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> Why Did Linda Buy The Pregnancy Test Kit?, Spin off from the “Thompson Respond to Abrahamsen” thread.
Why did Linda Buy the Pregnancy Test Kit?
Let’s document all the theories we have read here and take a vote.
It was an innocent practical joke on Danny. Come on Danny get with it, lighten up, have a little fun. Theorist, Johann and Watchbird [ 17 ] ** [34.00%]
Linda really thought she could have been pregnant. Hey, after all that sterilization stuff does not always work. Theorist, Summertime. [ 1 ] ** [2.00%]
Linda did it to spite Danny. Man got no business going through my stuff. Theorist, Panama Pete [ 8 ] ** [16.00%]
Hey, Danny planted it. I know Danny, this sounds like him. He is such an evil, wicked man. Theorist, I don’t remember and too lazy to go back through the post and look it up. [ 10 ] ** [20.00%]
I really don't care [ 14 ] ** [28.00%]
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:00 PM
Post #466

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QUOTE(SoulEspresso @ Mar 9 2007, 12:39 AM) [snapback]184029[/snapback]

Bystander, I'm sure you know by now that you can use tools on this site to look up all your posts.

We're waiting for an answer.

I ended up answering in both threads, so use your tools and look them up. By the way, Clay didn't answer any of mine to him and I knew he wouldn't.
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:12 PM
Post #467

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QUOTE(from-the-pew @ Mar 9 2007, 07:34 AM) [snapback]184072[/snapback]

In other words, Norway is such a small country that two people could not be in it at the same time without having a "tryst"?

It seems to me that Johann said that they were not together for a 10 day tryst... In this quote he did NOT say where Linda was. ("tryst" is my word... I supplied it... don't anyone get excited, please!)

So for him to say later that Linda was in Norway (at some point) does not contradict the earlier quote.

So far, I see no evidence in this little discussion which gives me any basis for any conclusion whatsoever.

Unless of course, it is true that it is impossible for two people to be in Norway at the same time without being together... and romantically involved... uhm.gif

Please read the information in post 453 from the emails. Johann confirms she went to Norway. Johann confirms she came to see her 3 best friends. Johann confirms that one of the friends is the Doc. Johann confirms she went without Nathan by acknowledging all the posts saying Nathan wasn't in attendance. So, where is the question? She wasn't one place and him another. They were together. The question is: If they had just a strictly professional relationship over Nathan the previous months, How did he get to be her BEST FRIEND?
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:16 PM
Post #468

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I'm not sure who you are referring to by "we", but I personally think that is an absurd comparison to make...JMO! Are there problems at 3ABN - ABSOLUTELY!! Should they be investigated - ABSOLUTELY!! But to insinuate that Danny has all of the 3ABN employees and volunteers brainwashed?

Don't forget the context of my comments -- trying to restrict certain members from lawfully entering a publically advertised event. That's discrimination. That's an attempt at "home rule." And that was the ONLY comparison I was making with the compound in Tx.

Disclaimer Notice: You are hereby cautioned that the information contained within these posts are for the sole purpose of provoking thought, adding fair comment on matters of public interest, and not providing factual information. These posts do not reflect the actual thoughts or intentions of the person writing under this username since said person is not in any position to know. No effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of any personal view, opinion, or hyperbole presented. Therefore, by disclosing, copying, or distributing these posts to others, such information must subsequently be confirmed in writing, signed and dated, by the actual person, or persons, posting behind username LaurenceD.
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:19 PM
Post #469

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QUOTE(from-the-pew @ Mar 9 2007, 12:35 PM) [snapback]184140[/snapback]

When was the trip to Norway that Johann references? (the one where she went to see her best friends.)

Welcome to the wonderfully tangled world of the 3ABN Saga.

I wish there was someway I could sort it out and make it easy for you.

Unfortunately, that is relatively impossible.... especially with so many comparatively recent poster's who are here to obfuscate rather than clarify.

I can, however, give you some clues as to how to navigate the jungle paths.

Start with the pinned material. Read the final three individual letters first. I would suggest that you print out these letters, and any other key posts you find as you go along. This will make it MUCH easier to compare what is said ABOUT the things being described by later posts than as if you have to search out the original statements. Specifically that will be the letters from Johann Thorvaldsson, Dr. Abrahamsen, and Dr. Thompson. These will give you a pcture of the same events as told by three different writers/observers/participants. Notice the date of writing as well.

Another personal experience letter that would be helpful (which was pinned for a time but is not longer so) is one from Barbara Kerr, called An Open Letter to bsda (click to access it). Don't sidetrack yourself by getiing into the discussions of it at this point.

Next, I would recommend you read the whole document called The Televangelist. (click on the name to access it). This was written in 2005, and gives an overview of a much wider range of problems than merely those that focused on Linda and what she had or had not done. This also would be well to have in print form, as you will encounter more detail for some of the things that are given in very brief ways in this document as you proceed on through the threads.

Now you would be ready for the pinned thread that gives direct access to the 10 threads that comprised the "Unauthorized History of 3abn". This also includes a "guided tour" to the most significant posts in those threads. The guided tour includes one line descriptions of each post it links to, so that just by reading through it you can get an idea of what topics are covered, though of course you must click on each link to learn what is said about each item. Once you go to the linked item, you are live in the thread and may follow the discussion surrounding that item as far as you wish before closing that window and returning to the "guided tour".

The very first pinned post is a very recent letter from Mabel Dunbar, and that is probably best saved to read either when her name comes up in the history posts or after you have finished that thread.

Following the newer threads is a more difficult process. No one has made a guided tour of any of them, and there are many pages of menus alone. This is where organization, patience, persistence, and use of the search engine is very necessary. One thing of importance when using the search engine is to access it from the menu at the top of each page rather than from the search box at the bottom of the page. Entering from the search engine menu gives you an opportunity to have it give you the exact url of each "hit" rather than only the url of the thread the hit is in. It will also not accept words of four or less letters, so you will have to avoid these in your search criteria.

One other tool that is very helpful is that of following all of the posts of one specific person. That can be done by going to the profile of that individual by clicking on their name, clicking on "profile Options" in the upper right corner of their profile screen... then on "Find member's posts". You will be taken to small windows onto each post, arranged in a newest first order. To read from the beginning of their posting go to the last menu page and read from the end forward. You can read the whole post by scrolling through it, or you can go to the original post in its thread by clicking on the underlined post# at the bottom of each listing.

There are no easy or fast ways to do all of this. Just be patient, and be content to miss out on some of the current dialogue while you learn what has gone before... and who is who and who has said what.

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post Mar 9 2007, 12:23 PM
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wallbash.gif How about these three people supported here through the time of her son getting treatment, and all three drew close throught hat prayer and support. I think we all can agree that Danny was not involved as he should have been. How did you get from "them" to "him"? You are insinuating that the other two "covered" for Linda and the Dr. Stop it! You ahe been told countless times it is not true. You have been told Linda basically went on vacation. She can go on vacation with meeting a man. Nobody is that stupid. We get what youa re trying to say. Johann who was there is telling you it is not true. Unles youw ere there, or you got some art for us, then let that lie you are holding on to go. IOW, get your minds out of the gutter! Sheesh!

QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 9 2007, 10:12 AM) [snapback]184157[/snapback]

Please read the information in post 453 from the emails. Johann confirms she went to Norway. Johann confirms she came to see her 3 best friends. Johann confirms that one of the friends is the Doc. Johann confirms she went without Nathan by acknowledging all the posts saying Nathan wasn't in attendance. So, where is the question? She wasn't one place and him another. They were together. The question is: If they had just a strictly professional relationship over Nathan the previous months, How did he get to be her BEST FRIEND?


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:29 PM
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QUOTE(Snoopy @ Mar 9 2007, 10:35 AM) [snapback]184141[/snapback]

Blessings, my friend! wave.gif ....but...GOOD GRIEF!!!

I feel strongly compelled to respond to this comment...and respectfully disagree 100%!!! I'm not sure who you are referring to by "we", but I personally think that is an absurd comparison to make...JMO! Are there problems at 3ABN - ABSOLUTELY!! Should they be investigated - ABSOLUTELY!! But to insinuate that Danny has all of the 3ABN employees and volunteers brainwashed? Come on, buddy - give them more credit than that!! God is doing a wonderful work through 3ABN, regardless of the internal problems humans have managed to inject. A large majority of the individuals involved with the work there have only the purest and noblest of intentions. I have several friends who are associated with the ministry, and I have a great deal of respect for all of them. However, having already experienced what happens when one tries to argue with you (...and wasn't it Bystander who pointed out that you don't like to be wrong??!!), I'll just leave it at that!

In His Love,


Snoopy, thank you for bringing some reason to the ridiculous post. You and I might disagree on some things, but this kind of thing is where it gets ludicrous. This is someone who for unknown reasons, not only wants to paint 3abn in the worst light, but is also painting SDA's the same way. Referring to them as sheep and/or the jews being led to slaughter. Maybe this stems from the extremely Liberal church that he attends. I don't know, just looking for any reason that somebody would make these comparisons.
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:31 PM
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Don't forget the context of my comments -- trying to restrict certain members from lawfully entering a publically advertised event. That's discrimination. That's an attempt at "home rule." And that was the ONLY comparison I was making with the compound in Tx.

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post Mar 9 2007, 12:42 PM
Post #473

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QUOTE(LaurenceD @ Mar 9 2007, 12:16 PM) [snapback]184160[/snapback]

Don't forget the context of my comments -- trying to restrict certain members from lawfully entering a publically advertised event. That's discrimination. That's an attempt at "home rule." And that was the ONLY comparison I was making with the compound in Tx.

Thank you so much for clarifying - I was starting to worry about that a lot!!!


And now I agree with you 100%!!!

I know of someone who had the painful experience of being physically prevented, under false allegations by family members with a vendetta, from attending an SDA publicly advertised event. She was also thrown off the Adventist property under threat of law enforcement... 2guns.gif The instigators were on their "home turf" and were well known in the area. It didn't do much for her SDA Christian experience. She even wrote to two conference presidents describing her experience, but no response!! Is she a tithe-paying, regular attending member of the SDA church??
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:46 PM
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Thanks for all the exhortations to read. I have. Several times.

The questions that are raised by reading are very simple, really.

1. How many, and what are the dates of the trips Linda is alleged to have taken to Norway.

2. When did she actually take trips to Norway.

3. Which trip was Johann referring to in each statement?

Bottom line, until these questions are answered, and you know if Johann is referring to the same trip in both comments, it is impossible to discern if there is an inconsistency in the stories.

And then, once you get the answers to those questions, then comes the questions regarding the nature of the visits.... aka relationship... professional, friend, romantic.

Linda is accused of adultery, or a romantic relationship. If these trips are considered incriminating, then they must be proven to be romantic in nature. Otherwise they are useless to me as evidence to prove her guilt.

Is Linda guilty or innocent? I don't know.

I do know, however, that it is really useless to follow each other around and yell "liar!"

BTW, thanks for the tips, Watchbird. I've lurked here since sometime last summer. I have read the vast majority of the posts, and all of the ones made in the past two months. What led me to go ahead and ask the question you reference is that the majority of the quotes posted as "proof of lying" are from a statement that Johann wrote on Mar 2, 2007, and I have read every post since Mar 2, and if that question was answered, I totally missed it.

Rather than ask all the questions I just listed at the beginning of this post, since some of that IS covered elsewhere, I thought it was most pertinent to just ask what trip Johann was referencing in his Mar 2 comments.

I would still appreciate Johann's answer to that question......

This post has been edited by from-the-pew: Mar 9 2007, 12:51 PM

Pssst! Hi! It's me... no, no, not over there....
I'm over here... sittin' in the pews.... that's me, in the corner - out of the spot light.... I ain't got no connections. I ain't got nobody to call... All that "inside information" - don't mean a thing to me a'tall.
Yup, that's me, in the corner, I'm a stockholder in the pews. Havin' to dig through all the nin-com-piddy, to find a fact or two...
I just don't wanna believe it... it just makes me wanna cry... I'm just afraid we're gonna lose 3abn, no matter who's wrong or right...

I'm sorry... I couldn't help it... I just had this music playing in my head... I got a bit carried away - ok, a LOT carried away...
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:51 PM
Post #475

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QUOTE(watchbird @ Mar 9 2007, 11:19 AM) [snapback]184161[/snapback]

Welcome to the wonderfully tangled world of the 3ABN Saga.

This was written in 2005, and gives an overview of a much wider range of problems than merely those that focused on Linda and what she had or had not done. This also would be well to have in print form, as you will encounter more detail for some of the things that are given in very brief ways in this document as you proceed on through the threads.

Now why would that give an overview of anything when it is supposed to be fiction. They way that you continually try to "hock" this garbage makes one think that you are the author under a pseudonym. Honestly, no one on earth could take that trash seriously. Phrases like "his lips curled into an evil smile" or something to that effect make this into a pathetic attempt to discredit 3abn. The more that you insinuate it is true and advise people to read it, the more accountability you have for the lies that are told in it.
Watchbird your constant encouragement for others to read such ridiculous lies removes your credibility on these threads. It so reminds me of the smooth talking wiles the serpent used on Eve in the garden. You are transparent.

This post has been edited by Bystander: Mar 9 2007, 12:53 PM
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post Mar 9 2007, 12:57 PM
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This is someone who for unknown reasons, not only wants to paint 3abn in the worst light, but is also painting SDA's the same way.

You don't really need my help in painting the true picture of 3abn. You and your man have done a splendid job already. I don't blame you for trying to salvage your rep though.

Disclaimer Notice: You are hereby cautioned that the information contained within these posts are for the sole purpose of provoking thought, adding fair comment on matters of public interest, and not providing factual information. These posts do not reflect the actual thoughts or intentions of the person writing under this username since said person is not in any position to know. No effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of any personal view, opinion, or hyperbole presented. Therefore, by disclosing, copying, or distributing these posts to others, such information must subsequently be confirmed in writing, signed and dated, by the actual person, or persons, posting behind username LaurenceD.
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post Mar 9 2007, 01:02 PM
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rofl1.gif That really got on your last nerve didn't?!! Keep talkin'! You will let it all out after while, and then you will feel so much better. Proceed!

QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 9 2007, 10:51 AM) [snapback]184179[/snapback]

Now why would that give an overview of anything when it is supposed to be fiction. They way that you continually try to "hock" this garbage makes one think that you are the author under a pseudonym. Honestly, no one on earth could take that trash seriously. Phrases like "his lips curled into an evil smile" or something to that effect make this into a pathetic attempt to discredit 3abn. The more that you insinuate it is true and advise people to read it, the more accountability you have for the lies that are told in it.
Watchbird your constant encouragement for others to read such ridiculous lies removes your credibility on these threads. It so reminds me of the smooth talking wiles the serpent used on Eve in the garden. You are transparent.


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose---Romans 8:28

A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.-- William James

It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.- Mark Twain
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caribbean sda
post Mar 9 2007, 01:06 PM
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QUOTE(seraph|m @ Mar 9 2007, 10:34 AM) [snapback]184073[/snapback]

blink.gif What is up with this noise?

empty barrels... rofl1.gif

"Press on, regardless...what's to come is better than what's been...!"
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post Mar 9 2007, 01:06 PM
Post #479

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QUOTE(Bystander @ Mar 9 2007, 11:51 AM) [snapback]184179[/snapback]

Now why would that give an overview of anything when it is supposed to be fiction. They way that you continually try to "hock" this garbage makes one think that you are the author under a pseudonym. Honestly, no one on earth could take that trash seriously. Phrases like "his lips curled into an evil smile" or something to that effect make this into a pathetic attempt to discredit 3abn. The more that you insinuate it is true and advise people to read it, the more accountability you have for the lies that are told in it.
Watchbird your constant encouragement for others to read such ridiculous lies removes your credibility on these threads. It so reminds me of the smooth talking wiles the serpent used on Eve in the garden. You are transparent.


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post Mar 9 2007, 01:08 PM
Post #480

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QUOTE(from-the-pew @ Mar 9 2007, 11:46 AM) [snapback]184176[/snapback]

Is Linda guilty or innocent? I don't know.

On these trips to Norway, I think there is one question that can't be ignored and proves falsehoods were told regarding such. Again, LS has maintained for years, that her only contact with the doctor was professional calls concerning Nathan, end of story. Now, how does a strictly professional relationship turn into the fact that by the time they are divorced, Doc has become one of her best Friends. Johann is the one who said she had to have someone to talk to during the problems. Trouble is, "the problems" were about her "unprofessional" constant chats with the Doc and how personal it was all becoming to the point of lies being told about phone use and other contact that was made. If, as she maintained, there was no personal relationship, why did he and Johann go see her place she moved into. Then spend time together in springfield (before the divorce). And when it was time to return to Norway, Doc somehow lost his passport and stayed over an extra day while Johann went as scheduled. So, Johann was not with them the entire time as he claims. Then, after all that is called into question, the first thing she does, (dates aren't really important) is head to Norway after the divorce. The next question you should ask, if seeking truth is, since that time, how many trips has she made to Norway, and how many trips has he made to the US and springfield? You might be surprised.
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