close contact with Arild during that whole period."

Where does this quote indicate where Linda was at the time?

Pssst! Hi! It's me... no, no, not over there....
I'm over here... sittin' in the pews.... that's me, in the corner - out of the spot light.... I ain't got no connections. I ain't got nobody to call... All that "inside information" - don't mean a thing to me a'tall.
Yup, that's me, in the corner, I'm a stockholder in the pews. Havin' to dig through all the nin-com-piddy, to find a fact or two...
I just don't wanna believe it... it just makes me wanna cry... I'm just afraid we're gonna lose 3abn, no matter who's wrong or right...

I'm sorry... I couldn't help it... I just had this music playing in my head... I got a bit carried away - ok, a LOT carried away...
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post Mar 9 2007, 10:28 AM
Post #460

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Nobody's stupid Cindy. The point for bringing up the trip is to insinuate that Linda went to meet the Dr., wothout Nathan, for reasons other than Nathan's health. That is what you and your friends are maintinaing. Johann said it was not true, Yes she came to see her "three" best friends and to get away for a while. There is not lie in that. The date doesn't really matter. if you say June, and they say another time then you were wrong.
QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 08:18 AM) [snapback]184110[/snapback]

ummmm.... perhaps you need to look again.
and hint: I said nothing about a tryst or romance

Johann said:

"She needed to get away from the ordeal to see her three best friends in Norway, and we were all so happy to see her. We had such a great time together!" speaking of he, his wife and the Doctor and Linda...

It sounds like they were together in the same place at the same time in Norway to me...

It also sounds like the relationship was not strictly professional, and only to do with her Son as Linda has been claiming for years...
It is also the opposite of what Johann claimed previously:
Johann in reply to Walt Thompson's letter on July 13, 2006
"What is your evidence? Why can't we see it? What time did Arild and Linda spend together on both sides of the Atlantic? In another letter you state that they spent 10 days together in Norway in June. What evidence do you have for this? I have plenty of evidense that this was impossible because I was in close contact with Arild during that whole period."


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post Mar 9 2007, 10:29 AM
Post #461

Heiress Josey
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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 11:18 AM) [snapback]184110[/snapback]

ummmm.... perhaps you need to look again.


WELCOME to BlackSDA from seraph|m, a BSDA Charter member.
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post Mar 9 2007, 11:14 AM
Post #462

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 11:18 AM) [snapback]184110[/snapback]

ummmm.... perhaps you need to look again.
and hint: I said nothing about a tryst or romance

Johann said:

"She needed to get away from the ordeal to see her three best friends in Norway, and we were all so happy to see her. We had such a great time together!" speaking of he, his wife and the Doctor and Linda...

It sounds like they were together in the same place at the same time in Norway to me...

It also sounds like the relationship was not strictly professional, and only to do with her Son as Linda has been claiming for years...
It is also the opposite of what Johann claimed previously:
Johann in reply to Walt Thompson's letter on July 13, 2006
"What is your evidence? Why can't we see it? What time did Arild and Linda spend together on both sides of the Atlantic? In another letter you state that they spent 10 days together in Norway in June. What evidence do you have for this? I have plenty of evidense that this was impossible because I was in close contact with Arild during that whole period."

doh.gif doh.gif doh.gif wallbash.gif wallbash.gif wallbash.gif Words fail me...

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
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post Mar 9 2007, 11:29 AM
Post #463

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QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 08:16 AM) [snapback]184070[/snapback]

This is just another of your illogical arguments Bob. The only trip to Norway commencing in June ever discussed anywhere, is the one in 2004 following the divorce, which was finalized on June 21 How many 10 day vacations could she have left on between June 21-30?

Now if you have evidence to the contrary, get it, and present it please!

There never was a trip to Norway in June, based on Danny's own admissions. And you're the one that needs to come up with evidence. If I told you they went to the moon together and then demanded that you produce evidence to the contrary, you'd think me most unreasonable.

QUOTE(Aletheia @ Mar 9 2007, 08:16 AM) [snapback]184070[/snapback]

And *if that is true* then how did Johann's letters get on your website? And WHAT does your diversionary point have to do with the fact that if Johann could receive and answer those e-mails,during the same time frame, then he most certainly should have got the one warning him not to come to the campmeeting?

It's not my website. But regardless of how they got there, your stating as fact that Johann forwarded them to Gailon and myself when you haven't inquired at all and have instead speculated and jumped to conclusions is wrong.
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post Mar 9 2007, 11:35 AM
Post #464

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QUOTE(Pickle @ Mar 9 2007, 12:29 PM) [snapback]184139[/snapback]

There never was a trip to Norway in June, based on Danny's own admissions.

When was the trip to Norway that Johann references? (the one where she went to see her best friends.)

BTW, I already noted Aletheia's answer.

This post has been edited by from-the-pew: Mar 9 2007, 11:48 AM

Pssst! Hi! It's me... no, no, not over there....
I'm over here... sittin' in the pews.... that's me, in the corner - out of the spot light.... I ain't got no connections. I ain't got nobody to call... All that "inside information" - don't mean a thing to me a'tall.
Yup, that's me, in the corner, I'm a stockholder in the pews. Havin' to dig through all the nin-com-piddy, to find a fact or two...
I just don't wanna believe it... it just makes me wanna cry... I'm just afraid we're gonna lose 3abn, no matter who's wrong or right...

I'm sorry... I couldn't help it... I just had this music playing in my head... I got a bit carried away - ok, a LOT carried away...
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post Mar 9 2007, 11:35 AM
Post #465

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QUOTE(LaurenceD @ Mar 8 2007, 10:36 PM) [snapback]183999[/snapback]

Nah, my office was not so priviledged.

The attitude we feel from those associated with the 3abn compound is not that far removed from "home rule" we heard about at the Koresh compound in Tx. And the way they settle their differences reminds me (sorta) of the Shi'i Laws in England, where communities of Muslims take the law into their own hands, because Allah is to be revered above man. And so the justification for all the "mercy killings" and ultimatums for young disobedient women.

Blessings, my friend! wave.gif ....but...GOOD GRIEF!!!

I feel strongly compelled to respond to this comment...and respectfully disagree 100%!!! I'm not sure who you are referring to by "we", but I personally think that is an absurd comparison to make...JMO! Are there problems at 3ABN - ABSOLUTELY!! Should they be investigated - ABSOLUTELY!! But to insinuate that Danny has all of the 3ABN employees and volunteers brainwashed? Come on, buddy - give them more credit than that!! God is doing a wonderful work through 3ABN, regardless of the internal problems humans have managed to inject. A large majority of the individuals involved with the work there have only the purest and noblest of intentions. I have several friends who are associated with the ministry, and I have a great deal of respect for all of them. However, having already experienced what happens when one tries to argue with you (...and wasn't it Bystander who pointed out that you don't like to be wrong??!!), I'll just leave it at that!

In His Love,

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